Part 16: Board Games!

Sup kids.

Which one is you?


The exchange students standing out in the Academy courtyard and atlas ships roamed around the skies while Ozpin and Glynda were watching.

Glynda: Ironwood Certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels.

Ozpin: Yes But being a general And an Academy headmaster makes him a very busy man. But yes those are a bit of an eyesore.

While they were looking out the window an alarm beeped on his desk to show me that someone was outside.

Ozpin: Come in.

The elevator door opened, and the general walked out.

General: Ozpin!

Ozpin: General.

They both shook hands.

Ironwood: Please, Drop the formalities. It's been too long. And Glynda it's certainly been a long time since we last met.

Glynda: Oh James. I'll be outside.

She walks out and then James looks back at Ozpin.

James: Well she hasn't changed a bit.

Ozpin: So, what in the world has brought
you from Atlas? Headmasters don't typically travel with their students.

He pours him a coffee and puts his own beverage in it.

James: Well You know how much I love Vale this time of year and with you hosting I think you will be a good time for us to catch up.

Ozpin: Well, I can certainly appreciate quality time between friends but the small fleet outside my window has me somewhat concerned.

James: Well concern is what brought them here.

Ozpin: Well, I know that traveling between kingdom's has been increasingly difficult-

James: Oz you and I both know why I brought those men.

Ozpin sipped his coffee and sighed.

Ozpin: We are at a Time of peace shows of power like this are going to give off the wrong impressions.

James: but if a Qrow said is true-

Ozpin: if what Qrow said is true then we will handle it tactfully. It's the vital festival Where we celebrate unity and peace so try not to scare people by sending hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent.

James: I am just being cautious.

Ozpin: As am I which is why we will continue to train the best Huntsman and huntresses we can.

James: Believe me I am.

He starts walking away until he turns back to him.

James: Tell yourself this do you honestly think your children can win a war.

Ozpin looked down at his table.

Ozpin: I Hope they never have to.

Y/n's POV

I was sitting next to Ruby with the rest of the team. We were playing Remnant: The Game. It was Ruby's turn and she scanned all the cards in her deck.

Ruby: Alright... hmmm... mmhmm. Yang Xio Long get your kingdom ready for battle!

Yang: Bring it on!

Ruby: I deploy atleasian air fleet!

Yang gasps.

Ruby: Looks like I get to fly right over your ursai and attack your walls directly!

Yang: You fiend!

Ruby: And since atlas is part of the mantle my repair time only takes 1 turn.

Yang: Hehehehe. Pretty sneaky sis because you just activated my trap card!

Ruby: Whaaaat.

Y/n: Oh no.

Yang: Giant nevermore! If I get a seven or higher rate of feathers will destroy your fleet!

Ruby: But if you Roll A six or lower then fatal feathers will Turn on your own forces!

They both leaned in and glared at each other.

Y/n: Ruby you're screwed.

She nudged me.

Ruby: Shut up have a little faith in-

Yang: A 12!

Ruby wrapped her arms around me. And looked up with her eyes closed with tears falling from her eyes.


Y/n: Eh most of them were probably androids...

Ruby: You're not helping... Goodbye my friends you will be avenged.

Yang: Not until I draw my rewards! Which are double this round thanks to Mistrals trade route.

Ruby: Bah Bah I hear!

Yang: What's this smuggler of the wind! Looks like I can take 2 cards this round!

Ruby: HAVE YOU NO HEART!? Nooooo...

Y/n: Don't worry Ruby, we'll beat them next time.

Yang: Alright Weiss it's your turn!

Weiss: I have.... Absolutely no idea what I'm doing.

Yang: Look it's easy! You're playing as Vacuo which means all cards come with a bonus!

Weiss: That sounds dumb.

Yang: See you've got (Looks through her cards) sandstorm.... desert raider and 00h! resourceful raider! See now you can take Ruby's discards air fleet and put it in your hands.

Ruby: Noooo...

Y/n: Isn't that cheating? looking at her cards?

Yang: Shush.

Her head starts shaking in my chest while she is crying. I patted her on the back to console her.

Yang: And since if I kill the Warriors have an endurance boost against natural hazards. You can use in the storm to disable my ground forces and simultaneously Infiltrating my kingdom! Just remember that I will not forget the declaration of war.

Weiss: And that means?

Ruby turns her head towards Weiss.

Ruby: you are just 3 moves away from conquering remnant!

She then stands up and lightning clouds form on top of her.

Weiss Muhahaha! Yes, fear the all mighty power of my forces as they pillage you homes and take your children from your very arms-!

Yang: Trap Card...

Weiss just goes pale as she feels the all mighty power of Yangs forces as she pillaged their homes and took their children from her very arms. She sat down crying.

Weiss: I hate this game of emotions we play!

She then hugged me which immediately caught the attention of Ruby. She glared at Weiss making her cry more as she went back to her seat and hugged herself.

Yang: Alright Blake your up!

Blake just jumped at the sound of Yang calling her name.

Blake: Uhh sorry what was I doing?

Y/n: "I've noticed Blakes been acting distant lately. She's kind of... out of it since the night of the docks."

Yang: You're playing as Vale and your trying to conquer the kingdoms of Remnant.

Blake was really confused.

Blake: Right umm.

Jaune came behind Weiss.

Jaune: Hey can I play!

Ruby: Sorry Jaune but we've already got 4 people and if one of us don't want to Y/n's joining.

Weiss: Besides This game requires certain level of tactical cunning which I seriously doubt you possess.

Jaune: I'll have you know I've been told that I've been a natural born leader!

Weiss: By who your mother?

Jaune: And Pyrrha! Don't forget Y/n!

Pyrrha: Hello again!

Y/n: Sup G!

Jaune the clasps his hands together.

Jaune: Come on just let me play in your hand for a turn.

Weiss: No, I'm not trusting you with the good citizens of Vacuo.

Yang: Uh you attacked you own naval fleet 2 turns ago.

Jaune: Come On you trust me with plenty more important stuff before like you've secretly told us that Y/n lived with T-

Pyrrha Zoomed as fast as she could.

Pyrrha: His uncle! Who we all love!

I just clenched my fist and stood up.

Y/n: Who was it....

Everyone looked at Ruby.

Y/n: Why...?

Ruby: Well, I thought I could trust them sooo...

Y/n: Great going Ruby.

Ruby: Y/n I'm sorry.

Y/n: (Sigh) It's okay, just don't do it again or I won't trust you.


Were all in the dorm after that intense session of team bonding. Blake was going to leave the room I was going to stop her, but Weiss beat me to it.

Weiss: Stop.

Y/n: (Whisper) Stop right there criminal scum.

Ruby nudged my arm. And Blake stopped and turned around.

Weiss: Lately you have been antisocial, quiet and moody.

Y/n: Uhh what is she normally then?

Ruby nudged my arm again.

Weiss: And you've also been doing it more than usual, which I get is your thing but you've been doing it more than usual. Which Quite frankly is unacceptable.

She then Grabbed a chair and did some sick flips yo!

Weiss: So Blake Belladonna! What is WRONG!?

Y/n: Woooow....

Ruby then elbowed me in the hips again but this time it was hard. I slightly flinched and gave her an annoyed sign.

Blake: I just don't get how everyone can be so calm.

Ruby: Still thinking about Torchwick?

Blake: Torchwick the white fang all of it! Somethings coming and none of us know anything about it.

Yang: It'll be fine Ozpin said between the huntsmen and the police dealing with it it will be just fine.

Blake: But I'm not! They don't know the white fang like i do!

Weiss: Okay between blowing up nightclubs, stopping thieves, having a food fight and stopping thieves we all think we're ready. Well point is we're not ready to catch thes ner'do wells.

Ruby: Uhh, who.

Y/n: Nerds, I think.

Ruby sympathized the 'O' sound.

Blake: And we never be ready! Our enemies aren't going to wait for graduation day they're out there somewhere planning their next move and none of us know what it is!

Ruby: Alright! All in favor of being the youngest huntresses to bring down a corrupt organization conspiring against humanity say 'aye!'

Yang pumped her fist: Yes! I love it when your feisty!

Weiss: Hmm, I suppose.

Ruby looked down and I jumped from the bed.

Y/n: Aye Aye Captain!

She gave me a hug.

Ruby: I knew I could count on you!

Blake: all right then!

Ruby: Let's hatch a plan!

Y/n: Yeah!

Ruby squealed and I covered my ears.

Ruby: I left my board games in the library.

Weiss: Were doomed...

Ruby: Catch you guys later!

She ran out of the room, and we all stared at each other.

Y/n: What?

Peace out kids!

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