Hi guys it 'me Deiga just trying to say hi and all of that, this chapter is the beginning of my own saga or well...the events that I'm doing with this fic.It will have events of boku no hero of course but on my way.

And I learned that I am a lazy ass mother*ucker! Cuz I had some days for work this chapter but I always said "I do it later,etc,etc"

Any way I hope that you enjoy this chapter!

Happy Christmas and Happy new year too!


Omnipresent and omniscient Narrator P.O.V

It was a new day on the planet earth,Son Izuku Midoriya was sleeping on his bed in another words he was fine by the moment but...something was changing inside him.

When he was cured by his father with Godly Ki something on his body change a bit,something that it was asleep it was now trying to merge completely...trying to be what it was in the past but is still has a long

But that is not my thing to explain....Or at least not now....

But what I can say is that....

Sometimes the sons must pay for the father sins...

(Ignore that the title of the video is in spanish...)

-What...What is that sound.-our protagonist said while trying to wake up.

Izuku opened his eyes just to see the alarm.

-Oh..Yeah it's Monday...4 AM....maybe I could sleep five up izuku..-He said to himself.

Izuku got out of his bed while still carrying the book with his tail, He took his uniform and went straight to the kitchen in order to make breakfast for him and his father, he does this everyday before going to UA.He leaved the uniform in a chair near him and procced to cook breakfast

Izuku P.O.V

-Ok, Izuku remember the plan...just as you planned before going to still have time...-Our "last" Saiyan male said to himself.-And just like she taught you...first the ingredients...

-For Baked Katsu you need:1 cup panko,1 Tbsp neutral flavor oil, 2 pieces and a half-thick lean boneless pork loin chops, 1 tsp salt, freshly ground black pepper, 1-2 Tbsp all-purpose flour, And 1 large egg. - a woman's voice echoed in his mind while taking all those the ingredients from the cupboard and putting them in the kitchen bar

-For Katsudon you need: Half of an onion, ,2 large eggs ,2 servings cooked Japanese short grain rice- the process repeat itself

-And for last but not less the ingredients for the Sauce :1 cup dashi, 2 Tbsp sake, 2 Tbsp mirin, 2 Tbsp soy sauce and 2 tsp sugar-He repeated the process for the last time.

He took a deep breath before closing his eyes for a moment, then he started monologuing again but with his eyes still closed.

- Once we Gather all the ingredients, we adjust oven rack to the middle position and preheat the oven to 400F.-The woman's voice resonated again in Izuku's mind while he turned on the oven. -Combine the panko and oil in a frying pan and toast over medium heat until golden brown. Transfer panko into a shallow dish and allow it to cool itself-the voice said while izuku put the panko in a bowl-.Cut the onions into thin slices and the mitsuba into small pieces.

-Remove the extra fat and make a couple of slits on the connective tissue between the meat and fat, this will allow Tonkatsu to stay nice and flat and prevent it from curling up. Sprinkle salt and freshly ground black pepper in each piece then dredge each pork piece in the flour to coat completely and pat off the excess flour...

-Beat one egg in a bowl. -He cracked an egg in a near bowl then. -and coat the pork with the beaten egg.-He took the panko bowl.-Finally coat with the toasted panko. Press on the panko flakes to make sure they adhere to the pork.-The voice said while Izuku took the pork and he proceeded to cover it with panko.-Bake it at 400F (200C) until the pork is no longer pink inside, about 20 minutes and after those minutes and cut then into 1 inch pieces... Combine Seasonings in a liquid measuring cup or bowl. Beat one egg in a bowl...-he said in a monotone tone, put half of the onion slices into the pan and pour ½ to ¾ cup of the sauce to cover them. Bring the sauce and onions to a boil, Lower the heat to medium and cook onion slices until translucent, about 4-5 minutes. -The voice started to sound softer as more it was speaking- Put one Baked Tonkatsu in it and turn the heat up to medium high heat. Pour and distribute beaten egg evenly and cover with the lid and When egg is half cooked, turn off the heat. And finally serve rice in a donburi bowl and slide Tonkatsu and egg mixture on top. Continue with the second serving. If you want serve it with shichimi togarashi...






And that's how Mama cook's

Izuku opened his eyes again and in front of him were two bowls of katsudon,one for him and one for his father but he knew that something was missing was missing the bowl of his mother...

Izuku sighed sadly, not so long ago his mother died on his birthday number 13, he tried to save her from the attack of a "hero" that was going to take it as collateral damage but he couldn't and because of that he was badly hurt but his mother was fatally hurt. She made him promise to protect the people and the planet earth and of course to not become a villain because of the event with all that said she died on his arms wishing him a happy birthday too...

With that event he unlocked his powers, his alien powers...Saiyan powers from his father side. Hisashi Midoriya his dad returned to life thanks to the deal that made with some gods that was basically "if his mother died and he was already dead, he would come back to earth in order to take care of him. His dad immediately came back after his mother gave her last breath and took them away from the city.

Hisashi somehow cured him and took him to the mountains and told him his story and his deal with the gods and he asked for forgiveness for not being there when he need him and told him that he can be a hero that he would train him in order to do so.Also he told him part of his life and revealed to him that his true name is Son Goku.

That's pretty much it...his origin story, right? Every hero needs one, right? Well its time to clear something that wasn't...

We are back in the present, izuku took one katsudon bowl and he started eating it leaving the other one with a note saying that he was going to school,he loved his father but no living force on this planet was capable for waking him up.

He leaved his house and closed the door and with a nostalgic look he told to the world


A golden spark appeared in the sky and from there a golden/yellow cloud emerged from it and went directly were izuku was standing.

The nimbus as if it were a dog, circled around Izuku showing him some kind of love

-Hey buddy...-Izuku petted the cloud with nostalgia. -It's time for the visit okay? -Izuku said with sadness in his voice

The nimbus somehow showed some sadness and lowered his front side allowing izuku to ride it.

-Thanks buddy...-Izuku said as he climb his way up. -Don't worry we will travel together more often and well with a happier mood, I promise.-He said once he was on the top of the nimbus.

When the two beings were ready they started to move in the blue sky in one specific direction.

Izuku lay down on the nimbus while closing his eyes one more time.

The events of the last year started to come to his mind....and time started to flew without him noticing...

"Mommy will dad wake up?"

"No... he won't wake up deer..."

"Sorry ma 'dam but your son is quirkless"

"I...I am sorry izuku...I am so sorry"

"The money is in the table, please hurry up!"

"Don't...transform...into a villain...because of this"


"I'm so sorry Izuku, I wasn't able to be there for you and your mother"

"I always tell you that you would be a great hero"

Those words marked the beginning of his adventure but something that no one completely knew except for his father is that him is not as strong as it seems like..

Let's go back...back to the past....

*One year ago, Location: Old goku's house*

-Son, in order to fulfill your dream, we need to train ok?

-Y... YES!-Izuku said with happiness.

-Wait!!! Where's mom!? If im healed she must be okay to!! We can be together again! We can be a complete family again!.Izuku said with "joy".

Goku didn't respond, his eyes just got shadowed by his spikey hair.

We can eat together again! We can see movies together again! Izuku said with hope while the sun was setting behind his father.

We can spend time together again! We can be a family again! We...We can be happy again!-Izuku

Goku didn't respond either but his face was clearly showing sadness and some kind of anger but it wasn't towards izuku but towards the situation.

-Right...?-Izuku eyes started to leak some tears while falling in his knees

The sun went completely down and the night emerged leaving the two of them in the darkness of the night.

Goku approached his youngest son and hugged him.Izuku talked once again to his father

-You died when I was four...I was diagnosed quirkless literally two weeks after your death... and because of that I was beat up over and over again...I was isolated by anyone because not having a one wanted to be my friend.. and now in my birthday

How miserable I must be for the world to be happy?

Izuku said with a broken smile while his now lifeless eyes were leaking painful tears.

Goku's heart broke when he saw his son like that,but he couldn't do anything but help him move forward.

-You suffered enough son. You have suffered enough...-Goku said while using more ki to calm his son down and this time accomplishing his goal.

Izuku felt once again the feeling that his father always gave him while hugging,the feeling of that nothing would be hurting him anymore that everything would be fine and that he could overcome anything he need to face...But no one could overcome this kind of event at least not so easy...

-Where is she...?-Izuku said while his eyes didn't reflect any spark of life but they were still leaking tears

-You don't need to see it right now...we can do it later.... if you don't feel like it ...-Goku tried to convince his son that he needed to rest a little even a little.

Izuku didn't respond,he just broke free from the hug and looking directly to his father's eyes.

Goku could feel the sadness that izuku was experimenting right now and understood it...He could be the only one who could truly understand him. Without saying anything goku hugged him again but with a quick move he flew with him into the deep sky.

Izuku felt fear for the sudden action but he felt once more he felt the warmness that his father gave him with every hug,he felt safe even thought they were flying so fast that any aircraft made by the human race were slow as a snail.

Izuku P.O.V

After some time flying I started listening some sounds that no one could not recognize.


Sea waves...

palm trees resonating...

The wind itself...

And of course I heard that dad was telling me that we have arrived.

-Here we are son...-Son Goku said to his youngest son while releasing him from the hug

I moved away from dad to see where were we...and Im not gonna lie I was surprised since we where in a little island with a pink house in front of us.

-A pink house..? Why would we be in a pink...-I said while looking better at the house.

"Kame House"

That name..I remember that name...

-Were awe?-An Smol Izuku said

-We are in one of our many homes son...-that was said by a goku with black hair and white strands

-More like a vacation home sweetie!-A more younger Inko said.

-Yeeey!.-smol Izuku said.-wut why it hwas thwose lettewrs

-It because someone I knew own it before us...-Son goku said

-I have been here before...-I whisper for myself.

I walked towards the house until I was in front of the door,I opened it.

My eyes were granted with the view of the inside of the house,my sight inspected all the room it had a little old tv with two dvd players,an toy? From what would it look like a weird space pod,some books and from a weird sofa shaped in "L"

My memory showed me another moment about the past but this one dad and I were relaxing in the sofa itself while mom was cooking in the kitchen.

-Well boys who's ready for dinner! -Inko said with a happy smile

-ME!!-Goku and Izuku said

I remembered another memory looking at the tv in a Sunday morning...


-YEAH!!-smol izuku said.

Goku and inko just smiled towards his child.

But then I spotted a pink door...the final memory emerged with that door.

Smol Izuku was semi-sleep on his mother's arms while Goku and inko were resting in the trunk of a cherry tree that was behind the house. Smol izuku asked something.

-Mommy,why is this twree different from the others? and when dwo we ewver return hwere?-Smol izuku said almost asleep.

-every weekend if you want Izuku...and the reason is difference of the others is because your dad and I put it here,it's my favorite kind of tree after all-Inko said while smiling

-Awesome.-Smol Izuku said while fully falling sleep.

When that memory was over Izuku's tear's began to fall again

NO!-I screamed with horror.

I slammed the door just to see a small shrine with the picture of my mother on it and with other things that belonged to her

-No...-I said while falling into my knees.

My tears,my sorrow,my sadness,my anger converged in that moment,I didn't know what to do but to scream into the heavens saying that why the universe hate me so much.

End of Izuku P.O.V

He screamed and screamed and he didn't want to stop he felt that he wouldn't be able to stop but the once again the warmness that his father provide him was enough to calm him down.

-Why...whywhywhywhy this had to happen why everything that happens to me must be bad,I can't take it anymore...not anymore dad,I just can't.The universe want me to give up in life...if that's it I do,I do,I do,I do,I do give up...please...I just want mom back...-Izuku said again with lifeless eyes

Son goku couldn't handle it anymore his child was broken,the world broke him,life broke him..and he couldn't be there to repair him or protect him but he know what he could do now..

-Son I know the pain you are going to...And I'm going to be honest with you we can't bring her back, we can't undo this but we can honor her memory...didn't she tell you to promise something? To not become into villain?

-Yes...but even if I wanted I'm quirkless...I'm useless...-Izuku tried to continue his depressive description.

-STOP.-His father said with a serious voice.

Izuku was scared about the suddenly rise of voice that his father did.

-Dosen't matter if you are a low class warrior or a quirkless if you train hard enough you can surpass the elites or the ones who were born with devastating quirks! Maybe you don't remember right but I'am no human,I am a Saiyan therefore YOU ARE A SAIYAN.You have the potential to archive immense power and witht that power you could bring peace into this world just like I did in my past,YOU CAN BECOME A HERO,a hero that can prevent something like happened to you happened to another person.The only thing you need is wake up from what the people sees you and what society says you are into what you want to be.And you can't lie to me always wanted to be a hero and im would be a bad father if I don't help you.

Izuku cried again but this time it wasn't sad tears or lifeless tears this time were tears of hope even that if is just a glimmer of hope...those tears would feed the seeds of his bright new future and even if it hard at first, he won't give up not again.

-Not again....ever again-Izuku said while opening his eyes once more.

Izuku was still laid on the flying nimbus but the sun was already rising up in the horizon but that wasn't the only thing on the horizon.

The Kame house was on the horizon too and with that it was his stop.

-Okay buddy that's my stop we know what to do.-Izuku said while the flying nimbus stopped but emitting a sad sound in the process -And don't be sad,I said that we are going to have a ride later didn't i?-Izuku said with a smile.-I'll be back!-Izuku said while leaving and nimbus went into the deep sky

Izuku jumped off the nimbus and made his freefall towards the kame house but it didn't last long to him to reach the island and fall on his feet. Izuku landed on the grans that existed on the island but instead of going inside the house he surrounded it going straight to his mother shrine

He kneeled before it and he made a prayer before he spoke freely.

-Hi mom, I hope you are okay up there in heaven here on earth things were actually fifty-fifty I mean I have become a student of U.A as I always dream but no one told me that that would come with villain attack created specifically for me and for all might heheheheh oh I met him by the way he looks kinda ¿regular? in person or maybe is just because now I know that dad would kick his ass too dad is awesome by the way he is technically a god isn't he...? And well I am a Super Saiyan now! Dad says that I am equally as strong as my brother Gohan when he was in the same transformation when he was my age and fought some called cell but not the same kind of power when he transformed into Super Saiyan 2,so I still got to things to learn hehehe....oh I don't know if you know but I have a girlfriend now...we told to each other that we love the other but I think that it was because the heat of the fight in the festival and maybe the Saiyan sides trying to make the specie prevail either way...I don't think that we are on the level that you and dad had, so we are going to have a date today after school if everything goes right plus I don't think that some villains would come towards me after the festival after I yelled that Momo would destroy the entire place with her attack and well defeated her afterwards. But what I haven't done yet was the searching of the group of villains that tried to capture Momo when we met because now that I think about it it was like all of a sudden, I mean what's the probability that a beautiful girl felt on your arms ask the first person that she sees for help...something tells me that this isn't the first time that happened to her...

And I wanted to tell you that I love you despite of everything that happened or would happen that I always carry you here...-he said while pointing at his heart-

Izuku wanted to talk more with his mother but a sound came from his alarm telling him that it was 6:40 AM he need to be at UA at 7:25 at keast AM but he could be there in an Instant transmission but he knew that he couldn't relay on just one trick what would happened if he couldn't do the Instant transmission? Dead in the spot.

-Im sorry mom I need to go,but don't worry I will come again soon! Take care...-He said while looking towards the sky


And once again the golden cloud came towards his "new" owner and stopped in front of him just to ride it once more.

-I will be back soon!!-Izuku said while flying away on nimbus...

Once they were in the sky again izuku talked to nimbus from a little bit.

-So after the fight with uncle Vegeta...-can even I call him uncle?-Dad didn't called you anymore right? my brother Gohan didn't really need you in order to travel right?And since he taught brother goten how to fly he didn't use you either, at least often.

The nimbus said yes in her way...

-Well that kind of a d*ck move...-Izuku said.

The nimbus didn't like the word that izuku used but she agreed with him

-Well even if you aren't as fast as us you are incredible soft.-Izuku said while laying down once again but this time upside down giving the nimbus a big hug.-I promise you something nimbus that doesn't matter what at least we are going to have 3 rides per week.

Nimbus was filled with joy just from hearing that.

-But we both know that I need to arrive to school as soon as possible! HERE WE GO!-Izuku said while nimbus used her max speed to arrive UA


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