The Bad Batch
The battle for Anaxes! One of the Republic's largest shipyards is under attack from Admiral Trench's Separatist forces! Jedi Generals Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker lead a two-pronged assault on the ground and in the air. But after weeks of heated battle and mounting losses, the Republic's grip on Anaxes begins to slip away....
Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker overlook a holographic representation of their forces.
Windu: The droids have overrun our main production facility. It won't be long before the Separatists take Anaxes, compromising our entire reserve fleet.
Rex and Cody then walk in.
Cody: Pardon the interruption, General, but Rex here has a good theory as to why we keep, uh... losing.
Windu: Please, Captain.
Rex: The droid army uses analytics to predict our strategy. The first time we use a tactic, it's very effective. The next, less so. In fact, the more we use a certain tactic, the less effective it becomes. The learn our tendencies and use that data against us. To counter them, we're constantly working out ways to vary our attack.
Windu: But the losses we are experiencing on Anaxes are not commonplace.
Rex: Exactly. The counterattacks are so specific, it's my strategy the droids know, my playbook.
Cody: My concern is that Rex is one of our best. If the droids can learn to defeat him, we may all be vulnerable.
Windu: What do you propose?
Cody: Let Rex and me take a small squad behind enemy lines. There's a Separatist Cyber Center which relays all battlefield intel to their command ship. If we're going to find anything, it will be there.
Windu: If you think it'll help turn this fight around, get going.
Rex: Thank you, General.
Anakin: Rex, is there anything else?
Rex: ... No, General.
The two Clone leaders walk away.
In the bunks, Rex is sitting alone looking at a picture of him, Cody, Fives, and Echo.
Cody walks in.
Cody: Come on, Rex. Time to move out.
Rex: Fives, Echo, and before that, Hevy. There's so many troopers gone.
Cody: (nods, looking down) Yeah, regular folk don't understand. Sometimes in war, it's hard to be the one that survives.
Rex: That's what I'm worried about.
Cody: Well, what do you mean?
Rex: I didn't tell the Generals. They might think I'm crazy. In fact, you might think I'm crazy.
Cody: What is it?
Rex: .... I think Echo's alive.
Cody: That's not possible. He died at the Citadel.
Rex: The way the droids are countering us here, the strategies I'm using, they're all old battle plans Echo and I drew up together.
Cody: Look, Rex, I hear what you're saying. But it's just not possible.
Rex: I hope you're right. But the fact is, Echo's fingerprints are all over these Separatist strategies.
Cody: Rex. You have to admit what you're saying is a long shot at best, and most likely, misplaced hope. I need you to be focused on this.
Rex: I-I know. I know. Don't worry. So what squad are we taking in?
Cody: (looks back) Clone Force 99.
Rex and Cody walk out of the bunks and meet up with Kix and Jesse.
Jesse: I've heard mixed things about these guys.
Kix: They have a 100% success rate.
Jesse: It's not that they win, it's how they win that worries me.
A ship zooms down to the platform, blowing supplies everywhere and making the landing crew run or back away.
Rex: So why haven't I heard of this squad?
Cody: Experimental unit Clone Force 99, they're defective clones with, uh... desirable mutations.
Rex: 99, eh? Nice touch.
Cody: They call themselves, "The Bad Batch."
The ramp lowers and five Clones in black, red, and white armor all descend the steps.
Big Clone: (takes off helmet) The cavalry has arrived!
The rest of the Clones take off their helmets, shoeing their unique features and scars.
Kix: These guys are clones? They don't look like clones to me.
The lead clone with black hair clasps hands with Cody before he shakes the clone with the swords and knives all over his armor.
Cody: Sergeant, Corporal, good to see you both again.
Lead Clone: You too, sir.
Sword Clone: Always ready to slice and dice, Commander.
Cody: This is Hunter and Slash.
Hunter: Sorry we're late, Commander. We were puttin' down an insurrection on Yalbec Prime when your comm came in.
Slash: Had some complications, to say the least.
Big Clone: (laughs) Ever fought a male Yalbec?
Jesse: Um, no. Can't, say I have.
Big Clone: You're lucky. Only way to kill 'em's with one of these.
The Big Clone takes one of Slash's knives off his shoulder pad and holds it up.
Hunter: That's right. Wrecker here cut off the queen's stinger while she was still alive.
Slash: (snatches the knife back) Using my knife without asking.
Wrecker: Hey, you're Mr. Blade Carrier. Plus I lost mine!
Slash: Yeah, well let's not forget all those male Yalbecs trying to eat us, because of what you did.
Goggled Clone: (pushes through) Uh, technically, they were trying to mate with us. And, for your information, the stinger of a Yalbec Queen is a delicacy on some planets.
Cody: They call him Tech.
Hunter: Yeah. (jabs Tech's shoulder) He can fill your head with useless info for hours. Crosshair, on the other hand, (thumbs at the clone with the toothpick) he's not much of a conversationalist. But when you have to hit a precise target from ten clicks, Crosshair's your man.
Slash: So, Commander, what kind of "suicide mission" have we got this time?
Cody: Let's get going. We'll brief you on the way.
A gunship lands next to them and all nine clones climb in.
After an hour of flying, Jesse sees Crosshair staring at him.
Jesse: What're you looking at?
Crosshair: We don't usually work with "regs".
Crosshair flicks his toothpick at Jesse, making him flinch.
Jesse: "Regs"?
Jesse steps forward, but Hunter stops him.
Hunter: He's talking about regular clones. But don't take it personal.
Slash: Yeah, Crosshair's a, uh, what's the word I'm looking for here? Ah, right! An asshole.
Crosshair: Funny, that's the word I'd use to describe you.
Slash: At least my hair doesn't make me look old.
Wrecker: Hahaha! Nice one, Slash!
Cody: We're all on the same team, so cut the attitude and listen up. Here's the mission. Our target is this Cyber Center.
Cody: It's the "brains" of the entire Separatist campaign here on Anaxes.
Wrecker: I could demolish that with one hand! Yeah!
Cody: This isn't a demo job, Wrecker. It's strictly a retrieval operation.
Suddenly the gunship then came under fire.
Clone Pilot: Incoming fire!
The clones all brace themselves as the ship takes several hits and starts descending in smoke and fire.
Wrecker: We're going down! (laughs)
The gunship loses both it's wings and crashes on it's side. The clones all climb out, coughing and groaning.
Wrecker: We always get shot down when we travel with regs.
Kix: Cody! Help!
Cody was pinned beneath the gunship, groaning.
Kix: He's trapped! We have to do something!
Rex: I'll get him.
Hunter and Slash stop him.
Hunter: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, Captain. Wrecker get him out.
Slash: And do it slow. The gunship could blow.
Wrecker cracks his knuckles and slips on his helmet.
Wrecker: Get back.
Kix: This is ridiculous! He's gonna need help to get Cody out of there.
Crosshair: (chuckles) He's gonna get the gunship out of there. Not Cody.
Wrecker reaches underneath and with little effort, flips the gunship on the other side. He grabs Cody, putting on his shoulder and walks towards the others.
Wrecker: Boom.
The gunship then blows up behind him. Wrecker sets Cody down and Kix scans his chest.
Kix: He has internal damage. I can cut the pain. But he needs help fast.
Crosshair walks to the top of a ledge and squints, seeing platoons of Battle Droids charging there way.
Crosshair: We all need help. That blast gave away our position.
Hunter: Huh. I thought getting shot down gave away our position.
Rex: Everyone, find cover. We'll hold this position and let them come to us.
Slash: No offense, Captain, but that's not how we do things. We prefer to go to them.
Hunter: Exactly. Bad Batch! Plan 82, "Shockwave!"
Wrecker grabs one of the damaged sliding doors from the gunship, while the others put their helmets on and arm their weapons.
Hunter: Let's get to work.
The five clones all run towards the droids, hiding behind the door Wrecker was carrying and fired between the partings.
Wrecker smashed the door down and Tech scanned the area before, turning to Hunter who had an EMP grenade.
Tech: 45, Mark 151!
Hunter: 45, Mark 151.
Hunter tosses the grenade and Crosshair shoots it, taking out a whole wave of droids. Slash takes out his swords.
Slash: (to Hunter) Can I?
Hunter: Go for it, Slash.
Slash rolls out of cover and begins to deflect and cut the blaster bolts with his swords at incredible speed.
Wrecker: Whoo! Get 'em, Slash!
Slash kept deflecting and slicing the droids, while the rest of the squad broke off.
Wrecker smashed a Spider Droid with the gunship door, while Hunter killed several droids with his knife before stabbing the other Spider Droid in the eye.
Slash spun and threw a kunai threw the hole of the Spider Droid's cannon, making it blow sky high.
Wrecker: Any more? Come on!
Rex and the others walked forward as Hunter and Slash took off their helmets.
Rex: That was some show you put on just now.
Hunter: Just doing our job, Captain.
Wrecker laughs, shaking a droid head in front of Crosshair.
Wrecker: Hey, look, Crosshair. This little clanker likes you.
Crosshair: (rolls eyes) Grow up, Wrecker.
Rex: We should move out before reinforcements arrive. Our position has been compromised.
After setting up camp, Jesse and Kix watch Hunter mess with with some dirt, letting it fall from his hand.
Jesse: So I get what makes the other Batchers unique, but what's so special about Hunter?
Kix: (jokingly) He can put up with the other four.
Tech: He was engineered with heightened senses. A place like the Cyber Center, Hunter can feel the electromagnetic frequencies from anywhere on the planet.
Jesse: (nudges Kix) And here I thought we were smart just using a holomap.
Tech: Well, maps can be wrong. Hunter never is.
Cody groans, holding his chest as Rex pats his shoulder.
Rex: Hang in there, Cody. (stands and faces them) Listen up. We have to move out.
Crosshair: Commander Cody's in no position to move.
Rex: Already called in evac. Kix will stay with Cody until it arrives. I'm in charge now. And I've got a plan to get us into that Cyber Center.
Crosshair: If your plans are so good, why did Commander Cody have to call us in?
Jesse: (stands and points at him) You can't talk to Captain Rex like that!
Wrecker: Says who?
Wrecker grabs Jesse by his throat and holds him up.
Kix: Put him down!
Crosshair: (shoves him) Stay out of it.
Kix and Crosshair grapple each other as Rex shakes Wrecker to drop Jesse.
Suddenly they hear blaster fire and see Slash holding his rifle up.
Slash: Will you guys knock it off?!
Hunter: Wrecker, drop him! Now.
Wrecker: Awww!
Wrecker lets Jesse drop on his back as Kix pushes himself away from Crosshair.
Hunter: Fellas, come on! We're all fighting for the same thing, right?
Slash: Exactly. So quit acting like your fresh out of the tank, and start acting like soldiers.
Hunter: (sighs) We'll do it your way, Captain. For Commander Cody.
Rex: Okay. Let's gear up and move out.
Early morning had risen and the seven clones make their way through the forest, coming across a droid outpost.
Hunter: Not our primary target. It's an outpost. Should we take it?
Rex: Probably easier than going around.
Slash: So, we hide up in the trees and take 'em out one by one?
Rex: Actually, I was thinking we'd take a page from your book. Rush them head on.
Hunter: (chuckles) I like your style.
The clones charge out from the forest and make their way to the top, leaving Wrecker to deal with the remaining ones on the ground.
They make it to the top and take out all the droids in the command center. Wrecker comes up in the elevator and sees they're all down.
Wrecker: Is it over already? Aw, man!
Hunter: (hits Rex's shoulder) Not bad, for a reg.
Rex looks through one of the windows and sees the Cyber Center at the bottom.
Rex: All right, there it is. The Cyber Center.
Tech hacks into one of the computers.
Tech: It looks like the Cyber Center itself has minimal guards, about 30 droids. Wait. Wait! I got a massive signal coming in. A whole platoon of droids is headed this way.
Slash: Guess someone saw our "fun" back at the crash-site.
Rex: Yeah. Make sure you keep an eye those incoming Separatist forces. (to Tech) I want to know when they reach this outpost.
Tech: You got it, Cap.
Rex: We've gotta move swiftly.
Hunter: We'll grab some speeder bikes and flank them from the back.
Hunter, Slash, Tech, and Wrecker all park their bikes several yards behind the Cyber Center while Rex, Jesse, and Crosshair take cover from the front.
Rex: (on comm) Is everyone in position?
Hunter: Affirmative.
Crosshair: (on comm) Affirmative.
Tech: (looks at radar) Cap, you wanted to know when those Separatist forces breached the outpost. Well, they're getting there just about now.
Rex, Jesse, and Crosshair, who'd taken a sniping position, take on the droids at the front of the Cyber Center.
Hunter and his team make their way to the back door. Tech hacks in.
Tech: Hmm. This is a delicate operation.
Wrecker just kicks the doors, denting and opening them.
Wrecker: Boom! (chuckles) You take too long!
The four rush in, shooting all the Battle Droids and enter the control room, taking down the guards and Tactical Droids.
Slash: Tech, do what you can to hack in. We'll go get Rex and Jesse.
The three rush out and start eliminating the remaining droids.
Rex: What took you so long, Wrecker?
Wrecker: Hey, this is a "delicate operation".
The clones then see a droid carrier dispense Super Battle Droids.
Wrecker: Better get in there, Cap.
Rex runs inside as Hunter, Jesse, Slash, and Wrecker hold off the clankers.
Rex finds Tech in the control room.
Tech: Okay, I'm in. What am I looking for?
Rex: (hands him a data card) Here's the algorithm. You're looking for a program using this sequence.
Tech inserts the card to the computer and begins typing.
Tech: Found it. This is strange. It's not a program. It's a live signal from another planet. Skako Minor.
Rex: A live signal?
The clones outside begin to get pinned down. Slash taps his helmet.
Slash: Crosshair. We're gonna need a ride out of here.
Crosshair: (on comm) Not gonna be a problem.
Tech types some more and finds the signal.
Tech: Here it is. This is audible.
Rex: Patch me in. I wanna hear it.
Tech displays the signal on the table as it rises up and down, almost life-like.
Tech: What is that? That sounds almost... almost human.
Rex: It can't be... Tech, find out who's sending that signal. Ask who that is.
Tech types some more and voice starts to respond.
Voice: (slow and distorted, but picks up) CT— CT-1409. CT-1409.
Rex: I... I don't believe it.
The clones get pushed back and Slash yanks Rex's arm.
Slash: Rex, come on! We gotta move!
Rex puts on his helmet and they all rush out the back entrance, just as Crosshair lands down next to them in a transport ship.
The clones all fire back at the droids as they escape the Cyber Center.
The clones all take a breather as they continue to fly away.
Tech: That number, Cap, what did it mean?
Rex: CT-1409. That was Echo's number... he's alive.
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