Chapter 1:Prologue
60 Million Years ago
Just after the End of War in Heaven
"How Many Lives has been lost because of our Resentment just because We could not take an Answer as No, Szarekh oh Mighty Silent King of the Necrontyr" Said Ronan with Venom in his Tone, though after beating the Shit out of Szarekh for a While Month Without Stopping as he Glared Daggers at his Brothers in Arms
after all he was the Most Reluctant to Accept the Biotransference because of the Warning from orikan the Diviner , but with Some intense Debate, Conviction and Charisma of Szarekh he was able to Convince Ronan to Accept the Biotransference because he is a Very Powerful General Even Greater than Imotekh for his People both love and Respect him that which the Moment he accept it Most of his People had Accepted it as well, except maybe for some Few have Escape with Ronan's help due to his Indomidable Willpower he is able to Retain his Free Will and Protect his People and Children that have Refuse to take the Biotransference to Escape to the Point that he would have likely cause a Civil War, for his Prowess and Tactical Mind Alone could Challenge Szarekh and he will most likely Ally with the Old ones his Family was Readily to accept the offer of the Old Ones to at least to Get Rid of their Inherit illness despite that there is no Immortality to be Given
"Tell me Silent King how Many Races that we Exterminated because the Old ones Refuse us immortality when we could at least Expand it in the Near Future? With this Technology we Can
But for 5 Million Years of Endless War, now Tell me what is the Price of our People have Paid? Along with Every Races that we Kill?" Said Ronan still glaring Daggers at his Old time Friend
"A New Evil has Arisen in the Warp Brother because of Constant Killing and now we don't even know where they Hide, this.... This Demons of Chaos Needs to be Exterminated and Fast before they could become a threat to all Life!"
"You still hated to become immortal aren't you Brother" said the Silent King for the First time as he Turn to Ronan "After for 5 Million years of War i could not blame you both of us and them" He pointed at the Void that which was all other Races Created by the Old Ones "Have Suffered because of our Desperation but you are Right we should have Taken the Old Ones Offer and we could have think of how to Make ourselves have a Longer life and it seems to me immortality only Bring Pain and what's the Point of it if we could Never Truly to Die in Peace?"
"A Price that you should have been more Thoughtful Szarekh of taking those C'tan's Offer Brother, i Fear the Our Great Creator would No longer Let us go to the Afterlife for we choose Damnation than True Salvation" said Ronan he now Turn his Gaze to the Void "Now our People would no Longer feel the Joys of Peaceful Death that our Predecessors Feels"
"You Never Change Lord Ronan" said the Silent King "Always the Bevevolent One, the one who Enjoys Life to the Fullest and now i'am Saddened that i have Taken it away from you"
"And now there are 2 of us left to Rule our People to Just, making Sure that there is no Such thing as Birth Right to Rule this Galaxy" Said Ronan
The Silent King Chuckled, His Friend never Truly Change always the Bevolent Pheron he is since the two are still Child, Ronan was the Most kind Nercontyr that he Ever Meet always look after his People than himself, because of that he is Love and Respected for that Consequest not only his Family has the Largest and Most Powerful Dynasty they have the Most Loyal people to their Liege, even their Nobles, Lords, and Overlords have their Complete Loyalty to their Liege that they will Never Betrayed that which is quite the Reason why they are the Most Feared while the Silent King's own Dynasty are only 2nd
"No, there is only one" Said the Silent King for a Short Moment, though it was an Eternity of the Silent King
if Ronan has an Eyebrow he would have Raise it by now "What do you mean?" said Ronan, though he Grip his sword at his Hip, he is Taller and Broader than the 16 Ft tall Silent King being 20 Ft tall he is along with Added Upgrades across in their Eons of War, his Armies are the most Powerful with even the Most Basic of Troops is Superior than any Dynasty could field because they have an Upgrade, Ronan's Massive Form with Shells that could Rival the Hardest Material at their Warhips and World Engine not only that, it was Imbued with Blackstone making have High Resistance against the Warp along with his Troops who have Blackstone within their Frame, though both of them Hoard it while the Rest of the Dynasty does not
Like the Szarekhan Dynasty, the Crypteks of the Belleza Dynasty are well-known for their skill in the manipulation of Blackstone Such is their skill that even their standard infantry is equipped with small amounts of Blackstone technology to protect them against the Warp, With access to the best resources and skill, the Belleza Dynasty are equipped with the most durable bodies and the most destructive weaponry
"Not like that my Fellow Triarch" Said the Silent King with Raise Hand, there is a Reason why Ronan was called the Lord of Wrath Considering that his Fury was Such that even those automaton Necrons Feared him even though their personality was strip on them and now he had Return their Free Will because of his Guilt Even its Cryptek are capable of greater feats of technology
Except the Belleza Dynasty has the Most Superior Armies of all the Necron Dynasty even though Liege is a Benevolent Ruler, he has some kind of Unhealthy Obsession of Making New Weapons of War along with Making Sure his Armies is the Most Superior of all the Dynasties
"Then what is it Szarekh?" Said Ronan as he leave his Hand from his Sword
"I'm Exiling myself" Said Szarekh
"What? What do you Mean? Does the Eons of War have made you Mad Szarekh?" Said Ronan Buffled at his Friend's Sudden Decision
"No... I'am Serious Ronan" Said Szarekh "I'll be Leaving all the Command to you until i Return"
"You do Realize i'm already Commanding Millions of Worlds now you want to me to Rule our Entire People? I Can't do that" Said Ronan
"I Know you Can Lord Ronan, that is why i Choose you to lead our People for a Better Future, and i Believe you could make peace to our Enemies and the Redemption of my Failure to our People" Said the Silent King "You have Tolerated our Enemies and have been Merciful to them, a Reason why i choose you, you also have our People's Respect that which is Essential and now i Command you to Lead our People"
Ronan could only Sight at his Old Friend Before accepting it
Scene Change
Ronan walk to his sarcophagus he is Followed by his Most Loyal Overlord Nath behind him
"Nath, Set our Timer in 500,000 Years we will be awake" Said Ronan
Nath Titled in his head in Confusion "My Lord?" He ask "Our King Command's Us for a Great Slumber that would be as Long as Millions of Years Enough for our Enemies to be Weak and the Galaxy is Fully Healed along with other Races to be Enslave with"
"You Forgot something my Friend, we are not those of our Other People" Said Ronan as he Pressed himself to his sarcophagus
"And why do you wish us to Awaken half a Million Years Later my Lord?" Said Nath in Curiosity
"We will make Peace with the Old Ones and their Creation" Said Ronan
"By your Will my Lord" Said Nath as he Bow Thoujgh he was Surprise to hear such Declaration but he is a Supreme Overlord and Ronan's Most Loyal Subject and he would Follow his pheron and he would not Fail him
"And Rath" Ronan Glance at his Chief Cryptek
"Yes my Lord?" Said Rath as he Bow before his Liege
"I Already Listen to Every Advice to me, now put every Defensive and Protocol Measures, because i don't to lose EVEN A SINGLE Tomb World while we Sleep even though i Might going to wake every time and then, do you Understand me?" Said Ronan
"As you wish my Lord, we have already Put every Necessary Measures, so that we can Prevent even a Destruction of a Single Tomb World, Those Idiots of the So Called Phaerons and Overlords themselves i Predict would have Likely have some Lost in the Long Term without such Measures to Defend Themselves but their arrogance and Hubris would Pay them Enough my Lord" Said Rath before Walking away from their Liege
"Sleep Well my Subjects time to Rest" Said Ronan before he Finally Sleeps with Lychguards in their Thousands Guards Their Liege Lord for Eternity even the Destroyers in their Dynasty Never Forgot of who they are and what's their Liege's Ideals and for that, they are not the Destroyer Types who would Kill any Flesh and Blood like other Destroyer Cult for that, Ronan has no Fear for their Betrayal for their Loyalty is assured
Scene Change
Vengeful Spirit
"Abaddon you looked Worried" Said Kharn as he looked to his Cousin as Abaddon appears to be Pacing Around, they could Feel Fear on him that which is quite Shocking to the Chaos Marines
"I have to be Honest to all of you, Lord Tzeentch have Told me about a Prophecy of the Coming of an Ancient Necron Dynasty" Said Abaddon
"And What does the Prophecy have Said Lord abaddon?" Said Chaos Sorcerer from the Thousand Sons as they are Curious Necrons are Getting Increasingly more and More Dangerous as More and More Tomb Worlds are Activating along with More Necrons are Awakening in their Great Slumber and Reclaiming of What was Theirs
"He said something about a Belleza Dynasty" Said Abaddon "A Dynasty was so Powerful that Made the Ancient Eldari and Orks of Old Feared them"
Now they are disturb of Hearing such a Thing to hear a Necron Dynasty was Really this Powerful?
"I Though the Silent King and his Dynasty is the Most Powerful?" Said Ygethmor
"No, we heard it wrong the Silent is the 2nd Most Powerful, no what i'm talking about that this Necron Dynasty was so Large and Powerful it would take a Combined Dynasties to even the Number against such Adversarity but even then it will never be Enough, the Belleza Dynasty has the Most Loyal People to their Liege making him the Most Dangerous the Silent King maybe the Ruler of their People but this Phearon Ronan the Wrathlord is THE most Powerful Nercon that Ever live
I was Given a Command to Stop his Awakening, but we don't know his Exact Location due to the Defensive Measure that he have Put but i suspect it, it would be Beyond the Eastern Border of the imperium" Said Abaddon
"There is always some Strange Beyond the Segmentun Pacificus for there is no Warp Storm there for Millions of Years" Said Devram Korda as they looked to the Galactic Map
Abaddon Nod his Head "Yes, They could have Active Pylons to Prevent any Travel or Warp storm to Destroy them, the Chaos gods have Repeatedly Done it but all are Failed Attempts as they could not even send armies due to the Pylons or it's Defenses" Said Abaddon
"So question how do we Even attempt to Invade there without alerting the Entire Dynasty? And What's stopping other Necrons to Prevent us?" Said Skyrak Slaughterborn
"That's the Problem that we have to Focus on, Guilliman has already Awaken and i have Heard that he is a Friend to these Particular Dynasty" Said Abaddon with it some of the Chaos Marines are Shock to hear it
"Your not Joking right?" Said Kharn
"I'm not, Our Uncle was Privately does never Genocide of Other Xenos During the Great Crusade and Being Friends with him along with our Grandfather the Emperor would have Likely Send Request and if can't stop his Awakening then we should try to Delay it as much as Possible" Said Abadddon
Scene Change
"An Icon will Fall
A god will Awaken.
A Primarch Will Rise
The Galaxy will Burn
An Ancient Dynasty will Awaken
And With it, Their Legion shall be Unleash"
Yvrain Gasp as she Stumbled before she was Catch By Visarch himself
"My Lady Are you Alright?" Said Visarch as he Balance Yvrain
"it appears a Very Powerful Necron Dynasty will be awaken" Said Yvrain
"Which Dynasty is it then my Lady?" Said Visarch
"The Belleza Dynasty" Said Eldrad as he stand from his Meditation "The Most Powerful Dynasty of the Necrontyr Even More so than the Szarekhan Dynasty of the Silent King"
'Should we be Worried?" Said the Vissarch
"No" Said Yvrain as she Shook her Head "The Belleza Dynasty has Cease Hostility between our People 60 Million Years ago, We need to awake them"
Hearing that Disturb them
"Waking a Necron Dynasty? Are you Insane my Lady we Cannot Let our Ancient Enemy to be Release Lest they will Bring Terrible Destruction" Said one of the Farseers from Biel-tan
"No, the Belleza Dynasty is the Closest Necron Dynasty who is Reasonable and Benevolent Enough to even End the War, i've Read it in the Very Few Copies of our Ancient History, he Made a Pact with Lord Kroak one of the Few Old Ones to be Alive, along with Ancient Leaders of our Race including our gods to have Cease Fire, i believe we can Count them as an Ally" Said a Farseer from Iyanden
"And then what? The Necrons has been Always our Ancient Enemies we cannot gamble to be their allies" Said Banshee Exarch from Biel-tan
"oh Please because of you, You made some Enemies from other Necron Dynasty, while us are Even Lucky Enough to be allies with them and have even help for our Troubles" Said a Farseer from Iyanden mockingly to the Biel-tan "And we have been allies with the Imperium after their Heresy because their Emperor and Primarchs saw a Mutual Understatement with us and we have been Aiding Each other Since then"
"Still is this the Wise action to Wake these Necron Dynasty?" Said one of the Autarch
"It's a Gamble, even the Forces of Chaos Felt Fear whenever the Belleza Dynasty Appear, Countless Civilization has been Erase because their phearon simply Stumbled upon them and they are Erase Never to Threaten the Galaxy Ever Again, and if we are Lucky then the Belleza Dynasty would be a Great Allies or they will become Worse Enemy" Said Eldrad
Garden of Nurgle
"DO YOU TRULY BELIEVE THAT WE WOULD ALLOW THAT HE WOULD BE AWAKEN?" Said Nurgle as he looked at the Cage goddess
"You are Already Too Late Dear Lord of Pestilence" Said Isha as she Glared with Difieance against her Captor "Lord Ronan was not a Necron who would simply Conquer as soon as he Knows i'm Imprison, do not think that he would Rescue me he is not that Stupid, he would likely Do Someting to spite on you Dear Nurgle" she said with a Smirk as she had have a Conversation with the Phearon before and she was Sympathy with him because of their Condition but Now Ronan accepted Damnation into a Weapon against his Enemies and she is his Friend she still Remembers how much he beat the shit out from Khain when he heard about their Imprisonment whom had just awaken to have some Adventure "The Lord of Belleza would likely Raze the Galaxy to Ashes to Destroy his Enemies".
Nurgle Growl at her, Being the 2nd Chaos god to be awakened after Malal he saw First hand of how Dangerous the Necron Phaeron is, he is Charismatic and Powerful Enough to Even Fight C'tans, Old Ones and Other Powerful Beings and Won, He saw how he and along with the Creation of the Old Ones Destroyed Malal and he still Remembers in his Life for the first time Fear Death, his Children have Suffered a True Pain whenever his Forces Join and Literally Beat them Easily the only chaos god to have yet to Feel his Wrath was slaanesh, and if she/he/it idiot Enough to Even Challenge him then hir would be Undoing
Scene Change
An Entire Battlefleet was Massed here for some Reason, with the Macragge's Honor at the Helm with the Custodian's Golden Flagship the Famed Buchephalus Command by none other than Trajann Valoris Captain General of the Adeptus Custodes
Macragge's Honor
With Guilliman and Trajan
"Are you sure?" Said Guilliman as he looked at Trajann
"Positive the Emperor Instructed to send a Full Shield Host to be Sent to Awaken him" Said Trajann
"Why Need such Force?" Said Guilliman
Before Trajann Could Speak Sensor Flared as Eldar Ships Appeared
A Screen Opened up with Yvrain Face appeared
"Lord Guilliman it's good to see you again" Said Yvrain
"Likewise my Lady" Said Guilliman as he Nod before Yvrain
"Why are you here Lady Yvrain? Speak your Peace and i will Listen because i suspect Something that it is Urgent Enough to show yourself" Said Trajan
"By the Amount of Ships that are Gathered here in this Particular Sector i believe you are Planning to awaken 'HIM' Correct my Lords?" Said Yvrain
By meaning by Trajann he knows of what she Means "You mean Awakening the Belleza Dynasty" Said Trajann
"Yes, Though the Silent King May have Returned but he is Currently Occupied for a Moment fighting against the Tyranid Swarm we are Even Lucky Enough to be Contacted and have an Alliance with them, with it There will be no Necrons who would be Hostile to us unless We Provoke Them" Said Yvrain
"That's Explains it" Though of Guilliman as Right now Imotekh Change his Course as he Now Lay Siege at the Tau Empire Controlled Worlds Except the Farsign Enclave whom his Sons have made an Alliance Before his awakening, "This is the Reason of why you Called me Then Captain-general?" Said Guilliman as he Glance at the Smaller Custodian
"Yes Lord Guilliman, your Father Believe a Vast Chaos Host would Likely Either Prevent or Delay their awakening Either way as long as they are not awaken it would be a Victory to the Forces of Chaos, but Destroying them would be Outright Impossible considering that Beyond this Border no Warp Storm has Ever Detected it" Said Trajann
"And we have Vision of it as well, and Lord Trajann is Right no Warp Storm even at the Height of the Awakening of Slaanesh has Ever Detected, it would have likely that they have an Active Pylon to Prevent the Warp Storms to ever Occur or Active Defenses for anything that would Threaten even for a Single Tomb World" Said Yvrain "And we are here to Aid you my lords even though we would Likely only Arrive just Far Enough to Reach a Single Tomb world without any being attack by it's Defenses"
"Shall we Deploy then?" Said Guilliman the two other Leaders nod
"Then let us Wake the Lord of Wrath" Said Guilliman
And Done
My first Chapter
Be Warned there Might be some Flashback from his Different Adventure though out the 60 Million Years of the History of Galaxy
Guys can you tell me how Thick is the Necrodermis is?
See you Next time Folks
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