Chapter 14: DUFF became HOT

◆■□Ellie's P.O.V

I was shocked.

I was having doubts that the girl infront of me isn't me. My plain blonde hair was dyed to blue green and Light blue. To say it was ugly would be a lie.

It was perfect.

The color looked good on me because of my pale skin. It radiates the beauty that I was hiding in my plain blonde hair before.

I grinned widely before standing up and hugging Aunt sandie. She was surprised by my actions because it took her a few moments to process that I hugged her.

"Thank you so much." I said as she finally hugged me back.

"It's nothing dear," She started,"I knew from the moment I saw you. I knew you were a different one. You aren't one of those girls who likes to flaunt their beauty. You're one of those girls who prefer to keep it hidden in those cute glasses of yours but I want you to know that you deserve to be noticed. You deserve to flaunt your beauty. You're beautiful dear even before you had this makeover. You just didn't noticed it the whole time. " She continued as a few tears escaped my eyes truly touched at her words.

I sniffed before pulling away from her," I don't know how I can ever repay you." I said smilling at her.

She gave me a stunning smile,"Just look out for our Todd boy." She answered.

I gave her a genuine smile,"Even though he can be annoying and flirty sometimes, I already consider him as a friend of mine." I said.

"Since when did I became flirty? And is that even a word?" A new voiced piped in with a hint of amusement.

I turned around and was greeted by Todd standing there looking at me his green eyes widening when he realize it was me.

"Woah. You did a great job Aunt Sandie." He said before taking a step closer to me and taking a strand of my hair and twirling it.

"It was my pleasure to give service to a beautiful lady." Aunt sandie gave a curtsy bow making me giggle.

Todd chuckle," So, I'm guessing it's on the house?" He asked.

"You know me so well." Aunt Sandie said grinning

Todd suddenly laced his hand on mine and pull me towards him making me stumble.

"We better get going Aunt Sandie." Todd said as I awkwardly stood next to him.

Eyes shinning mischieviously," Okay. Tell Annie to visit me yeah?" She said before turning to me,"And If you have any hair problems feel free to come here dear." She said a smile gracing her features.

I grinned," I will." I answered.

Todd gave Aunt Sandie one final hug before we left the salon.

"What do you want to do now?" He asked running a hand through his black hair.

"Uhm. Go home?" I said dumbly.

He let out a small laugh before shaking his head.

"Have you ever gone to a party?" He asked.

I scoffed,"Of course. I have." I said completely offended.

Todd chuckled," A party consist of your relatives and few beers here and there isn't consider a party blue." Todd said amusement laced in his voice.

My face turned red,"Yes it is."

"It isn't."

"It is."

"It isn't."

"It is."

"It is."

"It isn't." I said and mentally smacked my forehead when I realize what I said.

Todd let out a laugh,"I know blue." He said.

"You tricked me!" I said pointing an accusing finger at him.

"Whatever you say. Anyways, consider yourself lucky because you're gonna attend one." He said excitedly.

"What's the catch?" I asked before narrowing my eyes.

"Your gonna attend it with me." He answered.


"Are you sure this is safe?" I asked as I looked up at the big house that is blaring with loud music and surrounded by drunk teenagers.

"Absolutely safe." Todd answered giving me a cheeky smile.

I gulped before tugging my black lace dress that reach mid thigh. I ditched my glasses since Todd said it wasn't appopriate and so I was stuck with contacts. My make up is consist of simple eyeliner, mascara, and red lipstick. I was wearing black sandals along with a black purse.

I couldn't help but agree at Todd's offer of bringing me to my first party. We went home and Todd fed up some lies to mom saying that were attending the 18th birthday of our classmate on physics.
Mom eventually agreed and helped me get ready.

We entered the house and I was greeted by the smell of weed and beer. The air was thick making me a bit dizzy. I saw red cups scattered everywhere and a few people making out.

"Welcome to your first party blue." Todd exclaimed arms wide.

I let out a small laugh at his excitement. Todd can be really childish sometimes.

Suddenly A boy in his late twenties with red hair and black eyes appeared out of nowhere and gave Todd a fist bumped.

"Hey man, Haven't seen you in ages." The boy said grinning.

Todd laughed,"Yeah Grant. It's nice to be back and Nice party by the way."

Grant's eyes met mine.

"Thanks Bro and Who's this pretty lady?" He asked giving me a polite smile.

"This is Ellie. She's my friend." Todd said grinning at me.

Grant smirked,"A friend ey? I'm Grant. The one who hosted this party and Todd's long time best friend." He said chuckling.

"Nice to meet you Grant." I said giving him a small smile.

"Well, I gotta head out for a minute Todd. I need to fetch maxine from her house. It was nice meeting you Ellie." He said before giving Todd a manly hug and left.

"You lived here before?" I asked Todd.

"Yeah but we moved in australia because of My dad's work." He explained.

I nodded as I process the new information,"How come I haven't seen you before?" I asked again

Todd chuckled," Too much questions. Come on let's get you a drink."

He pulled me towards the kitchen and I mentally thanked mom for not making me wear high heels. People started to part as we make our way to kitchen some people wondering who I am.

We were greeted by a couple making out in the fridge. I couldn't exactly see who it was since they're literally eating each others face.

"Get a room you two." Todd barked at them.

The couple pulled away and my eyes widened when I realize that it was Anne and Alec.

Anne was wearing a dark blue dress that reach mid thigh and has 2 triangle cuts on the side while Alec was wearing a fit skinny jeans along with a black tank top and his usual leather jacket.

Alec's eyes glared into Todd before his eyes landed on me. I think he didn't recognized me at first but when he did his eyes widened for abit before it was masked by an unknown emotion.

My heart ached.

"Where's the fun in that?" Anne asked his brother smirking.

Todd rolled his eyes but didn't bother replying.

Anne's eyes suddenly met mine and squealed,"Oh my. You dyed your hair." Anne said coming near me and taking a piece of hair and twirling it.

Thanks for stating the obvious.

"Yeah. I decided to give myself a new look." I answered trying my hardest to not roll my eyes.

Todd procedeed to open the fridge and got us 2 beers. He handed one to me and I took it with hesitation.

"I can see hesitation in your eyes." Todd stated looking at my eyes directly.

I scoffed before rolling my eyes," No. I'm not." I said denying it before taking it and sipped on it.

The burning sensation rushed through my throat leaving a bitter taste on my mouth.

"Taste good aye?" Todd said tipping the tip of his beer towards me.

I smiled but I think it turned out to be a grimace.

"Let's dance?" Anne asked towards Alec.

He looked at me for a second before nodding and letting him pull away by an excited Anne heading towards the dance floor.

I sighed heavily once they can't be seen anymore by the massive crowd.

"Frowning doesn't look good on you." Todd stated.

"He didn't even noticed me." I said.

"Stop thinking about him for a second Blue and Try to enjoy the party." Todd said giving me a small smile.

"Your right." I answered before taking a full swig of my beer and pulled Todd towards the dance floor.

●□■ 3 hours and a Wasted Todd later■□●

People cheered at me as I gulped down the tequila shot one after one. The pounding in my head got stronger as I drank another shot. My eyesight is blurry as I let the alcohol numb my feelings.

Todd left me a few hours ago and went after some asian girl to hook up with leaving me alone with no companion. After a few minutes I met niña and she let me joined to their game truth or dare until I lost her in the crowd and was greeted by this massive crowd chugging tequila shots.

I was too drunk to think properly that I started joining them.
I raised my hand and cheered and was about to chug down another shot when it was pulled away from my grasp.

"What the fuck Ellie?!" A manly voice shouted.

I looked up and my blurry eyes was met by Alec's furious blue ones.

I giggled before letting out a hiccup," I'm drinking. Can't you see?" I slurred before standing up.

The world started to spin and my knees gave out but I was caught by two strong arms.

"How many drinks did you have Ellie? You're drunk as fuck." He asked as he carried me bridal style.

I grinned childishly," I only drank one." I answered my voice slurring.

"Where's Todd? I'm gonna kill that jerk. He was supposed t-" Alec stopped mid sentence and shook his head.

I let out a giggle," We'ree going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship! Zooming through the sky! Little Eins-" My singing was cut of by Alec's hand covering my mouth.

"Shut up Ellie." Alec snapped before pulling his hand away from my mouth.

My smile dropped and tears started to gather in my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry. I J-just wanted to sing." I said before I started crying in his chest.

"Oh. Fuck. Ellie baby, I was just kidding. Don't cry. I-What was that song again? Oh yeah. We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship. Zooming through the sky! Little Einstein." He half sang while panicking.

I sniffed,"Ar-Are you mad at me?" I asked as big fat tears continued to stream down at my face.

"No baby. I'm not. Please stop crying." He said as he carried me outside. The cold wind making me shiver.

"T-then why are you being so c-cold to m-me? I-Did you r-regret the d-date?" I asked as I started to hiccup from crying so hard.

He sighed as if he was expecting the questions from me.

"I have reasons Ellie and It's better to keep it away from you." He said before putting me down to unlock the passenger seat of his car.

He gently pushed me in and my head met the soft leather of his car seat.

"Stay here okay? I'm gonna call someone. This won't take long." He said before closing the door but not before rolling the windows down a bit to give me some fresh air.

I was too tired to answer. So, I just made my self comfortable and let myself drift into the darkness that was calling onto me.


Is it too late now to say sorry?

Forgive me TBAMC Readers for I haven't been updating that much. I'm sorry for not posting this update for so long and kept you waiting. I am just so busy with everything lately and really haven't gotten the time to open wattpad.

I hope I make it up to you guys. Any Thoughts about the new hairstyle of Ellie? I really like it TBH. The color is so pretty and suites her personality well.

What reasons do you think Alec has? :)

Hoped you liked this killer chapter.


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