HOW WAS GOING TO FIND HER HOME NOW?! -he scream internally-

-It seems that you are in a predicament son! -His father tells him-

Izuku turn around and saw his father with a huge smile on his face


-Shhhh! -the "last" pure Saiyan said while covering the mouth of his son.

-Don't I teach you to let the people sleep well? Specially a lady? - he said whispering.

-Right... -he whispered too

-It seems that you need go to the home of this girl to leave her, right?

-Yes...-he said with embarrassment

-And let me guess she fall asleep while flying- he said

-Yes...- he said again

-And you forget asking where she live...? -he said with a spicy tone.

-Yes...-Izuku became a tomato again

-Well fear not my son I will help you and this could help you with your training are you ready?

-Yes-he said yes four times now.

-Ok son first you need to feel the Ki of the girl on your back


He started to feel the Ki of Momo and while doing it, he read her feeling's she was feeling happy, safe and free about the stress that she was having before. Izuku smile because of this

-Hey hey hey! I said feel her Ki not his feelings! You naughty kid!

Izuku just fell silent and proceed to do what his father told him he focused on her Ki and he felt that her Ki was being reprised he didn't know why but it was not important right now...

-Ok dad now what's next-he said while his eyes were closed

-Now try to find some Ki's similar to her Ki- he said with a more serious tone

-Ok then...

Izuku proceed to search the similar Ki's and he found them.

-Found them-he said with a smile

-Ok now try to move to them but with out moving your body or flying.

-Ok...? -he said confused

Izuku tried to move to them without moving his body then he felt his body was lighter then he hears like a "beep" when he opened his eyes to see where the sound come from, he saw a HUGE mansion in front of him.

-Well it looks that you succeed and in your first try son! -his father said.

-What just happened? And why I feel more tired than before...

-You just use the technique that I learned in the planet yadara the teleportation and the reason that you feel tired than before it because this technique requires a lot and I mean A LOT of training to use it without any backfired.

-Ok...I...Understand...-he said almost touching the ground

-Well what are you waiting for ring the bell!

-Oh! Right.

Izuku push the button and the gates of the mansion open he tried to get all the energy that he could get just to move, the Son family walk to the principal door to knock it but before they could even touch it the door opened and the father's of Momo came out of the House and they hugged Izuku.

-WOW what's happening?!-Izuku said

-Thank you, seriously thank you! -her father said with a tone of pure joy and gratitude

-Sorry my husband is a sensitive person, we would like to thank you for saving our daughter, she is our most precious thing in our life's

-Don't need to thank me it's was the right thing to do!

-Still thank you! Mr....?

-Son Izuku Midoriya.

- "Son"? - the father said with a little confusion on his voice

-Yes, that his name he is my son and ironically his last name is Son, oh! By the way My name is Son Goku! -our favorite Saiyan said

-Strange your name sound familiar...-the mother said

-Really? It does? -Goku said

-yeah, I don't know why but it's like I heard it before-she said

Goku was confused how possible someone could even hear his name if he didn't tell them it just odd, but he will be found why sooner or later

-Wait were, is she? - her father asked

-Oh! She is right here, only that she falls asleep while we came here but don't worry, she is ok -Izuku said while reviling that Momo was peacefully sleep on izuku's back

Momo's fathers giggle a little they just looked too cute together and then they decide to ask him something

-Midoriya-san could we ask you a favor? -the mother said

-of course, in what can I help?

-You see our daughter is very pretty and well developed I need to say, and we know that not always there be people like you around her...-she wanted to finish

-If you want me to protect her, I will do without question! -He said with a little pride in his voice.

-Well actually I was going to say if you could train her...-she said

-Oh.... -Our broccoli started his transformation to super tomato 3.

-But if you really want to protect her, we will be on eternal gratitude with you.

-it ok... we could train her, right dad?

-Nope-he said with a cocky smile


-YOU are going to train her son it your responsibility after all but I will need something from you my son. -he said with a more serious tone

-What it is...?

-You will train for 9 months to pass your current limit.


- the last month you will teach everything you can to Momo is that clear?

-Yes dad.

-Well then, we should go. - our pure Saiyan said

-Wait how are we going to contact with you- the father said

-Don't worry we will come-the older Saiyan said while taking his son and fading away

The fathers were shock thinking that the man used his quirk to leave but then they change their expression to a happy one thinking that they found some good people and by the way the Kid acts they could affirm that he will become a great hero.

-Time skip 7 months after the promise-

Izuku was on a cleaning a beach while trying to control his red aura trying to maintain it inside of him instead of overflow it and trying to do normal activities as waking and well cleaning the beach while the boy was cleaning a 2 persons were watching him 2 blond persons one of them was a boy with a good body and a funny face, the other one was a thin person with also blond hair

-Is that boy who were in the news 7 months ago?

-yeah it seems that he is training his power and while doing it he is clearing the beach he is going to be a good hero...

-Yes, he will.

-And that's way I'm going to ask you something, if something happens to you with the fight with All for one Try to give him the One for all.

-You don't believe in me master? - the boy said with sadness

-It not that Mirio-Shonen but I need you to remember that I only fought "him" once and look how I end-the tall blond said

-Yeah, I understand- the one identifies as mirio said 

-Plus, you should try to be his friend, he is one with a true heart of a hero just like you!

-Ok, but master but I got one question

-Yes mirio-Shonen?

-You are thinking to get so much help that it is possible, in order to be ready to fight THAT. If you know what I mean




-To be honest I'm afraid too when it happened, I literally let myself be swallowed by the earth.


-But you are right we need to fight and he has a lot of potential even more than me...

The older blond slap chop her head with some serious eyes

-Ouch! What was that for?!?!

-Don't understate yourself.


-I'm trying to get so many allies to prevent something like for example: you dying, I already lost someone that was very important to me and I don't want to lose you my boy. - the older blond said with sadness

-Heh... I understand now Master...

-I hope you do because if you don't you will be slap chop to death!

-Hahahaha...only if you can touch me...

Izuku while ending his training for today, he saw the 2 blond persons arguing with each other and giggle those guys remind him how good he was when his father was around so with that in mind, he concentrated to localize the Ki of his father when he found it, he immediately teleports to meet him closing his eyes while doing it.

The two-blond saw Izuku with his eyes closed and then they watch him despaired the two were shocked and only one thought could be on they mind "WHAT JUST HAPPENED"

Izuku teleport to the location and when he opened his eyes, he saw a rose sky and Yellow clouds then he saw a little planet and his father was on it he tried to flew to him but his body felt an incredible pressure and started to go down to the little planet and he crash, HARD he tried to stand up but he couldn't

-Speaking of the devil! -his father said – he barely speaks

-Right now, son you are in King Kai's planet

-You now that I could introduce myself, don't you? - a blue little man said

-I know king kai but...

-No buts let me talk from now on. -He said to Goku

-Ok then!

-Good! Now you must be Son Izuku

-Y...Yeah...- he said

-My name is King Kai and I'm one of your fathers' masters

-SEROUSLY?!?!- he stands up a little only to be back on the ground

-Yes, I am who tech him the kaioken, and another technique but enough of me I want to tell you the reason why are you here. -He said with proud on his voice to later change to one more calm

-G...Go on...

-this last month you are going to live here to beat the gravity on this planet. And finish to clean that beach of course

-How many gravities is in this planet? -he said with trouble now while he could stand up

-Oh! Just ten times.

-TEN TIMES? - he yells to only lose his balance and fall again.

-don't worry you will be ok after all your father only took like 2 months to only move "normally" and look at yourself you could stand up with only 5 minutes being here.

-Thank you, I guess.

-But you know why we decide to do this?


-it simple, you managed to control the Kaioken in a way that took more time to your father but you have the same problem that your father had

-You can't increase it more than 2 times without hurting yourself


-So, in order to help you, you will train this month here to expand your limit, is that clear?

-Yes sir.

Izuku began his "new" training and with only 3 days in the planet he could move normally like king kai and his father but still had problems with the kaioken.

One week on king kai's planet

Izuku was able to multiple his kaioken times 5 without hurting himself.

Two weeks on king kai planet

Izuku train to catch the pet of king kai Bubbles, he took only 1 week to catch it

Three weeks on King kai planet

Izuku train to catch the spirit of one great insect called Gregory and hit him with a hammer on the first day he could even see him, on the second day he tries to chase him but the little insect started to hit the green hair Saiyan at the point that he was so dizzy he throws up all the food that he ate before

Final week on King Kai planet

Izuku was able to catch Gregory even before he starts in only one month, he could archive the same thing that his father did in a year.

He also clears the beach before the second week of training

Before the boy and her father said something, the king kai said something to the little boy


-Yes kaio-sama?

-I'm aware that you did an extra training with the kaioken just try to not hurt yourself so bad with it

-Don't worry kaio-sama! I don't even think that I need to go to that limit right now but anyway thanks for the advice

-Stay safe you two

-Yeah thanks King kai- the pure Saiyan said

-Son do you want to do the honors?


Izuku did the tele transportation technique and the two Saiyan's despaired in a blink of an eye to only repaired to the mansion that they said would return, Izuku was nervous he thought that the girl would have forgotten him with some bravery in his mind and heart he knocks the door too only hear a female voice saying "Coming!"

He recollects all the bravery that he had and he saw the door opening and he saw Momo and she saw him, he tried to say something:

-H-Hi Momo-cha- he tried to said with out stutter but before he could finish the girl jumped to his arms

-IZUKU! - The girl yell, she was so happy to saw him again 

Another voice was hearing it was also female

-Sweetie what going o-OH MY GOD IZUKU YOU ARE BACK!

-Yes, I'm am, how are you Momo-Chan?

-I am really happy right now! I thought that I could never every see you again!

-Really? Didn't your parent tell you that I would came to train you?

-W-WHAT- The girl yell stutter at the same time

-Oh my god they didn't tell you!

-Sorry Izu-chan but we wanted to be a surprise!

-Ok I understand but by the way are is Momo's father?
-Oh he is out of Japan by now, he said that he was going to a business trip, put that not important so when the training start?

-Right now, if she wants! - Izuku said with a happy smile 

-Ok what do you say Sweetie? - the mother asked

-Yes, I love to! -Momo said with passion

-Good! Then I know the perfect place! – Goku said while grabbing his son and Momo shoulder.

-Wait Izuku where are we going? -Momo asked

-I'm thinking that we are going to my House...-Izuku said

-And where is your house?

-On the Mountains. -Izuku said

-ON THE MOUNTAINS? BUT THAT WOULD TAKE 12 HOURS TO BE IN A PLA-Momo yell but it couldn't finish she was teleported with izuku and his father to his home a

-Here we are! -Goku said with a smile on his face

-H...HOW...WHEN? –Momo was shocked that they we on the mountains in less than a second

-Dad...? -Izuku talked to his father

-Yes son? -His father said

-How are we in our house? In this place I thought that we couldn't teleport without feeling a Ki

-Oh! That simple the teleportation I used is a better version that the one I tech you the one I use is one that you only need to thought the place you want to be!

-DAD! YOU ARE AMAZING! - Izuku said with proud in his voice

-Hehehe thanks son well I will go talk with Momo's mother I'll be right back-His father said while disappearing

Izuku and Momo stared to each other in complete silence the air was full of tension. They didn't know how to stat a conversation, Izuku hadn't talk on a real conversation on a girl and Momo didn't really know what they could talk about.

-So Momo-Chan how are you being doing during these 8 months?

-Well I was sad that I couldn't say goodbye to you and well give you the properly thanks.

-Don't worry about that! And well you welcome! But since that I have a question that I wanted to make you.

- Is he going to ask why I felt sleep on his back?!?! What can I respond to that?!-Momo thought

-Why those persons were so determinate to kidnap you?


-You don't need to answer if that make you uncomfortable...

-Nononono that not it I thought that you would ask something different that's all! -Momo said with some pity on his voice

-Oh ok, may I know what question that you thought?

-Is nothing Izuku! And by answering your question is because of my quirk it's call CREATION I can create anything I want but I need to know it the structure of that thing, but I need lipids to do it.

-Oh, I get it! Since the matter can be created or destroy it only can be transformed!

-You are right Izuku!

-Hmmm I might think what type of training you can do...

-Really? What is it?

-we will train your quirk to a level that you can use it almost in an unconscious way and a way to use it in the middle of combat okay?


Izuku trained Momo in the first week in the way that she could use her quirk all she want to without getting tired and with that he need to cook A LOT of food (just like when he and his father ate) to Momo be able to use her quirk, On the second week he teach Momo some martial arts so she could experiment with her quirk in order for her to make her own fighting style, he teach her the turtle style and she made a variation she called it The armed turtle she could fight like Izuku but sometimes she create some weapons like katanas, ninja stars and kunai's to help her in the middle of the battle in the third week she was trained in her resistance in order to keep up in large time battles, On the final week Momo was curious about the quirk of our little green hair boy, she didn't saw it not even once, But she was determinate to find it. One day Izuku was tired and he decided to sleep a bit she was tired as well and decide to join Izuku she came near him and saw something that she never took importance to her she saw a brown belt that was in the hip of Izuku she curious touch it to see what type of material it was made from but when she touch it the "belt" it react! It was a brown monkey tail, she thought that the tail most be his quirk, but that didn't explain why izuku has all that might could be that he has the force of a gorilla? No... something tells her that it couldn't be either, she pets the tail again it felt more relaxing to Izuku that for her and suddenly the tail took Momo form her hip and approach her to Izuku. Her face was in a level of red that could be compared to blood form a fresh cut, but still she didn't feel like it was awkward the warm from izuku body was relaxing like the white aura that she felt when they were flying, although she feels something else a connection that she couldn't describe with words, she took a look to Izuku she felt her heart bumping faster and faster she never experienced something like this before could be that she was falling in love with him? At this point she didn't know but she would enjoy every second of this...


Izuku and Momo where sleeping on the grass, Izuku woke up first and saw Momo hugging him his face turned like when he was the super tomato 3 on Momo's house he didn't want to wake her up but suddenly for some reason he felt a connection with  Momo a connection that the girl felt too, his heart beat was rising and was rising higher than when he trains he saw Momo directly and saw how beautiful she was her face look like it was made by god itself he felt a incredible feeling to kiss her, but he couldn't they are friend but he wanted so badly...

He close his eyes for a moment and the he felt something wasn't right his tail wasn't on his hip but on Momo's hip that scared the shit out of him, did he do something to Momo when he was sleep? If he did, he never could forgive himself he tried to remove his tail from Momo hip but Momo (still sleep) felt that and hugged his tail harder Izuku suddenly felt his power go like something took it from him and he pass out. Momo felt that because the tail was tense and suddenly loosened she woke up and saw Izuku unconscious but not when like he was slept it was more like something hit him really hard she was worry about this she didn't know what happened and all that she could do was hug him until he wake up and so she did and she went back to sleep but this time hug him by his body not his tail

2 hours passed and izuku woke up and this time he saw Momo hugging him he thought that this should be enough time for sleep

-Momo-Chan wake up...

-Izuku-kun? -Momo said with a sleepy tone

-You are too cute for this world- Izuku thought

-IZUKU-KUN! -Momo yell

-WOW WHAT HAPPENED? -Izuku yell too


-Ok, ok, I tell you just stop screaming please-The boy said

-S-Sorry...-the girl said

-Well first you know by now that I have a tail, what happens is that when my tail is taken my power literally vanishes but my dad told me that I can neutralize this if I do a special training.

-Oh...ok, oh by the way Izuku-kun is that tail your quirk? -she said with a lot of curiosity

-Well... it's difficult to explain but I could resume it in one sentence, I'm Quirkless

This left Momo speechless if he is quirkless from where do him get all of his strength?

-I understand if you don't like be for this...-Izuku said with a sad tone

-WHAT? I NEVER DO THAT! -Momo said worried thinking that she touch a nerve



-Momo-Chan thank you...! -he said while a little tear was coming from his right cheek.

-Izuku-kun? Are you all right?

-Better than ever and I think I way that I can reward you!

-Wait What-She said with confusion

-the rest of this week I will teach you everything I can about the Ki!

-Wait Ki? What happening?

-Oh, right let me tell you about the Ki-Izuku said

Izuku proceeded to explain everything about the Ki and said that he will train her to feel it, use it, hide it and improve it, she nodded

First day of training

Izuku teach her how to feel the Ki and to test her, the played hide and seek obviously Momo was the one searching but she was doing it blindfold, she dominated in less than 3 hours leaving the rest of this day to go to the mountains to explore them

Second day of training

Izuku teach her how to hide it they would play hide and seek again but this time Izuku would search her, it took her all the day to master it

Third day of training

The third day he tech her how to improve it and how use it in middle of battle she like to call it "boost mode" because when she uses it, she felt that all of her stats were boosted

Fourth day of training (and last day)

Izuku teach her how use the Ki in an offensive mode he teach her how to use Ki balls and Ki waves then he decided that they would have a classic beam clash he told her that he will launch a Ki wave to his 1% of power and she needs to launch one strong enough to defeat him, she accepted and she procced to charge the attack, when it was charged at the 100% she fire it, while izuku launched a Ki wave with only one hand the beams clashed they were match he told her to use more power that if something like this happens the enemy would give the 100% and more, and she need to give MORE. She gives him the most powerful scream that she made on all her life and her Ki wave it got stronger that Izuku and it look that the wave consumes izuku, she was happy because she won on the beam battle but she worries that she didn't saw izuku anywhere, she thought that she could have kill him and start sobbing. When she heard his voice

-Congratulations Momo-Chan you just graduate from the basic course!

-IZUKU-KUN -she ran and hug him with passion

-WOW what happened? -he asked with concern

-I thought that I kill you...- she said with tears on his face

-Don't worry Momo-Chan. I'm okay and I would take more than that to kill me!

-D... DON'T SAY THAT! -she said yelling at him

-Well what can I say? you already finish your course and well I need to return you to your house!

-Izuku wait...

-What is it Momo-Chan?

-We will meet again right? We are friends?

-Of course, we are silly! We are going to the same school aren't we and yes, we are friends!

-You mean that you will go to U.A with me?!

-Of course! that's being my dream since child – he said with enthusiasm  

-Ok then! Let's make a promise we will pass the exam with all we got. -she said with happiness

-Yes, we will!

Izuku grab her shoulder and he teleported to her house leaving her to his door.

-Welp here we are!

-Yes, we are...

- I hope that we see us soon again- izuku said


-yes Momo-Chan? - he asked.

Momo with such a speed give a kiss on izuku cheek and running to her door and opened while yelling "see you soon! " Izuku flew to the sky with such happiness that he couldn't be out of that mood or a least after a long time now he only has one goal.



Hi guys! I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter because I really enjoy doing it

Hope to see you soon!

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