Part 41 (Bonus): Dealing With Problems

Welcome, everyone to the Mini-Arc I will be doing with our main character. Hope you enjoy it.

Time period: 1 day after Beacon Falls.

Y/n's POV

"Come to me Y/n."

An unknown voice said. I looked around to see myself in darkness. Just an empty void.

Y/n: Wh-Who said that?

I looked around to see nobody there.

"You are my child."

Y/n: Ch..Child?

"Come to..(Distorted)... Y/n."

Y/n: Who are you!?

"I'm the (Distorted)-ster of... (Distorted) Race, Y/n."

Y/n: No, No no no. Wait. This is another... (Looks at hands) Lucid dream, right?

I put my hands together and they went through each other.

Y/n: Thank god I'm dreaming. Time to wake up...

I didn't wake up. I waited a few more seconds... Nothing happened.

Y/n: Why can't I wake up? Hello?


Y/n: Umm... I can't hear you.


???: Y/n

I looked to the side to see a fully intact Penny. My eyes widened and I ran towards her. Even though I knew I was dreaming I wanted to hug my best friend one last time.

But I ran through her. I fell on to the ground. I looked back to see Penny facing the same direction I saw her in.

Y/n: P...Penny?

I walked in front of her. Her expression didn't change. She wasn't anything. I put my hand on her shoulder but they went right through.

Y/n: This... isn't normal. Can you hear me?

Penny: Why Y/n? (Looks down)

I also followed her to see Pyrrha's weapon in my hand. I was so confused. Suddenly I felt a spark through me. My hard started moving on it's own. I my arm started moving on it's own.

Y/n: H-Huh?

The spear kept moving forward. I tried with all my power to stop it. The spear stopped but it was moving ever so slightly forward and backwards because of my struggling.

Y/n: (Struggling) GRRR STOP!

After using everything I had I eventually couldn't Do anything anymore. I let go. My spear went straight through Penny and pierced her... skin? What? Blood sprouted out. My hands were red. I looked at her and started crying. I could now feel her.

Y/n:(Sobbing) I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry...

Penny: (Choking) You were my friend Y/n. My best... Friend.....

This hurt me most of all. Penny was someone who didn't have many friends. Expect for me and Ruby she never really talked to many people. She was a pure soul. A real girl. Just like now. Blood kept pouring out.

Y/n: You will always be my Friend Penny. No matter what.

Penny: (Choking on blood) Thank you.... Y/n...

She fell on her knees and felt weak. I knew she was dying. And that I couldn't help her. I could barely move. I fell down with her and with my left arm I hugged her. She also with both arms hugged me back.

Her hug lost strength. I was weird. Penny's hugs were always the most brutal. This one felt different. Eventually I got up and she fell backwards.

I refused to look at her. I looked at the weapon that did this and frowned.

Y/n's POV

I opened my eyes slowly to see that We were in the same place. Ruby's room.

Y/n: "That dream was awful."

I got up and looked at my body. No burn Mark's. No severed hand. Nothing. I was as good as new. As if I never had any injuries.

Y/n: Hmm...

I knew if Yang would look at my arm she would feel even more depressed than she actually was. It was like she gets no second chance and I get infinite. I got up and looked at the mirror opposite. My face was fine.

I sighed and looked to my side and saw a sleeping Ruby sleeping Peacefully. I sat up and looked at the time


I knew I never needed as much sleep as the other guys. L/n's Needed only 6 hours of sleep while normal people need 8. That's why when I was out on missions I always took first watch. I wanted to feel normal. Not some special guy. I liked the perks but it also came with some drawbacks.

A thought came to my mind.

Y/n: Oh yeah. It's my birthday. Heh, what a day to turn 16.

I went out of Ruby's room to see a few doors. I was going to have a shower and brush my teeth ect. I was on my way to the bathroom.

I opened it to see a simple bath with a curtain and a shower head at the top. A sink and a toilet. It was nothing crazy. I smiled. I went to the mirror and looked at my body. I was quite happy with it. I had perfectly symmetrical Abs amazing muscle insertions. And I was in great shape. It's not hard though. I mean. It's very easy to maintain.

I looked at my legs and saw it was fine. I was relieved.

Y/n: I guess you could say... I'm back on my feet? (Sigh) that was so bad.


I got out of the shower and opened the door. I had spent 20 minutes in there. I looked to see that Ruby wasn't there. It was quite early. Ruby was someone to wake around 7:30. Maybe she couldn't sleep.

I sat on my bed and put on some socks. After than I just stared at myself in the mirror. The events at Beacon had set in but not fully. It was gunna take me a while to fully come to terms with everything and let it settle in.

I knew I had to move on. I had to become smarter. Stronger. I had to learn how to do the things I was able to do and control it... that's right. Roman. He was dead. And Neo. I wonder how she is right now. I want to sit down and talk to her to be honest. I'm not sure if she feels the same.

Ozpin too. He was dead. I knew it. He would've talked to Qrow by now but yesterday he said he was gone. He probably was finding a new host. I wonder who it could be? What else happened? Hmm... My team sure.. Were gunna come back together. I was sure of it. Although I didn't like what Blake had done. It was quite Cowardly. she could've at least talked to us.

Hmm... Cayde. I knew he was back in the village. I hope he comes to visit me. But I knew it wouldn't be today. On my birthday. He said he would be here but let's be real. He probably wasn't. I'm sure he was on the way though.

Gordon. I Chuckled. I wondered what he was upto. I thought about what he was like at the fall.

Gordon Ramsay's POV (The fall of beacon)

White fang started coming into his restaurant. Gordon was furious. They hasn't booked a table and they thought he could waltz in.

He grew almost 2 times his size. He was now 10 foot tall and JACKED. The white fang was intimidated. He stormed upto them.

Gordon: You, you, you and you, FUCK OFF OUT OF MY RESTURANT.

They were scared but they held their ground. They pointed his guns at him.

White fang NPC 1: F-Freeze!

Gordon picked him up and threw him in the kitchen. He was a dog Faunus. The other ran for their lives.

Gordon: Raj!

Raj: Y-Yes chef!?

Gordon: Cook him some dog food will you? Just like how all your dishes taste.

Raj: Yes chef!

Gordon: Good. And put a lead on it in case he runs of with the fucking plate

Raj: Yes chef!

I Chuckled. I could only imagine what he was upto now. He didn't like fighting. But nobody would like to fight him. He was an animal.

Character Info: He kind of fights like Hazel. Not that... we will really see him in action. Eh.. maybe he will. But I'm not planning on it.

"Knock Knock"

Ruby: Can I come in?

Y/n: Yeah.

Ruby came in with a smile. She had something behind her back. Judging by how I said it was my birthday. I'm pretty sure it's either a present or... I'm not sure. She came and sat down on her bed. She was still trying to keep up a smile.

Ruby: How have you been holding up Y/n?

Y/n: Fine.

I wasn't lying. I wasn't sad or happy. I was just fine. Ruby frowned, that wasn't the answer she was hoping for.

Ruby: ..I'm.. happy that your arms healed. (Lightens up) You look great!

Y/n: Thanks.

To be honest I wasn't in the talking mood at the moment. Especially after that dream. I could tell she was feeling a mix of emotions and well. As a L/n you can feel what others are feeling. Ruby sighed.

Ruby: Are you...? Going to do anything today?

Y/n: Not really. Just thinking at the moment.

Ruby: Oh! I've... Got you some cake.

She pulled out a plate and there was as small cake on it. It had white frosting on it. With sprinkles. It didn't look the most professional but it didn't look terrible.

Ruby: I know it doesn't look the best. (Chuckling) If Dad didn't help me bake it I don't know what it would've look like.

I stayed silent. I appreciated this kind gesture of Ruby's but i just wanted abit if time to myself. If not then I at least wanted to think more on my own with her and talk about what happened... So we could grow as people.

Ruby: Do You... Want a slice?

Y/n: Sure.

She got a knife and cut it in half. She sat on my bed in a crossed position. I returned the gesture. She gave me my slice.

Ruby: Here.

I took it and ate it. It didn't look the best but It actually tasted quite nice. It had some sort of sugar that was really good.

Ruby: Do you like it?

Y/n: Yeah. It's nice.

Ruby: (Smiling) Thanks, I looked at some cooking videos online as well.

Y/n: Yeah.

A small silence was present.

Ruby: So, Do you like the house?

Y/n: Yeah.

Another silence was heard. I was hoping she would kind of take the hint. I know it was a bit mean and she was my girlfriend but that didn't mean we had to be together all of the time. It wouldn't make sense.

She frowned once again. She looked at me concerned.

Ruby: Y/n, are you okay?

Y/n: ...

She came next to me on my left and sat next to me. Her arm wrapped around me. She rested her head on my shoulder delicately.

Ruby: I know thing are tough Y/n but we will get through it.

I already knew this. But that wasn't the case right now. Things like this takes time. It doesn't magically heal like my wounds. Mental scares don't heal. You take them in and learn from them. A mind with no scars is a mind that is blind to the real world.

Y/n: ...

Ruby: What's on your mind, Y/n?

Y/n: ..I just had a bad dream, and everything that happened at Beacon is still sinking in. It still hasn't hit me yet fully.

Ruby: I've been having that feeling too.

I looked at my cake and placed it down.

Y/n: I'm not hungry right now.

Ruby did a sad sigh. She had hoped this would be a more positive thing. To get her and my mind off of things.

Ruby: Oh... Okay.

She let go of the hug and just sat there. About 10 seconds of silence passed and she got up. She turned her back on me. Tears were welling up ever so slightly. And I felt it. She started going towards the door.

Ruby: (Voice breaking slightly) I'm.. Going to go downstairs.....

Y/n: (Quietly) Thanks for the cake.

Ruby: ..Anytime. (Shuts door slowly)

Ruby's POV

I went into the bathroom and closed the door. I then slid down on the door and proceeded to lightly cry. I huddled my knees together.

Ruby: (Sobbing) How do I fix this?

Ruby: Everything's gone wrong... What do I do...?

Ruby: Not even Y/n's happy... I mean... He shouldn't be anyway... Especially after everything that happened.

I had done the very same thing the other day. Hide in the bathroom and cry. It was just how I was getting over everything that happened. I wasn't over it though. Not at all.

"But it was a special day for Y/n. And I know how he wanted Cayde to be there on his birthday but he's not here. He was probably coming though. I know Y/n said he was in a village quite far. Even if he's coming then he'd take a few days. I just wanted to see him smile. I guess that was a terrible idea especially on a day like this."

I got up and looked at the mirror. My the white in my eyes were tinted with a feint pink. And...

"My silver eyes... Although they held great power... Or something like that. They hurt Y/n beyond belief. Maybe hes mad at me for that?" I pondered my thoughts.

"No... that cant be right. He seemed genuine when he talked about what I did. I still hurt him though. I could only imagine what pain i put him through..."

Ruby: "Let's go downstairs. He just needs time to himself."

I opened the door and headed downstairs.



"Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh..."

I looked at the cake and smiled.

"It was a nice gesture. And that cake actually tasted quite nice."

I grabbed both pieces as Ruby had also left hers. I then left nothing but crumbs and sprinkles. I didn't complain.

"I wonder if that's really her recipe? Last time she baked something.... It didn't turn out so well."

I grabbed the now empty plate and headed downstairs. Very... quietly. I looked to see Ruby watching the news. She had a blanket over herself.

"Wierd, when did she watch the news. Oh well, I think I might have to apologise abit. Not that I was the best at that."

I stepped forward.

Y/n: I... (Ruby looks at me) Hey Ruby.

Ruby smiled when she saw the empty plate and she looked forward though. Which only confused me. I walked to where I was next to the sofa.

Y/n: Can I join you?

She nodded and gave up half of her blanket to me. I didn't mind. I would just get closer to her anyways. It was abit awkward for me. Ruby just kept looking forward. But her mind was racing.

Y/n: Umm..

"Damn it, what do I say? What is there to say?"

Y/n: I... I liked the cake...

Ruby looked to the side but never turned her eyes and smirked. In response she put her head on my shoulder. Pretty much the same as before.

Ruby: Thanks.

I smiled and rested my head on hers also. We were watching the news.

Lisa: Reports also say that the famous restaurant the devils kitchen is still intact and still serving. Here are some words from the owner.

Gordon: Uhh, Yes (Claps hand) Were still open. I defended my restaurant from those twats in the white fang. The restaurant is safe and we welcome anyone. Prices have also been reduced by 20% So make sure to come. (Looks at plate)

Gordon: WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY ABOUT OVERTASTING FOOD!? (Looks at contestant and rubs belly) Haven't you get enough in there?-

Lisa: We apologise for the language (Turns into bla bla blas)

Me and Ruby looked at each other and laughed. She perked up though.

Ruby: Oh! That reminds me.

Y/n: Hmm?

It was a present that she had hidden under the blanket. I looked at it and smiled at her. Ruby was ecstatic. I opened it up to see a picture of Me Ruby and Penny in laminated print. I also looked to see A necklace. One that had a half a rose emblem and the other half of my emblem.

I put my hand on my face and tears formed as I was reminded of the memories we had. Ruby gasped as she saw this. She never seen Y/n cry that much so when he did it meant that he had was really affected or moved by something.

Ruby: (Spoken Quickly) Gah! I'm so sorry Y/n I-

Y/n: I love it... (Sniff)

Ruby: You do?

Y/n: (Nods) Thank you. (I hugged Ruby)

Ruby: Hehe, no problem. (Returns it) I love you Y/n.

Y/n: I love you too Ruby. You're the best you know that?

Ruby: (Smiling) Not better than you.

Y/n: Hehe. You were right you know?

Ruby: Hmm?

Y/n: We will get through it. But we will together.

Ruby: Aww.

A couple minutes passed and we were watching the news. I heard footsteps behind. I looked back to see Yang. Ruby followed what I did and saw her.

Ruby: Hey Yang.

Yang: Hey Ruby.

Y/n: Umm.. Hi.

She looked at my arm to see it was fully healed. She only felt worse. After I realized this. I hid it behind the sofa. Yang frowned.

Yang: Yeah.

She walked to the kitchen go get something to each. I slumped on the bed. Ruby noticed this. She inter locked our hands together. Now, Ruby didn't like showing affection in public. She thought it was both weird and embarrassing. However at home it was fine.

Ruby: She'll come around.

Y/n: Yeah, I'm sure of it. Give it maybe a few weeks hopefully.

Merry Christmas everyone. RWBY CHIBI Will be coming soon I've written 4/5 episodes and trust me, its a banger. I loved writing them. they'll be in this book btw.

This ones a filler


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