EC: The proposal
Holà my cookie readers!
It's been a while. . .
okay screw it, it's been a long long long time and I miss you guys!
As promised, this is the first extra chapters (EC) that I'm going to release and also as a thank for reaching 820k READS! Wow! You're really the best!
So, I won't prolong you anymore but please, don't skip the AN's because I'm gonna talk about something important.
E L L I E✨
Who ever invented alcohol must go to jail.
I mean, alcohol would be much much better if you didn't have to suffer a pounding headache and a series of vomit after you drank it.
Stupid Alcohol.
The sun hitting my eyes woke me up and the annoying chirp of birds rang throught my sensitive ears and pounding headache.
I winced when my phone suddenly rang and I patted my hand wildly searching for it and swiped
it to answer.
"Who the hell are you to call me at this ungodly hour and disturb me at my chances of getting a wonderful and peaceful sleep?" I grumbled out, covering my eyes with my arm to block out the sun.
"Well, goodmorning to you, my hangover yet beautiful cookie." Alec's chirpy voice rang through my phone.
I groaned,"There's nothing good in my morning. My head is pounding and my mouth tastes like vomit." I complained, rolling to my side.
Alec's laughter erupted,"It's called hangover for a reason babe and it's your fault for wanting to take tequila shots." Alec pointed out, a smile evident on his voice.
"It's your job to stop me from making rash decision," I fought back, muttering a series of incoherent words.
"Hey! I tried to stop you but you manipulated me!" He defended, laughing slightly.
I bit back a smile,"I have no idea what you're talking about." I answered innocently.
"So, what's your answer?" I continued on, referring to my question earlier.
"Why don't you come donwstairs and find out." He chirped before ending the call.
I rolled my eyes and let a smile form on my face and forced my hangover state to go to the bathroom.
Yesterday was our graduation day and yes, we're officially out of highschool. Todd threw a small party which ended up with almost all of the new graduates attending and having the time of our lives as we officially say goodbye to highschool.
I took a five minute shower and changed into a black shorts and a simple crop top with a pineapple designs and flats.
Thankfully, the cold water managed to get rid of the pounding in my head and it didn't hurt that much. My stomach however, was grumbling wildly for food.
I made my way downstairs and the smell of pancakes wafted through my senses. I grinned happily when I saw the familiar toned back of my bad boy.
He was wearing nothing but pants on and his shirt missing. It seemed like he woke up a few hours earlier than me since I noticed the car keys were on the table and a few groceries.
I went up behind him and wrapped my arms around him, resting my head near his shoulder blades.
"What a lovely surprise," I said, kissing his back sweetly.
It's been three months since the incident and you could say, we all were starting to move on from it.
My dad though, became a pain in the butt and gave me a strict curfew at coming home at 10 pm but with the help of my mom, she insisted that Alec can have some sleepovers at the house since I've been having nightmares and Alec was the only one who can calm me.
Alec turned around and greeted me with his beautiful face and smile,"Get used to it because there are many more to come." He grinned, resting his hand on my waist.
Funny thing though is that Alec hasn't dropped the 'will you be my girlfriend ' question despite me already wearing his promise ring.
"I'm looking forward to it," I replied, patting his back slowly.
"Where's my kiss?" He asks, looking at me.
I rolled my eyes before standing on my tippy toes and kissing his cheek.
"Was that enough?" I asked, after pulling away.
He smirked,"I could use a litte tong-" He didn't get to finish the sentence.
"Ow! What was that for?" He said, rubbing the spot where I hit him.
"Don't say such things!" I stuttered, feeling my cheeks burn.
Funny thing though, is that Alec also never kissed me again since the day of the incident.
There were times where he would stop and look at me intently but it seemed something was holding him back and would kiss my cheek, nose, or the side of my mouth instead.
He chuckled,"We didn't even have sex yet and you're already blush-Ow!" He winced again, as another smack on his head.
I glared at him childishly before making way to the table and sat on the stool, ignoring him.
He smirked before turning back to the stove. I fought back a smile and made my way to fridge to get some pack of cookies.
From the corner of my eyes, I could see him tightening his hold on the spatula and glaring at my cookies.
Ha ha, be jealous of the cookie.
Making my way back to the stool. I let a smile form on my face and kissed the pack of cookies repeatedly. I looked up from the cookies and saw him glaring at the cookies before he turned around noticing my stare.
I made sure to make some noise while I opened the cookie and held back an evil grin when I saw him obviously trying to look at me discreetly.
After a few minutes, I was happily munching on my cookies when a plate full of pancakes, eggs, bacons along with a glass of orange juice was served infront of me.
Looking up, I saw Alec looking at me with a serious look. I couldn't help it and bursted out laughing.
Alec huffed and crossed his arm still glaring at the pack of cookies. I was giggling continuously as I stood from my seat and wrapped my arms around his waist.
He immediately hugged me back before ducking down to start open kisses on my neck.
I let out a gasp of surprise. The hard edge of the table dug lightly into my lower back as he pressed closer to me.
"Alec," I breathed out, fisting his shirt tightly on my hand.
"You're mine," He growled out, before giving me a final kiss on the forehead.
I rolled my eyes as I caught my breath,"Technically, we aren't dating and FWB aren't really my thing." I joked, taking a seat.
He took a plate himself and stacked his own pancakes,"FWB?" He asked, taking a bite from his pancakes.
"Friends with benefits, silly." I mused, taking a bite from my pancake.
I let out a small sigh as Alec's cooking invaded my taste buds. One thing I learnt from Alec is he absolutely has the skills of chef when it comes to cooking.
We were happily eating in silence when Alec's phone rang.
He gave me a glance before standing up and saying,"I need to take this." He said, before walking out.
I didn't think it too much and instead continued eating. After a few moments, he came back.
"Who was it?" I asked, taking a gulp of my orange juice.
Alec brows were furrowed,"I'm sorry, I got a call from mom and I need to be home." He said, a look of worry on his face.
I stopped eating,"Is she okay?" I asked, concern lacing through me.
Alec's mom and I have been getting really close eversince the incident. We go bond sometimes and even, she and mom goes on a girls night once in a week.
"She's okay love but I have to go. I'll see you later okay?" He said, giving me a kiss on the forehead and with that, he was gone.
My mood pummeled, one thing that has been going through my mind was
Alec is hiding something this past few days.
We would hang out and he would suddenly recieve a call from his 'mom' and make an excuse to go home.
One thing, I knew for sure was that his 'mom' wasn't on the phone and he wasn't going home because I personally went to see Celia to ask her and found out that her phone got broken and she didn't have the time to buy a new one yet.
Any girl would probably march up on him and confront him or worse, accuse him of cheating but not me though, I have my doubts but I trust him enough to know he is not cheating. Although, I'm not gonna lie and all but the curiousity was burning in me on who the caller on the other end is.
Probably a beautiful girl with a nice british accent and a smoking hot body? I mean, Look at yourself! You're like a potato!
I slammed the glass down on the table, one thing I hate about this is my pessimistic thoughts.
I almost gasped when I remembered something.
I looked at clock and you know what? Screw this. I'm not gonna mope around and wait for answers. I've been waiting long enough.
I took my phone and dialed the number, I knew in a heartbeat.
It rang a few times before it answered.
"Go take a shower, I'll pick you up in ten. We have some investigating to do." I said, and ended the call not bothering a response.
* p e a n u t b u t t e r *
"Oh god, why me? What did I do to deserve this kind of treatment? Tell me! Answer me Ellie!" Todd moaned annoyingly in the passenger seat as I drove to the nearest mall.
I rolled my eyes," Will you shut up? My head is also pounding but you don't hear me complaining about it like a girl!" I snapped, the throbbing in my head intensifying.
Other people would be embarrassed being called out but since it's freaking Todd that we are talking about he continued moaning and groaning.
"You don't understand Blue, my head freaking feels like a period. It's like splitting in two and then reforming again and needles stabbing graciously although there's no blee-" He was cut off because I slammed the brakes making him bang his head on the dashboard.
I felt satisfication before continuing driving again.
He whimpered out loudly, clutching his head," Why? Why do you do this to me? You drag me out of my motherfucking bed when you know all to well I have a freaking world war II going on in my hea-" He didn't finish his head again because I stuffed a random sock in his mouth.
Don't wonder where I got it, it was just randomly here in my car.
He spits out the sock,"What the hell? Where did you get a sock? and it tastes weird!" He sputtered out, his face contorted in disgust.
I groaned out,"When are you going to shut up Todd? Geez, sometimes I forget you're a freaking dude because you damn sure talk like a girl." I let out, rolling my eyes.
He gasped,"How dare you accuse me of being a gay?" He said, his eyes bulging and his mouth forming in a 'o'
I couldn't help but laugh at his ridiculous face.
He grinned,"And so she laughed." He said, glancing at me.
A scowl went back to my lips.
He sighed,"Oh come on blue! Don't be like that!" He complained.
"If you were in my position, wouldn't you scowl?" I asked, arriving at the mall and looking for a parking a spot.
Todd rolled his eyes, "You're overthinking, It's Alec we're talking about! This guys looks at you the way a chubby kid looks at his ice cream! He's freaking inlove with you for peanut's sake!" He exclaimed, disbelief lacing in his voice.
"Oh yeah? Then why haven't he asked the question yet? For all I know, he's seeing someone else behind my back!" I let out, turning to him after parking the car.
He looked at me with disbelief," Are you even freaking hearing yourself right now Ellie? You know what? Let's just go and buy ourselves food and talk about it like a decent adult would." and with that, opened the door and walked out.
I rolled my eyes before taking the keys with me and catched up with him. We decided to eat in the food court since he was basically 'famished af' and 'needs food asap' on his stomach.
"Nothing is more greater than swallowing food down your throat." Todd groaned, chewing the cheese burger that he ordered.
I kept quiet, checking my phone anxiously.
"Stop it Ellie, I'm sure Alec has a reason so let's not jump into conclusions alright?" He advised, giving me a wide smile.
I felt myself reassured by his words amd gave him a grin. When suddenly his eyes wandered somewhere before widening and standing up, his eyes squinting at something.
"Is that . . Alec?" He asked, the same time my phone rang.
I took my phone and answered it, glancing to see where Todd was looking and surprisingly, it was Alec.
"Hello?" The voice from the other end said, reminding me that there was a call ongoing.
"Oops, sorry! So, have you tracked it?" I asked, my eyes following Alec.
He didn't notice us, probably because of the crowd but he was there, walking alone and glancing at his watch. He walked passed us without noticing and turned around the corner, disappearing in our sight.
"I did, he's car is parked in the mall and I'm currently tracking his phone and he's currently heading to a cafe somewhere there." Connor's husky voice rang through the other end.
If you haven't remember, Connor is the one who traced us down when we were kidnapped by the Dark Crest Gang.
We met a couple of times and I could say that he's good guy and a great friend.
A few weeks back, I secretly called him to ask me a huge favor and he agreed and guess what it was?
I made him put a tracker on Alec's car.
I'm not a stalker trust me, but there are times when Alec goes back to being mysterious and hide his whereabouts from.
This was just incase something happened and yah.
I don't even remember the tracker thing until earlier this morning.
I grinned,"Thanks Connor! You're a lifesaver!" I said, my voice sounding enthusiastic.
He made a sound on the other end,"Whatever Alec did this time, just know that he loves you and dont let anger control you. Deep breaths and talk it through. Bye Ellie!" and with that, ended the call hastily.
I smiled, another thing I liked about Connor is his good advice.
I looked at Todd and mentally slapped my head, he was eating like a pig. Stuffing a mouthful of fries before taking a bite of his cheeseburger and chewing fastly.
"What the hell? You're gonna die of choking if you continue doing that!" I said, bringing my hands to stop pull his hand away.
"We have to go right? I can't waste this precious foods!" He said through a mouthful.
I grimaced," Carry the burger and I'll caryy the fries! Let's go!" I said before looking down at my phone to see a text message from Connor.
It was the Cafe where Alec was, We made our way there before stopping a few meters from the Cafe.
I looked at Todd behind me who was chewing quietly and squinting his eyes at the Cafe.
"We need to take a closer look!" He whispered, looking around.
I nodded quietly,"but how? He'll notice its me in a heartbeat." I hissed, trying to get a better view in the cafe.
He took a final bite of his burger before taking the fries away from me and started eating again.
I looked at the Cafe and noticed that Alec was seated near the far corner, his back turned away from us.
Todd pulled my arm," I have an idea, follow my lead." Todd lead us through the cafe doors making my eyes widen in panic.
He tightened his grip,"Calm down, his back is to us so he wouldn't notice and we'll be a few tables away from him." He said.
I gulped before following his lead and succesfully making it through the spot Todd chose. We were seated three tables away from him.
His back was to us so it was impossible for him to see us. He was looking at his watch, and his fingers tapped under the table.
"Is he waiting for someone?" I whispered out, glancing at Todd.
Todd was beside me, looking closely at Alec also. I was about to say something when someone passed by and we both looked down casually in fear that it was someone we knew.
When the person passed by, we immediately looked up to see it was a girl. I was frozen in my spot, the girl took the opposite seat beside him.
Making her face visible to us, my eyes widen in recognition.
"Isn't that Stacy Jones? The humble queen bee at school?" He asked, glancing at me worriedly.
Yes, Stacy Jones was the humble queen bee at our school. She was kind and not rude, she helped anyone and doesn't mind the social differences. The worst thing about this is, she has a killer features and actually has a british accent.
I knew it! Ha! My subconscious, piped in.
They talked for a while, Stacy has her hands up in a weird gesture talking animatedly. I couldn't see Alec's face but I could tell he was smiling as he nodded to something she said.
before I knew it, I quietly stood up, lowering my gaze to ground so I wouldn't be recognized and made my way out of the cafe.
I didn't bother checking if Todd was there but I just simply walked away. My vision was blurry and I was walking aimlessly.
I was surprised when someone pulled my arm and pulled me towards their chest.
I felt warmth as the scent of Todd engulfed me as he hugged me in the middle of the mall and before I knew it, I started crying.
One thing came up to my mind.
I'm so truly blessed to have a friend like Todd Martins.
* s t r a w b e r r y *
I laid in my bed motionless, it's been a few hours since Todd drove me home. He tried to cheer me up but I told him to rest instead and to take my car but he insisted on staying so he was currently downstairs watching Tv on the couch.
I don't know what to feel honestly. I feel numb, It hurts my heart to actually think that I can be replaced.
We all are.
It just takes the right person and fated love for it to be truly the one because no matter how much you push, you can't force something to stay when that person isn't the one you wanted in the first place so why?
Why did he have to hide it to me?
Why did he have to lie?
My phone rang making me jump slightly. I looked at the caller's name and mentally grimaced when I saw it was Alec.
Emotions rolled into me but I took a deep breath and swiped answer.
"Hello?" I made a face realizing how scratchy and weak my voice sounded.
Clearing my throat," Hello?" I repeated.
"Hey cookie," The familiar low and husky voice of Alec rang through the end.
I closed my eyes, my heart aching. Many questions running in mind wanting to be let out.
"Hi," I replied, biting my tongue incase I slip something up.
"How are you Cookie? Have you taken your lunch?" He asked, concern etching on his voice.
I gritted my teeth,"I'm fine. How about you? How's Celia?" I answered, not bothering to answer the lunch part.
"I'm good. Mom's okay, she was just suffering a minor headache." He lied through the phone.
I could feel my anger bursting in me. I wanted to scream, punch the wall, or worse throw my phone at how easy he can lie.
I feel myself tearing up,"That's good to hear." I whispered out, scared that he might detect my crying.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He bombard, clenching my heart a bit.
I sniffled,"I'm fine! I'm suffering a hangover remember?" I covered up, trying to be jolly.
Jolly? yeah right, more like jelly.
"Are you sure?" He asked, suspiciously.
"Yes, I'm sure, so why'd you call?" I wondered out, curiously.
"Well, I wanted to talk to you about something so can we meet up?" He asked.
My heart dropped, the temperature in the room dropped although my phone didn't drop it almost felt like I wanted it to drop.
He's gonna talk to you about how he found another girl and things between you aren't working out, my subconscious thought.
I took a calm deep breath,"Sure! Where do you want to meet?" I answered.
"The thinking place Cookie. Can you drive there though? I can't pick you up." He said, smashing my already broken heart.
"Of course babe! What time?" I cheerfully asked, despite my heart feeling the opposite
"Around six cookie, dress warmly okay? I'll see you soon." and with that ended the call.
I looked at my phone, my lips trembling. My eyes got watery and before I knew it, I wailed loudly.
Not the sob type of wail but the wail of like a dying whale.
yeah, that kind of wail.
I could feel the barreling steps of Todd as he made my way to the room with a panicky look.
"What happened blue? Are you okay? Why are you crying? Are you having your period?" He asked, grasping my shoulders tightly.
I looked at him with watery eyes before wailing loudly.
"He's gonna end things with me!" I cried out, shaking my head.
He grew confused,"Since when did you start dating?" He asked out, adding more salt to the wound.
I cried harder.
He let out a grimacing seeming to realize what he just said,"That was totally wrong! Calm down blue, stop crying and talk to me." He said, giving me a half hug.
It took me a few minutes to calm down and when I did, I told him all the conversation that went down the phone.
"Let's not jump to conclusion shall we blue?" He said, offering me a smile.
I gaped," But? I? Didn't you saw what happened there earlier? He was with a girl Todd!" I exclaimed, disbelief in my voice.
He sighed,"Calm down blue, for all we know it was just a deal or something." He said, shrugging.
I gave him a flat look," Deal? Really?" I said, shaking my head and sighing.
"I don't know okay? I'm sure Alec has an explanation and don't jump to conclusions. Ask him about this later. You're meeting him right?" He asked, concerned.
I chuckled nervously.
"You're meeting him and it's final! Don't be a coward Ellie and face him." He said, giving me a stern look.
"I can't do it, I'm scared." I whispered, tears blurring in my eyes.
"Aren't we all blue? We just have to have the courage to overcome it and besides, it's you we're talking about! You've been kidnap and all and look where you are? Still alive!" He said, grinning.
I felt a smile pull up on my face.
"That's my blue! Now, go change! It's almost six!" He said before ushering me to the bathroom.
* c o o k i e s *
I slammed the car door shut, taling a deep breath to calm down my nerves. I looked up and saw that it was almost dark before hurrying up.
The thinking place was where Alec brought me a few times before. (its the cliff on chapter 35)
It was a ten minute walk and there was a small path that was made by the boys so that they could remember it and the rest were trees everywhere.
I could feel my heart hammering and my nerves bundling up. I jumped in surprise when something crunched down on my foot.
I looked down and squinted my eyes slightly to see what it was. It was now turning dark and I hastily took my phone and turned the flashlight on.
I was surprised to see a pack of cookies technically they're kinda smash but still. I picked it up, wondering how the hell it got here.
I shrugged before continuing to walk when this time it was a bottle of wine that caught my eyes before I could step on it.
I picked it up bewildered, looking around to see if someone was there but the darkness that was starting to hover prevented me from doing so.
After a few seconds, I picked up another item of food and many more as I made my way to the path. I was now struggling to carry the foods since I was also carrying my cellphone.
Thankfully, I saw the end of the path and was surprised to see a picnic basket waiting there.
I put all the food in the picnic basket before crouching down. There was a pack of cookies, wine, two tuna sandwhich in a container, a fruit salad, and two glasses and a spoon that were already on the basket.
I picked the picnic basket carrying it with me. The familiar breeze of wind and the scent of sea greeted me as I made my way out of the path.
The thinking place was a mass of clear land and a cliff on the edge. It was nothing exciting on night time but a truly wonderful sight on daytime so imagine my surprise when I saw Alec standing farther away from me, carrying a single rose on his hand.
What made me surprise was the candles scattering everywhere. I think the glass is the reason why the candles weren't being blown out by the wind.
smart bad boy.
I made my way to him, carrying the picnic basket. He met me halfway and pulled me in a hug.
I melted in his arms completely, hugging him back tightly.
"A surprise date for my wonderful cookie," He whispered on my ear, making me warm on the insides.
He pulled away before taking the picnic basket from me and that was where I realized a blanket and a few pillows were laying on the ground.
I felt a smile pull on my face,"Where did you get this idea?" I asked out, as we made our way to the blanket, sitting down in indian style.
He gave me a shy smile,"I have a few tricks up my sleeves." He said, winking at me.
I was about to reply when I felt my stomach grumble loudly. I mentally slapped myself in embarrassment.
He started chuckling, before pulling the food out and handing me one of the tuna sandwhich.
"You know, you could have put the picnic basket at the very start of the path than making me struggle on carrying all those food." I grumbled, reffering to my struggle earlier.
He chuckled,"Where's the fun in that cookie?" He said, taking a bite from the sandwhich.
I rolled my eyes before taking a also taking a bite and gasped at the taste.
"Wow! This taste amazing, did you do this?" I asked, looking at him.
He nodded shyly,"Another recipe added, I guess?" He admitted, blushing slightly.
I grinned,"Alec King, are you blushing?" I teased, laughing slightly.
He turned even red,"What? Now way! You're talking to a gang leader for your information." He said, shaking his head.
"Ex gang leader," I mumbled out, chewing slowly.
Did I forget to mention that Todd is the new leader of light crest gang? Conmor was supposed to be the one but he rejected saying it doesn't fit him and Todd took the offer up instead.
"Oops, I forget that little detail everytime." He said, chuckling loudly.
"Do you regret it?" I blurted out, my eyes widened at the question leaving my mouth.
"Regret what?"
"Leaving the gang," I mumbled out, glancing at the edge of the cliff.
"Honestly, it was fun, being a gang leader. The thrill of not being caught and all but when you were kidnapped, I realized that I wouldn't want want to be with you knowing the dangers that can be lurking so No, I don't regret leaving." He explained, giving me a smile.
"You did it for me?" I gaped, my eyes widening.
"Of course Cookie, all my decisions aren't based for myself but also for you too. You're part of my life now." He said, shaking his head.
I cleared my throat at that piece of information before remembering something.
"What did you want to talk about?" I mumbled, nervously glancing at him.
Before he could answer, a loud bang and a flash of light resonated infront of us.
I let out a gasp, my eyes following the flash of light before another one appeared.
They lit up the sky with different colors.
I immediately stood up, awe flooding through me. It was a wonderful sight, it lit up the sky beautifully.
I glanced at Alec but was surprised to see him gone. Where did he go?
I looked behind me and let out a scream.
A cookie was standing infront of me?
"Cookie! Hi! It's me Alec!" He fumbled out, stepping closer to me.
The fireworks has now stopped.
"Alec? What the hell are you wearing?" I said, almost laughing.
It was a chocolate chip cookie mascot, it had two holes for his arm and a middle hole for his head, obviously.
He looked ridiculously adorable despite his awkward look.
He blushed before clearing his throat," Ellie Evans, you were the girl who kicked me in the balls when I stomped on your cookies. You were the girl who I tried to avoid but still can't help but coming back to you. You were the girl who managed to capture not only me but also my heart." He started off, looking at me in the eye.
"I don't deserve you honestly, A girl like you deserves better than a guy like me. I'm not perfect, no scratch that, I'm far from perfect but believe me when I say, that wouldn't stop me from trying to be the guy that you can proudly say that deserves you." He continued on, offering me a shy smile.
I gaped, his blue eyes stared back at my blue ones and I couldn't believe what was happening.
He procedeed to open a banner that I didn't know he was carrying and let out a laugh at his preference.
"Will you give me the honor and be the missing cookie to my chocolate chip?"
I felt myself grin,"It will be a pleasure!" I answer before wrapping my arms around him.
He hugged me back, securing his arms around my waist. I pulled him closer before I remembered something.
"So, why were you meeting up with Stacy Jones earlier?" I asked, the anger back.
He looked surprised before chuckling,"Oh, I bought this cookie mascot from her. Didn't you remember her dad owns a company that makes mascot?" He said, looking straight in my eyes.
Thinking about it, I remembered Ark mentioning something about that.
I blushed," Oh, I remembered," I mumbled, looking down.
"Cookie, baby, what did you think?" He said, concern in his eyes.
"I- I just thought you were seeing someone behind my back and realized how a potato am I." I giggled, looking anywhere but him.
He pulled my chin making me look at him,"You're the girl who only and will only catch my attention. No one can come close to how amazing you are cookie. So, stop doubting yourself and kiss me." He said, grinning at me, his blue orbs almost glistening in the dark.
I smiled, before pulling him close and meeting my lips with his.
The same time, one firework blew up litting the sky, forming a heart.
And we made love right there, nothing but the gentle breeze caressing my skin the wonderful sight of the sky, and of course, my lovable blue eyed monster who gave me my own stars that night.
Author's Note
I missed you! Did you miss me?
So, I decided to give you a christmas surprise and I hope you loved it!
So, basically this is the first of the extra chapters that are upcoming and so, stay tuned.
Also, thank you so much for the non stop support. All the comments and votes that you make is appreciated . Thank you for giving the book a chance and I can't believe we're almost reaching 900k reads!
A new story was released by me and its entitled with 'The Puppy Project' so I hope you can check it!
Merry christmas everyone and advance happy new year! May your 2018 be a year full of blessings, love, and happiness! I love youu💖
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