
-Hello son, did you miss me?

izuku couldn't handle it, he ran to his father, he hug him and he started to cry his father only hug him back and saying that he miss him too.

-Dad how are you here?! I was in your funeral! also, where are we?

-ok this will be a little difficult to explain but here I go. Izuku you now me as "Hisashi Midoriya" but my real name is "Son Goku", yes, I died and you saw it, and we are in my first house.


-yeah, a lot to process I know but let me tell why all of this happen okay?

-yes dad...

-A long time ago in this same place my grand father found me and decided to take care of me, one day I fell into a cliff and I hit my head very hard and that change my personality before that hit my grandfather said that I like to destroy things and stuff but after the hit I was very calm, after that my history began, I started a travel to search and mystical "Dragon balls" that can give anyone a wish, and with that I lived so many adventures and I got married by a promise and then I had my first son his name was the same as my grandfather "Son Gohan" we were happy until someone one came to earth and said that he was my brother and I was a Saiyan like him, he treat my friends and I had to stop him, I did have some help from a person that I beat before and well I died in that fight

-WAIT AGAIN? -izuku said with more confusion in his eyes-

-yeah, maybe it turned it to a habit but let me continue,*humph* well after that some people that were like him and I, they kill almost all of my friends but in the last minute they revived me and I fought them taking down one of them and the other escaped saying that he would return, the "villain" that help me to beat my brother created a bond with my son and he sacrificed himself to protect my first son but with his dead he took away the chances to revive the fallen ones well that what we thought, we visit his planet and there we found other "Dragon balls" sadly we weren't alone somebody that call himself "the emperor of the universe" we fought him and his army but we almost lose to him, he killed my best friend in front of my eyes and well I beat him to almost kill him we survived and could revive the fallen ones, but the planet that we where fighting was about to explode and I barely made it out because got a little space ship and I landed on other planet, in that planet I train there and got the ship repaired go back to earth and I found that a boy came from the future to warn me that I was going to die... again but this time from a decease more like a virus that would kill me to be more specific from a heart attack he give me a medicine that would cure me and I take it well I little late I guess because in mid-battle I start to have it ,they took me home and they give me the medicine then we fought the enemies I died again in the process, my first son became the earth protector also I had another son he's name was "Son Goten" and then another evil came but I couldn't revive because I did it more than 2 times so a person decided that he would give me his energy life he did and I revived and defeat that evil, and then again another treat come but his time it was a god, a god of destruction to be specific, I lose to him but he game "mercy" then his master train me and I became more powerful and the same sick cycle repeated an enemy came, I defeat him, I get stronger and repeat.

-that sounds like hell dad-izuku said with sadness in his voice-

-And the worst was yet to come, do you remember that a guy from the future came to give me a medicine to prevent from dying?

-yes, I remember.

-well the virus was never cured, it only went to sleep, still my body was immune now but the virus mutated my friends were contaminated from that virus, but only affected the ones that weren't humans like me my sons and the family of my friend Vegeta.


-oh, sorry I forgot to mention he was one of the two Saiyan's that came after my brother, I turn he into a good guy. But what I'm saying is that every Saiyan with exception of Vegeta, his younger daughter and my granddaughter died in less than 3 days, but Vegeta was slowing dying in order to get some information, we used the Dragon balls and we asked this "we want to know how they died" the dragon balls tell us that, I was shock by that answer, knowing that I was the reason that kill them. It was awful. And with Vegeta going to the same way as the others it only felt worst, the only way that he could be save was turning himself into the next god of destruction and he did, with a sad expression he left wishing me good luck then I saw all my human and I lost track of the wife of Vegeta and my first friend Bulma also lost the track of my granddaughter and I saw my human friends died from age thanks to the expanded life that I was depressing I have to admit I still wanted to protect the earth but the danger came from the inside, the people started a war that destroyed almost all the life in the planet so with the dragon balls I wished that the humans never started the war and that they could protect them self's and with that the quirks appeared.


-yeah but I didn't do it on propose... and well after a long time I met your mother she was so kind, protective, and she cook like an angel!

-I can affirm that! -Izuku said with a happy smile-

-I know right, then you were born, and then the next 4 years were the happiest that I had in a long time but then I died.

-Just like that?

-yes, it looks like the person that gave me his like was lying about having 1000 years left

-But that doesn't explain how are you alive now!

-Oh yeah, I made a deal with some gods, the deal was if something happened to inko and you were alone I would come back to life to take care of you.

Izuku started crying with happiness because he was not alone, and he is able to be with his father again.

-Son, in order to fulfill your dream, we need to train ok?

-Y... YES!

-HUGE Time skip-

Izuku was in the school that he always has studied he was happy because it was the last day of school when he hears that the teacher said:

-I know that you all want to be heroes!

-Come on teacher don't put me with these extras!

-oh, right bakugo, you applied to the U.A, right?

-Yes, and I will become the only one from this shitty place that would be in U.A

-Now that I remember Izuku also wants to be in U.A

Our little time bomb was shock and izuku in his mind said "here we go again"

Then bakugo blows up his table but without scare him


-Nothing kacchan I just going to the U.A

Everyone start to laugh, except the teacher izuku was just tired, tired of teasing, tired of the people that were "better" only because they got a flashy quirk so he made a choice

-If all of you think that way, we could fix it, who wants to fight me? You can use your quirks if you want- he said while giving everyone a serious face.

Everyone was silent and looking to izuku with a death glare before everyone start to laugh again, annoying izuku and start to elevate his Ki again, meanwhile in a house not so far was Goku the father of izuku reading a book when he notices the suddenly change in izuku Ki, with the only thought in his mind "Izuku pls do not harm them please"

Before izuku could do anything or say anything the bell rang and with that all the students got out from the room leaving izuku with bakugo and some others in the room, Izuku started to get all of his things trying to relax himself but bakugo had other plans, without warning bakugo landed a punch on izuku face and while doing it he had a creepy smile but it suddenly blow away and it was turning to an expression of shock his fist still in izuku's face began to go back only with izuku with a mad expression while looking at bakugo in shock he took some steps back while looking at Izuku, Izuku began to walk to bakugo until bakugo reach the limit of the room izuku proceed to move his arm two fingers out like point to something and he put them in bakugo chest(near the heart) bakugo only with a face of confusion saw izuku with a little smile on his face and suddenly a punch that left bakugo on the ground while trying to breath.

Izuku look to the other people that were in the room and said "who's next?" everyone who was in the room froze in fear and izuku started to walk to them. Nobody huh? Well then, I should go home. He said in a serious tone while living the place, Bakugo while laying in the ground said "How? With just one punch and I'm here laying down? I feel that you got stronger deku..." with those words he went down to the unconsciousness

Izuku was now out of the school and start floating and moving in the air "ok time for some test ride" while he said it he began to move with more speed and going to his home while a happy smile was rising in his face, until he saw a girl with beautiful dark onyx's eyes a beautiful body and a pony tail raven hair, she got all the attention of our protagonist not because of her beauty because he could sense her Ki, she was scared our protagonist didn't know why but he follow her while he was flying. Then he found why she was scared, two black trucks were following her too, our protagonist didn't feel that this was going to end well so he started to get ready if anything happens, he saw how 3 people went down from one truck with guns around their belt while the beautiful eyes girl began to run, he saw that acting and jump to a conclusion, she was going to be kidnap, so he decided to use the technique that his father teach him long yet not too long time ago still he was going to be near to do that so with his speed went to the corner of the street and He walk near the girl but not so close to be strange. When the girl saw izuku she immediately hugs him, he was shock because of this when he heard something that the girl said

Please help me...

Say no more- Izuku with a calm voice said

Izuku took the cute girl bridal style and run from the place, One guy in the trucks notice that and yell "GET THEM" everyone start to move trying to get izuku and the girl and it turned to be a chase of 20 minutes long, Izuku know that he need to leave the girl in a safe place so only one place could be safety he swear that only he would go there after passing the exam but right now it could be the only palace that could protect the girl so with a great scream he said:


A red aura began flow round izuku as his muscles grow a little bit not so big to be notice looking at him from far away but the girl around him could feel it she blush because of this then she felt that they were moving more faster while doing it she saw the place that could be their save point the most famous school of heroes in all japan The U.A she felt safe for a second but then remember that they were unknow to the school they could thought that they are villains what they could do?

The people in the trucks started to shoot their guns aiming at Izuku, he was dodging the bullets but it was a lot difficult that he thought so in this situation decide to do a second test ride so he began to fly but not high to prevent him to lose control, he flew to the U.A gates hoping to be fast enough to be faster than the security system to his look he was, like a red lightning was passing the U.A principal gate, Izuku left the cute girl gently on the ground and told her to search heroes to help him or that could arrest them the girl nodded then she began to run inside of the building and he running to the "villains" that were following them when he cross the gate It closed so fast that it scared him a little, when he look to the villains there where aiming at him he took a fighting pose the villains laughed Izuku took the chance to talk to them before something happens maybe to negotiate with them.

-Ok look there are 3 options right now: a)you escape now and nobody gets hurt, just to be hunt by the heroes that are coming right now, b) you surrender and tell the heroes why are you are so determined to kidnap her and tell the location of your boss or something or c) I kick the crap out of you and you do all the things of option B but with so more pain.

-HA! Why do you think that you even got a chance to us you are alone and you use your quirk for 20 minutes straight and you- he was interrupted?

-Don't you realize where we are? -The black with some green hair color said

The villains where confuse they didn't pay attention to where they were, they look at the place and the felt they sins crawling on their back, Izuku smile to them. Then they looked to izuku with a mad face but an idea came to their mind and like there where one the yell:

"IF WE CAN'T RUN, WE BETTER KILL YOU!" they aimed and started the attack

Izuku in his mind said "times 2"

Izuku move his arms in an incredible speed while they kept shooting at him and only stopped when the bullets ran out, "the villains" look with fear the boy were there standing without a scratch and then the boy open his hand and all the bullets that were fired drop nothing could get worse, sadly it got worst from the gate of U.A came a person with a samurai armor and a long katana, a man with yellow hair who also had a speaker in his neck and a man with yellow googles and a messy hair. Izuku with a calm tone but a little tired said:

-Well it appears that you only have the option B and C so... what do you chose?

A "villain" drops his weapon and said that he gives up his partners started to do the same. Option B then Izuku said realizing his red aura while the pro heroes were chaining them.

After the pros capture the villains, Izuku asked the hero's if he could search the girl to see if she wasn't injured.

-You don't need to search buddy-the person with yellow hair said.

-What do you mean? -Our little broccoli said

-Look by yourself-the man with yellow googles said while pointing to the samurai

The samurai took off the mask reviling the girl that he saved in the armor, Izuku was surprise he look at her tell her that he was happy to see her well, the girl blush a little, then our hero snapped the heat of the persecution didn't allow him to introduce himself so why no start now? He thought

-W-Well we haven't i-i-introduced ourselves, right? -he stutters

-R...Right -the girl stutter too

-My name is Son Izuku Midoriya is nice to meet you!

-My name is Momo yao- She couldn't finish because his phone started to rang-

-Don't worry Momo-Chan I can wait! -the boy with a smile on his face said

-O... OK! -Momo blush and stutter because of the nickname he said to her and she pick up the call.

-MY LITTLE GIRL ARE YOU OK? ARE YOU NOT HURT? -Momo's father yell thought the phone-

-Yes, I'm ok but how did you now that I was in danger? -she said

-Sweetie you are in the news right now and is your "friend" ok too? - her father said with a little laugh.

Momo look to the sky and saw a news helicopter and her face looked like she saw a ghost, Izuku notice that and saw the helicopter his face went a like her

-Sweetie? - a female voice come from Momo phone

-M-Mom? - she said with a little confusion

-Could you tell your "friend" to come to our house to give him the proper thanks? - she said with some spicy tone in the word friend

-MOM! -the girl yell-

-what? -the woman said trough the phone

-I'll try...-she said with a little blush in his face as well with a shy voice

-Ok then sweetie we will waiting for you're arrive- the mother said while

-Y... Yeah...-said the girl then ending the call.

Izuku was still freeze because of all the things that he did were film but it was ALL the things that he did film? The persecution? The way that he came in U.A? he was going to make more questions to himself until he hears the voice of Momo trying to say something:

-Izuku? Can I ask you another favor? -she said with embarrassment

-Another? - he said confused

-Yeah another because you did me a favor by saving me- she said with even more embarrassment

-Oh! Of course! In what can I help? -he said while smiling

-Could you get me home please? - her face was a tomato in this point

-Yeah, I will! But I need something before we go. -he said with a smile

- "Ah...of course it was to good to be true"-Momo thought.

-Do you want to walk to your home or you want to go flying? -Izuku said.

-What? -she was confuse because the words of izuku wasn't very clear for her.

-Do you want to walk to your home or fly to your home-Izuku said.

-YOU CAN FLY? -Momo yell

-Well I can but I can't do it like my father I could said that my speed limit is like 40 or 80 km/h, but anyway How do you want to go?

-W...We could fly? - the girl stutter

-Well then! Come on-he said while he was bending down so she would climb on.

-I'm going to ride you? -she asks

-if you want to see it that way...-he said while having a little blush

Momo climbed to Izuku back and she clung the hardest way possible, she didn't want to fall.

-He we go- he said while he starts flowing and moving in the air

Izuku started to go to one direction while some milky white energy surround them and it appear that it was izuku emanated it, Momo fell save around the aura it was different when she was being carrying by izuku while his aura was red the red aura felt powerful but in a way to hurt like a storm but know the aura was more like a calm river she close her eyes for a moment and she fall into a deep sleep, Izuku notice that and he only smile at this moment but then he stopped realizing that now he had a problem.


-.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / .- / .-.. .. - - .-.. . / -.-. ..- .-. .. --- ..- ... / .- .-. . -. - / -.-- --- ..- .-.-.

Hello guys im back! i hope that you like this chapter i took me a Little longer tan expected but i finished! And the bad news are that my exams are like around the corner so i dont know if i could get the 3 chapter soon (Unless that i spend all day tomorrow working on this) but dont worry it Will come sooner or later!

Still thanks for Reading!

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