1. The Queen of Arrows by BellOfSilence

Title - 7/10: I feel like there could've been a title even more fitting for the book. The current title would suit a lot of books, so I don't feel like it does the actual story justice.

Cover - 8/10: Very pretty, I love the picture and how it's used in the media throughout the book, but this also doesn't really convey the idea of the story very well. All I know is that it's about a girl, likely in the middle ages, who uses a bow and arrow. Usually I'd say either the cover or the title needs to already give something about the story away, as these are usually the factor
that decides whether someone is interested in even reading the blurb or not.

Blurb - 9/10: The blurb really does the story justice. It's now very clear what the story is about and the writing style (which is amazing) really shines through. A personal pet peeve of mine is
questions in the blurb, though. They don't usually add any information, and when they do it's
usually not a very thought-provoking question. My personal rule is that if it can be answered
with a yes or no answer, it's better to rephrase it or leave it out completely. But some people
do really like the format, so it might just be me.

Plot - 15/15: Honestly I don't have much to say except for that it was very nice! Of course Robin Hood is a classic story, everyone knows the basic idea (taking from the corrupt rich, giving to the poor). This still had the same themes, but a new perspective.

Creativity - 15/15: I have never read a story like it, although I don't typically read historical books (fiction or nonfiction), so I don't have much to compare it to.

Grammar - 14/15: Grammar mistakes are negligible. They're there but if I wasn't specifically looking for them, I wouldn't have found them. It's those things even grammar checkers probably would skip over (like extra spaces or combined sentences that grammatically would've been better separated).

Characters - 5/5: I like the main character! She sounds like a badass and very smart. And Hood reads exactly how I'd expect him to be from the folklore! Personally I haven't seen anyone have that same interpretation, so it was very fun to read.

Interaction with the reader - 4/5: The writing style was very engaging. In the beginning I found it to be a bit difficult to get into, but once I got there, it was very easy to stay engaged.

Overall- 15/15 points
Total points - 92/100

2. Hypodermic Transgression by nxnsxgnorsDxmon

Title - 10/10: Perfect title! Nice choice of words, unique, yet totally makes sense with what type of book it is!

Cover - 2/10: Parts of the cover are difficult to read ('transgression', the subtitle, and the author). I also think the fonts are too much, it makes the cover very busy making it hard to determine what to look at. The picture used is okay but covered up too much by the stickers and the rose
petals. The main font used was nice though.

Blurb - 7/10: The blurb does what needs to be done, but it does have rather long sentences and consists of only one long paragraph. Cutting it up might help out a bit. Also I do think just the emojis to break the parts up might look less busy (from a phone format, at least).

Plot - 15/15 points: The story has a very nice pace. It's not too slow, nor is it too quick. Honestly I was gonna be worried that the plot was going to be thin due to all the warnings (I'm the kind of person who usually skips over smut), but it actually wasn't. It was very well done. Not only was there a plot, the plot was also very engaging.

Creativity - 15/15 points: I don't know what fandom this book is part of, but to me it seems pretty creative. I can't say I've ever read a y/n story about a priest before lol.

Grammar - 15/15: I didn't find anything to comment on! Great grammar.

Characters - 4/5 points: I don't know the character this book is written about, but I like the use of background information for the POV character. The side characters were introduced early, but it didn't feel overwhelming. It did feel like their looks could've been explained through more subtext, but other than that they do have nice distinct personalities.

Interaction with the reader - 4/5: I like the use of words a lot! You have a very nice writing style. A few paragraphs were on the long side for a digital format, but it was nothing crazy. I'm also not a fan of long flashbacks, unless it's literal time jumping. It kinda messes with the timeline in my head, but that might be a personal thing.

Overall- 13/15 points
Total points - 85/100 points

3. Love at Dawn by LiebeKlara

Title - 7/10: The title is very general. However it does have a nice ring to it. Usually I'd recommend to either have a title or cover that shows a bit of what the story could center around.

Cover - 6/10: I love the picture and the font is nice too, but I don't think they blend well together. Maybe the font for the title could've been a bit bigger, maybe that would have given off more 'book cover' vibes.

Blurb - 8/10: I do think the formatting is a bit off, but the writing is absolutely amazing. I can tell it's written to be more historical, which usually makes it so it takes a while to get used to, but that's not the case here. It's still very easy to understand, which I think is a good skill. However, the blurb is a bit wordy and doesn't say much about what will happen in the story. It's written
more like a piece of the story rather than a blurb. It's not very concise as blurbs are
supposed to be. The part about Fiona is a lot more written like a blurb and your writing style
still shines through. It's just a lot clearer what her story is about.

Plot - 15/15 points: I didn't get to read the entire thing, but the story progresses nicely. It's a good pace and we get to know the characters quickly without infodumps.

Creativity - 15/15 points: I don't have much to compare it to as I don't usually read this genre, but I enjoyed it so that has to mean something. However, within the genre I feel like there's only so many ways to be creative. I think you did that about as much as anyone possibly could.

Grammar - 15/15: I don't think there have been any mistakes, so great job! Not much to say there.

Characters - 4/5 points: Love Edith and Andre, your characters are very well-written. I do feel like Edith got the most depth, though, but that might just be me.

Interaction with the reader - 5/5: Like I already mentioned, the style is very nice! It's easy to understand and the story is easy to get into (even as someone who doesn't typically read historical fiction). It was very intriguing. I also love how you provided some historical context, for someone who doesn't know much about history, it makes it a lot easier to understand.

Overall- 15/15 points
Total points - 90/100 points

4. Being reformed by agsznn_

Title - 7/10:  A little vague but it does the job alright I think. It just doesn't stand out in any way, in my opinion.

Cover - 6/10: Aesthetically pleasing but does not garner any interest toward the story, more like a phone background.

Blurb - 10/10: Great blurb! Short but explains the basic idea of the story very well.

Plot - 7/15: Introduction to the characters was rather quick. We met a lot of people at once. And in general I think the first chapter does set the tone, but it doesn't seem like we're starting from
a very important point. It makes the story progression feel a bit slow. Also learning about
Louis' death was very sudden and we didn't get much detail. Maybe starting there would've
been a good idea(it wouldn't have to be too detailed, just mostly so we can immediately form
that emotional connection with Magdalene). Also at times it feels more like bible class than
love story.

Creativity - 13/15 points: It's very easy to make a story like this very cliche, but you actually didn't. It was a lot more character-driven than I expected it to be, and that was very nice.

Grammar - 13/15 points: There's a few grammar mistakes but they don't make it unreadable. It's mostly just random capitalizations and commas where periods would've likely been more appropriate. 

Characters - 2/5 points: Honestly, I couldn't connect with the characters much. Some of them feel like they have little purpose and are mostly there to fluff up Magdalene's social circle. I also had a hard time connecting with Magdalene herself, I think mostly because not much happens so far throughout the story, so we still don't really know what she's like.

Interaction with the reader - 3/5 points: Your writing style is very nice and easy to read, however, I've mentioned before that sometimes it reads more like a bible class. Religion is a very important theme of this book but the book is still supposed to be a romance (going off the tags).

Overall- 8/15 points
Total points - 69/100 points

5. One Night Stand's Forever! by ArabelaTaylor

Title - 6/10: Grammatically the title should be: "One Night Stands Forever" (unless your idea was making a pun which would mean "One Night Stand is Forever", because if so consider this critique void lol). Other than that, the title does its job. Just by reading it, I can connect the dots and guess what the story is about.

Cover - 8/10: Cute cover and nice use of fonts. Also the premise of the story is pretty clear by just looking at the cover.

Blurb - 9/10: Very concise, easy to read and you pitched your story nicely. But advice I've given multiple people is that questions in blurbs are often unnecessary. In your case, since the blurb is so short, I don't actually mind it much, but it might be something to look out for.

Plot - 15/15 points: Honestly, I don't have anything to say about the plot. It's consistent throughout the book (which for me is my greatest challenge in writing, so great job). It's not very long, but I think that suits the story. One night stands are short, so it's perfect.

Creativity - 7/15 points: I have seen premises like this before, so I wouldn't say it's the most unique idea, but for the most part I liked it anyway. I honestly love the idea of it still.

Grammar - 11/15 points: There could be a lot more commas. Some sentences are rather long, so either breaking up the sentences or placing more commas would help out a lot. Other than that, the grammar is fine.

Characters - 2/5 points: Emma seemed pretty well fleshed out, but the other characters feel really flat. It really does feel like they are written to be in Emma's life. It gets better towards the end, but to me that feels a bit too late.

Interaction with the reader - 2/5 points: The writing style didn't really encaptivate me, honestly. This entire time I kind of felt disconnected from the character, I wasn't really feeling her emotions. Also, instead of changing the entire POV constantly, playing with sensory details might also help. I now know what she does, how she acts, and what she thinks, but I'm not really invested.

Overall - 9/15 points
Total points - 69/100 points (no, this was not on purpose lol)

6. Parantap Parashakti: Paving way for him by dwarkaratna

Title - 9/10: It does its job, I don't think it's perfect but I also don't have anything to comment on it.

Cover - 3/10: The cover is very busy, and the subtitle and author name are very hard to read. I think it would have helped to have an emptier background and make the important elements of the cover larger, maybe even a little out of frame to make space for the text.

Blurb - 8/10: The reference to the cover takes me out of it, and I've mentioned in other reviews that yes-or-no questions usually don't add anything to the blurb, but other than that you
summarize the story very well.

Plot - 15/15: I've never read a story like this. The entire idea of it is pretty unique to me. It's very character driven and the characters seem to be well thought out. It's a love story but it's not a
romance, and I think that's very special.

Creativity - 15/15 points: I'm giving you a lot of points here for your writing style too. It's just such a delight to read. And like I mentioned, I've never read anything like it. It was very nice.

Grammar - 15/15 points: Your grammar is absolutely perfect. no mistakes at all from what I've noticed.

Characters - 5/5 points: A lot of characters, but I like the main characters. You did a great job showing Subhadra's love for Arjun in the beginning.

Interaction with the reader - 3/5: There's a lot of characters, but you explained them in separate chapters so that's nice. I personally think it should not have to be necessary, though. I can also see it's a sequel. I liked that you showed parts of the previous book as a sort of prologue. Your writing style is very nice and engaging. There's just a lot of extra chapters (the ones that aren't part of the story) which I think could've been condensed in fewer, or could've been left out completely.

Overall- 13/15 points
Total points - 86/100 points

7. Villainous Veera by romance_lover16

Title - 9/10: Like the alliteration, nice and short. The title very easily reveals the idea without revealing too much of the story, and the cover just adds to it, making it easy for anyone to check out the blurb.

Cover - 9/10: Very nice for the genre and does its job, but doesn't stand out much. I do like the use of colors and the way you added the subtitle.

Blurb - 10/10: Very well-written and does what needs to be done very well.

Plot - 15/15: I honestly have nothing to say here, it was very nicely executed! Great job

Creativity - 12/15: It's not an entirely new concept, I do feel like it's pretty typical for stories based around superpowers, but your execution was also nice enough that it didn't feel like a story that was too familiar. Also I do love the set of powers you used.

Grammar - 14/15: I only found a single mistake, so with a quick spell check I think the story could be completely free of typos/spelling mistakes. Great job!

Characters - 5/5: I liked the main character a lot, and I also loved het character development. I do have to say this story feels very plot-driven, but you've fleshed out your characters very well which I think is pretty rare to see on Wattpad, so you did amazing.

Interaction with the reader - 4/5: Your writing style was very easy to understand and very nice to read. It was easy to get into. In the very beginning, I do have to say people could be a bit over the top in their hatred, so it felt a little more geared towards people who can't understand nuance very much (like children, I don't know if that's your intended audience). Other than that, it was basically perfect.

Overall - 13/15 points
Total points - 91/100 points

8. A Memory of Starfires by Aravis-BrightSpell

Title - 8/10: I like the title. It suits the tone of the writing and the genre, however, it doesn't tell us much about the story.

Cover - 5/10: Papyrus font is too recognizable so it comes across as generic and the logline is a little too small to read. Also the tiger image seems to be a little warped. The font used for the title is nice and I think the cover does give off the right vibes for the book, I just think small changes could elevate this cover so much.

Blurb - 7/10: The blurb tells us enough about the characters, but not quite enough about the plot. Reading this, I still have no idea what I'm getting into. It's all still a bit too vague.

Plot - 11/15: Honestly I don't feel like a lot is happening throughout the first few chapters. This makes the plot feel a little slow. Towards the last few chapters things seem to be progressing at a much better pace, this was very nice.

Creativity - 13/15: In the beginning it was starting out like a lot of stories, but as you kept writing, the story started to have more of its own direction. I think this is the kind of story where you can really see the writer improve, and i think it has a lot of potential. I think reviewing your previous chapters could really elevate the story, so try that.

Grammar - 11/15 points: I do see some extra spaces. And when using speech, it's important to consider that you should use commas instead of periods (e.g.: "I don't like chocolate," the boy said.) Other than that the spelling and grammar were good!

Characters - 3/5: I do have quite a hard time connecting to your characters, but once again, this also improves in later chapters, so consider going back and maybe rewriting some bits. I do think you have the insight to know what would improve the story as it gets a lot better in later chapters.

Interaction with the reader - 3/5 points: The chapters are a little too short. I think this would've worked very well on wattpad before the in-story ads were a thing, but now it just gets a bit too much. It does seem to improve a lot near the end of the story. Other than that, the writing style seems good, and I think you chose the best POV for the story!

Overall - 11/15 points
Total points - 72/100 points

9. Seret by Wabisabi_kn

Title - 7/10: Does the job and a unique name, so recognizable, but gives no idea of what the story could be about and neither does the cover. I'd advise having either one of the two show a little bit of the story, so people can already tell whether it intrigues them or not.

Cover - 5/10: Very pretty but no idea what the story could be about. It's still very hazy.

Blurb - 6/10: Please use line breaks! It starts really nice but doesn't really reveal anything yet! Telling why her life took a drastic turn is not a spoiler, it's the hook.

Plot - 10/15 points: Some bits came kind of out of nowhere. Nothing in the tags or blurb mentioned it. Personally I like pretty much every genre, but it might turn off readers who are expecting contemporary fiction only to find out it's low-fantasy/mystery/adventure. It might be a good idea to either hint at it in the beginning of the story and to mention it in the blurb. Once again, this wouldn't be a spoiler, it's the genre, so very important to mention.

Creativity - 12/15 points: I did like the core idea of the story. It's just a few connections that should've been made earlier on.

Grammar - 8/15 points: You could use a lot more line breaks, this works better in digital format. The grammar isn't great, but it's definitely readable without being too much of a bother. I would recommend putting it through some spell/grammar checking.

Characters - 3/5: I do feel like we're thrown into the story very quickly without really knowing the characters. It makes it difficult to connect to them. I do think Seret eventually is a compelling character, but the side characters do fall a little flat at times.

Interaction with the reader - 2/5: The long paragraphs along with the randomness of it all makes it very hard for this story to be immersive. There is of course some intrigue to it, but i think it can do a lot more than it currently does.

Overall 7/15
Total points - 54/100 points

10. Manila Sunsets with you by Exequinne

Title - 9/10:  Title gives a good idea of what the story could be about, just wouldn't guess the time travel part, which also isn't evident in the cover.

Cover - 9/10: Very aesthetically pleasing and gives the vibe of the story away a little bit not too much, but nothing about the cover gives an idea of time travel. If I saw it, I'd assume it's a regular
romance novel. Of course this isn't the end of the world since it is mentioned in the blurb, but
it does mean that some people who are interested in a time-travel-romance might miss it.

Blurb - 10/10: The blurb is very nice and covers all bases. I really have nothing to note here, it's basically perfect.

Plot - 15/15: The plot was very nice! It wasn't too quick or too slow. The pace was perfect for what the story was.

Creativity - 13/15: Not a 100% new concept, but still very nice. I think your execution really made the story. Your characters are very well fleshed out. Your writing is very nice to read, and it's very detailed but not to the point where it's slow.

Grammar - 15/15: Impeccable. I found nothing.

Characters - 5/5: I think the characters are very well described through their actions and thoughts, rather than explaining, which is pretty rare to see. Great job!

Interaction with the reader - 3/5: I know you said not to skip the notes, but I do think it's important to consider that most people probably will (I'm people, just not this time haha). Most things that would be missed aren't that important (for example I would not know what rubber shoes are, but I would've just googled it if it bothered me). But some things really are important, so those could be briefly explained at the beginning or end of each chapter, as people are more likely to read it there. It doesn't have to be thorough, just one or two sentences would be enough.

Overall 14 /15
Total points - 93/100 points


First Position - Manila Sunsets with you by Exequinne

Second Position - The Queen of Arrows by BellOfSilence

Third Position - Villainous Veera by romance_lover16


Thank you everyone for your cooperation and also a special thanks to Obscunima for judging this genre and giving extensive feedback!


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