Izuku went to his house to spend the weekend training his power, but when he arrives to his house, he felt the Ki's of his father and remember that he said that he would return in a few moment's but him and Momo train one moth straight and he didn't return, it didn't matter to him because he spends that time with Momo, but he was curious about it. He opened the door of his house and said

-I'm home!

-Oh! You are back son! How was the training with Momo?

-It was great, but I have a question dad, why you didn't return?

-Oh, I did! But I was far enough to you to notice.

-that's ok then.

-But I saw that she hugs you while sleeping... and you hug her back with your tail...-his father said with a spicy tone

-W-WHAT? - our broccoli

-HEHEHEHE-The pure Saiyan laugh

-W-Well that not important, I was going to ask you to let me train with King kai this weekend

-Sure, thing son just make sure, that you sleep well and be on time to your exam!

-Thanks dad! I will!

Izuku proceeded to train the Friday and Saturday training with King kai he asks him to help him train the kaioken to be on a new level and so he did King kai remembered the time that goku train with him the first time and thought that he could teach him his second technique the spirit bomb and so he did! Izuku hadn't problems doing it in fact it was easy to him to recollect energy he even made bubbles give him his energy, this exited King kai because it could be that he will never had have problems to use the technique, the weekend was over Izuku had to return to earth to the do his exam.

The next day

Izuku was in front of the U.A he was exited about the test his dream was closer than ever, so he starts walking in to be in the place that we were going to take the normal exam, it wasn't really a problem but still he struggles a little bit with it, when he finishes the exam, he went to the quirk exam explanation. He remained silent only listening to the explanation, then a dark blue hair boy stands up and start yelling about the instructions he didn't care about it, the teacher tell everyone to go out the exam field, everyone nodded.

When Izuku arrive to the place tried to feel Momo's energy on the field but he didn't feel it so he thought that maybe she did it before...but it didn't matter now... he is going to put all he got in this exam...

-Begin! A voice said, Izuku move with an incredible speed, while destroying the robots he didn't lose any time and he got almost 80 villain points in just 3 minutes!, he wanted to get more but he didn't see it fair to the others everyone must have a chance to pass this exam an he is not going to take someone opportunity because of his greed so he started to help the people that didn't have so many points and he do that for almost all the exam, he help a French? Blond boy to get points retaining the robot to make it easier to the boy to land a shot on them, later on he helps the blue hair boy that yelled at the auditorium to knock some robots he passes them like a football ball and the blue boy just knock them up, he was satisfied.

He was going to take a break but then a little earthquake happened and a GIANT robot came from the ground everyone started running, Izuku didn't he knew that he could beat it but he just stared to it but then he heard a voice a female one, the voice was crying for help ,Izuku search for the voice and saw a brown hair girl with her leg trapped and probably crushed by some rocks, he got serious and yelled the technique that his father teach him and King kai help him improve it

-KAIOKEN!!- he said while running

Izuku body only looked just a little more red colo, but his powered had a great change, he only needed a half of a second to reach the brown hair girl and put her on a safe place.

(Meanwhile on the teacher's room)

-Woah! This year looks with so much potential! - said a woman in some sort of latex?

-Indeed-said a mouse? A bear? No one know...

-Especially the green hair one he stopped fighting the "villains" when he got the points that he needed and he didn't get more on that way... and he started to help the ones with few points, he is helping them...

-Ok then let's see how they react to the "obstacle"- the unknown animal said while pressing some big red button

(Now we are back with Izuku)

He saw the big robot and thought- "that thing could have killed this girl! Is it really that dangerous? No... they but have a power button somewhere, I don't think that they could let it kill others, right?

Bold of him to thought that, the robot started to open a giant mouth and start to charge a purple energy to launch it to the people that were running-"OH SHIT!", our little broccoli yell in his mind he leave the girl in the roof of the building and he went down to intercept the attack of the robot, but the robot suddenly stopped and focused on Izuku, Izuku thought that maybe the teacher desactived it because time ran up, but again bold of him to think that the robot started to focus all his energy on his mouth creating a big power ball,"Crap basket's" he thought while he yelled "KAIOKEN TIMES 3!" And started to charge a Kamehameha, he never tried to make one but it should be easy. Right? RIGHT?

(The situation was basically this just with the U.A robot and Izuku)

The teachers saw this and tried to shut down the robot but it hasn't responding, they were thinking about an interfering but two blond persons that we already know the tall one said that they should not interfere if the kid was standing in the middle of the fire it because he could handle it while the second one shows the news video showing him saving Momo.

The professors understand the situation but they didn't know why the robot didn't respond to them, they just hoped that everything ended in good terms.

The robot fully charged his attack, it aim to our little broccoli and fire his attack Izuku fired his attack as well, Two waves could be saw one a pure purple color and one with a blue color in the outside and red in the inside, the two power beams hit each other struggling to beat each other but they were equivalent, everyone was staring to the boy with black and green hair they were thinking how it is possible that all that energy could come from a single person? But most importantly why he is fighting that thing? He could just run like everybody else! The teachers in the room were shock as well they couldn't believe that that kid had so much power! The two blond persons were smiling! They have found a powerful allied and a person with a pure heart not everyone could have the guts to attack the zero robot, but they noticed something the boy was saying some words.

(In the fight) Izuku P.O.V

Wow! How they manage to make that type of energy? It too powerful! It like the Ki but still not Ki! But well is not like I'm going to lose... I hope that the math's not fail me now...


Third person P.O.V

The blue bean intensified overtaking the purple one while destroying the zero pointer. Nobody believe what they were seeing but one of the people that were taking the exam started to clap and then other and then other until everyone were clapping and cheering him

Izuku just gave a big smile and then the voice of the teacher that gave them the instructions said that the times up then he remembered that the girl with his leg hurt it was on the top of a building so he need to get her down so she can get some medical help.

After taking the girl down the building a old lady was trying to know is anyone were hurt, our little Saiyan said that a girl needed medical attention the old lady went to they location and kissed the brown hair girl healing the leg of the girl then she announced that the results of their exam would be announced in two weeks with that said Izuku do the Instant Transmission to get home leaving everyone on the place with the same question...

HOW MANY QUIRKS DO HE HAVE? (Bold form them think that he was a quirk...)

Izuku went to his house to tell his father that he finished the exam.

-Dad! I'm home!

-Welcome son! I assume that you pass your exam, right?

-Well I feel that I did!

-Good! but I have a question...

-What is it Dad?

-Why did you use the Kaioken times 3?

-Oh, a robot was doing an attack and I needed to counter it but I have a question too father

-Tell me then son!

-Is it possible to a machine to produce something like the Ki but isn't Ki?

Goku was surprised did his son defeated an android? How's even possible that androids like 18 and 17 could even stayed alive of course they have a more expanded life but they couldn't be able to survive the war... did his wish revive them? He didn't know but he heard that his son was calling him



-It is possible to a machine produce something like the Ki?

-Yes, it is but that type of technology was lost when we and my friends defeated the creator of that technology. Did the robot you fought had it?

-I think so it was a big purple beam and well I use a Kamehameha with the kaioken times 3 and a half...

-And a half?

-Yeah, I didn't want to use the times 4 that could have done some damage to the other students

-Mmmm I see, ok then...

-Oh, by the way dad the results will be in the next to weeks could you train me during those two weeks?

-Of course, son! Is Momo going to be here too?

Izuku blushed he remember the good times that he had with her and that kiss... that kiss was magical he felt that in that moment could beat his own father but something tells him that he couldn't ask her to come well she haven't seen her family on a month so it could be that...

-N-No this time dad she hasn't seen her family on a month I can't do that to her

-Mmm ok...then in what do you want help with?

-Hmmm maybe on my tail, do you remember what you tell me about my tail?

-That is basically a weak point?

-Okay I think where is this going but if you really want to train it you will need to go to the deepest part of the mountains and try to be with monkeys, they need each other to pass tests and an extra hand wouldn't be so bad to them, and just one thing son.

-What is it dad?


-It would hurt like hell that training I tell you by experience

-But dad you don't have a tail how do you know...-he was interrupted

-Son when I was young the cut my tail so many times and well it always came back but one day the took it for good but I will never forget that training. DON'T GIVE UP.

-Ok dad...

With that Izuku went to the deepest part of the forest and saw a big family of monkeys and the monkeys saw him they were curious because he didn't look like one of them but the tail tells them other thing the monkeys accept him as one of them and they stated playing. The first week they were recollecting fruit and fishes but with their tail izuku was having trouble with it but then a another monkey reach him and teach him how to do it, then they were crossing a cliff they need each other to be able to pass the monkeys were doing like a money road to make each other pass and when they need it izuku he help them but in the moment that they touched his tail he felt like he was going to pass out but he need this he need this pain to become stronger if we wanted to become a hero and a hero doesn't have weak points! He went through a hell like his dad said with every grab he felt weak, but if he give up the monkeys that were helping him would died from the fall so with all of his will power, determination or whatever you want to say he didn't give up the second week was a little nicer than the first one he didn't feel that his power vanished more like his body just went into relax mode... he was happy with the results that get got he give a lot of food to the monkeys in order to pay their "training" the monkeys were happy about the food but sad because izuku was going to left them Izuku with a smile on his face said goodbye and the monkeys did the same he didn't know what day was it but it haven pass the 2 weeks so probably the letter is in home by now, he thought that he could teleport to his house but why not doing a little walk? He started the walk and around the 6:00 he arrived to his home, he opened the door and enter his house and saw a letter with the U.A symbol and a letter from his father

Hello son!

If you are reading this is because I was call by the omni-king zeno-sama a good friend of mine I wont be able to be here in almost four days but I managed to make a deal with a person that you know, you will be living with them the four days(believe me you will thank me later!)with that I'm gone, remember to eat well, sleep well ,study a lot and take a breaks! Not all the life is training!

See you soon, your father

Son Goku

Izuku was happy that his father leaves him a letter explaining why is not in home but, who was the person that he is going to live with? Well he could know later... Then he saw the letter from U.A he opens it and inside of it was a little button? He presses it and a hologram appeared and the number one hero appeared in the hologram while he was screaming his presentation


-Well that was nice!-Izuku said with a litltle smile

Next day

Izuku wake up and he did his own breakfast, he did the usual 8 eggs,5 steaks, 1 bread bar and plenty of juice when he finish his meal he went to the U.A by flying and when he arrive he started to search his classroom honestly it was a little bit hard to found it because it is a big school when he finally found it he was hopping that could be a nice class (this is izuku is very bold don't you think?) he opened the door to see his "best friend" fighting with the guy that yelled in the writing exam, This is going to be hard he thought he didn't want to be in a discussion but then he felt the Ki of a person, the person that shared a special bond with. He looked to the person while the person also looks at him



The two friends run to each other place only to give them a big hug and enjoy every second of it until a voice of an almost sleep person said

-If you are here to have a girlfriend or something like that then you should leave

Everyone saw the person that almost fell sleep and then saw Momo and Izuku that they were still hugging each other, with a blushing in their faces the broke the hug.

-Come on, we don't have so much time put this on and meet me on the training field

Everyone nodded and started to go to the showers to change their uniform and went to the field.

-Well now that everybody is here, I want to everybody uses their quirks on this test but first... you-he said while pointing to izuku

-Yes sensei?
-Call me aizawa-sensei

-ok aizawa-sensei

-You will be the first doing this take this ball and launch it to the maximum distance you can get, is that clear?


Izuku took the ball and he thought if he should use the kaioken and if he uses it how many times should he multiply it? Maybe just using the normal kaioken would do the trick... He breathed deeply and he prepared himself for the throw and he said "the magic words"


Izuku throw the ball with so much power that he created a wind strike that amazed everyone excepting one girl: Momo, she knew that his friend was strong but she also knew that he is not using his full power, in fact she never saw him in a serious mode... will him show his true power one day? She may never know... but one thing that also was in her mind was that izuku didn't change even a bit she remembers that the tine she was rescued by Izuku he said the said the same words and the red aura came from him what happened to that aura?

Aizawa was shock he activated his quirk that should erased the kid quirk but then his phone vibrated, aizawa looked it and almost had a heart attack the phone said that the throw travelled 5.0 KM, he must know how the kid was this strong must as the teacher he must continue the class but before he could continue he saw izuku tail he thought that if is a mutation quirk that could explain why he couldn't erase it but that couldn't explain his power well it should be a fun time knowing the kid limit.

Everyone said that this would be fun, so he got an idea "you think this is fun? You only have three years to become a hero and you think this is funny?! Very well the last one on this test will be expelled"

Everybody froze including our protagonist not because of the fear of being expelled because of the methods that his future teacher could do to his future classmates. The test continued and everybody was giving all that they have, when the test was finish the best results were:

1.-Izuku Midoriya

2.-Momo Yaoyorozu

3.-Todoroki Shouto

4.-Katsuki Bakugo

5.- Fumikage Tokoyami

A little guy with purple balls on his head was having a panic attack his hero career was ended before it could have started...

-Oh, by the way the treat about the expulsion it was a joke.

-WHAT THE HELL- Everyone yell except the top three on the test

-What? Didn't you know? it was pretty obvious! - Our Broccoli little said would be a waste of time and a lot of paperwork to do that-Momo said with a little of pride on her words

But the half and half boy were a little scared about the thing that happened, he really thought that the words of his sensei were serious but the thing that were scarier to him was the guy in the first place he didn't use his quirk! or did he use it? During the test he didn't change his appearance how strong this guy is? Was the only thing in his mind right now...

The day was over Izuku was taking his stuff and was going to his home but he remember his father letter saying that he will stay in a different house but he didn't know in were... also he didn't know who was going to do it he was thinking who would be but then he heard two voices calling his name the people who were talking to him it was the girl that he save in the test and the boy that was "fighting" with Bakugo in the first hour.

-Oh, hello there!

-Hello Izuku-kun!

-Hello Midoriya!

-What you guys doing here?

-Oh well... I never got the opportunity to say thank you to you because you save me so...thank you!

-Don't worry that what heroes do!

-Speaking about heroes Midoriya-san

-Yes lida?

-You saw the extra mission on the entrance test I need to say that you are better than me...

-Don't said that lida! You only did the thing that you were told to do, you only follow orders there's no problem doing that!

Before lida could said something a third voice call Izuku it was our sweet Momo, she was happy to see him but she needs to remember him something important.

-Izuku-kun! -Momo said with a lot of happiness in her voice

-Momo-Chan! what are you doing here? -he said

-What? Don't you know? - she said with confusion

-Know what? -He said clueless about what was happening

-You are going to stay with my family for four days! - she said with emotion on her voice

-WHAT?!- he said in shock

-looks like izuku-kun has a girlfriend-Uraraka whispered to lida while having a little giggle

-Yeah it seems- he said while he also was giggling

-The only bad thing is that the limo will take about 40 min to be here...-she said with sadness

-Why we should wait that long? -Izuku (still in shock) said

-Well the limo is in the other part of the city that why -she said

Izuku remembered that he could use the instant transmission to be on Momo's house but it could be dick move of him not helping his new friends to go to their homes then he repeats his question

-Why we should wait that long? - he said with a little smile

-Izuku I already tell you! the limo is in...Oh! -she said while knowing what Izuku was implying, but she couldn't fly! (yet) and if she flew on izuku's back she maybe pass out again and doing that while going to her house it would be a bad manner!

-Everyone! Take my shoulders-Izuku said while putting two of his fingers on his forehead

-Why? -they almost said in synchrony

-You will see! - he said with a bigger smile than the before one

Everyone took his shoulders and Izuku closed is eyes to only open them five seconds after he close them.

-First stop, Uraraka house! - he said while using the instant transmission

Everyone feel their body a little lighter and then the house of Uraraka was in front of them, Uraraka was in a shock how we could be on her house?! if in a moment they were in the U.A, she left the shoulder of izuku and try to touch her house to see if she wasn't having a hallucination

-Second stop, Lida home! -Izuku said while leaving Uraraka and disappearing

-WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?-Uraraka said

The same process happened with lida, until Momo and Izuku were on Momo's house she was shock how he did it? did he bent reality and space? Is that possible?

-Momo-Chan are you okay?

-Y-Yeah, I'm just surprised that you could do that

-Do what?

-the thing you just do... you know!

-Oh, the instant transmission yeah, I learn it on the day I rescue you from that "villains"

-But you could fly to my home, we didn't do it?

-Actually, no you felt asleep so I couldn't know your address so my dad help me by teaching me this technique.

-Oh... ok...-she said with embarrassment

-Should we enter now? -he said

-Oh yes yeah, I-I mean of course!

Izuku opened the door and let Momo to go first, once they were inside the house izuku asked Momo where was the bathroom, she said that was between the guest room and her room, she asked if he was going to take a shower, he said yes that he felt so much heat that he would need a BIG cold shower and he asked permission to take the shower, she giggle a bit and said that he could do whatever he wanted even she could wash his back she wink while saying the last sentence, Izuku face turned to a big red tomato he thanked Momo and he literally disappeared and then the door of the bathroom close making a strong sound, she giggle even more she was going to have a good time teasing him...


Hi guys!

I'm back with this chapter but i felt that this is more like a filler charapter still i hope you like it!

Leave a comment if you like it!

(i will be working on this even that im on a test week :v )

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