Dear Diary,
I'm so excited right now. You have absolutely no idea how excited I am when it comes to this, because of the fact that it's finally happened. Yes, I'm not shitting you. Ray and Sophia finally talked. As you can expect, I'm just so excited because I've been waiting for months, and now it's finally happened.
So, a few days ago, we had the straight A tea. Of course, Sophia and I were all dressed up, and we looked great. I think a lot of people were sneaking glances at us as we were walking down the halls to go to the gym. So we went and listened to a long, boring speech about how the principal was so proud of us. I have never heard so many lies compacted into one speech. Even the principal and assistant principal both looked like they wanted to go home, take a nap, and then binge watch Netflix.
But anyways, after that, Sophia and I just hung out with some of our friends. We were talking, chatting, and giggling about how weird our teachers are or how badly we had scored on quizzes. We were enjoying thick slices of cake and guzzling down glasses of cheap, watery fruit punch.
So, as we were doing that, of course, Mrs. Smith (Sophia's mom, of course) was taking pictures. Now, we all know Sophia's mom and Ray's mom talked a while back at the parent teacher conferences. Naturally, they would want to talk again, right? Yep, they did!
As Sophia's mom was eating her cake and chilling out, I saw Mrs Richards go up to her. "Serena! Good to see you!" she told her, in a cheerful voice laced with a thinned out Czech accent.
Mrs. Smith got up, gave Mrs. Richards a hug, and said, "Good to see you too, Ramona! How are you doing?" They then began the friendliest of conversations that involved them talking about their kids and whatnot.
So, during the conversation that they had, I could notice Sophia getting a little bit fidgety. As for someone who isn't really used to having a lot of attention on her, it was definitely something about that area that was making her kind of uncomfortable.
I looked away from her, and saw nobody other than Ray stealing occasional glances at her. I looked back at Sophia, who just kind of picked at her cake, and I said, "Ah, that's why you're so uncomfortable. Because Ray's kinda staring at you, huh?"
Sophia just shrugged a little bit, and she went back to scraping some of the frosting off of her cake. I looked back up, and Ray was standing next to his mom, while also talking to Sophia's mom. He looked happy, but I knew this was the perfect time. I looked back at Sophia, and said, "Go up to him. This is your chance. You can go talk to him."
Sophia looked at me, kind of mortified, and she said, "Sonia, I can't. I'm so scared."
I looked at Sophia, and say, "Look, I know how much you want to talk to him. He does too. Hell, he was practically staring at you when you were eating your cake. If you don't go up to him and talk to him, then you're going to regret it. I'm telling you, you won't know unless you go up and you talk to him."
Sophia gulped a little bit, took another small sip of her punch, and said, "You're going to drag me to the table if I don't go, aren't you?"
I smirked, and said, "By the hair." Sophia rolls her eyes, and then gets up and goes over to where her mom is. I scoot in a little bit so that I can have a good listening as to what's going on over there.
As I ate my cake, one spoon by one spoon, I heard the conversation kick start. "Sophia! How are you, dear?" Mrs. Richards asked.
Sophia nodded, and said, "I'm doing okay. How are you doing?"
"You know, I'm doing fine. Not bad at all." I then saw Sophia look at Ray, and then Mrs. Richards looks at Ray as well.
Mrs. Smith looked at Sophia, and says, "Sophia, you remember Ray, right?"
Sophia nodded slightly, and says, "Yeah, he's in my English class, Mom."
Mrs. Smith nodded, and says, "Why don't you go talk to him?" I slowly started to celebrate inside, because Mrs. Smith was taking the right kind of action.
"Come on, Sophia. Talk to him. If you don't I'm going to scream," I thought to myself. I saw Sophia take a slight step forward, and she said, "Hi."
Ray waves a bit, and says, "Hey."
I rolled my eyes inside, and said, "Wow. What a great starter," under my breath. Then, Sophia, being the goddess she is, said, "Okay, this is really awkward. Can we talk about something else?"
Ray chuckled. "Yeah, I think that's great." Then, right then and there, something magical happened. I don't know what it was, but it was like a switch flipped. The next thing you know, Sophia and Ray are knee deep in such a rich and beautiful conversation that it made me tear up a little bit. They were talking, laughing, and just joking around so much, like they were old friends.
Just seeing them so happy and so comfortable around each other just made everything 100x better. Even though the last few months were riddled with awkwardness, they seemed to put all of that aside and they just started to talk and chat like nobody's business. Sophia and Ray then got up, and she came over to where I was sitting, and she said, "You know Sonia. She's my best friend."
I got up, and said, "Hey."
Ray smiled and said, "Hey, Sonia. Long time no see, huh?"
I nodded, and said, "Oh yeah! Yeah, it was so long since we saw each other in math a few hours ago."
Ray just let out a laugh, and said, "I'm going to like you. I love sarcasm."
I raised an eyebrow, as I look at Sophia. She was just glowing, which is always a good thing. I can tell she's nothing but happy right now, so that's always a good thing. Happiness fuels mine, especially when it comes from the people that I like. Ray and Sophia then sat down, and we all just talked for another ten minutes.
Honestly, I could see why Sophia's glowing. Ray is honestly a really cool guy, and overall seems like a great friend to have. So when I was finally taking the opportunity to have a good conversation with him, it was amazing.
Eventually, Mrs. Richards, my mom, and Mrs. Smith all came towards us.
"Sophia, I think it's time to go, right?" Sophia looked at Ray, and then at her mom. "You can see him tomorrow! You have English together, right?" her mom asked.
Ray smiled, and I smiled at Ray's obvious happiness. "Yeah, that's true," Sophia said, and she got up to hold out her hand. Ray takes it, and they did the bro hug.
"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Ray said.
Sophia and I nodded. "Definitely. See you tomorrow," Sophia says, and then Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Smith then say their goodbyes and go on their way.
For the past couple of months, I've been waiting and waiting for a reaction when it comes to Ray and Sophia's relationship. I've been waiting kind of patiently because of the fact that this is never a fun thing to do. Waiting around without much happening isn't the best thing. Now, something is finally happening.
This is probably the best time for them to build their relationship back up. Honestly, I'm so excited for tomorrow, because I know they're going to have a blast hanging out together. I guess we'll have to see what happens tomorrow. I don't think I'm gonna get any sleep tonight because I'm gonna be excited for what happens tomorrow.
Yay, a happy chapter! Finally, Ray and Sophia have talked, and started being giggly and friendly! Do you think this will play out and they'll continue the friendship? Let me know!
Hey everyone! How are you all? Oh man, 2 more entries to go! We will be finishing off the book the weekend after my birthday. That's the perfect birthday present to myself, in my opinion.
Dang, that sounds weird. Either ways, hope you guys liked this chapter!
Please vote/ comment/ share/ message/ follow if you like my work! See you all next Sunday with a new entry in Sonia's diary! Have a great week!
Love you guys,
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