Chapter 7
"I think the last time I've been this nervous was when Damien knocked into me on the second day of freshman year and said 'sorry'," Nalini said as she walked to her locker and took out her books.
"Why are you nervous? You're not the one who's going to talk to him," Lola frowned because she was the one who had to somehow approach him today and get him to help. Julian was right, the longer he stayed at Lola's place the higher the chances of him being caught.
All it would take was her mother suddenly deciding to do the family's laundry on her off day or wanting to tidy up Lola's room even though she'd always reinforced how she could handle her room herself.
She leaned against Nalini's locker and stared at Damien Reed who had just walked into the school hallway they were in. It didn't even take a second for his best friend Tyrone to join him and then a bunch of football jocks.
"Well I'm not going to talk to him now but once you do, it will give me the chance to show him what he's been missing all these years. Did you know Damien's grandmother is Indian like me? It's like we were made for each other," Nalini clasped her hands together and stared at the ceiling dreamily.
"Why don't we just let her do it?" Hanna asked. She took out her books from her locker and held them under her chin. "I find that whole group so intimidating."
"Nalini can't go anywhere near him. We'd never get him alone if Eva saw her," Lola narrowed her eyes at her best friend. "Of all people to become rivals with, why did you have to choose her?"
As if on cue, Eva and her posse of cheerleader's walked through the hallway and all the student's standing around parted for them like the red sea. They had no choice, the large group of girls pushed anyone standing in their way.
For a moment Lola felt a pang of envy as she watched Eva walk ahead of the group with her head held high. Despite being a junior, she practically owned the school. Unlike Lola, she didn't have to worry about talking to Damien or anyone else.
Lola briefly wondered what it must be like in her shoes, having the power of snapping your fingers and having your minions scramble around to your every whim and fancy. Eva's group of friends did everything they could to keep in her tightly knit circle. They organized the parties she wanted, dated the guy's she felt were worthy and followed her around the entire day which must be exhausting given Eva's heavy portfolio.
"I got an 'A' in case you were wondering," Eva side glanced the girls, barely noticing Lola or Hanna. Her gaze was focused solely on Nalini.
All six cheerleaders standing behind her immediately lost all interest and started playing with their phones. Even Lola sighed in disdain, it was safe to say everyone here was sick of this childish feud between Eva and Nalini except the two of them.
"I wasn't but thanks for the information. I'll add it to the list of things I don't care about," Nalini smiled. "I bet you're wondering what my grade was."
"No, why should I care about second best," Eva smiled non chalantly and flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder but everyone could see that was a lie.
"You'll see. Mr. Haymitch put it up on the board."
Eva's eyes widened and she practically ran away from them with her band of cheerleader's falling behind. Lola watched her in her Dior crop top and skinny jeans that must have cost more than her entire wardrobe.
"I will never understand her. All that money and popularity and she's running to see what grade you got on a test," Lola muttered.
"Yeah, me too. Never have, never will." Hanna slammed her locker shut and then turned to Lola and Nalini. "But I think she just gave me an idea on how to get Damien alone."
"How?" Nalini chewed on her fingernail as they waited for Hanna to explain.
"We all know how everyone in our year loves to worship Eva and hang on her every word, right? And Eva likes to hang on your every word," She gestured to Nalini who rolled her eyes.
"Anyway, we have combined gym period this afternoon and everyone will be there including Damien. You just need to challenge Eva to a volleyball match or something and all the juniors will be so into it they won't notice Lola sneaking off to talk to him." Hanna smiled widely, looking proud.
"But Damien is a footballer, he'll be on the field," Lola reminded them.
Hanna's smile only widened as she pointed at a notice by the board. There was a large piece of paper plastered over the top saying that the field was under maintenance today and that all field sports were postponed.
"I hate gym," Lola sighed, feeling her stomach turn into knots and somersaults, something that her body would never be flexible enough to do.
"Don't worry, Lols. You're not the one who's going to be exercising. Leave the sweating to me," Nalini squeezed Lola's shoulder in reassurance. "Besides we need to get the criminal out of your house soon."
"He's not that bad," Lola defended Julian and hugged her book to her chest. Last night had been kind of fun, with all the stories, nail painting and beauty masks. In fact the more time she spent with him, the more she believed he was innocent. She hoped they would find something today when they went to Hanna's uncle's convenience store.
"Yeah, I never thought I'd have fun last night," Hanna admitted. "I used to be so scared of him."
"If my mother ever found out I slept in a room with a boy in it I would be grounded for the rest of my life," Nalini said just as the bell rang, signalling that classes were starting.
The girls rushed to their respective classes and all Lola could think about the entire day was how she was going to approach Damien Reed. The time eventually came for the juniors to head to gym and Lola changed into a fresh pair of jersey shorts and t-shirt.
She rarely ever used it, always making excuses to get out of gym. She tied her long straight black hair into a ponytail and rushed out of the bustling locker room to the gym entrance. She was lost in her thoughts and nerves, not really concentrating on where she was going until she bumped headfirst into someone's back.
"Whoa, you okay?" Tyler Raeken, Lola's long time crush whirled around and grabbed her shoulders to steady her before she fell down.
Lola blinked a few times, wondering if she was dreaming. Her voice got stuck in her throat as she stared at the tall boy with dark brown hair that fell across his forehead like a curtain. She'd liked Tyler since freshman year, when her ice cream cone fell to the floor after a cheerleader pushed her out of the way and Tyler handed her the one he'd just bought as a solace.
Tyler was one of the nicest guys in their year. He was the type of person no one could hate and that was probably why he was elected their class president for two years in a row. That and no one else wanted to responsibility.
"I'm fine," Lola straightened up and rejoiced at the feel of his hands on her shoulders. This was the first time he'd actually touched her, Lola wanted to scream out in happiness.
"How have you been, Lola?" Tyler released her and walked with her into the gym.
"I've been doing okay, I guess. Surviving. You?"
Lola knew this was just small talk for him, he was friendly with everyone but this single question might have just brightened up her entire day. She was so happy she could float away and then she spotted Damien lounging by one of the benches. Her heart sunk with apprehension just looking at him.
"I've been doing great. Less complaints this year, more time to focus on my studies. Aside from the murders and exam paper fiasco, I think it's going to be a good year. Well you take care, Lola. See you around," Tyler patted her on the back and rushed off to his group of friends while Lola looked around for hers.
She felt giddy as she rushed to Hanna and Nalini who were filling up their water bottles at the dispenser.
"Girls, did you see who I was with?" She gushed.
"How could we miss your beaming face? We could see the drool dripping off your chin from over here," Nalini teased and Lola instinctively felt her chin for drool. Thankfully, there was nothing.
"Sadly that's all I ever get from him. A hello and goodbye." Lola stated wistfully.
The gym room started getting more crowded by the minute and the girls watched as Eva sauntered in wearing the shortest pair of gym shorts. Some of the guys started wolf whistling when the hottest group of girls gathered at center court.
Eva ignored all the male attention, her piercing gaze already focused on the ball lying idly by the side court but Lola could see Natalie stretching for extra attention. She raised her long leg in the air, letting her shorts ride up her pale thighs and smiled when a few boys gaped in awe.
Her striking red hair was tied up high in a neat ponytail and she twirled it around with her fingers once she was done stretching. Lola rolled her eyes when Natalie ran to her boyfriend and started making out with him in front of everyone.
"Okay, everyone. We have to make do with the indoor gym today because the field and tracks are under maintenance. I'm going to divide you people into teams and we will have volleyball matches till a winner is announced," Coach Mcphee walked in with a small clipboard tucked under her armpit.
"I wan't to select my teammates," Eva announced loudly and Lola saw Coach Mcphee's face tighten in annoyance. Too bad Eva's mother was president of the PT board and none of the teacher's dared to mess with her or her daughter.
"Fine, but I will make switches if your choices are unfair. We can't have all the best athletes in one team," The coach replied in a clipped tone.
"When have I ever been unfair?" Eva batted her long lashes innocently and then she picked a few of her friends and athletic guys who worshiped her.
Lola smiled inwardly when she didn't pick the star quarterback. Eva and Damien dated in middle school before she broke up with him for no apparent reason. Let's just say Damien didn't take the split well and has been a playboy heartbreaker ever since. The two still hung out in groups but it was no secret that they weren't the best of pals.
"I would like to challenge Eva's team," Nalini stood up and walked to the center to face a surprised Eva.
"You and what army?" Eva cocked her head to the side and placed her hand on her hips. She smiled smugly when no one volunteered.
"I will pick her teammates then, " Coach Mcphee said and then she called out random names from the clipboard she was holding.
The two teams assembled on the court and just like Hanna predicted, the entire junior class was transfixed on the game between their queen bee and her arch nemesis.
No one noticed as Lola took this opportunity to sneak up on Damien. She forced herself to get over her nerves and crept over to the bench behind him.
"Hey, umm Damien?" She bent forward and spoke.
Damien turned around and stared at her with a bored expression on his face. Even Tyrone turned to face her and for a moment Lola lost her train of thought. This was the first time she had spoken to the hottest guys in her grade. She didn't know why she was so afraid.
But then again Julian was one of them and he had been nice to her so far. So maybe Damien wouldn't be so bad?
"Yeah, and you are?" Damien raised his eyebrows.
"I'm Lola, we have history and math together," She said but Damien just stared at her blankly.
"Anyway, I kind of need to talk to you in private," She cleared her throat after an awkward moment of silence and Tyrone smirked at his friend. He probably thought she was one of Damien's fan girls hoping was a hook up.
Guess he was in for a surprise.
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