Chapter 10
I walked out of the Zeta tube I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I watched Bart kiss Wonder girl I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was heart broken.
"You ASSHOLE!" I ran right back into the Zeta tube.
I ran into my room slamming the door. I couldn't believe my eyes why did he do this to me I couldn't stand it.
This isn't my Bart.
Bart pov
I had no control of my actions anymore I had no idea what happened I had just had a mission with were we defeated Klarion. Yeah he hit me with his spell but it doesn't seem to have effected me. At least that's what I thought. I had zero control. I watched Skylar run out of Mount Justice.
Skylar POV
"What did that son of a bitch do!"Jason yelled barging into my room
"He kissed Wonder Girl." I said though my teeth.
"He's gonna die!"Damian yelled.
"Guys wait Bart wasn't really acting him self today he seemed of".Tim suggested coming from mount Justice.
"Like how off?"Dick said
"Really off like he didn't make eye contact he skipped breakfast and didn't go on his dally run and when Skyler came he did get hit with one of Klarions spells. Maybe that could be something."
"So that's what it did to him." Zatana appeared.
"What happened? " I asked
"Sky he doesn't have control over his body or mind Klarion is controlling him. " Zatana said. I cringed at the fact of him being controlled by the witch boy.
"How do we fix it then." I said flying off my bed from mopping all day.
"We need to get him by himself. he can be hostile but just remember it's not actually Bart."
"How do we get him by himself then?"
"We need a distraction. I can.." I stopped her mid sentence.
"I'll do it." I stated.
"Sky you don't have to." Dick said.
"I know but I want to, he's my boyfriend I want to help." They nodded.
"You have to be cautious Skyler. If Klarion is strong enough the spell can transfer to you. "
"What will happen if it transfers to her." Zatnas face turned to sorrow.
"I don't know. She could be controlled. He can make her see and here things. Who knows. That's why you have to be carful Skyler." letting all of this information sink in I nodded.
"Ok lets go."
****Time skip****
When we got to Mount Justice I was terrified.
"Sky just knock it already I need to get it out of him if its not to late already." Zatana said. I knocked on Barts door.
"What do you want" He scoffed. Ok that hurt.
"Can we talk please".
"Yeah what ever" He let me in his room. Zatana followed me but Bart didn't see her all his attention was on me.
"Why are you acting like this Bart."
"What gives you the right to ask me that!" He shouted
"Because im your girlfriend! It's what I do!" I yelled.
"Bart I just want to talk to you." I simmered down for a bit. He looked down at his hand for a minute then looked at me with a sickening grin.
"Well I just want you dead." He started to vibrant his hand and walk closer to me trapping me between him and the wall. I looked over to Zatana who was in shock but quickly got out of it. She slowly started moving closer to Bart.
"Bart please don't do this."
"I'll be happy when your gone Skylar." Before he could do anything Zatana casted her spell. He fell to the floor moving in super speed. He stopped out of no where. He was cradling his head to his chest crying. I looked at Zatana then back at Bart. I got on my knees and held him close to my body trying to comfort him.
"Sky, Angle im sorry. I didn't mean any of it." He said crying in my sweater.
"I know Bart, it's ok."
"No it's not."He sobbed. Zatana placed her hand on my shoulder.
"Let's get you guys cheackef out ok." She put her other hand on Bart's shoulder. I felt a wave hit me then pain. Pain everywhere. All I could have done was scream.
"Sky!" Bart yelled but I didn't stop the pain got so intense that I passed out.
******Time skip******
I woke up in a room decorated in a blank white color.
"Skyler?" Someone came hovering over me they were blurry and there voice was nothing more than an echoing murmur.
"What?" I asked more towards myself.
"Are you ok?"the voice asked.
"Difine ok?"
"Is anything damaged?"
"Is think so because to me your nothing but a blur and a echoing voice."
"It's Dick Skyler." I giggled. Curse me and my dirty mind.
"Vary funny Sky. Just wait a few minutes the blurriness and echoing should go away." I nodded. Whatever happened to me went away. I looked around and saw that I was in the hospital room in the cave. Dick, and Jason were sitting in the chairs.
"What happen?"
"Zatana said it must have been an earth quake and something must have hit you or something to explain the screaming." Dick explained.
"While you were out she checked to see if the spell was passed on to you she said it doesn't look like it." Jason added.
"How long was I out?"
"3 days." That's not bad..
"What about Bart."
"Hes ok but he hasn't slept since you passed out." Dick said.
"We're is he?" They pointed to the hallway.
"Sky when you done we all need to got back home so I'll go get you stuff you go say by to lover boy." Jason said. I put on my shoes and headed to the hallway were I saw Bart sitting by the door. He looked over at me with a big smile.
"Angel I'm so sorry I didn't want this to happen to you if I could've controlled it I would have stopped please forgive me." He begged. I sat next to him on the floor facing him.
"It's ok I forgive you it's not your fault. It never was." I brought him into a long passionate kiss.
"Ok break it up love birds. Sky we gotta go." Jason said. I got up not before giving him another peck on the lips. We walked to the Zeta tubes leaving for home.
@ skyler_robin14
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