16. Flooding
Smut after the arrow ->
(This is all consented)
Hongjoong felt himself be grabbed and wrechned away by the masses of water very abruptly. He had barely noticed the wood behind them creaking threateningly, not really felt the first burst of the stream against his back. But now he was being whirled around by the water like a little toy in the hands of a child throwing a tantrum. It turned and tossed him around, making him crash against walls and rip his clothes on sharp edges.
He had protectively curled around himself, hiding his head between his arms while he was taken with the stream, losing every sense of direction. While his heart and brain were confused and worried at the sudden shift of surroundings his senses were numbed enough that he could concentrate, wait for the stream to grow a bit weaker and spread more through the tunnels so he could find his way out.
The vague thought of watching out for Jongho and making sure Youjin drowned also crossed him sometime, finding its roots in his mind as the most important thing for now, everything else came after.
A few seconds in, hardly a minute, he had no idea where he was, the stream of cold water having brought him somewhere far but it had spread enough already that Hongjoong could get a gasp of air in, holding himself up on the surface.
It was a treacherous race, ducking under ragged stones and protecting his body as best as he could when shovels and whole wagons were whirling through the rapidly flowing water. Hongjoong had to take a few painful hits, trying his best to not get hurt.
As it seemed he had arrived in the larger tunnels leading further up again, the living quarters of the bandits probably on the other side. Which was great, really, because then they would be hit with water from above and have less chances to be rushed out like he was.
Hongjoong took a big breath and ducked down again, narrowly avoiding another sharp rock only to be momentarily blind in the dark water.
He could absolutely not see that shovel coming and he was not at fault. However, he felt the pain explode behind his eyes when he was hit. For a moment he struggled, trying to clear the fog in his head and moving helplessly but his body betrayed him. His limbs grew heavy and his sight even more dark as his consciousness slipped from him.
Hongjoong could not stop it.
Hongjoong awoke to something soft pressing against his lips, opening them up to blow warm air inside. It hurt.
He rolled his body away from the feeling, water rising in his throat and forcing its way outside to wet his chin and shirt. He coughed it all out, taking a deep breath only to cough again. His throat hated him for it while the rest of his queasy and weak feeling body seemed to appreciate the thought.
"Oh damn it, what happened?" Hongjoong startled at the roughness of his own voice, lifting his head to touch his forehead that throbbed in pain.
"Apparently your stupid self thought it was a good idea to basically commit suicide. Such an intelligent idea.", a voice dripping with sarcasm noted to his left, followed by a just as tortured sounding cough.
Hongjoong whipped around with big eyes, finding a man with a dark uniform but missing the hat and mask sitting at his side and staring out at the stream flowing right beneath them, ripping away everything. They appeared to be sitting in some sort of niche in the stone right now but that was not important right now.
"Seonghwa? You're Seonghwa, right? Thank god, but- Seonghwa. Seonghwa???"
Faster than the other man could react Hongjoong had already threwn his body at the other with all his might, pressing him down on the wet stone. Seonghwa's eyes snapped up at him at that, giving him a glare.
"It's you- You lived and you-" Hongjoong shifted when he felt something press against his hip, glancing down curiously at the hard object.
White Rose.
"No fucking way."
Seonghwa stayed patiently still when Hongjoong reached down to grab the weapon, pulling it from the other's belt to bring it closer to his face to examine it. There was no mistaking it, it was his loyal White Rose.
Hongjoong stared at Seonghwa whose eyes were cold, much to apathetic for Hongjoong's liking.
"What is this, where did you find it? Tell me you took some guy's uniform and took this with you. Did you recognize it to be mine? Did you take it because of that?" Hongjoong wanted to deny how his voice shook, how desperately he hoped for a mistake here.
"Come on, you are not stupid like that. You knew nothing? I was not really subtle, Hongjoong." This was Seonghwa but he did not act like the Seonghwa Hongjoong knew. He sounded cold and cruel like Bastard did. He... was Bastard.
Hongjoong sat up more on the other's hips, feeling the heavy gun drop from his weakening grip. Seonghwa grunted when it hit his chest.
"I... I suspected you were hiding something but- I saw him, I saw you as a bandit! And then we found you and Mary and-"
"I killed her. I killed her and made you think Youjin was the one tracking you to confuse you. And gave you the hint of bandits hiding inside of the town when Mary never even was one. Why did it work so well? Did you fall in love, little sheriff?"
Hongjoong spluttered, furiously shaking his head.
"You were hurt! And literally the person suffering the most from everything how was I supposed to know?!"
Seonghwa slowly sat up at that, making Hongjoong slide down his body and end up sprawled in his lap with the gun uncomfortably wedged in between them. Hongjoong made a slow attempt to move away only for Seonghwa to grab his neck with that gloved hand of his, keeping him there.
"Ah, the coincidence of especially the poor hurt guy that stands in the center of everyone's attention to throw himself at you. I won't lie, having you was not bad, it took me out of trouble for sure. But oh, dear sheriff, how would this have played out had you not found out now? That might have become a huge problem, don't you think?"
Hongjoong opened his mouth to speak but Seonghwa shushed him, sliding the barrel of White Rose down his throat to shut him up.
"Shh. I chose to save you, this was my slip-up. You will get to lock me up either way so what am I supposed to do with you now, huh? How should I enjoy my last hours of freedom?" His eyes glinted full of mischief, raking over Hongjoong's still wet form and the way his lips had wrapped around the metal of the gun.
Hongjoong weakly pushed against his shoulders, feeling more confused than betrayed still and his leg hurt where he had gotten stuck on some rocks apparently.
"Are you down for sex? Let's fight now and let lust and hate be our weapon." He finally removed the gun from Hongjoong's mouth, placing it on the ground next to them. Hongjoong swallowed any excess salvia, glaring at Seonghwa.
"So the bandit one is the real you? Shy and timid Seonghwa writhing beneath me was all an act?", he spit aggressively, hating the way his body enjoyed the other man pressing against him.
"Not everything. For the role of that Seonghwa it was real. For hurt good boy Seonghwa falling for the sheriff was all to real. However, I? No. And this is the real me."
"How many others? Is it Yunho? The one who attacked you, who did you try to put it upon? Was Yeosang evil all this time?"
Seonghwa sighed, looking the deathly waters up and down for a moment before he shrugged.
"No use in keeping a secret when most of them are dead by now. I was not that close to them." He grinned toothily at Hongjoong and the sheriff could only shake his head at that traitor. "It was San and me all this time. I tried leading you to innocent Yunho because of that whole Mingi story. He's spying on us a lot, he actually gathered a lot of intel. Oh, and also Wooyoung. Wooyoung knows it all. He is not one of us but he- well he is dating one of us. And Yeosang knows that too."
So Hongjoong had been right with basically all of them being weaved in somehow. Of course it had to be like that. Hongjoong could not wait to go home soon into his own town, meet his parents and tell them about all of the schemes going on here.
"Was it fun to see me make a fool out of myself while trying to find the answer?" Hongjoong felt hot anger filling his veins, the feeling that all of his work had been in vain letting ugly doubts errupt in his head. He pushed Seonghwa backwards quite roughly, climbing over his body to settle on his chest. He pinned the other's arms down with his knees before he could react, watching his surprised eyes with every ounce of satisfaction.
"It was quite endearing actually. I would have watched you do this for ten years too." His smirk was crooked, pulling the left corner of his mouth further up than the right one. It would have been adorable had his soft self done it but as it was Hongjoong just felt all the more goaded by it.
-> "I think it's time for you to shut up now. You should not worsen your situation even more by spewing nonsense." Hongjoong easily undid the laces on his pants, pulling his length out that had been half hard since that mention of sex earlier. He liked the idea of making Seonghwa taste him still while he was dangling from a noose. What a fitting way for him to go.
Seonghwa only smirked at him lazily, easily freeing one of his arms to wrap it around Hongjoong's waist. The sheriff expected to be thrown off or pushed back but instead Seonghwa just pulled him closer, allowing him in his mouth without any complaints.
Hongjoong was astonished by how easily he took him in, his warm throat all too inviting for Hongjoong to thrust into without Seonghwa ever gagging. He must have used some tricks to make it easier for himself to take it and that knowledge made Hongjoong grab his hair roughly, pulling him further down his length.
Everything hurt and it was not really the time to be doing this but the pleasure washed away any pain and having Seonghwa quite willingly submitting to him now was the purest form of heaven Hongjoong could get.
"I'm glad to know that annoying people is not the only thing your tongue can to. It might actually be good for something.", Hongjoong groaned when he felt the hot muscle caressing his throbbing flesh. Seonghwa's eyes glinted again and then his hand dipped lower on Hongjoong's back, pushing his pants down over his behind.
Hongjoong expected the touch of leather on his skin so when it was cool metal instead he startled, trying to pull back. His efforts diminished when Seonghwa swallowed him down, pressing him close to bury his nose in the soft curls on Hongjoong's pubic bone. Hongjoong felt the barrel of the gun slip inside of him much too easily, his own spit slicking it up while Seonghwa pushed it up against that bundle of nerves inside of him roughly.
Hongjoong cried out, curling over Seonghwa's head when pleasure washed through him, coiling hotly in his belly. Seonghwa just kept pushing him, made him sprawl out above him with his elbows planted on the floor. His hips weakly kept thrusting into the other man's face with the gun following right up, filling and twisting inside of him.
It was the telltale click of a trigger being pulled that made Hongjoong's muscles lock up and a guttural groan escape his lips when he came, forcing Seonghwa to swallow everything.
The adrenaline made him tremble, pushing him into shock momentarily so when Seonghwa rolled him around and pulled off, Hongjoong just let him, not accountable enough to put up a fight.
Seonghwa looked down at his debauched form and smirked again before he pulled off Hongjoong's pants completely.
"Can't wait to show you that getting rid of my tongue would be the biggest mistake you'd ever make."
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