The beginning of the end of Russka's Nazi Empire





Time: 1300 hours

Location: ???

We see the Author standing on a balcony. With Russka covered in bruises and etc.

Russka: What is th-

Mark Wayne Windle: SHUT UP! *punches him*

He breaks his nose


Mark Wayne Windle: *grabs his ear* NOW! You see your home?

Russka: J-Ja?

Mark Wayne Windle: *comms* Bombs away.

Russka: What!?!?!?

The bombs are fairly large as the whistling is heard miles away.

Mark Wayne Windle: Zis is your end!




The house that once stood, was now nothing but leveled ground.

Mark Wayne Windle: Matt?

He walks up with a baton, and a VERY evil smile.

Matt: *hitting the baton in his hand* Remember me!?!



John: And f*ck Nazi's.

Russka: J-JOHN!?

John: Did you really think I was one of you? Never ending unity is what z Kaiser has granted us Russka, but yet you want to take it from everyone. Ride of z ones on z borders of Mother Russia and z Ottoman Empire.

Downneck: With pleasure! *comms* Permission to open fire is granted Comrades! FOR MOTHER RUSSIA! URA!

The gun shoots are heard over the comms as the explosions and sceams of Russka's men are heard. In five minutes, silence falls once more.

Commissioner Markorv: *comms* All targets dead comrade!

Downneck: *comms* Good! XAXAXAXAXA

Mark Wayne Windle: Lets rid of the Nazi country ja?


Russka: NEIN!

Matt: HALT DIE KLAPPE! *hits Russka on the arm with the baton*


Victor: Comrade, you know what to do.

Downneck: DA! *comms* Downneck to Missile Silo Four, do you copy Comrades'!?

Reznov: *comms* We hear you comrade!

Downneck: *comms* On my mark, launch the presents Mother Russia has prepared for the Nazi Argentinian cowards!


Matt: SHUT UP!

Matt hits Russka several times until Russka stops screaming.

Russka: *whimpering*

Matt: Grrr! You got mein baton dirty with your worthless BLOOD!

Mark Wayne Windle: *comms* Kamerad Dimitri, los!

Dimitri: *comms* FOR PAPA STALIN!

They look out towards the ocean and see the missiles from Dimitri's sub launch and fly into the sky.

Downneck: Twenty seconds comrades!

Mark Wayne Windle: Now. *pulls his Holy Walther out from his coat*

Victor: While we wait, lets deal with another pest.

Downneck: Fifteen seconds!

Matt leaves and then comes back with Morser. Who is covered in wounds.

Russka: What happened!?!?!

Morser: The crowd...!

Russka: C-Crowd!?

Matt: *hits Morser on the head with his baton* MOVE IT NAZI SWINE!

Morser is lead to the edge of the warship flying.

Downneck: Seven seconds comrades!

The Author walks up to Morser.

Mark Wayne Windle: *aims at his head and pulls the trigger* A double-action. Any last words?

Morser: HAIL SEIG!

Mark Wayne Windle: *pulls the trigger*


The round enters his head and exits the other side as blood follows. The body falls off the ship and down into ocean.


Matt: SHUT UP! *hits Russka in the dick with his baton*






The explosions of the nuclear-bombs yell and echo for miles as the combine shock waves hit the flying ship. Their hair flies proudly as the flags of the Kaiser do as well.

Russka: *shedding tears*

Victor: I love it!

Downneck: Da Comrade Reznov!

Matt: Z sweet taste and feeling of revenge ja?

Mark Wayne Windle: Jawohl! Bring z next Nazi Swine!

Victor: Of course brother.

He leaves and then comes back with Eisen.

Russka: Nein! DON-

Mark Wayne Windle: SHUT UP!


They both hit and kick Russka into silence.

Victor: Last words?

Eisen: I am sorry for all z trouble one has caused, and that one is me. Mother, sorry I won't be zere for your birthday.

Mark Wayne Windle: Z side. I'll talk with him later hehehe.

Victor: Of course.

Mark Wayne Windle: Now, sink zem damn ship!

Matt gives the order and the Kaiser's finest ships open fire on EVERY ship that flies the Nazi flag.



Mark Wayne Windle: Why?! You didn't stop when you brutally stabbed a man with that flag.

Matt: You didn't hesitate to shoot me zat day!

Downneck: You planned to destroy OUR Motherland!

John: *looks Russka in the eyes* You didn't hesitate to kill z men guarding z colony.

Matt hits him with his baton until the Author orders him to stop.

Mark Wayne Windle: Stop!

Matt: Of course mein Freund.

Mark Wayne Windle: *looks Russka in the eyes* And you DAMN WELL! Did NOT, hesitate to ruin z anniversary of me, and Lady Nagato as you shot Matt in z heart and wanted Emperor Hirohito's head.

The gun shots stop after about ten minutes. In those ten minutes, the most powerful ships of the sea, now sink into the ocean depths.

Mark Wayne Windle: You know, our engineering got rid of z harmful chemicals your ships have.

Victor: And now, they will become the home of MANY ocean creatures as reefs grow on them. It will be beautiful in a few years. Helping Mother Nature.

Mark Wayne Windle: Ja. Now, blow z damn Nazi Swines out of z water lay off z coast of z Chinese Swines.

Downneck: Of course Comrade! *comms* Comrade Shtorm! SINK THEM COMRADE!

Shtorm: *comms* Da!

Mark Wayne Windle: *comms* Itsuka mein Freund, time for you to have fun ja? Blast zeir damn ships out of z skies.

Itsuka: *comms* Of course my friend and ally. FOR THE SULTAN!

Victor comes back with none other than Blitzkrieg.

Blitzkrieg: I HATE YOU!?

Matt: SHUT UP! *stabs Blitzkrieg in the no-no-spot with his baton*



All: NEIN/NO!!!!

Blitzkrieg is marched up to the side.

Mark Wayne Windle: Last words?

Blitzkrieg: HEIL SEIG!

Mark Wayne Windle: *pulls the trigger*



Blitzkrieg's body too falls out the ship and down into his watery-grave.

The gun shots fall silent once more. Signaling that the ships under Russka's command, were all but destroyed. Some could be seen falling from the skies and into the ocean depths as well.

Arbiter - The Empress III: This is what I always like to see. The evil punished.

Russka: YOU!!!!

Arbiter - The Empress III: *laughs* Did you really think I'd support your Nazi ideals? The Kaiser has not only granted us unity, but also happiness, a home, friends, medicine, help, and more. But most importantly, respect. You treated us like we are objects, but the Kaiser, his empire treats as Humans, and one of their own.

Russka: Grrrrrr!

Arbiter kicks Russka in the face.

Russka: GAHHHH!

Mark Wayne Windle: Z borders if Indonesia and Malaysia ja?

Downneck: DA COMRADE! *comms* Comrade Katyusha. Make your Comrade Shtorm proud!

Katyusha: *comms* FOR BROTHER SHTORM! URA!

Her guns and jets are heard over the comms.


Mark Wayne Windle: Matt will beat z sh*t out of you as we obliterate your family, your friends, allies, and your home. While destroy all zat you know, and all zat you love, and burn it to nothing, but ashes.

Victor: Last War Criminal Heinsenhald.

Matt: *hitting Russka with his baton*

Mark Wayne Windle: Last words?

Heinsenhald: HEIL SIEG!


Russka: N-N-NEIN! HEINSENHALD! *talking while Matt is hitting him with his baton*

Mark Wayne Windle: Now. Z end game ja?


He hits him as hard as possible with his baton. A loud crack is heard.



Arbiter - The Empress III: THIS IS FOR TREATING ME AND MY EMPIRE LIKE SH*T! *breaks Russka's hand*

*bones cracking*


Victor: THIS IS FOR KILLING A MAN WITH A NAZI FLAG! *punches him in chest*

Russka: GAHH!

Tirpitz: Zis, is for hurting Matt! *hits him with her flagpole*

Tirpitz-chan: Z-Zis is for hurting V-Vater Matt! *stabs him in the leg with her flagpole*


Downeck: THIS FOR TRYING TO INVADE OUR MOTHER LAND! *stabs him with a broken Vodka bottle*


Downneck: THIS IS FOR TRYING TO INVADE INDONESIA! *stabs him again with the broken Vodka bottle*

John: Zis is for killing the men guarding the colony! *shoots him in the dick*


Kaiser Wilhelm VIII: THIS IS FOR SHOOTING AT ME! *chops Russka's hand off with his Holy Saber* THIS IS FOR HURTING MATT! **chops a toe off** THIS IS FOR INSULTING Z PRUSSIAN IDEALS! ***chops two fingers off*** THIS IS FOR SCARING OUR EMPIRE! ****chops Russka's ear off**** THIS IS FOR MEIN FAMILY! *****chops Russka's other ear off*****


Mark Wayne Windle: ZIS IS FOR RUINING MEIN ANNIVERSARY! *breaks Russka's jaw* ZIS IS FOR NAGATO! **breaks Russka's left leg**

The Author drags Russka to the edge. Below are millions of people of the Kaiser's empire and those alike.

Mark Wayne Windle: ZIS! IS FOR ME, Z EMPIRE, Z PEOPLE, AND, Z ALLIANCE! *pulls the trigger*


The round enters and exits Russka's head as the Author kicks his lifeless body off the ship and into the crowd for the angry people to beat. Which they do. A sigh of revenge and relief, flows through the air for all to feel.

Mark Wayne Windle: Zis is z beginning of z end, of z Neo-Nazi, Swines.

Kaiser Wilhelm VIII: Indeed mein Freund, indeed.

Mark Wayne Windle: I'll be back. I have to talk with Eisen ja?

All: Understood!

Mark Wayne Windle: Danke.

The Author walks out and onto the deck of the flying warship.

Eisen: *crying* God, p-please, forgive mein soul.

The Author walks up to him.

Eisen: !!! PLEASE!

Mark Wayne Windle: SHUT IT!

He yells as silence falls once more.

Mark Wayne Windle: Now, why did you support Russka?!

Eisen: *sniffs* Because it was the only thing I could do. He offered me a home, and a-another chance. Everyone hated me before. **sniffs**

Mark Wayne Windle: *kneels* A true German, NEVER, gives up, mein Freund. But don't take z wrong path. Zis is what will happen of one does so.

Eisen: U-Understood. *sniffs*

Mark Wayne Windle: Now, what I want you to do, is apologize to mein Kaiser. For everything you've done.

Eisen: I-I will! *sniffs*

The Author takes Eisen below decks to before the Kaiser himself.

Kaiser Wilhelm VIII: Hmm? Ah, another rat to rid of ja?

Mark Wayne Windle: Nein, mein Kaiser. He has come to apologize.

Eisen: *kneels* Kaiser, I-I am sorry for all z trouble I have done and caused. As well as mein mistakes and poor choices.

The Kaiser observers him to see if he is really truthful or not, after ten seconds, he speaks.

Kaiser Wilhelm VIII: I, Kaiser Wilhelm VIII, Kaiser and King of z Prussian Empire, hereby accept you apology, Herr. Eisen.

Eisen: D-D-Danke, K-Kaiser.

Mark Wayne Windle: Come Eisen.

He is lead above decks.

Mark Wayne Windle: Now, I want to help you where I can ja?

Eisen: J-Ja?

Mark Wayne Windle: You have a few choices Eisen.

A; Live in Exile

B; So a therapist every week

C; Return to your normal life

Mark Wayne Windle: I want you to think about it. But I personally, want you to choose B. Why? So I can help you. I want to see you a better man, and setting z example as we Prussian's and German's do.

He thinks, and then, tells the Author his decision.

Eisen: I-I choose B-B.

Mark Wayne Windle: Good. Now, please, get some rest.

Eisen: J-Jawohl!

To be continued...

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