Post-Game Evaluations

The tributes have been evaluated based on their performance in the games to create an overall score of where they landed as a threat/how long they survived. At the beginning of Literature, we offered Pre-Game Evaluations based on the information provided in tribute forms. These evaluations will serve as a reflection of both those first impressions and the performance of each tribute.


District 1 Male- Flame Pheonix Pirkas

Anticipated Score: 6

Final Score: 6

You are one of very few tributes we managed to pinpoint exactly from the beginning, identify where you would fall over the course of the games. In the end, I think your anger did you in- that deep, flaming rage you constantly carried inside your heart. You let it consume you, Flame, and that was partially what had always scared us- not of you, but of putting our hopes in you. You carried a weight within, and it came out in sparks of fury. You had the potential to bend people, manipulativeness hidden underneath a sea of pent-up wrath, but it just couldn't be found underneath all that aggravation. We're slightly surprised you lasted as long as you did with all that emotion, that your time bomb kept ticking away... you did alright in the end, though, Flame. You never rose from the ashes, became a new person, but you did alright.


District 1 Female- Ruby Grace Faberson

Anticipated Score: 9.5

Final Score: 4.5

You disappointed us, Ruby Grace. There isn't a nicer way to say it, and besides, your father wouldn't have even tried to say it differently. We had all put our hopes in you, expected greatness- the Gamemakers, your father, even your sisters and countless others in your district. Of course, that was never what you wanted, and that's understandable. But truly, Ruby Grace, you could have gone so much further if that small vial of poison hadn't been dumped into your food, if luck had simply been on your side at that feast. An inner turmoil raged inside you, and we wished we could have seen you battle with it. But death... death was always going to shake hands with you in our arena, and better peacefully than painfully. Perhaps your death will teach Quartz Faberson a lesson.


District 2 Male- Ares Finn

Anticipated Score: 7.75

Final Score: 4.5

You were never much of anything, Ares, just... there. Always in the middle of the pack, you were never loved by the Capital, never killed excessively, never felt the pull of insanity, never fell victim to anything that put on a good show (excluding the knife in your forehead). We met a boy with far more promise than he displayed once the games begun. Nobody grew attached to you, really, and I wonder if you were always more secluded than you let on. Perhaps that was the fault of your family's death- we'd hoped to see more of their impact on you, but you seemed to have pushed it away. The Gamemakers never really you figured out, Ares- I just wish you'd lived up to our expectations.


District 2 Female- Slate Welby

Anticipated Score: 8.5

Final Score: 6

Oh, Slate. You were always weak- it's a wonder we didn't see it right away, that we anticipated you lasting far longer than you did. But how we had hoped for you, hoped the girl from District 2 would be able to embrace a fighter deep within her, locate an ounce of strength to push her through rough times- many of which she would face in the Hunger Games. But alas, you gave up right as the times grew rough, as you saw what you wanted most was simply out of your reach... I have few words for you, Slate, but the ones I need to say most are, how dare you? How dare you kill yourself when you could have continued onwards, lasted beyond everyone's expectations? How dare you drive your knife through your own heart because of an image, an illusion, a twisted mirror of reality? Sure, we designed it to break the tributes, but you had no right. We were rooting for you. And now... now you're gone of your own accord.


District 3 Male- Conn Sephra

Anticipated Score: 10.75

Final Score: 3

Conn Sephra, it is impossible to describe how heartbroken we were at your death. You weren't meant to die, weren't meant to stumble across that other tribute, certainly weren't meant to be speared. You were the dream, a boy we had hoped to watch compete only in our wildest fantasies, a boy we knew we could put through the painfullest of trials and see him survive. Shattered, sure, but alive. Yet you fell so quickly, and I'll have you know you were mourned far more than any of the other early deaths- we hope you at least went in peace, embraced your fate in those last moments. We wish you the best of luck wherever you are now, and we'll always miss seeing your hotness light up the arena a little.


District 3 Female- Rosella Van Carter

Anticipated Score: 10.5

Final Score: 10.5

You didn't surprise us in the end, Rosella- something we don't see from many tributes. You were a strong contender for the final few, and I think you should be proud of your performance. Facing a long road of ups and downs, you never gave up, and though none of us had the audacity to sponsor you, we all hoped for your success. You held a strength that was hidden during our first few encounters with you before the actual games (excluding our first impression of you), but I must say, Miss Van Carter, you rose to the challenges of the arena. We applaud you on that.


District 4 Male- Kanai Lathan

Anticipated Score: 8.5

Final Score: 9

The Head Gamemakers once both agreed you had to play all your cards correctly in order to find yourself at the end, and that you did indeed- far better than we'd expected of you. Your rocky starting rank of 8th place rapidly rose, and the Capital grew to like you- never sinking below 4th. Even one of our sponsors decided you were one of the front runners by the second task- impressive, Kanai. And don't think we failed to notice what a good choice you were- lasting to the final five tributes doesn't exactly slip under the radar. You did your district proud, Mr. Lathan... not a Victor, but astonishingly close.


District 4 Female- Katelyn "Kate" Dodger

Anticipated Score: 7.75

Final Score: 11.75

Katelyn Dodger, you didn't look like much in the beginning, but you made your way from ordinary to extraordinary in the blink of an eye. Consistently a fan favorite and never leaving the top of the odds chart, you earned a Head Gamemaker's sponsorships by hardly even trying to seem charismatic. A girl who always found the middle as her place to be stuck out, and I'll say, from the journey you went on in the arena, you've more or less embraced that. You are not the same girl as you were in the beginning of all this, and I hope your change was for the better. You certainly went above and beyond what we had first thought of you. Good luck in your future ventures, Miss Dodger, wherever they may lead you.


District 5 Male- Montgomery "Monty" Bean

Anticipated Score: 7

Final Score: 7.5

Sir Montgomery, the boy of fantasies. You survived just longer than we expected of you, but I must admit we were rather close to accurately predicting your time of death. You were a boy of fairytales, and we knew from the start no tribute as young and naive as you would survive a terribly long time. Right from the start, you were weak, and that's really not your fault, Monty. You were just a child, a twelve-year-old, and you'd never make it past all the dragons who battled you. The princess never trusted you to save her, Monty. Your shining armor was too big for you, as was what you thought you could achieve.


District 5 Female- Esther Tehnos

Anticipated Score: 9

Final Score: 11.75

Esther Tehnos- what a surprise. You've come a long way from the cheerful young girl who first turned the Capital's watching eye over to her. You have broken, it seems- realized the truth; though you were always struggling, the Games have only seemed to push that to the outside, melancholy conquer what had once been laughter and joy. You caught a sponsorship early on, so we've been observing this transformation closely. One tribute always goes insane, dear- we can only hope for the best with you. You've come further than we thought, though, Miss Tehnos... exceptionally far. May your travels ahead be tranquil and sane.


District 6 Male- Devin Eifa Alvah

Anticipated Score: 6.25

Final Score: 6

Devin Eifa Alvah, you were another one we knew would last just about to the halfway point. You were always quiet- you started near the bottom, but rose for a little, surviving all the way until a tragic battle against a ferocious, three-headed beast- then fell, an up and down as you climbed the mountain and then began your descent. Though your chances of survival were always predicted to be quite slim, we do wish you'd lasted longer, found some other way to conquer the beasts you battled on the inside and out. We missed so much of you, Devin, and it would have been interesting to see what a character you truly were instead of only a glimpse of an angry boy.


District 6 Female- Ashlyn Roxen

Anticipated Score: 7.25

Final Score: 7.5

You were quirky, Ashlyn- a funny girl with funny decisions and funny thoughts and a not-so-funny past. You lasted just longer than we thought you would- an achievement in itself- but you were always significantly behind the others in just about everything. Favor, odds, even years compared to most of the other tributes... you just didn't stand much of a chance. Your death fell at a good time, though- any earlier and we would have been disappointed, any later and you would have just suffered more. I'm proud that you managed to hang on as long as you did, especially in an already precarious mental position.


District 7 Male- Theo Easton

Anticipated Score: 9.5

Final Score: 3

Theo, my dear, we had such high hopes for you. You seemed like a tribute far more promising than you ended up being; so charismatic, yet you barely lasted a moment in the arena. Perhaps you simply prove that first impressions can be far from accurate, and that likeable personality only goes so far in an arena where it's every man for himself. You had some skill, though, Theo- you just weren't equipped for Narnia, I don't think, and your talents incompatible with the arena. It really is a shame you perished so early on.


District 7 Female- Aspen Kinsley

Anticipated Score: 7.75

Final Score: 11.75

Aspen, we are both beyond impressed with your performance throughout the games. You made it very clear that our first impression was inaccurate since your initial challenge with our constructions of paper, and have never failed us since then. Paella granted you a sponsorship, but even those perks barely did you justice for how fantastic a tribute you turned out to be. At first we saw a scared girl, then a craving for blood, then a cold heart slowly melting until you truly realized what mattered to you. What an amazing journey, kiddo- we just wish it hadn't broken you quite as much as it did. Good luck- you'll always be in our hearts wherever your journey takes you next.


District 8 Male- Syne Nighes

Anticipated Score: 10.25

Final Score: 3

We'd hoped for far more from you, Syne, but perhaps it simply wasn't meant to be. Our first impression of you was one that certainly made you stand out from the crowd, but fate works in tricky ways. I can't deny the Gamemakers were both infected with a sense of melancholy on the day you fell after losing so many promising tributes- you one of the most heavily mourned. Yet you could not be resurrected, and you weren't meant to be one of the final few after all. Mr. Nighes. It's truly unfortunate we lost you.


District 8 Female- Rii

Anticipated Score: 8.75

Final Score: 3

Upon our first impression of you, Rii, our Gamemakers advised you to play the love card to obtain the Capital's support. Well, there's no denying you did that- though freezing to death because Syne no longer lived wasn't exactly what we had in mind, it struck us as quite heartfelt. You gave the Capital a show during your time alive- even managing to receive Kyra Sapphire's favor- and I think you left them with a heart wrenching end. If only both of you had lasted longer...


District 9 Male- Giles Mazer

Anticipated Score: 10.5

Final Score: 3

Giles, we had hoped you'd survive from the moment we first laid eyes on your file- your death was disappointing, to say the least. One of the most promising tributes, your skills were jaw-dropping, your intellectuality promising, your physical state applaudable. You practically seemed like you had these games in the bag, excluding your repulsion towards killing- but that's only a small detail. Survival-wise, you had it made. If only our challenges hadn't been aimed so much towards your mental skills, or if you had encountered not the White Witch, but Mr. Tumnus... alas, Giles, this things cannot be undone. Hopefully turning to stone was a quick death for you.


District 9 Female- Eliza Clarkie

Anticipated Score: 9.5

Final Score: 3.75

We had high hopes for you, Eliza Clarkie, and it's truly unfortunate you didn't live up to them. Paella saw endless promise in your mischief, your devilishness, your indifference towards other people. We've always trusted the cold-hearted to last long enough to either thaw or shatter, but you, Eliza, died the same girl you entered the arena as- or close enough. Like your district partner, we were disheartened a promising tribute was unlucky enough to fall before we'd hoped their time would come. I'd love to see what would've happened if you'd lasted longer, but death cannot be reversed.


District 10 Male- Roy Scofield

Anticipated Score: 9

Final Score: 1.5

Roy... though your death was, officially, not your fault, you must have done something that would make a tribute inclined to stab you before the games even commenced. I always wonder- was there simply a bloodthirsty murderer in the mix, testing out their moves on a live person, or had you done something to offend them, something that would entice them to come after you? With your intellect and numerous skills, we'd hoped you'd last a while in the arena, but you never even made it there. Do you have an explanation, Mr. Scofield? Or was it simply bad luck?


District 10 Female- Arura Bay Akpofure

Anticipated Score: 10

Final Score: 2.25

You had a beautiful name, Arura, and we were enchanted by our first glimpse of your file, but there was nothing else to you, it seemed. We barely caught a whiff of who you were in real life, never saw your physical conditioning really show off, or your photographic memory put to good use (disappointing, really- we've always wanted to see the wonder of it). Who were you, Arura, off the page? Were you just a girl too quick to believe in her own success, a girl who perished in Narnia? Were you nothing more than a meaningless death?


District 11 Male- Shadow Thantoes Morte

Anticipated Score: 5.5

Final Score: 7.5

For a deaf, angry boy from a poorer district, you, Shadow Thantoes Morte, survived remarkably long. You exceeded our expectations by a considerable amount, surviving time and time again where we were convinced you would surely perish. You always drifted towards the bottom of the Capital's odds, yet you defied them, continued on when it seemed there was no hope for your survival. Though you didn't last to the very end, we were pleasantly surprised by you, Mr. Morte, for even your name screamed, 'death'.


District 11 Female- Regan Twiyl

Anticipated Score: 4.75

Final Score: 3

Blind, small size, no physical strength... you were hardly expected to last, Regan, and I'm not sure if the Gamemakers were simply generous with your anticipated time or survival or you simply failed faster than we'd thought. In reality, though, you had no sight- how were you expected to last? I certainly hope your expectations to win were extremely low, for surely you can recognize how challenging your weaknesses were. At least your death was quick, considering you never saw it coming.


District 12 Male- Marcus Silverhand

Anticipated Score: 7.25

Final Score: 6

You were a boy of superstitions, and we can't deny you captivated us. At first, Marcus, you appeared strong- just out of harm's way, in the upper-middle of the pack. But then you fell- drastically- and failed to meet even our low expectations... for a while, we'd suspected you were not as weak as we'd originally thought, but you destroyed that, unfortunately. And honestly, you were so fun to mess with, the Gamemakers would find a tiny shred of laughter inside of them as they sent objects of mythical tales into the arena simply to see you agitated. Cruel, we admit- but you were always so skittish. Perhaps that was a factor in your downfall.


District 12 Female- Avalynn Feldspar

Anticipated Score: 8

Final Score: 1.5

Oh, Avalynn. At first, you seemed like a girl with potential, excluding your dreaminess and weapon of imagination (the Gamemakers are still baffled as to how you can defend yourself using fantasies inside your mind. If only you'd lasted long enough to reveal the trick). Your death was the beginning, even before the actual games began, and I'm sorry that paper figure malfunctioned on you. It would have been fascinating to see you in the arena; you probably would have gone far if not for such a fatal accident. I do regret failing to test the durability of those creations- perhaps a lesson learned for next year.


District 13 Male- Nick Eckhart

Anticipated Score: 5.75

Final Score: 2.25

You were never expected to survive- I'll be blunt. Mostly due to your deafness and how you didn't really stand out of the crowd, we didn't expect you to earn the Capital's favor or capture their attention at all. Yet you still managed to defy us, somehow- and not in a good way. Though your fate was always set in stone, it was slightly disappointing to see you be the first fallen tribute of the actual games. Honestly, though, jumping off the pedestal early isn't one of the most dignified ways to go. At least you couldn't hear the chuckles of the Capital people as they watched your silly- but fatal- mistake.


District 13 Female- Xavi Uriendah Liason

Anticipated Score: 6.25

Final Score: 6

You confused us, Xavi, and we wish we had more time to truly figure out your puzzle. You were left... unfinished, it feels. So many questions about you were left permanently unanswered, though I can't say we really expected you to last that much longer than you actually did. For a while, you did seem to be doing alright, and in the end, I think your whole situation was just a stroke of bad luck. A little more time to solve you would have been ideal, though I'm not completely disappointed in your performance.


Capital Male- Kolya

Anticipated Score: 9

Final Score: 4.5

Kolya, Kolya, Kolya... why'd you have to go and die on us? It truly seems unfortunate, considering how charismatic you were to us at first. Of course, you drifted to the bottom of the Capital's ranks in favor and odds, but it was still a little difficult for us to let you go. Our only consolation is that you went because of your sister- a tragic ending. It's impossible to deny the Capital was hooked on you by then, especially considering you came from here. I'm glad you realized your purpose, though, and how much you truly loved your sister. When we first met you, Kolya, you were rash and stubborn, pretended not to care, but it seems in the end you got past that dreadful phase. As disappointed as we are that you didn't last longer, at least you discovered love.


Capital Female- Nadia

Anticipated Score: 6.25

Final Score: 3.75

We didn't have much hope for you, Nadia- not from the start, not when your position in the Capital's rankings took a nosedive, not when you found a moment of happiness in climbing that tree in the Shire. We're sorry if your small, innocent mind wouldn't have reacted well to such harshness, but we speak the honest truth, and these are the facts- you were twelve years old. You looked half that. You were soft spoken, too pure for the Hunger Games, and constantly relied on your brother for support and aiding in your survival. What would you have done if Kolya hadn't volunteered? I don't think you'd have had the chance to do much of anything, darling- you would have been dead.


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