Operation Wolfgang

Time: 2100 hours

Location: Error

Name: Mark Wayne Windle, matthbpilot

Rank: Grand Admiral's

Objective: Investigate the mountains

**helicopter noises**

Matt: What's the plan?

Mark Wayne Windle: Investigate z mountains. Citizens have been reporting sightings and attacks from some kind creature. There was also so kind of talk about z Mafia or something like that being involved with this creature.

Matt: A drugged monster? How delightful ja?

Mark Wayne Windle: **chuckles** That would make sense my friend.

Matt: Do we have anyone on standby?

Mark Wayne Windle: Nein, it's just us. We're one of the elites when it comes to these things remember?

Matt: How could I have forgotten?

Pilot: We are approaching the drop zone.

Matt: Understood mein Freund. **clocks the bolt on his silenced Holy Pack-A-Punched Stg.44**

Mark Wayne Windle: **clocks the bolt on his silenced Holy Pack-A-Punched Gewehr 43** Let z bastards know their place ja?

Matt: Agreed mein Freund.

Pilot: Get ready!

The helicopter comes to a stop and then hovers over a forest section on the mountains.

Mark Wayne Windle: Ready?

Matt: Jawohl!

Mark Wayne Windle: Los Los Los! **slides down a rope**

Matt: **slides down a rope**

They land on the ground and signal the helicopter to leave.

Pilot: Understood, I wish you boys luck. For z Kaiser.

The helicopter leaves the area and silence falls once again.

**cricket noises**

**Owl calls**

Mark Wayne Windle: This way. We should check out the last reported sighting of this creature.

Matt: Agreed.

They walk throw the forest quietly, checking all of their corners for any snipers or traps that have been placed or waiting for them.

Mark Wayne Windle: **checks his six** Clear, move up.

Matt: Roger zat mein Freund.

Mark Wayne Windle: **raises his right hand**

Matt: It sounds like a helocopter!

**helicopter noises**

Mark Wayne Windle: Damn it, hide now! Stay in z shadows.

Windle takes over in under a tree that is siting low. Matt takes over in a group of brushes under a tree.

**helicopter noises**

**trees shaking**

After the helicopters have gone, they get up.

Matt: I got a glance at the tail. There was a marking that said Mafia on a black ribbon painted onto it's tail.

Mark Wayne Windle: F*cking knew it.

Matt: They have something to do with it. We shouldn't go to that point. If they got their fly boys patrolling, then that sighting is a trap.

Mark Wayne Windle: Agreed. They came from the mountains. I think that one. We should make our way there.

Matt: Agreed.

They make their way to the mountain and climb up it.

Mark Wayne Windle: Hand?

Matt: Ja.

Mark Wayne Windle: **grabs his hand and pulls him up**

Matt: After we kill them, we should hijack one of their attack heli's and try to clear the skies and blow any complex they have to hell after a good search.

Mark Wayne Windle: Agreed.

They sneak through the forest and then come across a hidden tunnel by chance.

Mark Wayne Windle: **steps on something wood** Hmm? A hatch?

Matt: Must be an entrance to something. Maybe to a complex or lab they have.

Mark Wayne Windle: Agreed.

They quietly open the hatch and it shows a ladder. They climb down and place the hatch back on.

Mark Wayne Windle: Stay low and be quiet, gott knows what is down her with us now.

Matt: Roger zat Kamerad.

They draw their silenced Holy Luger's and boot knifes and crawl through the tunnel.

Mark Wayne Windle: Stop....do you hear that?

Matt: **listens**


Matt: Hissing. Not that of a snake or flamethrower, it sounds like something is being cooked.

Mark Wayne Windle: It's most likely meth. Don't inhale it.

Matt: I'll take it. We can use it as evidence that the Mafia are planning something big. But of all places, why here?

Mark Wayne Windle: Must be some kind of lab or something. Something big is coming up.

Matt: Understood.

They crawl through the cave and see an exit.

Mark Wayne Windle: **peaks around the corner** Just as we thought, meth. The smell is strong to.

Matt: It shouldn't affect us if we don't breathe it in directly.

Mark Wayne Windle: Indeed. Wait, I see a few people.

Mark Wayne Windle: Is that Lucky Luciano?

Matt: No way, he died in 1962.

Mark Wayne Windle: Yeah, I think that might be Lucky Luciano II or III.

Matt: Wait, the KGB caught a guy that looked just like him but slightly different. He called himself Lucky Luciano II.

Mark Wayne Windle: Then that is Lucky Luciano III.

Matt: I wonder what he is up to?

Lucky Luciano III: Is it ready?

Guard: Yes boss.

Lucky Luciano III: Good, how about that trap?

Guard: Our fly boys are searching, no sight of those Prussian's yet. Or the Kaiser's finest.

Lucky Luciano III: Good. The weapons are almost ready as well. Once we have everything set, we will destroy the air force of the Kaiser and then his ground forces. His navy will slowly die and then we capture some of his ships.

Guard: Yes boss. The robot is almost ready.

Mark Wayne Windle: F*ck, they plan to destroy our air force and ground forces and then starve our navy so they can capture as many of our ships as possible. They're preparing for war.

Matt: Damn it. We need to inform the Kaiser about his traps.

Mark Wayne Windle: When he leaves, take z guards. Gather as many things as possible that can prove that they're preparing for war against the Kaiser.

Lucky Luciano III: I will be taking my leave now.

Guard: Yes boss.

He leaves and about seven-ten guards stay to protect the lab.

Mark Wayne Windle: Now.

They move in and use their trigger fingers.

**ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping**

Matt: They're dead.

Mark Wayne Windle: Quickly, gather the evidence and lets blow zis place to hell.

They gather as much evidence as possible and take many pictures as well.

Mark Wayne Windle: Hey, I might have a safe here. Cover me.

Matt: Understood.

Windle picks the lock and opens the safe.

Mark Wayne Windle: Holy sh*t, they have gold. They're using gold to by weapons from someone. As well as explosives, food, water, drugs, equipment, and etc. I got four bars of solid gold here.

Matt: Take a picture and gather the bars. We can't let them dig and retrieve those bars.

Mark Wayne Windle: Agreed.

He takes a few pictures and then bags the bars up.

Matt: Good, I have already rigged this place with explosives.

Mark Wayne Windle: Wait, is that a rocket-launcher?

Matt: Mein gott. **takes a picture** They are preparing for war. That confirms it, why else would they by or steal them?

He picks it up and swings it on his back. Them sneak out of the cave and make their way to an area where a helicopter comes to pick them up.

Pilot: Get in.

Mark Wayne Windle: Nein. **throws the gold, weapons, photos, and other evidence into the back** They are preparing for war. They will destroy our ground forces and air forces, then starve our navy and then capture our ships.

Pilot: Sh*t!

Matt: We will go in to destroy anything that could help them in a war.

Pilot: Understood.

The helicopter takes off and leaves the area. The boys go back to the tunnel and check it again, then they rig it with a few more explosives.

Mark Wayne Windle: Last one is set. Let's see what is on the other side.

Matt: Agreed.

They sneak through the tunnel and come up on an airfield for helicopters, but it can only hold about two-three helicopters.

Matt: An attack helicopter. We should hijack it. More evidence, but we can down their fly boys.

Mark Wayne Windle: Good idea. You shoot, I'll fly. The pilot has control of the rockets, you got the guns.

Matt: Understood.

They hope into the cockpits and start the helicopter up.

**helicopter noises**

Mark Wayne Windle: All systems online here.

Matt: Same.

Mark Wayne Windle: **pulls back on the throttle**

Part 1 end

To be continued...

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