Unfinished Business

Reunited! With the help of the Bad Batch, Captain Rex rescues his old friend, ARC Trooper Echo, from the Techno Union. The Separatist loss of Echo's strategic algorithm provides a chance for the Republic to turn the tide in the battle for Anaxes. However, Echo's horrifying experience behind enemy lines leaves lingering questions of his true loyalty and uncertain future....


Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Captain Rex look over their front so far of Anaxes.

Windu: We have more than a dozen active battlefronts on Anaxes, and we are losing nearly every one. But if Admiral Trench can no longer anticipate our moves, we now have the opportunity to retake the planet.

???: I can improve your chances.

The group turns and sees Echo walk up in new armor.

Rex: Eh, excuse me, Generals.

Echo walks forward, but Rex grabs his shoulder, stopping him.

Rex: Echo, I'm sorry, but I just don't think you're ready for battle yet.

Echo: I am not a liability, Rex. I'm the best chance we have to take back Anaxes.

Windu: If the trooper has a plan, I'd like to hear it.

Echo: (to Rex) May I?

Rex lets go of Echo and he plugs in his socket arm into the display console.

Echo: While Master Windu leads a team to retake the assembly complex, the Bad Batch will escort me into Trench's new comm vault, which, according to current intel, is now located on this Separatist Dreadnought above Anaxes.

Echo: Once I'm plugged in, I can feed Trench strategies, but this time, you'll know every move before he makes it.

Windu: And you're certain that if we get you onboard that ship, that you can convince Trench's army to do what you want?

Echo: Absolutely. Unfortunately, I've been doing this for a while, but this time I can help bring about a Republic victory instead of a defeat.


On the landing pad, the Bad Batch were gathering supplies for the machine.

Hunter: Tech, is everything ready?

Tech: Yup, Sarge. We are ready. Still not sure how we're gonna land on that ship.

Rex: Don't worry. Echo says he's got a plan.

Tech: (sarcastically) That makes me feel so much better.

Rex: What do you mean by that?

Tech: To be blunt, his mind belonged to the Separatists until we unplugged him. We don't really know where his loyalties lie.

Rex: Yeah. Well, I know. Now get moving.

The Bad Batch, Rex, Echo, and Anakin enter the Marauder and take off towards the sky.

As they exit the atmosphere, Wrecker turns to the group.

Wrecker: Please tell me we're blowing something up.

Anakin: Sorry, Wrecker, this is strictly stealth.

Wrecker: (groans) I HATE that word!

Slash: Get a grip, big guy. Knowing how things typically go with us, there's a pretty high chance something's gonna go boom at the end of this mission.

Anakin: Echo, you're up.

Echo: Don't worry. As soon as I plug in, I'll send a signal to the command ship.

Hunter: What type of signal are you gonna send? Nothing that'll give us away, right?

Echo: (plugs arm in) As far as the droids are concerned, we're just gonna be another one of their shuttles coming in for a landing.

Hunter: (quietly to Crosshair) And the regs think we take risks.

The Marauder then approaches the Separatist fleet.

Echo: Sending the signal... now.

Battle Droid: (comm) Roger, roger, Shuttle TC-159. You may approach and land.

Wrecker: (groans) I'd still rather blow it up.

Tech: I have a feeling, you'll get your chance.

The Marauder attaches to the underside of the Separatist Dreadnought and the team starts making their way through the ship.

They eventually make it to the comm vault and Echo takes off his helmet.

Echo: Tech, can you rig an interface?

Tech: I assume that's a rhetorical question. (kneels down to work)

Echo: We should make sure this comm vault has no other entrances.

Anakin: I'm on it.

Anakin exits the vault as Echo then plugs in.

Echo: Alright, I have access to everything and good timing. I just scanned a strategy request Trench sent to the Techno Union.

Tech: Wait! You can't just send a signal from here.

Echo: Why not?

Tech: We have to make it appear as if your signal is originating from Skako Minor. Otherwise, they'll know we are here.

Tech then starts to work on tac-comm and stops.

Tech: I'm intercepting a transmission. Trench is ordering all of his droids to the assembly complex.

Hunter: All right, Echo, what are you trying to pull?

Echo: Don't worry. That's what I told him to do.

Slash: You did what?

Echo: But our troops will be vastly outnumbered. Not when I send them a feedback pulse that shuts down all the droids.

Tech: How do we know that's what you're really going to do?

Rex: We have to trust him.

Anakin: Rex is right. Echo, we're all counting on you. (taps wrist comm) Master Windu, I know this sounds crazy, but it's about to get a little more crowded where you are.

Windu: (comm) We have our hands full as it is. What is your plan?

Anakin: Well, if it makes you feel any better, it isn't my plan. Echo is drawing all the droids to your position, so he can neutralize them all at the same time.

Echo holds his head as he focuses and sends the pulse.

Windu: (comm) I am pleased to report that we are now in control of the assembly complex, and all of the fronts are falling to the Republic thanks to Echo's plan.

Anakin: That's good news, Master Windu. We're on our way back to the base.

Windu: (comm) May the Force be with you.

Anakin: Good job, Echo.

Hunter: Well, I guess you actually are on our side.

Echo: Was their ever any doubt?

Tech: Some.

Echo: Well, thanks.

Slash: Eh, I've still got reservations. But buy me a drink and I'll change my mind.

Rex: Come on, brother. Unplug, and let's get out of here.

Echo: Wait, I just scanned a new order from Trench. He's initiated a countdown. There's a bomb hidden at the assembly complex, but it's big enough to destroy most of Anaxes.

Anakin: Can you stop it?

Echo: Well, I can try.

Slash leans off the wall and runs off.

Hunter: Slash, where are you going?!

Slash: To have a little chat with the Admiral! Be back soon!

Anakin: Master Windu! We've discovered a bomb in the fusion reactor. You need to go down there and disarm it.

Windu: (comm) I'm on my way.

Echo continued to find the deactivation codes as Windu came back on the comm.

Windu: Echo, I've found the bomb. Tell me the sequence to shut it down.

Echo: I'm decrypting it now.

Tech: You have to unplug! They're going to detect us.

Echo: No, no, we need these codes. The first number in the sequence is three. The next is... one. Eight. Seven. Two.

Tech looks up and sees a blue pulse coming down towards Echo.

Tech: They're on to us! You need to unplug now!

Echo gots shocked with electricity as Rex yanks him out.

Tech: The server overloaded his neural system, and it appears deliberate.

Hunter: That means Trench knows we're here.

Windu: (comm) Echo? Echo, are you there?

Anakin: Sorry, Master. Trench has stopped Echo cold. We can't get the last number.

Rex: Sorry, General. You'll have to disarm that bomb without us.

Windu: (comm) Don't worry about me, Captain. Skywalker, get you and your men out of there!


Slash was just outside the bridge as he heard Trench on the other side of the door.

Trench: (muffled) The Jedi lacks the final sequences to stop the detonation. The loss of clones at the shipyard will seal the Republic's fate. Dispatch more units to deal with infiltrators on the ship, and prepare our landing craft for our next assault.

Slash: (scoffs) Not on my watch.

Slash opens the door and see Trench look at him with shock.

Slash sends a kunai at the Tactical Droid next to Trench, making it spark and collapse.

Slash: You're pretty cocky for a giant spider, and honestly, even uglier than I'd imagined.

Trench: Kill him!

Two Commando Droids jump on either side of Trench and fire at Slash. The clone deflects the shots and sends two more kunai the droids, making them jump and aim at his head.

Trench: You've met your match, clone.

Slash then leg-sweeped the droid on his left and threw it into the other before driving his swords through their torsos and their photo-receptors went dark.

Trench aimed and fired a shock net at the clone, nearly avoiding it and leveling his sword at Trench's throat.

Slash: Like I said, cocky. Now, the last number for the deactivation sequence, please.

Trench: Never. Dooku would kill me for losing Anaxes.

Slash: Buddy, in case you haven't noticed, I'm no Jedi. And I've got absolutely no qualms whatsoever about cutting you into a thousand pieces so you can't come back a second time. So either you start talking, or I start chopping.

Trench: Your threats are empty, clone. I-

Slash slices off all three of Trench's cybernetic arms and levels both his swords under his chin.

Slash: Last chance, spider-boy.

Trench gulps before sighing in defeat.

Trench: Seven. The last code number is seven.

Slash: There. Was that so hard?

Slash puts away one of his swords and taps his helmet to hear Master Windu.

Windu: (comm) I still have a chance to stop this, even if it's down to my best guess.

Slash: Let me take the stress off, General. Trench here, was nice enough to give me the final deactivation number. Try seven, sir.

Windu: (comm) Good work, Corporal. The bomb has been disarmed.

Slash: I aim to please, sir.

Slash heard a static noise and Trench began to shock him with his cane. Slash fights through and cuts off Trench's hand, making him yell in pain.

Slash then tornado-kicked the Admiral into his seat, before taking his other sword off his back.

Trench: Wait, wait, wait-

Slash crossed his swords in a scissor position and cut Trench's head off, making it roll and stop at his boot.

Slash: Ugh.

Slash kicked the head away and began typing at one of the consoles. A detonator springs up from the Trench's armrest on his chair and he snatches it.

Slash: Heh, Wrecker's gonna love this. Thanks for your hospitality, Admiral.

Slash then runs out of the bridge.


The rest of the team was making their way back towards the Marauder. Anakin used the Force on several droids and pushed them away.

They then became cornered at a three-way hall, taking cover.

Rex: We can't blast our way out. There's too many of them.

Wrecker hands his blaster to Hunter as he rolls his shoulders and brought his helmet down.

Rex: What's he doing?

Wrecker: Time to release the wrecking ball!

Hunter: I honestly feel bad for those droids.

Wrecker tackles several droids, shooting them with their own blasters, leaving only one left who was cowering at the large clone.

Wrecker: It's all clear!

Battle Droid: Not the face. Not the face!

Wrecker just brought his fist down on the droid's head. More droids start coming from behind.

Tech: More droids.

Crosshair: Go. I'll buy you some time.

Crosshair tosses a disc that sticks to one of the droids before shooting it, then again at the disc taking the rest of them out at once.

Rex: We'll meet you at the infiltration point.

Wrecker: Oh! He's gonna try and top me. You watch!

Crosshair runs off and starts throwing reflective discs all over the corridor. The other makes it and stop.

Hunter: This is the infiltration point.

Tech: I'm picking up dozens of droids on my sensors, all heading this way.

Slash then caught up with the group.

Slash: So, what'd I miss?

Anakin: Wrecker pulling his "wrecking ball" trick.

Slash: Oh, man! Well, at least I got something else that'll brighten his and my day. Where's Crosshair?

The sniper ran towards them on cue, throwing more reflective discs around the hall and stops in front of them.

Crosshair: Ya miss me?

Droids then start pouring down the hall Crosshair came and the sniper aims.

Crosshair: How touching.

Crosshair then fires and the blaster bolt reflects and bounces all around the hall, taking down the whole squad of droids.

Wrecker holds up his helmet in shock as Hunter nudges him.

Hunter: Relax, Wrecker. You'll top him next time.

Crosshair: No, he won't.

Wrecker cries as Slash pats his back.


The Marauder disconnects from the Dreadnought and flies away from the fleet.

Slash then pulls out the detonator he stole.

Slash: Hey, Wrecker. Look what I got.

Wrecker: Oh! Seriously? I get to blow it up? The whole stinkin' thing?!

Slash: What'd I tell ya? Something always winds up getting blown up with us involved! Now, what's the magic word?

Wrecker: Can I blow it up?

Slash crosses his arms.

Wrecker: ...please.

Slash: There it is! Go crazy, ya big lug.

Wrecker takes the detonator and sniffs.

Wrecker: (wipes tear away) This is the happiest day of my life.

Wrecker hits the button and the whole fleet explodes.


After the battle, the Jedi and Commander Cody address the Bad Batch at the base.

Windu: Captain Rex, Corporal Echo, and Clone Force 99, you have all done a great service to the Republic. Thanks to your courage and effort, Republic shipyards will soon be up and running again.

Obi-Wan: You've got some medals coming your way.

Rex: Thank you, General.

As the Jedi, Cody, and Rex leave, Echo looks back at the Bad Batch.

Echo: You coming?

Tech: Not really our thing.

Crosshair: Accolades...

Wrecker: Yeah, we're just in it for the thrill. (holds fist out) Yoo!

Slash: Kicking ass and taking names is pretty much our forté.

Hunter: You sure it's your thing?

Echo: What do you mean?

Hunter: Your path is different. (chuckles) Like ours. If you ever feel like you don't fit in with them, well, find us.

The Bad Batch then head towards the Marauder. Rex walks up beside Echo.

Rex: Those are some of the finest troopers I've ever fought alongside.

Echo was lost in thought until Rex held his shoulder.

Rex: Echo. You and I go way back. If that's where you feel your place is, then that's where you belong.

As Rex leaves, he turns and sees Echo walk towards the Bad Batch. The former ARC Trooper turns and stands at attention before saluting his old Captain and friend.

The rest of the Bad Batch does the same and salutes the 501st leader.


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