Sorry for the slow update i had a few school problems but don't worry i Will try to made the next one as fast as i can!
Our favorite pure Saiyan was going to explain everything when he was interrupted by the "Hero" endeavor.
-HMPH! Why even try to explain this? Your son injured a lot of people AND he killed a person that's called murder and with that he is a villain!
-So, you are saying that was better that my son do nothing a let the villains attack his classmates and maybe kill them? That's was not so heroic of your part En-de-a-vor...-he said while mocking him
-WHY YOU?!-he said while throwing a fire punch.
Goku was annoyed by the actions of Endeavor, he dodged his attack and he chopped his neck with a karate move. Everyone was surprised that he took down the second strongest hero with just one punch but goku with a serious tone said.
-Are you guys really that surprised? I mean my son defeated an army and obliterated a monster that was "designed" to kill All might. -while pointing him but in his skeletical form-
-What are you saying young man? Me? All might? Don't make me laugh.
-Really? A yellow hair man with the same eye colors than all might and with a suit that is clearly not of his size and with a hound that is clearly a threat to his life?
Everybody in the room was silent well it was obvious if you connected the dots and well, they were on the U.A so yeah it was obvious but how did he know about the wound?
-How did you know about the wound? -All might said.
-Well just like my son I can feel the presence of the people around me and feel their feelings but in addition I can feel if the presence is disappearing or in other words dying. But if you want to prevent that "EAT THIS" while he throws him a green bean to his hands.
-What is this?
-That's a senzu bean, it can heal any wound.
-If you don't believe me, why don't you try it!
All might without hesitation eat the bean and he started to feel how his wound and his organs were regenerating a lot of steam was coming out of all might, he started to grow muscles and he was getting bigger, his smile was not a fake one but one with true happiness and gratitude while shaking with emotion!
Everyone had a surprised face that he suddenly transformed he passed his time limit long ago! Did that bean really heal him?! It was a magic bean or something?!
-Well you could help me in one way is a very simple, if I can say. Could you take care of Izuku?
-*sigh* Look is complicated but simple at the same time, Izuku will reach a point in his power that he won't need my protection because he would have the transformation that he need to defend this world and well be a hero, but I know that that is not true threats are out there-he said while pointing to the sky- and they are stronger than everyone in this planet plus I need someone that can teach him some morals.
-wow, that is a deep situation.
-I know, but I need to get this clear. Toshinori Yagi A.K.A All might when I leave this world could you take care of my son Son Izuku Midoriya?
-Thank you All might, but get up you don't need to be so for...-he couldn't finish because the earth started trembling again
-What is happening?!
- I don't know but we need to take everyone out of here!
-But what will happened to Midoriya and Yaoyorozu?!?!
-EVERYONE STAY WERE YOU ARE AND LOOK! -Goku said while pointing to the health signs that indicate the state of Momo, the signs were crazy.
-Is she having a seizure?
-No, her Ki is struggling with something and if is what I think it is I going to be grandfather again!
-Wait what?
Goku approached to his son he smiled a bit when he touched his son forehead and he pull out some energy from his son, everyone was wondering what was he doing, Goku put the energy from his son to Momo's body and then the earthquake stopped. All the heroes were relieved that everything stopped but then Momo screamed with pain while she wakes up!
-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! -Everyone (except goku) yelled
-What happened?!?!-Momo was yelling while she was confused
Momo was analyzing were she was, she only remembers that Izuku was in fighting that big bird and he was dying...DYING! WHERE HE WAS NOW!?!?
-Why don't you see it yourself? -Goku said while pointing to the bed next to her, on that bed it was izuku in a coma like her was.
-IZUKU!!-she yelled while jumping out of her bed and hugging Izuku.
Everyone was confused how she wake up? And how did she was so energetic now? But then the notice something Goku had a smile on his face
(Imagine that goku is not in SSJ form)
-Momo, can I ask you something?
-You are the father of Izuku right? Hisashi-sensei!
-Yes, I'm but call me Goku, Can I ask you something?
-Do you like my son?
Everyone was silent they didn't think that he would be so direct, Momo blushed and then with a trembling voice said:
-Well then you have my blessing then! but one more thing you don't like to be the lady on trouble, right?
-How did you know...?
-Well I could say that is a feeling that I thought you would have, plus no SAIYAN likes to be weak...
-Wait what?
-look at you tail!
Everyone looked at the new tail that Momo had, it was just like the tail that izuku has but a little shorter than izuku tail.
-So, you are saying that Momo is like your son?
-Basically, but she is not my descendant or something, she is a little more "special".
-What do you mean?
-I knew that she was more special than the normal human, because I felt traces on her Ki that were basically from one of my best buddies, Vegeta the prince of all Saiyan's well technically he is the king and you-he said while pointing Momo- are his descendant so. Momo Yaoyorozu you are the princess of all Saiyan's!
- A princess...?
-Yeah that's what I said.
Momo started to sob while hugging the unconscious Izuku. Everyone was confused about this until she said.
-But what type of princess I am if I couldn't protect my people-she said while hugging him harder.
-Well I can do something about it! I could give you almost the same training that I gave to my son!
-Would you do that from me?!
-Of course, after all you are my "daughter in law"
Momo only blushed because of this and she smiled and said.
-Thank you!
-Sorry for interrupting but how we could heal Midoriya?
-Oh! That's a good question Eraser-head well we will wait hmm... 1 and a half weeks in order to get more senzu beans.
-WAIT YOU HAVE MORE OF THESE?!-All might said.
-Of course! They are beans after all!
-In that case could you give us two or three when they bloom?
-Only if you could made medicine with that-Goku said with a serious face and tone
-Oh! I see what are you trying to say, don't worry it will be a top-secret medicine.
-Can I make a question? -Midnight said
-You already did!
-No, I mean another.
-Of course
-What exactly are you? because you are clearly not a human and how do you know about eraser-head he is not so popular, no offence-she said while seeing eraser head.
-Well I'm a Saiyan but to humanity I am what they call an alien, and the reason why I know eraser-head is because my son has a collection of books of every hero he knows, the ability's they have, the special moves, how they can improve and finally the weaknesses they have. I think he wrote 13 books and he was writing a new one with his classmates. Any more questions?
Everyone said no while moving their heads should we go to ask permission to your parents Momo?
-Sure! But can I do something before going?
Momo approached Izuku and she gave him a kiss on the lips. Midnight was like a fangirl when they "ship" was confirmed.
-Now I'm ready to go!
-Ok now we should go.
Goku touched Momo's head and he teleport to her house. Everyone was shocked but then Aizawa had a question.
-Uhm... How we are going to explain this to the students? And how long will Endeavor be K.O?
And again, everyone was froze this was going to be a long explanation to the students and the media...
Goku and Momo arrived to the Yaoyorozu mansion and they knock the door but no one answer, they tried again still nothing, Momo created a key so they could pass, they found a note in the table, Momo proceeded to read it
Dear Momo,
If you are reding this is because you are awake, me and your father went to a trip to find something that maybe will be useful in your journey, we won't be here in a long time, but don't worry you will be resting in the home of your "friend" Izuku, he will treat you well, he is a good boy, so don't corrupt him....yet (I found some "dirty books" while I was "cleaning" your room)
I don't want grandsons yet...
Your mom.
PD: Use protection when the time comes... Love you!
Momo was blushing because of this, she put the note her pocket.
-So, what did it say?
-Okay...anyway if we are done here, we will go to the place that you will train, are you ready?
-Y-Yeah...I only have one question...Is really necessary to wait that long in order to that seeds bloom?
-Well yes, but actually no.
-I have a bag full of them right here!
-But then why you didn't give him any!
-Well it easy to explain, OUR kind gets stronger when it survives an experience that almost kill him but I figured out that the persons that survives the experience and heals slow gains more power than a person that heals fast. Plus, you are not going to have a good time with me, you will need all the beans that we have in order to survive.
Momo was a little scared about this "training" but if izuku bet it, she should do MUST!
-Oh, by the way we just train you to get power, because my son already teach you our style fight, and I can be sure that you did a variation with your quirk right?
-Yes Izuku-kun teach me all he could in the fighting style and the variation that I made I call it "The armed Turtle"
-I suppose that you use any type of blades and melee arms, right?
-Basically, yeah how did you know it?
-Well my son talked a lot about you before the first day on U.A. he said that he was very excited because he would be able to see you again and that he give you a "basic training" in the art of Ki so I'm just going to teach you some technique's and I'm going to rise your power to a level where you could kick my son ass!
-Wait but Izuku is in a coma! He will lose some of his power because of that!
-Again yes but actually no... of course he would need some training to catch up with you after this training but he unlocked the Super Saiyan form and with that he will be stronger that any treat or well almost any treat that he would face but once he awake he wont have any control on his transformation and I will need to teach him how NOT lose control of it and of course teach him how to control the Ki in that from because I know that he wouldn't like to kill one of his class mates. where I'm going to train?
-On King kai planet! But I have to warn you this is not going to be easy so I'm going to ask again, are you ready?
-If I want to be strong as Izuku I need to be ready!
-Now that's the spirit so here we go! Oh, by the way you won't use your quirk in this training.
-Yeah, I thought that...
-Oh! I forgot to mention but you can archive the Super Saiyan form too!
-Yes! You are a Saiyan after all, the only problem that I can see is that I have never saw one super Saiyan girl hehehe!
Momo only was a little disappointed with that answers but if she trains hard enough, she could be strong as his love one.
Momo's training results
First day and second day.
Momo try to get use to the gravity on the planet, she took almost 3 hours to move freely then Goku asked her to catch the pet of king kai "bubbles", it took her one day to catch it. Goku was impressed his son took one week to catch him, she truly was the princess of all Saiyan's!
Third and fourth day.
Goku tell Momo to catch Gregory she took two days to catch him.
Fifth and sixth day
Momo trained the use of Ki and how to use it efficiently, she was really tried because of this but she got stronger thanks to this also her Ki reserves got higher thanks to this.
Seventh day.
She trained the techniques of King kai, the Kaioken and the Spirt Bomb. She could use the kaioken but the spirt bomb was another case it looked that she wasn't "pure" enough (if you know what I mean.) to do it in an efficient way She could use it but it took more time to get energy and to launch it than Izuku.
Eighth day.
Momo trained more the kaioken until she reached the kaioken times 8, she wanted to increase it to a level like izuku but she knew that she needs to perfect it like izuku did.
Ninth day:
She perfected the kaioken just like Izuku, she was exited to show him his new powers but Goku told her to not show it until she could have a fight with him or when she was in trouble. Also, he told her to hide his tail until she could fight Izuku.
Final day.
She was going to train when goku told her that the senzu bean already bloomed and they could go to awake Izuku, he told her that by this time izuku would be heal by himself but the senzu only will wake him up but he would need someone to gave him the senzu bean because he couldn't eat it. (Momo was dreaming about that moment)
-So, are we ready?
-Yeah! I'm ready to see Izuku-kun!
-More like you are ready to kiss him....
Momo only blushed and she give him a little punch in the arm, he only laughs about this. They teleported to the principal office so they could know where his son. When the principal notice them he started to sweat.
-O-OH H-Hello mister Goku, hello Yaoyorozu what are you doing here?
-We are here to wake up izuku we have the beans right here...
-Talking about him...we...can'
-He said t-that he doesn't want to see anyone...?
Goku stood still and he closed his eyes he opened again but this time his eyes were a sliver color and a blue aura was around him then he asked again.
-The director was almost shitting her tiny pants, and said:
-D-Dagobah M-Municipal B-Beach P-park
Goku closed his eyes and then he opened again reveling the black color that it uses to be.
-Ok thanks...-he said while telling Momo too follow him, what she did.
Momo asked Goku why his eyes changed, he told her that he used a technique that he got a long time ago and that he never really uses it after when he learn it, because he didn't find a good opponent to use it on. Then he told her that Izuku was in the place where he mastered the kaioken so they just going there. Momo ask him why he didn't use the instant transmission and How did he wake up without the bean, he said that Izuku Ki was down enough to prevent to be found, he also said that he maybe underestimate the healing ability of izuku AND he thinks why he wants to be alone, she proceed to ask him.
-You do?
-Of course, well I would get angry if when I awoke from a coma and the person, I love wasn't with me, I could think that she died and I fail to protect her.
-Don't panic, I bet that he will be happy when he sees you.
-You do?
-Of course, I know my son after all!
they started to walk to the beach where they would meet izuku but Goku was a little curious about the feelings of the young Yaoyorozu so he asks her
-Hey Momo I have a question for you.
-What is it Goku-Sama?
-Why do you love my son?
-W-WHAT? -She yells
-Why do you love my son?
-I... I...
-Come on is not that hard!
-Well...I could say that he is the first one to not see me as an object or a trophy...he is not even interested on my family's money...and...he hasn't tried to touch me or he wasn't seen me with luxury he is the first man who cares about me... (excluding my father of course)
-I see...well then, I should tell you something about him then...he does love you.
-Of course, but he hasn't notice or at least is what I think, what I mean is he care about you in a romantic way but he hasn't experience something like this before...
-What do you mean?
-It would be better if he told you instead of me okay?
They continue the walk, after a few minutes they were in the entrance of the beach and then they saw that a huge Kamehameha was going to the sea creating a scene that made Goku remember the time that he did the same.
There he was Izuku, he was crying and sobbing while punching the ground. They could hear that he was saying something.
-WHY?!?, WHY I COULDN'T SAVE HER WHY I AM SUCH A WEAKLING!?!?! WHY I COULDN'T TELL HER HOW I FEEL?! ...why... I couldn't even say goodbye...
Momo and Goku were shock about this he really knows about love and he was suffering, he really thinks that Momo is dead! Goku didn't like this situation so he tells Momo his plan.
-Ok, Momo forget everything I said about that he doesn't know what's love we are going to increase our Ki to the max so he can feel it and notice that you are alive okay?
-Okay! -she said in a low tone
They both increased they Ki to pretend they just teleport in the location, Izuku felt the Ki of his father and the Ki of Momo he moves his head into the direction that he felt the Ki's and he saw his father and his love interest and she was fine! Then she screams his name while moving his hand.
-IZUKU! -Momo yelled
-MOMO?!?!-Izuku said while some tears were traveling to the ground
-IZUKU! -she started to fly to his arms
-MOMO! YOU ARE ALIVE!!-He said while he flew to her arms, he hugs her with a very tight hug and crying a lot on her shoulder
-Of course, I am silly! Why I shouldn't?
Izuku started to spin while hugging Momo and then he started to fly while he hugs her even more tight a golden aura started to glow in izuku, he transformed in to a super Saiyan and he was crying not with sadness but with joy while he was going down with her Goku said hi.
-Hello son!
-DAD! I'm so happy to see you! Where have you been!?
-I was with the king of all talking about some issues that he has and that he wants me to help him with when I felt your Ki with the kaioken times 20, and well when I did it for the first time I was fighting a strong villain, he killed my best friend and I explode with rage and I turned Super Saiyan the form that you are right now, I thought that you could turn it to the Super Saiyan form but then I thought that you could be training but then your Ki got higher and well you transformed.
-Hehehe! It looks like I'm following your steps Dad!
-I'm sure you do! Just don't do the same mistake that I did.
-Ok dad.
-But it seems that you power got higher but your body decreased...
-What do you mean dad?
-You power increased but your ability to control it looks inefficient you are wasting a lot of Ki if you ask me
-But I'm not using the kaioken or anything! -he said while he was in Super Saiyan
-Hmmm son? Do you know that you are in the Super Saiyan form right now?
-IM IN WHAT?!!?!?-he said while checking himself noticing that he was in the super Saiyan form, but once he noticed he lose his transformation.
-Ok... it looks that your transformation is more synchronized with your emotions that I expected, but I think that I can fix that!
-What do you mean Goku-Sama?
- "Goku-Sama?"-Izuku thought
-It's easy, the transformation of Super Saiyan is one that it can be mastered by training and by a HARD training and well I need to give it to him before he lose control or something like that but he and the sport festival is in two days...but you haven't seen each other by like one weak and half so, are you guys wanting to have a special time with each other?
-You mean...?
-A date?
-If you guys want to have it that way....
-What is it Momo?
-Could I do the same training like Izuku?
-I'm sorry Momo but I'm afraid that you can't or at least not right now-He said while he winks an eye. -But you could train a few more days in King Kai planet
-Momo trained with King kai?!
-Yes, I did Izuku-kun! And I can say it was a good time!
-Yeah... if you say so... but why your Ki feels a little different? It's feels more like... my father and I
Goku didn't thought that this could happened so he panicked a little bit because he's "secret little plan" was going to be ruined
-OH, BUT LOOK AT THE TIME! WE NEED TO TRAIN SON! DON'T WORRY MOMO I WILL GIVE YOU A RIDE LATER! SEE YA! -he said while grabbing izuku and teleporting himself.
-Ok....I wait...
Goku and Izuku were in a new location and that location was new to our green broccoli, they were in a temple it looks a little old to izuku taste but it was fine. Then he saw a green old man and a black person with a strange look. His father said hello to them they looked happy when saw his father and surprised when they saw him, they proceeded to talk to them.
-Goku is nice to see you again it been a long time isn't?
-Yeah dende! It's been a while did life was good with you? know how we lived... and you already know the answer
-Yeah, I know...Well we need to focus in the present right know that's why I bring him here!
-Oh! I see... well hello there! I'm dende the god of earth but you can call me Kami-Sama if you want.
-H-Hi I'm Son Izuku Midoriya is nice to meet you Kami-Sama.
-Wait... "Son"?
-Y-Yeah about that he is my third son...
-I can see it now, I suppose that you want to train him, right?
-Yes, he wants to become a hero and well he has the power to do it but he needs a way to use it correctly.
-I see... so you want to get in the hyperbolic time chamber?
-Yes! But the only problem here is that I don't want him to change his appearance, you know?
-Yes... it would be a trouble to him to look older than his classmates but fear not, the last time the chamber was used was upgraded and well I put that the user won't age, we were afraid that you started to get be old to protect the people.
-Thanks, dende!
-No problem!
-Oh! I almost forgot Izuku stay here please.
-Ok dad.
Goku disappeared in a blink of an eye only to return after a few minutes.
-Where did you go dad?
-Don't worry son it was just a thing that I needed to take care of, now should we begin?
-Yes, sir!
They entered the hyperbolic time chamber and they started to train, Izuku only wanted to train by 2 weeks like the others but Goku said that he couldn't let him do that, he needed to control his SSJ transformation or at least how to active it like him so they train for at least six months.
First month
Izuku regain his ability to control his power, he no longer wastes Ki.
Second and Third month
Goku teach Izuku how to transform into SSJ and how control his emotions in order to activate it but izuku couldn't control the power of the transformation, of course for Goku it wasn't a problem but to his classmates wouldn't be good to be disintegrated by a kamehameha or some thing simple as a Ki ball.
Fourth and Fifth Month
Izuku got full control of the SSJ form and he train it, one day in his training he discovered the second grade and third grade form of the SSJ but it was pretty obvious the forms that he discovered were useless, yes he gain power but he couldn't move like he usually do and well he knew that they were not alone in the universe he is a prove of if he wasn't strong than the foe he must be faster but..... it could be useful in Halloween he could use a custom of all might!
Final month
Izuku and Goku were training but Izuku was not like himself, so Goku in his father role talk to him in order to know what was happening to him.
-Son are you alright?
-Yeah...I'm just thinking...
-Ok then...What are you thinking?'s funny you know is a dumb thing but it's feel weird, we are the last of our kind and it feel's lonely and well I have all this power but I won't be able to use it in a fight, sure I can use it in rescue missions but it just feels that I will have a boring life.
-I understand son, we the Saiyan's are complicate beings we always want to be stronger and then face us to a opponent that his stronger like us or than us, most of my life was like that and well I reached a point that I couldn't reach more in fighting terms but I didn't want to stop I wanted to get more power or get more knowledge and then it hit me. I could be a master in fighting aliens and martial arts but I was completely dumb in things like math's, feelings and ordinary things like reading or writing. And well when I started to learn this thing, I felt like I won a battle between a great foe, what I trying to say is that you don't need to only focus on fighting you need to be strong in all the fields you need to have mind and body on harmony.
-That's deep dad. Are you sure you don't want to be a philosopher or something like that? -Izuku said in a funny tone
- And you simply eliminate all the seriousness that I put in that speech, are you happy now son?
-A little bit, yeah but I understand what are you saying dad.
-Oh yeah? Well... then tell me about your relation with Momo Yaoyorozu I mean it obvious that you see her more like a friend.
-HA! How it feels son!
-No, but seriously, how you feel about her?
-I-I like her b-but I have never experiment something like...-Izuku face went blank
Midoriya was going to murmur and get lost into his own word het goku give him a karate chop on the head.
-Son get focus! Don't panic if you love her then you should ask her out. (My god they are made for each other...)
-Y-Yeah... (ouch dad that hit really hurt) but I want to be like awesome, unforgettable you know what I mean?
-Yeah, I can get an idea hmm how about the UA festival?
-What do you mean?
-What I trying to say is that you win the festival and you propose to her.
-That actually a good plan but...
-It wouldn't be fair to the other's if I use my full power. It feels like kind of cheating you know?
-Well if you feel like that, we can ask Dende to put you a seal that restricted you power.
-He can do that?!?
-Yes, he can but I warn you that it can be broken so please do not raise you power so much.
-Ok dad
-By the way dad how much time was it pass out the chamber?
-Hmm like 12 hours... it probably Wednesday out there
-12 HOURS!?!?!
-Yeah, I forgot to mention that one day out in a year in here so doing some math if we have train by 6 months by now it should have pass 12 hours, but anyway you haven't reached the perfect control of the SSJ so it appears that we are going to stay the whole year here.
-Oh boy...
???: How much is I'm going to wait here? It has pass like 12 hours!
???: Well you are going to leave until Goku pick you up or when I awake all your hidden power what happens first, but I think the first ting is going to happen because you have A LOT of hidden power even more than...
???: Even more than...?
???: Uhm... somebody I used to know.
???: Hmm....
???:(Shit, I almost fuck up)
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