prolog-the navy marshal's orders

(the o.c that i am using for the navy marshal belongs to Israel Yabuki)

(no one's pov)

Marshal Israel Yabuki was in his room on the Labyrinth's hand (if you don't like the name mr.Yabuki then i can change it), a Providence-class Dreadnought, which serves as not only his personal flagship, but the flagship of the 5th, and 6th fleets. and the reason that marshal Yabuki is in command of 2 fleets at the same time is that marshals can be in command of 2 or 3 fleets at the same time. now where were we at? oh yes, Marshal Yabuki was looking at the mirror in his room as he was putting the last of his many medals and honors on his uniform that he had earn Durning his 14-year service in the imperial earth navy, 1st as a colonel for 3 years in command of a ship, then as a commander for 4 years in command of 2 ships at the same time, then as a lieutenant admiral for 5 years in command of a small fleet of  dreadnoughts, and now as a marshal for 2 years and counting. and now he was known as the united earth empire's highest decorated imperial navy officer.

(oh, and here is what his uniform looks like)

and now as he finished up getting ready, he looks at himself in the minor.

Israel-(to himself) let's just hope that we can get new orders soon so we can leave this acklay-infested shithole that they call Felucia.

why did he say that you ask? well, the 5th and 6th fleets are being stationed at Felucia as part of a 6-month assignment to try to enstapish peace with the Gossam species, but for the past 6 months, 27% of the ground troops have eater been killed by Acklays,  jungle rancors, and/or flesh-eating diseases. if hell's jungle had to pick to be anywhere in the galaxy, then it would most likely pick Felucia. then as Israel lefted his bedroom, a young male 24-year-old leading rate went up to him.

(and this is what the jr and senior Rates wear as a uniform)

(L.R stands for leading rate)

L.R-sir (salutes Israel)

Israel-at ease (the L.R stands at ease) what is it young man?

L.R-the emperor and the imperial high command wish to speak with you sir.

Israel-ok, i will take it in my ready room. have a good day rate.

L.R-yes sir, thank you sir, and to you as well sir.

then as the L.R leave Israel then gets on the lift to head to the bridge. after 2 mins he then hears a ding as the lift doors open as he then gets out and heads to his ready room.

(which looks like this) 

he then sits in his chair as he then turns on his holotransmitter. as he sees the emperor and the rest of the imperial high command siting in the high command room in the imperial palace in little rock Arkansas.

Israel-sorry i was late, i was just made aware of the fact that the imperial high command was in session.

emperor derek I was a 21-year-old red haired man who is standing at 5 foot 8 ins and is wearing the emperor's uniform.

(which looks like this)

Derek I-it is alright Marshal Yabuki. now that your here, we have a job that requires the 5th and 6th fleets. do you think you are up to the task?

Israel-as ready as I'll ever be your majesty.

the emperor then knots to the man on his left as the man, who's known as surface marshal tāngmǔ bàobó stands up. (surface marshal is an army rank) 

(and here is the army rank for the U.E.I.A)

(S.M stands for surface marshal)

S.M bàobó-we have received word that the Mount Tantiss cloning facility on Wayland, which is in the wayland System, and the Ojoster Sector, that Two hundred million units of the grand imperial army is ready for transport. along with five hundred million units more on the way. 

Israel-where are we taking them to sir?

S.M baobo-to the Moon of Vega, for we have seen from our spies that the people's republic of senda has builded a droid factory on the moon.

Israel-i can handle it sir, just send the coordinates. (the high command then lafts as Israel starts to get nerveis) is there anything wrong?

Derek I-no but, you will find out when you get down to wayland.

Israel-oooookkkkk!!!!!! i will talk to you all Lader.

Derek I-good will need it.

he then turns off the holotransmitter as he doesn't know what he has Goen himself into. he then sits for a about 25-50 secs before he then gets up and heads to the ship's bridge.

(which the bridge looks like this)

he then turns to the navigator, which is a 27-year-old female master chief petty officer.

(M.C.P.O stands for master chief petty officer.)

Israel-navigator, have the fleet receive the order to move out to grid square N-7. but don't move out until all ground troops are on bord there ships. 

M.C.P.O-yes, sir. 

after 2 hours the ground troops are all on bord there ships. and then Israel then sees the M.C.P.O look at him.

M.C.P.O-sir, we are ready for you to give the word.

Israel-let's fly.

the ships then go into hyperspace at the same time. as the last of the ships enter hyperspace Israel then sinks into his chair, as he then goes into his ready room to do some work.

To be continued.

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