Chapter 13: The Gala Heist

When the bad guy arrived, Marmalade, Aki, and Fire Man flung open the limo door, greeting the Bad Guys from the edge of the red carpet.

"Well, Good Guys, this is it!" The little guinea pig
said, leaning into the limo, "Good luck out there.
Remember, all eyes will be on you tonight, not me."

He stepped aside, ushering them out into the
crowd. as they hopped out, and Marmalade
announced, "Friends, meet THE GOOD GUYS!"

There was a long, silent pause before the crowd
broke into applause. But then that silence was replaced by cheering and clapping.

"Uh..." Snake said, weirded out by the appluse and attention. "This is different."

"Is this a prank?" Piranha asked.

"What's that sound?" Shark added, "like
screaming but not terrified."

Wolf spoke calmly to the gang, "Alright guys, let's
uhh...let's mingle."

"It's crime baby." Webs smiled.

At the party, there were little kids hold donation
boxes, looking for people to give a little donation. There were a few Robot Masters and only a few members like the founding members of Justice League were there. Like: Green Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, White Canary, Black Lightning, Batwoman, Superman.

As everyone split up, Shark focused on his first

"Fake dolphin." he muttered, while scanning the
party area, he takes a glance then one of them
catches his eye"... bingo!"

He raced toward the replica dolphin statue, but before he could get to it, he was mobbed by a crowd of fans.

"Mr. Shark, Mr. Shark is it true sharks can smell
blood a mile away?" Someone shouted to him.

"What? No!" Shark said, cringing. "That's freaky."

Snake slithered around then he grind when he sees the chief setting down the case with the golden dolphin at a bar, not paying any attention to it. Wolf was walking all causally, he gents a drink then was surrounded by a crowd.

"Mr. Wolf." someone else hollered.

"Hey, whoa!" He howled as she smiles at the people smiling at him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." a woman tells him.

"The pleasure is all mines." he bowed.

"I loved your video! Can I get a picture for my kids?" but over behind the crowd, he saw Diana in a formal blue gown, he caught her looking at him and waving, he made a nervous look.

"Uhh hang just a minute guys, let-let me...uh I got-I got. I'll be right back." Wolf said.

Diana's smile disappears when she sees him walk

Tonight was going to be challenging to execute their plan with so many people cramming around them, keeping them from doing their important work. Piranha and Shark getting cold feet from doing the Plan since they grown a deep connection with Princess.

From a distance, the chief of police was watching
wolf through a pair of binoculars.

"Okay, Wolf. what are you up to;" She took off her sunglasses and propped them up on the locked briefcase as they were bothering her. She'd set on the table next to her.

Lucky for Snake, the chief was blissfully unaware
that he had crawled up the side of the briefcase.
While her attention was focused on the other Bad
Guys she was watching through her binoculars,
Snake fogged up the frame of her sunglasses with
his breath--revealing a thumb print!

He placed the print on the scanner of the briefcase, and it clicked open. Snake smirked his part of the plan had been done to perfection.

The police chief called into her radio, "With
criminals like this, you've got to be crafty, subtle,
invisible. And then, the moment they let their
guard down-whammo!"

Throughout her little speech, Snake had been using his tail to dig through the insides of the briefcase to try to find the code that would unlock the case. But as soon as the chief slammed her briefcase closed. "...You spring the trap!"

She trapped Snake's tail inside Snake let out a
high-pitched squeal, trying not to scream to alert
her, he bite on his tail to keep his scream from
getting louder or to help him bite down on his pain, He tried to yank it out, but it was full-on stuck inside the case.

"Always one step ahead. I think I've earned a tonic water." She signaled for the bartender to bring her a drink. "Put it in a fun glass, huh, ohh nice" she laser points at the bartender as ge pass by her. While Snake had to go through the pain in his tail, Wolf's part of the plan isn't going exactly right after all.

He was walking around when suddenly...the was a giggle, that sounded like Princess. He turned and gets a surprisingly hug from a small blonde hair little girl, she was wearing a blue dress, she smiled and giggles as she was hugging Wolf.

"Huh, ah what the-" but before he could react, he saw the little girl looking at him.

"Puppy." she giggled, this made him reminded
himself of Princess, she smike, she giggle that
unconditional love in her eyes as he was taking by
the hug, he slowly pats her back.


He looks to see that the whole crowd was
watching in cuteness. Wolf then felt it again but he also felt ashamed of himself for Princess, then he looks to see Shark and Piranha giving him a sad look, it made him think. As he looks down at the little girl hugging him, he wonders, maybe there can be a better life for him and the crew, maybe he could be something else, he could be a father figure. He started to question himself about going through the plan.

Meanwhile Snake has been trying desperately to
wriggle free from the case, but so far had had no
luck. Then his luck got even worse when The chief
grabbed what she assumed to be her drink but was
actually Snake neck instead!

As she lifted her hand to take a sip of her cocktail,
Snake quickly opened his mouth, pretending to be a glass.

Before the chief could get a drink the rest of the
Bad Guys spotted Snake's predicament and rushed to help. They all panicked, wolf gently pulled the little girl away.

"Sorry I got to go." the little girl smiles and waves,
"bye" she giggles.

When the chief noticed the Bad Guys heading her
way, the chief lowered her drink. The Bad Guys
waved at her, but she just grins in return.

"That's right," she warned, her voice just higher
than a whisper. "Be intimidated..."

The chief lifted her "glass" again, preparing to take
a swig from Snake's mouth. But before she could
put her lips to Snake's.

Piranha crooned into a microphone,

🎵"Lo0000k at me." 🎵

He was onstage and begun to sing. Clearly, he was
trying to draw everyone's but specifically the chief's
attention away from Snake's predicament. Piranha continned to sing,

🎵"Tell me whaaaaat you see!" 🎵

The chief lowered her drink, watching as Shark
grabbed a drumstick, and started to hit a cowbell.

🎵"Am I goooood or bad!"🎵

Wolf chuckles and smiles nervously as he signs
Webs to help out, she lowered herself onto the
turntable, also getting into the musical mood.

🎵"Don't you judgeeeeeeee so fast!"🎵

Then when a crowd was cheering for Piranha, he
turns around and smiles at Shark.

🎵"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" 🎵

He signals Shark to drum louder.

🎵"I know you think you know me, you made your own conclusion, you think that i look scary, well thats your own delusion, listen when i tell you-"🎵

The police chief finally set Snake down, which
allowed him to wriggle away from her hand. He
then breathed on his own neck, revealing the
chief's thumbprint, and scanned it on the briefcase lock.

The case popped open, and he squiggled free. But
before he fled, he also grabbed hold of an envelope inside the case, opened it, and read the code tucked inside: 1 2 3 4 5

"Meh" he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

He slyly slipped the letter back in the envelope,
dropped it in the briefcase, and flashed Wolf a
thumbs-up, then Wolf winks at piranha and he
winks back still singing their song.

Wolf then was startled when he heard Diane's voice. "Mr. Wolf," she said.

"Oh.... Diane," Wolf said nervously. "Yeah, What a surprise!"

Diane looked at him curiously.

"You know if I didn't know better, I'd think that you were avoiding me." She smiled.

"Avoiding you?" Wolf asked. In truth, he had been avoiding her. But he was surprised she had noticed.

"Why would I do that?" he crosses his arms and
smiles nervously.

"Ok but I have to say, I'm a little disappointed." She said.

Wolf cocked his head, somewhat worried about
where she was going with this.

"I was hoping," The governor said as she walks up
to him and adjusted his tie, "You were going to ask me to dance."

"Oh." Wolf grinned at her.

🎵"And get up on, and get up on, and get up on the floor!"🎵

They dragged other partygoers up with them,
welcoming everyone onto the dance floor to party.
Wolf whipped out a few of his most classic dance
moves, and Diane laughed. Then Snake joins in up on the stage and starts playing the bass.

🎵" We're gonna be good tonight. Wanna get you feeling right."🎵

🎵"We're gonna be good tonight. We're the good good guy!"🎵

"I see you lost the sheep's clothing." Diane laughed.
Wolf grinned back at her. "Yeah, I figured it was
time I got comfortable in my own fur."

The sheer number of people moving and grooving
around the party, while putting in more money in
the donation box.

"I think I like the new you," she said, lifting one

"Well, that makes two of us," he shot back, surprising himself, then the little girl from earlier,
comes in and decides to join them, they dance with her.

Then the bag guys all jumped in the crowd, Using
the chaos on the dance floor as a diversion, the rest of the gang began to carry out their heist. It would make it nearly impossible for anyone to suspect they were doing anything wrong while their focusing on them, mingling with the bad guys. One by one, each of the Bad Guys took turns placing their transmitters in the designated spots. Webs set a fob on the DI's computer and started to hack into the main system.

Meanwhile, the crowd continued to dance. Diane
and Wolf moved elegantly around the dance hall
together as the little girl dances away from them,
swooping past other guests who were all having a
great time. As they made their way through the room, Wolf surprised the governor then as the chief was scolding at the repulsive event that was happening, she suddenly realized that she was moving to the rhythm, she quickly stopped. Tiffany Fluffit noticed a man donation gold bricks in a box that was being hold by a little girl.

"Break out the umbrellas because it is raining
money!" She beamed into the camera. "All because of-I can't believe I'm saying this--the BAD GUYS!"

As soon as the camera was running, she grinned as there show everyone coping shark's dance moves and suddenly the chief of police was dancing as well.

"So," Diane said as geld her up high "How does it
feel to have everyone not fear you for a change?"
Her question caught Wolf off guard, as he looks in
the crowd as they slow motion smiling and
cheering at him instead of fearing him, He hadn't
even thought about it, but now that she mentioned it.

Wolf then noticed his tail began to wag. "It feels
good, Real good."

Diane beamed at him.

"Diane." he says in a soft tone. She looks down and was surprised as she gasped to see that in her
hands and in his, he dropped the ring into her
open palms.

"It belongs to you." He took, she smiles at him then he pulls her into the dance floor.

Meanwhile, across the room, Tiffany- and every
other guest at the event- had no idea Webs was
busy hacking away at the power grid through her
laptop. While the rest of the Bad Guys moved to their marks, Wolf maneuvered the governor to the stage, right next to the Golden Dolphin. Just then as piranha finished up the song, the donation counter hit $ 1 billion.

The crowd erupted in applause, confetti fell from
the rafters, and Marmalade took the stage to
address his guests.

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Wolf." Marmalade was rambling on.

Shark and Piranha started to feel that same feeling again, that good tingling feeling again.

They turned around and faced each other, realizing how much they loved being good. But then Piranha frowned.

"That felt good." Piranha says.

"Yeah really good." Shark says back.

"I sure am going to miss Princess through." Piranha added this made Shark sad.

"Me too." Shark said.

"As you all know the money we raised tonight will
be delivered tomorrow to schools, hospitals, and
other worthy causes across the city!" Marmalade said.

As the crowd went wild, Wolf felt--not for the first
time that week, a pit in his stomach. The cheering, the clap- ping, the adoration. all that goodness. It did feel good. then he looks back when he sees Piranha and Shark frowning at him, Was their heist really the right thing to do right now? Could he really abandon Princess even after all the love she's shown him and give him. Then Snake nudged Wolf from behind, signaling him to continue the plan, He was up strolling toward the center stage.

"Ahem." Wolf coughed then marmalade gave him
the floor.

Snake slid up beside the Golden Dolphin case.

"I just want to take a moment to recognize the one responsible for our new outlook."Wolf began, pulling out the switch that would cut the lights, so they could make the switcheroo from real Golden Dolphin to the fake.

"Our brilliant mentor-

"Do it." Webs whispered.

"Come on." Piranha frowned.

"A paragon of enlightenment," Wolf said, "The one and only Professor..

But before he could do it, he sees the little girl
pushing through the crowd and looks at him.
He saw how she was smiling at him, flashing her
eyes all cute like at him, it reminded him of

Then He locked eyes with Diane, Marmalade, Frost, Mick, and guests in the crowd who were all cheering for him.

This was where he was supposed to say "Marmalade" and hit the trigger.

But all of a sudden, when Wolf looks into that little girl's eyes all he sees is princess and how she would feel if he did this, wolf knew he couldn't do it. His finger hovered over the button, but the cheers, the love, the wag- it was too much, especially the love Princess gave him.

"Come on ... " Snake urged in a whisper. "Do it
already," Snake hissed.

"Professor ..... Professor."

Webs wondered aloud, "What is he waiting for?"

Wolf was now sweating like crazy. He couldn't
make his friends and Diane and the rest of the
world happy at the same time. He couldn't be a Bad Guy and a Good Guy. He had to choose, and now was the moment for that choice. But then made a realization, he loves Princess. As his own daughter, and he didn't wanted to give her up, not for money or giving her back to her real dad.

Finally, he lifted his finger off the trigger switch
and finished, "Professor Marmalade!"

As soon as he said the word, the police chief typed
in the code to open the trophy case, Wolf drops the trigger and steps on it, breaking it into pieces.

The other Bad Guys were stunned although
Piranha and Shark were happy that Wolf made the right choice, it was Webs and Snake that were

"Chief," Wolf asked her. "May I do the honors?"

Wolf gently cradled the statue in his hands and
then passed it over to Professor Marmalade.

"What. Is. Happening?" Tarantula gasped.

"I knew he would do the right thing." Shark
whispered to Piranha.

Though Snake were upset, the crowd was delighted. Everyone was whooping and cheering, and it was all for the Wolf and the Good Guys!

"A deal's a deal," Diane said into the mic, smiling. "By the power vested in me, it is a pleasure to grant the Bad Guys a full pardon."

"And as part of the deal. The founding members and I discussed it, and we come to an agreement to let the Bad Guys join the Justice League as official members." Oliver said into the mic.

Everyone clapped for them but as Wolf took a bow, he turns around to see Piranha and Shark clapping along but also he sees a betrayed look in Snake's eyes.

He knew that he was in trouble.

He gets up just then in the middle of the crowd, the celebration was interrupted by Thomas Chesterfield.

"Hold it!" He shouts. Everyone gasped as they all turned their attention to Thomas as he was making his way to the stage and getting into Wolf's face.

"I'm not sure they can be trusted yet, they still have my daughter." everyone looks at Wolf as Thomas points at him, Wolf smiles nervously then Professor Marmalade gets in.

"Now wait a minute, I promise you she's in good
arms, she's at my place and they taken really good
care of her." Marmalade says.

Thomas stares at Wolf suspicious as Wolf starts to sweat then Thomas shrugs.

"Very well if they really are good then I like to
invite to the Chesterfield 1000th anniversary party tomorrow night if they come with Princess
unharmed then I will gladly accept them as the
good guys they are.....but if I catch them red handed with stealing one of my prized valuables or trying to make away with Princess, I sentenced them to prison for 20 years." He said.

This struck fear in the Bad Guy's hearts, including
Wolf because he didn't wanted to give Princess

"Do we got a deal govern?" Thomas says as he
approached Diane and holds his hand out to her.

"Deal." Everyone whispered as they saw Diane
shaking Thomas's hand.

After the deal was set, he walks over to Wolf, glares at him and whispered into his ear.

"She better be alive and you'll be getting the
information later tonight." He said.

Wolf was puzzled as Thomas walked out of the gala, he didn't know what he was talking about. After that, everyone gathered around the bad guys, Reporters and fans began to crowd around, taking pictures and asking questions.

"Mr. Piranha!" someone shouted on the other side of the room. "Can I get a selfie?"

Everyone simply wanted to be near the city's newest celebrities, "Ms. Tarantula!" one partygoer called out. "Any advice for the young hackers out there?"

"Uh.." Webs answered tentatively. "Grow more

Professor Marmalade, Aki, and Fire Man then guilds the Bad Guys back to the limousine and once they were inside. Wolf smiles as he waves at the people cheering at him then the little girl.

But when the door closes, he looks to see Snake and Webs looking at confused and irritated while Shark and Piranha make distraught looks.

"What?" Wolf asked as he knew when they get a ride to the mansion, it was going to be a long night.

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