Chapter 6: Big Trouble in Tundratown

The scene changes to the Tundratown Limo Service. Judy tugs on the lock on the gate.

"Closed! Great!" Judy said.

"You wasted the day on purpose!" Wolf growled at Nick.

"Wha-me?" Nick places his hand over his chest,
acting offended.

"Come on guys I would never, besides aren't you
having fun."

"We're out here to have fun, we're just helping you on your pretend investigation so we can get away from you." Snake hissed at him.

"It's not a "pretend investigation" Nick takes out
the Otterton picture,

"Look, see? See him? This otter is real and he's missing." Nick said.

They then look back at the locked gate.

"What do we do now?" webs asked.

"I bet ya, he doesn't even have a warrant to get in"
Snake added.

"It's a shame, darn it, what a bummer" then he
turns to wolf, "if only we knew someone who
could....I don't know break the door open for us,
huh wolf" he nudges a annoyed wolf.

"Ugh, Piranha." wolf calls Piranha.

Piranha walks over to it and lightning kicks the gates open.

"HAHA, nice, we made a great team" Nick says as
he high fives wolf.

But wolf just glares at him then he and the others
walked inside.

"They should've gotten a real cop." Snake says.

This causes Nick to frown, Judy noticed he was
trying to make up to them.

Then she walks up to wolf who was still glaring.

"You guys are helping plenty!" Judy smiling cheekily, with Wolf looking down at her.

"Don't get any ideas, we're just doing thud so we
can get this over it and get back to our kid, it has
nothing to do with that manipulating fox nor will I have anything to do with him either!"

He growled as he walks away from Judy, a thought came to her.

What happened between Nick and the bad guys,
why do they hate him so much, what did he do to
make them so mad at him?: she thought.

Then Judy uses her phone light and wipes the snow off the license plate.

"2-9-T-H-D-0-3.... This is it!"

She and Nick opens the passenger door and Judy
opens the driver's door

The bad guys except for Shark got in, Cold mist
comes out from the car. Judy looks around the
pedal and the brake and sees a strand of white hair. She picks it up with a pair of tweezers, "Polar bear fur"

Nick nods, He exhales, as shown by his visible
breath. He then opens the glove compartment and suddenly jumps back in alarm

"Oh my God!"

"What?!" Judy and the bad guys yelled.

Nick takes out a bunch of CDs. One of them has a
picture of a smiling vole on it.

"The velvety pipes of Jerry Vole!" He grins, as the
bad guys looks at him annoyed.

Judy puts the polar bear fur in a plastic bag, while
the Bad Guys yells at Nick.

"But on CD. Who still uses CDs?" tosses the CDs

"Come on Nick stay focused!" Wolf says.

"Come on I'm just having a little fun." Nick said.

Wolf rolls his eyes annoyingly along with Snake, he opens the door revealing the back, he Snake
Piranha and Webs looked back, then they gets
spooked, jaws dropped.

"Uh, officer hopps, If your otter was here..." Wolf

"I doubt he survived." Snake finished.

"Looks like he had a very bad day." Webs added.

Judy and Nick goes to take a look. The back is ripped and claw marks are shown everywhere.

"Those are..... claw marks. You ever seen anything
like this?" She asked.

"No." Nick says.

"Only the ones Princess makes when she has
nightmares." Snake says.

"Poor little guy." Webs says.

"What happened to him?" Piranha says as he steps inside, Webs crawled over and Snake slithered in, Judy looks around and sees a wallet.

"Oh, wait. Look!" Judy and Nick hop down, Judy
looks at the wallet, seeing Mr. Otterton's picture,
the bad guys gathered around.

"This is him. Emmitt Otterton. He was definitely
here. What do you think happened?" Judy said.

"Uh Wolf?" Shark calls out.

"Not now Shark." Wolf said.

Then Nick looks around and sees a cup. He picks it up and sees a fancy B imprinted on it.

"Wolf?" Shark calls again but this time Wolf doesn't answer back.

Well, now, wait a minute. Polar bear fur, rat-pack
music, fancy cup?"

"Uh Wolf, you might want to see this." Shark says

"Not now Shark." Wolf said.

Nick shows signs of fear, and starts putting the cup back and organizing the cups frantically.

"But it's an emergency!" Shark says.

"I know whose car this is, we gotta go!" Nick said.

'What?" Wolf says.

"Why?" Webs asked.

"Whose car is it?" Snake asked.

"The most feared crime boss in Tundratown. They
call him Mr. Big, and he does not like me!" Nick said as he flails his arms around and points with both hands.

"So we gotta go!" Nick said.

"We're not leaving. This is a crime scene." Judy said.

He grabs Judy and starts to head out.

"Well, it's gonna be an even bigger crime scene if
Mr. Big finds me here, so we're leaving, right now!"

Then before Nick opens the door, Shark calls one
last time.

"Wolf you really need to see this!" Shark shouts.

"Ugh what is it Shark?" Wolf asked.

He opens the door, where two polar bears are
waiting outside.

He closes the door and looks back at Nick terrified.

"Ok don't panic, I got this, just relax and let me do the talking okay, I know how to handle theses guys ok" Nick said as he opens the door, putting on his suave act, hiding his nerves.

"Raymond! And is that Kevin? Long time no see! And speaking of "no see", how about you forget you saw, pointing at himself, "me. Huh? For old time's sake?"

Raymond and Kevin grab Nick and Wolf by their

"I take that's a no then." Nick said.

They pull them off and they drive off in a limo.
Judy and Nick were both separated, Judy was with snake shark webs and piranha, while in another limo Wolf and Nick were between both polar bears in stunned, wide-eyed silence. Music faintly plays on the radio. Raymond is looking through pictures on his phone. He looks at one, a selfie showing both of them smiling at the camera while holding a Wolf in a headlock, and chuckles.

"Oh smooth move genius that worked really well!" Wolf says sarcastically while smiling fakery.

"Hey at least it's getting us somewhere,, now we can find our missing otter." Nick said.

"Ugh." Wolf moaned.

"What aren't you having fun?" Nick asked.

"NO! You think this is funny!"

"Well no I just wanted to show my best friend a
good time"

"I am not your best friend!" Wolf said.

"Why can't you just admit it?" Nick asked.

"Oh you're insane?" Wolf said.

"Am I?" Nick asked.

"Yes!" Wolf said.

"So you'd rather just give up?" Nick said.

"No!" Wolf said.

You wanna just wait around-" Nick said.

"You should've just let someone else take the lead!" Wolf said.

"Why did you even bring me along?" Wolf asked.

"Cause that's what best friends do!" Nick said.

Then the two started bickering really fast.

"Ugh I don't know why I come to Zootopia, I should have never helped you, I shouldn't even be here, I should be home right now, Princess is probably worried about me, waiting for us right now!" Wolf said.

"She must be very important to you. how or where.....when did you get a daughter." Nick asked.

"What's it to you?" Wolf growled as he was still angry at Nick.

"So how did you guys turned good?" Nick asked.

"Why do you care all of a sudden?" He yelled.

Then the limo drives up to a house and a polar bear closes the driveway. The polar bears take Judy Nick and the rest of the bad guys to a room and no one seems to be there.

"What did you do that made Mr. Big so mad at
you?" Judy asked.

"I, um... I may have sold him a very expensive wool rug that was made from the fur of a skunk'ssss.. butt" Nick says.

"That is so like you!" Wolf says as webs pinches her nose, shaking her head in annoyance.

"Well I don't blame him." Snake added, "I be angry too if I was him.and I still am."

They pushed them forward. Another polar bear
enters the room, Judy briefly looks at him with a
shocked look on her face, before it turns into one of resignation.

"Is that Mr. Big?"


Another polar bear enters the room.

"What about him? Is that him?"

"No!" Nick said.

A third polar bear, Koslov, larger than the others,
enters the room and walks to the desk, gasps at the sight of him.

"That's gotta be him."

"Stop talking, stop talking, stop talking!"

Koslov sits with his hands on the desk. He
unclenches his hands to reveal a tiny chair. He
turns it around, revealing Mr. Big, who is a shrew.


"Mr. Big, sir, this is a simple misunder-" Mr. Big
grunts and holds out his hand, showing a ring on
his finger.

"Oh, here!" Nick kisses the ring.

Ahh, This is a simple misunderstanding'
"You come here unannounced on the day my
daughter is to be married."

"Well, actually, we were brought here against our
will, so..." laughs nervously.

Mr. Big raises an eyebrow slightly,

"The point is, I-I did not know that it was your car, and I certainly did not know about your daughter's wedding!" Nick said.

"Hmm. I trusted you, Nicky. I welcomed you into
my home."

Nick hangs his head in shame and guilt while his
old ex friends stare at him.

"We broke bread together, Grandmama made you a cannoli" There shows a picture of an elderly shrew.

"And how did you repay my generosity? With a rug. Made from the butt of a skunk. [looks down, shaking his head slightly, A skunk butt rug, You disrespected me, You disrespected my Grandmama, who I buried in that skunk butt rug."

Koslov crosses his chest in prayer and looks up

"I told you never to show your face here again, but here you are, snooping around with this.."

"What are you, a performer? What's with the

"Sir, I am a co-"

"Mime! She is a mime! This mime cannot speak!
You can't speak if you're a mime!" Nick said.

"No, I am a cop and so is he!" Nick sighs and
facepalms, Judy shows the Otterton picture.

"And we're on the Emmitt Otterton case, and my
evidence puts him in your car!" She gets her face
close to Mr. Big.

"So intimidate me all you want, I'm gonna find out what you did to that otter if it's the last thing I do" Nick looks at her, shocked and facepalms again, while the bad guys were impressed by her.

"I like this rabbit." Wolf says.

"Then I have only one request... say hello to Grandmama. Ice 'em!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Nick said.

Judy steps away from the desk in fear and
confusion, just as one of the polar bear guards
picks her up by the back of her shirts.

"I-I-I-I-I-I didn't see nothing! I'm not saying
nothing!" Nick screamed.

The other one grabs Nick's scruff and pulls him
away, he digs his claws in the desk, leaving claw
marks, the bad guys laughed at Nick being afraid.

The other one grabs Nick's scruff and pulls him
away, he digs his claws in the desk, leaving claw
marks, the bad guys laughed at Nick being afraid.

"And you never will." Mr. Big said.


"Put me down!"

The polar bears move a carpet and open a trap door, revealing an icy pit.

"No, no, no, no, no! If you're mad at me about the
rug, I've got more rugs!" Nick whines.

Just then Piranha steps up, "Hey Mr. Big!"

"Piranha?" he then gets a closer looks at the Bad
Guys waving at him.

"Miss Tarantula?" Webs waves at him, "Mr. Shark? Mr. Snake?... Mr. Wolf?"

"Hey mr. Big" Wolf waves at him, "Hope this isn't a bad time?"

"No of course not, goombah release them you idiots! You know the Bad Guys are our special guests." Mr. Big said.

The polar bear unties Wolf and the others, Nick and Judy were shocked.

Then Nick sees Wolf and Mr. Big laughing.

"I'm so to go to see you again Mr. Big." Wolf said.

"Likewise old friend." Mr. Big said.

"You should have told us your daughter was getting married." Webs says,

"We would have brought a gift." Piranha said.

"A thousand apologies, what are you doing here
with him?" Mr. Big points at Nick.

They look back to see Nick looking down then he
glared at him.

"Yeah well we were brought on this crazy adventure." Wolf said.

"I know the feeling." Mr. Big said.

Then Wolf noticed how Judy was struggling the most to find Emmet.

"You know me but, Judy that cop rabbit over there doesn't mean any harm, she's just trying to work on a case do you think you could forgive them and let Nick go." Wolf asked.

"That fox has brought shame to me, you know
what's it like right"

Then Wolf frowns as he remembers his dark history with Nick, he wanted to get back at him...but he knew Princess wouldn't like it.

"Actually Mr. Big, you're right, I know what's it like, Belice it or not I been hurt by Nick before."

Nick frowns then Wolf was about to say something he was about to regret.

"But Judy is a good rabbit and....." he shudders as he mutters something horrible, like try to hold back his vomit.

"" then he
lets it out.

"BEST FRIEND!" he smiles nervously and Nick
smiles softly as he knew.

He still cares about me: he thought.

"Hm, well for you old friend, anything, Put 'em
down." Mr. Big

The polar bears close the trap door and put Judy
and Nick down.

Nick walks up to wolf, who was walking with his
hands behind his back, smiling.

" do you guys know mr. Bug"

"We saved his daughter from drowning in a car"
wolf says.

"Huh?" Nick was dumbfounded.

"Her car was heading to a lake" webs says,
"When Shark pulled her out before it crashed, he owns us his gratitude, he says"

"" he smirks as he nudged Wolf's shoulders which caused him to frown.

"I'm your best friend now, huh?" Nick said.

"Don't get any ideas, just be grateful that I saved
your life and not let you sleep with the fishes, I was just doing you a I was only doing this for Princess." Wolf said.

"Whatever you say." Nick smirks.

Then Wolf snared at him and walks ahead from
him. Nick frowns sadly again which make just more concern.

The scene changes to Fru Fru's wedding. Mr. Big, Fru Fru, her husband, and several other shrews pose for a picture. The shrews then dance and cheer while Fru Fru dances with her husband.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

A female shrew in a hat holds her cringing son as
she dances. Mr. Big's polar bear mafia are shown to be watching everyone, surrounding in a circle the platform on which the wedding is taking place. A shrew waiter offers Nick a pea-sized slice of cake, which Nick takes.


he looks at the cake, scoffs, and uses a tiny fork to
cut part of the cake and eats it. He nods his head slightly to the side with a smile, apparently liking it.

"Otterton is my florist. He's like a part of the family as much as the bad guys are, He had something important he wanted to discuss. That's why I sent that car to pick him up. But he never arrived"

"Because he was attacked?" Judy said.

Wolf takes a sip of cappuccino when...

"No. He attacked." Mr. Big said.

Judy and Nick are surprised, the bad guys were
shocked, wolf eyes open wide as he spit out his
drink away from the little rodents.


"Otterton. He went crazy - ripped up the car, scared my driver half to death." Mr. Big said as his eyes are visible for a moment and widen as he says this last part. "and disappeared into the night." Big finished.

He holds his paw out for emphasis.

"But he's just a otter." Webs says.

"A sweet little otter" Judy added.

"Hmm. My child." Mr. Big takes Webs' hand in his and pats her hand.

"We may be evolved, but deep down, we are still
animals." Mr. Big said.

Judy and Nick show looks of concern, along with
the Bad Guys. The scene transitions to Judy and Nick crossing a bridge to a moss-covered house in the Rainforest District, the Bad Guys were even coming this time, without Nick tricking or manipulating them to come.

"You wanna find Otterton, talk to the driver of the
car. His name is Manchas. Lives in the Rainforest
District. Only he can tell you more." Big said.

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