Sokka's Master
"Wow, this is amazing to watch." Katara gasps with amazement as we watched the meteor shower. The four of us, including our animals, were laying on our back enjoy the show that rained above us.
"Kind of makes you realize how insignificant we are." Sokka mentions.
I've always wondered what it's like outside of our world, like what's beyond it. Sokka's right, we are insignificant compared to what's around us.
"Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it a thousand times." Toph shrugged, casually.
In the sky, a bright and huge meteor was headed for the ground and straight toward us. All of us gasps in amazement.
"Oh man! You've never not seen anything like this!" I say as we sat up when we realize how close it was getting. The meteor flew right over our heads and crashed into the mountain behind, causing a fire to start. All of us stared wide eyed at the explosion and Aang and I share a look of worry.
We flew over to the where the meteor crash landed and a huge fire was in action and it was going to destroy the town that was nearby.
"The fire is gonna destroy that town!" Katara exclaims.
"Not if we can stop it!" Aang declares and Appa lands by the Fire. We all hop off besides my sister.
"There's a creek over there. I'll bend the water onto the fire." Katara informs and takes off.
"Toph! Let's make a trench to stop the fire from coming any closer." Aang explains to the blind bender and turns to me. "Aya, try to keep the fire as steady as you can."
"Got it." I say and we got to work. Aang and Toph run forward and I form my wings before flying in to the air.
"What should I do?" Sokka asked and we look at him.
Momo flies by with Bubbles. "Keep an eye on Momo and Bubbles." I say before flying over to the fire and bending it the best I can so it won't spread.
"So what, I'm just a lemur and koala-otter sitter?!" I heard Sokka express and I roll my eyes with a smile.
Aang and Toph start to bend the trench and I keep the fire from spreading and stay put in the trench. Katara returns from getting the water and she sprays the bubble she had all over the fire. Most of the fire was out but there was still some fire left over that my boyfriend and Toph were taking care of. Toph earthbends a platform and rolls it across the fire, putting it out in the process. Katara flies by and hands Aang a bubble of water and he bends it.
"Sokka, stand clear!" I warn him.
"Right. Stand clear, got it." He trudges away with Bubbles and Momo in his hands. Unfortunately, Sokka didn't move in time and Aang blasted the bubble onto the fire along with using his airbending and Sokka was overwhelmed with water and air covering him. The bubble grew and bursted into tiny snowflakes and the fire was put out. A small patch of snow was all that was left.
Katara lands Appa and I float back to the ground with my wings vanishing.
"Good work, everybody." Aang smiles, dusting his hands off. I smile at my boyfriend and wrap my arms around his neck, he blushes and wraps his arms around me.
I look out and saw Sokka's head was popped out of the pile of snow and Momo and Bubbles were sliding across the ice below Sokka.
"These people have no idea how close they were to getting toasted last night." Aang mentions as he sits down with his food.
It was the next day and we were eating lunch at the town that was almost burnt down by the meteorite. I didn't do a whole lot to help, but I bet it would've been a lot harder to keep the fire steady if I wasn't there.
"Yeah, the worst thing about being in disguise is that we don't get the hero worship anymore. I miss the love." Toph pouts.
"Boo-hoo. Poor heroes." I heard Sokka mope sarcastically and we look to see my brother sitting on the steps in front of us with his shoulders hunched over.
"What's your problem? You haven't even touched your Smoked Sea Slug." Katara asked him, noticing his fresh and untouched plate of food.
"It's just, all you guys can do this awesome bending stuff like putting out forest fires, and flying around and making other stuff fly around. I can't fly around, okay?" Sokka rants and I share a look with my sister and Aang. "I can't do anything."
"That's not true!" I protest. "You're an amazing warrior."
"Yeah, and no one can read a map like you." Katara adds.
"I can't read at all!" Toph chimes in.
"Yeah, and who keeps us laughing with sarcastic comments all the time? I mean, look at Aya's hair, right?" Aang questions and I was confused on why he picked up a strand of my hair that was red at the bottom. "What's up with that?"
I blush and take it back, feeling self conscious. "What? What's wrong with my hair?"
Aang looked frazzled and tried to save himself from what he said. "Nothing, I was just trying too-"
"Look, I appreciate the effort, but the fact is each of you is so amazing and so special and I'm ... not." Sokka explains with sorrow and I looked down for a moment. "I'm just the guy in the group who's regular."
I felt that way for so long and then this happened. Sokka and I used to be able to rely on one another since we were both nonbenders but maybe he's starting to feel this because of me.
"Sokka, is there a possibility you're feeling this because of me and how I found out about my bending?" I asked him, joining him on the step.
He looks at me and shakes his head. "Of course not, this has nothing to do with you."
I nod and Katara joins us. "I'm sorry you're feeling so down, but I hope you know, none of us see you that way." She looks down for a moment before putting her hand on his shoulder. "I know something that's going to make you feel better."
Sokka looks at Katara. "You do?"
"Shopping!" Sokka cheers and claps before running forward.
Sokka loves shopping, especially for new weapons and tools.
We were inside a weapons and armor shop and I knew this could cheer Sokka up in a heartbeat.
"Maybe a little something to reinvigorate my battling." Sokka wonders as he looks around and he picks up a pair of nunchucks. "How about these?" He tests the nunchucks around and makes unnecessary sound effects with it and before you knew it he knocked himself in the head. He falls into some other weapons and Toph and I cringe at this.
I continued to look around and skimmed over a few weapons and armor. I wasn't interested in buying any equipment, I was fine with the daggers I had. They are special and don't need to be replaced.
"What do you think?" I turn around and Katara was nearby to see, but we were both shocked to see Aang wearing a large and scary piece of armor he had put on. Aang wasn't a muscular person and it looked like he was swimming in it. "Pretty slick, huh?"
Mine and Katara's eye grew wide with surprise and fear at the sight as we approached said Avatar.
"All I need to complete the outfit is a Wind Sword." Aang tells us and I fold my arms.
"What's a Wind Sword?" Katara asks.
"It's where I get a sword handle and then I just swing this around and bend air out like a blade." Aang explains and swings the sword handle he had around. "Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."
"Lovely." I smile with an unsure grin.
"Yeah, nice." Katara remarks.
Aang begins to fall over and Katara I try to catch him but Aang falls to the floor with a loud noise due to the armor and Katara and I cover our ears.
"I'll just stick to what I got." Aang simply says.
"That sounds like the best option." I remark and Katara giggles before walking away.
I gladly help Aang up and he takes the armor off and I smile at him.
"That's better." I tell him and brush some dirt off his cheek.
"Thanks." He says and kisses my temple. "Oh, I love your hair by the way. I didn't mean to make you feel bad."
"I figured that out, but it's nice to hear." I giggle softly and he wraps his arm around my waist. "I like you hair too."
I ruffle his hair and he blushes with a chuckle. We walk over to my brother who was still trying to figure out what weapon to buy and let's just say, none of them suited him right. Then, Sokka spotted a sword rack on the wall and a very decorative sword was placed inside frame that was mounted inside it.
"Oh!" Sokka gasps and runs up to it, inspecting the beautiful weapon. "That's what Sokka's talking about."
"You have a good eye. That's an original from Piandao," The shopkeeper informs, approaching Sokka and Katara, Toph, Aang and I join in. "The greatest swordsmaster and sword maker in Fire Nation history. He lives in the big castle up the road from here."
The shopkeepers leaves us alone and Aang's face lights up. "That's it! That's what you needed all along, Sokka."
"A sword?" He asks.
"Not the sword, a master." Aang tells him and Sokka takes the sword from the rack. "We've all had masters to help us get better. You should see if you can study with Piandao."
"That's a great idea. I could've never gotten to where I am without Master Pakku. Everyone needs a teacher." Katara remarks.
I never really had a 'true master' but I guess Fire Angel Sapphire helped me.
"I didn't have a true master but Fire Angel Sapphire helped me with my firebending." I mention with a smile and Aang gives me a grin.
"I learned from badgermoles. They don't talk, but they're still good teachers." Toph says.
Sokka pulls out the blade and inspects it. "It would be nice to be a master swordfighter. All right, I'll talk to him."
Sokka went to learn from Master Piandao and that left the rest of us to be bored and not do anything. I wanted to suggest to Aang that I could teach him firebending, but something was holding me back from suggesting it.
Maybe I'm not meant to be his teacher. Maybe he needs another firebending teacher.
I shake that thought off as Aang speaks.
"What should we do today?" Aang asks.
The four of us were laying in out backs in a circle. Bubbles runs over and lays on my stomach and Momo runs over to my sister as Appa is laying under a makeshift roof.
"I'm tapped out. I already picked my toes, twice." Toph mentions and I gave her a look.
"The first time was for cleaning, but the second time's just for the sweet picking sensation!" Toph sighs and I didn't question her about that.
"Sokka's been in charge of the schedule. I'm not sure what we should be doing." Katara says and I nod.
Without Sokka, we have no reason to do anything. We need Sokka here to help us figure out what to do.
"Plus, it's so hot today." Toph adds.
"How hot is it?" Aang asks and I roll over to my side, hoping this won't turn into a completely cringe fest.
"I dunno, real hot." I sigh.
"I-It's so hot, it's so hot ... Momo and Bubbles are shedding like Appa." Katara jokes and pets Momo and Bubbles and flicks tufts of fur from her fingers. "Huh, huh?"
I roll my eyes and none of us laugh at her lame excuse of a joke.
"I guess the jokes don't run in the family." Aang remarks and I smile.
I'm adopted so that doesn't apply to me.
"And Bubbles is very sensitive about her fur." I continue, taking Bubbles back and Katara furrows her eyebrows at me.
"Oh, everyone's a critic."
Later that day, Aang, Katara, and I were trying to finger out where to go next. Toph was just laying down since she couldn't see and I didn't see a point in doing this, we can't read a map like my brother.
"So, where are you going next?" I ask, resting my head on Aang's shoulder.
Katara points to to an island. "We're starting from here."
"No, we're over on this island." Aang counter, pointing to a different section.
"This is hopeless." I sigh and lift my head up. "Without Sokka, we don't know where to go."
"Yeah, you noodle brains don't know what you're doing." Toph adds. "I miss Sokka."
"Oh! I got one!" Katara chirps and I roll my eyes.
"Oh no." I mumble and Aang grabs my hand.
"If you miss him so much, why don't you marry him?" Katara jokes and I shake my head, resting my head on Aang again as Toph turns over. Katara scowls at our reactions and a fly buzzes in front Aang who blows it away with his airbending.
"Sokka's coming!"
All of us woke up from our slumber with an exciters look on our faces.
"Yay!" I giggle and we all see my brother walking up to the top of the hill. He was wearing a fancy brown cheongsam and his hair was in cleaner Warriors tail.
"Hey guys!" He greets. "What are you doing?"
"Sokka!" Aang smiles
"You're back!" Toph exclaimed as we all tackle him in a hug.
"We missed you so much!" Katara says as we pull away.
"I'm glad you back!" I add with a small clap.
"So something funny!" Aang tells him.
"Funny how?" Sokka asks and we all chuckle in amusement, besides Toph who just grins.
"What's there deal?" Sokka asks Toph who faces away from him.
"I don't know. They missed you or something. I didn't care." Toph smiles lightly and I saw her blush.
I never noticed before but I just realized that Toph has a crush on him. I feel bad because he has Suki and she likes him.
"Thanks. That warms my heart." Sokka replies sarcastically. "Anyway, I need some help."
Sokka informs us on what he needs and we rush over to the left over bits of the meteorite that crashed. Sokka was gonna make a sword and he wants to use the meteor as material for it.
Katara, Sokka, Aang, and I manually push the rock up the hill and toward Piandao's castle while Toph earthbends it forward. Once we reach the castle, Sokka knocks on the large doors very louder and man carrying a sword answers. I'm guessing this is Master Piandao.
"Who's this?" He asks, noticing the four of us.
"Oh, this are my friends! Just other good Fire Nation folks." Sokka tells him and we bow to Piandao. "Do you think we can make a sword out of a meteorite?"
Piandao feels the material of the meteorite. "We'll make a sword unlike any other in the world."
After hours and hours of hard work, Sokka finally created an absolutely amazing weapon. The blade was a beautiful shade of black and it truly was a lovely weapon that definitely was made for my brother. First, I was worried for my brother because it took lots of work and dedication to create that sword, but I knew he really wanted it and I admired how hard he worked for it.
He's a true warrior.
"Sokka, when you first arrived, you were so unsure. You even seemed down on yourself." Piandao began as Sokka was sat in front of him with Fat at Piandao's side. "But I saw something in you right away. I saw a heart as strong as a lion turtle, and twice as big. And as we trained, it wasn't your skills that impressed me." Fat kneels to Piandao and gives him the sword. "No, it certainly wasn't your skills. Sokka looks down in shame at this and I smile softly. "You showed something beyond that. Piandao reveals the sword, showing its black, beautiful blade and strikes it out to the side. "Creativity, versatility, intelligence ... these are the traits that define a great swordsman. And these are the traits that define you." Piandao kneels and presents the sword to Sokka. Sokka takes the sword from his master. "You told me you didn't know if you were worthy, but I believe that you are more worthy than any man I have ever trained."
"I'm sorry, Master. You're wrong. I am not worthy. I'm not who you think I am. I'm not from the Fire Nation. I'm from the Southern Water Tribe." Sokka admits with shame and Aang, Katara, Toph, and I gawk at Sokka with shock and disbelief. "I lied so that I could learn swordsmanship from you. I'm sorry." Sokka hands the sword back to Piandao.
"I'm sorry, too..." Piandao says and turns back around, swinging at Sokka. Sokka dodges the attack and unsheathes his blade, blocking the attack. The four of us quickly rise up, ready to attack, but Sokka stops us.
"No, this is my fight. Alone."
All of us went outside and Sokka and Piandao were on the battlefield ready to fight as Katara, Toph, Aang, Fat, and I nervously stood on the upper part of the building watching. I held onto Aang's arm and rested my head on his shoulder, hoping my brother can win this.
Third Person POV
Piandao lunges forward and begins his attack as Sokka backs away. Piandao strikes four times, each one parried by Sokka, who attempts a strike of his own. Piandao moves his head out of the way and stabs at Sokka, who sways back and avoids the attack; Piandao sweeps his sword at Sokka's legs, but Sokka jumps over it and lunges at Piandao, thrusting his sword forward. Piandao deflects Sokka's blade and pushes him back. Sokka is knocked back several feet and slides over the ground. Sokka flips backward and grabs the post of the small bridge to regain his balance. He quickly climbs onto the post and leaps to the other one just as Piandao thrusts his sword at him. Piandao spins around and tries to slice Sokka's foot, who jumps away.
Sokka jumps to the other rail of the bridge and Piandao stabs at Sokka, who jumps off the rail and rolls to the side. Piandao strikes again, but Sokka rolls under the blade and he blocks Piandao's next strike. Sokka runs to the left and jumps on to the railing again before he leaps away to the end of the bridge, dodging as Piandao swings his sword at him.
"Excellent!" Piandao exclaims, noticing Sokka's smart actions. "Using your superior agility against an older opponent ... smart."
Piandao charges at Sokka again, who readies his sword. Piandao strikes at Sokka and pushes him up a large stone stairway, but Sokka blocks all of the attacks, but the force pushes him against the wall of the stairway. Sokka's back hits the wall and he deflects a thrust from Piandao and ducks as the blade slices through the part of the wall above his shoulder. Piandao swings his sword around his head and body in two large circles. Sokka barely dodges Piandao's blade as he cartwheels to the right and Sokka spins back around, hops of the ground and pushes off the wall with his legs, propelling himself forward, sword extended; Piandao deflects the attack. Sokka rolls across the stair to the other wall, climbing to the top.
"Good use of terrain ... fighting from the high ground." Piandao praises the young warrior.
Sokka swings at Piandao below him, who parries and swings at Sokka. Piandao thrusts his sword at Sokka, who pins the blade under his own blade, weighted down under his feet. Piandao attempts to break his sword free and he steps forward and he pushes his sword upward, throwing Sokka off. He grunts as he stumbles back into a tall stalk of bamboo and Aya, Toph, Aang, and Katara all wince at the sight of him. Sokka he looks up fearfully as Piandao charges at him. Sokka ducks Piandao's attack that slices through the bamboo just above his head, before he turns to run off into the bamboo patch. Sokka slices through the bamboo thicket, trying to get away from
his Master. As Piandao chases after him, the stalks all begin to fall, but Piandao skillfully cuts through the bamboo. Sokka pauses and turns, grabbing a stalk and pulling it. He lets it go just as Piandao catches up, letting the stalk whips round. Piandao cuts through it with ease as Sokka tries to attack him from behind.
"Yes, use your surroundings." Piandao deflects the attacks as Sokka runs away. Sokka grabs two stalks and pulls them back before releasing them. They whip around at Piandao, who slices through them. "Make them fight for you!"
Sokka runs out of the bamboo and back toward the sword fighting ring, screaming in terror and Piandao was not far behind. Sokka wasvery frightened and takes a look behind, but Piandao had run off to the side and out of sight. Sokka turns to look ahead only for Piandao to strike out in front of him, trying to make him run into it. However, Sokka leans back and slides under the blade, swiftly. Sokka stands back up and stumbles forward, stabbing his sword into the ground to stop his fall, before he uses his momentum to swing his sword back around, flinging dirt and dust at Piandao, blinding him.. Piandao spins around and positions his sword behind his back to defend any sneak attacks.
"Very resourceful." Piandao mentions with closed eyes.
Piandao turns his head and listens for any sounds as Sokka nervously raises his sword defensively. He slowly tries to sneak away, trying to be careful and not make any noises that would give away his location. To Sokka's dismay, he steps on twig, giving away his location to Piandao. Piandao turns his head toward Sokka when he hears it and hetwirls his sword around into an offensive position and charges forward. Sokka takes a step back as Piandao closes in and strikes, but Sokka parries the attack. Piandao catches Sokka's blade with his own and he pushes Sokka's sword around in two circles and flings Sokka's sword out of his hands. Sokka watches his sword fly into the air and stab into the ground several feet away.
Aya nervously bites her lip and tightens her grip on Aang's arm, who grabs her hand. Sokka looks worried as Piandao moves to attack and Piandao swings his sword in an arc at Sokka. Sokka is not cut by the blade, but he was hit in the chest by Piandao's arms, knocking him on his back. Sokka looks up with fear in his eyes. Piandao turns and points his sword at Sokka's head, who leans back in fear. Aya, Aang, Katara, and Toph notice this and they all jump from the building to the ground and run toward Sokka and Piandao. Piandao swings his sword away from Sokka, halting Aang, Katara, and Toph.
"Excellent work, Sokka." Piandao praises.
Aya's POV
The fight had finish and Piandao had won, but Sokka did an excellent job. I was worried for him, but he put up a fight and used his surroundings and agility to his advantage. I'm proud of him.
Piandao raises his blade and gestures to Fat and I saw him throw the scabbard of Piandao's sword. Piandao points his sword to the side and the scabbard lands right on the blade, which shocked me because he was still blinded.
"I think I'm a little old to be fighting the Avatar and his Fire Angel." Piandao mentions and we all lower our stances in shock. Aang and I share a look of surprise.
How did he know?
"How did you know?" Aang asks and Sokka stands up, recovering from the battle. Fat walks up with a drink and a white cloth.
"Oh, I've been around a while. You pick things up." Piandao tells as he wipes the dirt off his face with the cloth. "Of course, I knew from the beginning that Sokka was Water Tribe. You might want to think of a better Fire Nation cover name. Try "Lee." There's a million "Lees"." He sips his drink and I folded my arms, confused. "And once I saw your red hair, young lady, I knew the Fire Angel was present and I just knew the Avatar was with you. They are inseparable."
Aang and I blush at his words.
"But why would you agree to train someone from the Water Tribe?" Katara reasons.
"The way of the sword doesn't belong to any one nation." Piandao responds. "Knowledge of the arts belongs to us all." He gives his sword to Fat and he pulls Sokka's sword free. Piandao gives the sword back to my brother. "Sokka, you must continue your training on your own. If you stay on this path, I know that one day you will become an even greater master than I am."
Aang, Toph, Katara, and I all smile warmly at my brother and the two of them bow at one another.
Afterwards, we all left the castle and headed back to our camp.
We all turned to see Fat chasing after us and he stops when he catches up.
"The Master wanted you to have this, as something to remember him by." Fat gives Sokka a small, brown patch and we all bow at Fat before he retrieves to the castle.
"What is it?" I ask and Sokka opens it to reveal a White Lotus Pai Sho Tile.
"It's a Pai Sho Tile." Sokka says as we admire the tile.
"The White Lotus. Huh." Aang adds.
"What does it mean?" Katara asks and we look
back at the doors to see Fat closing them shut. I was confused but the symbol on the doors looked familiar to the Pai Sho Tile.
"I have no idea." Sokka shrugs before he pulls something out of his pocket. "Ooh, that reminds me! Toph, I thought you might like this since you've probably never had a chance to bend space earth before." Sokka hands Toph a piece of the meteorite and she smiles when she touches it.
"Sweet!" Toph begins to bend the meteorite into different shapes. Such as a swirl, a star, an a splatter form. "Check this out!"
We start to walk back to camp and I felt Aang grab my hand as we walked.
"You know, I don't think there's such a thing as "space earth". If it's from space, then it's not really "earth". Katara reasons and I roll my eyes with a giggle.
"Must you ruin everything?" Sokka asks our sister.
"I can't believe I missed you."
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