"(Y/N). This is Adam. A new gardener." Weisslogia looked at you straight into the eye. "Hello miss (Y/N)! It's nice to meet you." Adam bowed and smiled at you.
Adam was a tall, muscular figure, thanks to his see-through shirt, had long spiky white hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, and had sharp blue eyes along with glasses. He wore a dress material as if he weren't a gardener but was dressed for a party.
"It's nice to meet you..." You paused for a moment. "Too..." Somehow his 'Adam' seemed familiar to you.
"It's nice to be working with you, (Y/N)." Adam gave you a toothy smile. Weisslogia chuckled and clapped his hands together.
"It's nice to see you two get along. Anyways, I have to go now and return into my duties of a king." Weisslogia waved goodbye and was escorted back into the castle with guards walking side by side with him.
"Well since I'm new here, what job do you take in the castle. I heard it was important." Adam narrowed his eyes at you, pushing in his glasses.
"What's so important being a maid? I just clean all day." You lied. Sure you were a maid, but you were a personal maid, more like an assistant. Your job was more important than just a regular maid.
"I see..." Adam's narrowed eyes turned wide as he shows you a big smile. "Well thanks for everything, (Y/N). See you later!~" Adam turned and walked the other way.
Just like Adam, you narrowed your eyes at him as he was walking and turned the other way to go back to your duty. Surely, you were to keep an eye on him. His behavior seemed strange.
You sighed and walked down the stairs, going down to the ball room.
"Hey (Y/N)." A maid walked up to you as you were entering the ball room. She then handed you a broom. "Oh hey Felicia!" Felicia was a maid who worked at the castle. She had gold eyes, short, auburn hair and had her hair up in a ponytail and had a strange curl stick out of the ponytail. She was energetic and could be clumsy at times.
"I can't wait for the ball! It's going to be fun!!" Felicia beamed with a smile. She then began to sweep as fast as she can when she heard Alice. Alice was known for scolding the maids badly for their work. After all, she was the one who controlled the maids to do the cleaning.
"Oi! Are you guys getting off task?" Her green eyes scanned the large ballroom and saw everyone cleaning. "Excellent. Good job, ladies! After this, you'll all get a break." Alice's change of attitude made everyone surprised. The silence was soon changed into loud cheers.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! I could finally eat the pasta I made in the morning!!" Felicia cried, walking to (Y/N) with a broom in her hand. Alice looked at the maids and sighed. She turned back to hear someone walking down the hall towards them. She saw Prince Sting walking towards the ballroom, making Alice panic and bow down to the prince.
Her two blonde ponytails moved in sync as she bowed down. "Good morning, Prince Sting. Everything is going as plan. The ballroom is almost clean." Alice said, still bowing to the prince. "That's good to hear, Alice." Sting said, walking into the ballroom.
Some maids squealed as they saw their beloved prince walk into the room. "Everything is going out well, everyone. Thank you for everything. I'll be back after my meeting and check up! Have a good morning, ladies." Sting said then turning back to walk out into the hall.
"Isn't he dreamy?" Sophia said, with her hands clapped together. Sofia was another maid. She had short, platinum blonde hair, teal eyes, and had a curvy body. (I couldn't think of names and I was watching hetalia so...)
"He is!~" Elizabeta said, agreeing with Sophia. Elizabeth has long, wavy brown hair and green eyes. She often takes a frying pan everywhere she goes for safety. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and went back to sweeping the floor. Elizabeta noticed her and ran to her. "Do you think he's charming, too?" Her green eyes gleamed upon your (Eye Color) colored eyes.
"No. Not really." You replied, going back to rooming the floors. Elizabeta gasped and shrieked. "What?! Why?!"
"Well, One, I just met him and two, I think that there is no way I can like him. He's royal and high standard and I'm just simply a maid." You replied to Elizabeta, who was now turning red at you. Sighing, you turned and picked up the dust with the broom.
"Break time, Everyone!!" Everyone sighed happily and put the cleaning equipment away.
The ballroom looked sparkly cleaned. The windows were cleaned with no dust, the floors were reflecting the evening sun that was going down, and even the chandelier was clean with its gold light also reflecting on the floor.
Everything was so clean that it put Levi's cleaning standards to shame. "Wow, everyone, you really outdone yourselves." Alice said, walking into the room with a new attire. She now wear a long blue cloak, black leggings, and brown boots.
"I'm sorry I couldn't participate in cleaning with everyone. I had some work to do in town." Alice said, opening the door for everyone to get out. "Refresh yourself with some water and I even cooked your dinner for you guys."
"The chef seemed busy because of the ball. It is a day from now... Tomorrow will be an much more busier day. So everyone have some rest. See you all tomorrow." Alice finally said, then leaving.
Felicia sighed and stretched. "Ah. Finally... I-a get some break from this and eat." Felicia dusted off her maid dress and moved on along with other maids. You said nothing and grabbed a quick bite of chicken and a quick drink of water.
You had your own duties to do as well. Nobody seemed to pay attention to you as you walked away from them. They were too busy with the ball coming up.
"Who are you going with, Lori?"
"I want to ask Adam, but I'm scared."
"No! I'm asking him!"
The argument of the girls could no longer be heard as you walked up the stairs to your room. How could they possibly know Adam in just one day. Questions filled your mind about that mysterious person. He seemed to familiar, but not.
You groaned and rubbed your head. You were so tired and wanted to go to bed, but couldn't. You have unfinished business with Tartaros and now, have to do your job.
Locking your door, you changed out of your maid outfit and into a different kind of clothing; girly.
Your new mission was to kill a guy that goes by the name of Nate Monty. According to the description, he always hangs out with ladies at a club in the Alvarez Empire. The security was tight there, but you have your ways for this.
Turning into a shadow, you head straight there and quickly. This was certainly going to be a long night.
Music was booming and girls squeaking could be heard on the dance floor. Sighing, you head to the bar and on your way, you saw your target.
His spiky, black hair was spiked back and wore a button-off shirt. He had his arms around girls and was laughing. Waking in front of him, he surely saw your figure and was quickly interested. Chuckling to himself, he executed himself from the girls and told them he was simply "going to the bathroom."
"Anything to drink, miss?" The kind bartender asked you. "Siuqe Sod." You replied, making his eyes widen. "Are you sure, miss? It's quite strong." The bartender asked with worry in his voice. You nodded and saw your target taking a seat next to you on the black barstool.
"Wow. Taking strong drinks. I like that." Nate said, looking at you with lust. You smiled and tucked your hair behind your ear.
He then leaned closer to your ear and whispered, "How about we go to a booth and get to know each other?" You looked at him and nodded.
You two went off to a booth and sat next to each other. The bartender noticed your absence and saw you at the booth. He handed you your beer and went back to his station. "There goes another one to his charm. What a tragic."
Nate then put an arm around your waist, causing you to tense up. You made yourself remember why you where here and to get he job done. You gulped and sulked. "Now where were we?"
Nate kept you into a conversation that was kind of personal and kind of dirty. After a while, Nate started to take advantage of you.
Thinking you were already tipsy, he started to trail a hand up your inner thigh. You froze and quickly thought he was going to die a slow and painful death.
Sucking in regret, you sat on his lap and looked at him and leaned in. "Let's finish this in private." Nate licked his lips and carried you out of the club and went to his house that was not far from there.
Throwing you onto the bed, he started sucking on your neck. You twitched and cursed in your mind and thought how you were going to take revenge on Mard and Jackal.
Things got more heated up and thought this was a perfect way to end it. You sat on his lap and he began to unzip your short shorts. Smiling, you put your hand on his chest and used your steel. You arm of steel went in deep into his chest.
Nate released large amounts of blood from his blood and choked for air. He tried to raise his hand and get your arm, but couldn't. You took out your hand and saw that there blood mixed with organs. "I-I-I... F-F-Fuucc-" With that being his final word, he fell limp and was now lifeless.
You got off of his lap and frowned. "You dirty bastard." You zipped your shorts and healed yourself from the scratch marks he did. You washed yourself off and looked into his closet to see for extra clothing. Thanks to his personality of being a player, there were tons of woman clothing there.
You grabbed a big sweater along with leggings and shoes. You burned the bloody ones and locked the door.
You clapped your hands and closed your eyes then a large black circle appeared below. You relaxed and sank into the black circle. It was a teleportation circle only used for situations like that. It takes up all your magic energy.
Taking off your shoes, you unlocked your bedroom and headed straight to your bed. You quickly got under the covers and slumber took over.
Happily dreaming, the door of your room opened and Sting's head popped out of his. "(Y/N) I-" Sting dropped his sentence and noticed how you were sound asleep.
"Felicia said you were awake..." sting walked over to your sleeping state and smiled. "Tired from a long day, huh?" Sting ruffled your hair and chucked, walking back to the door. "Goodnight, (Y/N)." With that said, Sting walked out and closed the door.
Gasping for air, (Y/N) sat up. "It was just a nightmare. It was just a nightmare..." (Y/N) calmed herself and got off of the bed. She went outside of her room and walked down the pavement stairs.
She sat down and looked down over the land below them. "I wanna go with mommy..." she cried. "Why do I have to be here."
"It was fate." A voice said behind (Y/N). She turned around, tear eyed, and saw Mard. "Fate decided your life and here you are." Mard said, towering over (Y/N). "Why am I here?! I don't want to be here! I want to be with my momma and papa! This isn't real!!" (Y/N) cried out to Mard, hitting his torso with her fists. "I see... The past is hitting you hard. You need to wake up and walk into the present." Mard said, shaking (Y/N).
"I don't want to kill people." (Y/N) said to Mard. Mard said nothing and turned. "Come with me, (Y/N)." Mard said offering a hand to (Y/N).
She looked at his hand and hesitated. She grabbed his hand and almost immediately she fell to her knees. "W-What is this?" (Y/N) whispered to Mard as she felt weak. She started to shake violently and started coughing out blood. "I'm sorry, (Y/N), but this is he only way..." Mard said before (Y/N)'s world turned black.
"(Name)... can you help me out over here?" Felicia called out to you. You nodded and headed to where she was. "Can you help me push this table?" Felicia said, huffing for air.
Everyone was decorating the ball and was pushing tables against the walls and out of the dance floor.
(Y/N) turned the table and pushed it. "Gah. Thanks (Y/N)." Felicia said. "No problem." (Y/N) pushed the table carefully and set it at its designated spot. She put chairs around it and a long white table cover on the round table.
"(Y/N)." You heard a deep voice behind you and turned around to see Sting. "Prince Sting." You bowed to Sting and looked at him. "I want to speak to you." Sting said walking outside of the door. You followed after him and noticed his broken state.
"The-The ball..." Sting looked down. "It's not an ordinary ball." Sting then looked at you. "My dad held this ball so I can find a princess..." Sting gulped and a tear came out of his eye. "And rule this kingdom of something happens to him." Sting then began crying.
Your eyes soften and pulled Sting in for a hug. You rubbed his back and said, "It's going to be alright Sting. Don't think of this to much."
Sting nodded in the hug and began to calm down.
Opening her eyes, (Y/N) saw a blue substance around her and saw blinded figures of what it looked like Mard and Lamy.
"What?! How is it that possible that she's awake during this?!" Lamy shriek as she saw the awoken girl.
"How fascinating..." Mard said, grinning. "I believe this girl is a fine capture of ours and our biggest weapon yet!" Mard cheered. "Is that so?" Lamy said with jealousy in her voice.
Mard chuckled at her response. "This is no need to be jealous about. This is our ultimate weapon! Our way to get to master E.N.D!!" Mard said, clapping his hands together and rubbing his hands.
Lamys frown turned into a bright smile. "Oh! Yes!~ Faa! Faa!~"
The little girl closed her eyes and fell again into the darkness.
Carriages came through like wild fire. (Y/N) stood there on the castle stairs looking at the incoming carriages and the royal families coming out of it.
Only two families were staying overnight at the castle and were close friends of Prince Sting.
Rogue stepped out of the carriage and walked up the stairs. His eye catching (Y/N)'s then looking away. 'What's his problem?' (Y/N) thought as she watched Rpgue disappear into the castle.
(Y/N) sighed and walked down the steps and helped carried the luggage into their guest rooms.
"(Y/N), if you please, can you help me with my luggage?" (Y/N) looked at Yukino and nodded. (Y/N) reached into the carriage and got her large trunk of clothing and such, with one arm.
(Y/N) felt the amount of clothes in there and looked at Yukino who had a surprise look on her face. "I-It's not heavy for you?" Yukino asked, shocked. (Y/N) shook her hand and grabbed the other trunk that was filled of who-knows-what.
"I shall escort you up to your room now." (Y/N) said turning away from the carriage and walking up the stairs. Yukino followed after (Y/N) and looking around the castle. "Sorry for my behavior from last time..." Yukino said, breaking the silence.
(Y/N) hummed and continued walking. "I-I didn't know what went over me. I-I was just not taking the fact Sting had a female assistant." Yukino confessed. (Y/N) stopped walking then turned to Yukino. "I understand, Yukino. I accept you apology."
(Y/N) saw Yukino smile and turn to continue walking.
After a while of walking, (Y/N) stopped at the door and opened it for Yukino to walk in. "How are you so sure that this is my room?" Yukino asked, walking into it.
(Y/N) pointed to a paper on the desk next to the bed. Yukino looked at the paper and saw that her name was on it. Yukino turned to (Y/N) to thank her, but saw that she was gone. "Oh..."
Yukino looked at her trunks and opened them. She hooded her clothes and placed it into the cabinet. She carefully got her gown for the ball and hugged it, swaying with it. She prentendijg as of she was dancing with her crush to a slow song.
She knew exactly what this ball was all about and she hoped she was the one.
She hanged the gown on the big closet by the window and closed the closet. She looked around the room and sat on her bed. Her room was a medium sized room with two windows on the left and the closet in the middle between the windows.
The bed was a large king sized bed and was on the back of the room. Two desks were on both sides of the bed and a large blue carpet filled the room floors. On the right wall, there was a door to go outside of the room.
Yukino smiled to herself and lay back on the bed. "Tomorrow is going to be a big and grand day!"
"Who's this?" Said a woman with dark, green, sharp eyes, and black/bluish hair. She wore a cloak and had bandages all over her body. Black substance covered her right eye and two horns popped out on both sides on her head.
Her sharp eyes glared at the woman in front of her. "She's a threat." The woman with sharp eyes said and ran towards the woman and attempted to attack her when a familiar man stopped her.
"Minerva! Stop right at this instance!!" Mard yelled, his arm out and angered. Minerva stopped at her tracks and the woman stood exactly where Minerva had spot her.
"Nonsense, Minerva. We're on a floating cube. She's one of ours. One that can easily spit this floating land and one of our most strongest demons." Mard said walking up the the woman with (Hair Length), (Hair Colored) hair. Her (Eye Color) colored eyes looked at Minerva and gave her a smile.
"It's finally nice to meet you, Minerva. My name is (Y/N) Conbolt." (Y/N) gave Minerva a smile. Minerva widened her eyes and took a step back. She realized who she looked familiar to.
"Why do you look like him? Why do you have his smile?!" Minerva said, outraged. "I saw it before I left that damned game!!'
(Y/N) looked at her in confusion. "Who are you referring too?" (Y/N) asked with her head slightly turned. "That damned man! He's apart of them! Macao!" Minerva yelled out in anger. Mard realized what was going on and slapped Minerva's back.
"Minerva, Drop it!! Now!!" Mard commanded Minerva. "Don't you dare bring up my father." (Y/N) said, now trembling. "I'm still recovering from his death..." (Y/N) looked away now tear eyes and walked past Minerva.
"His... death?" Minerva questioned and looked to Mard. He gave Minerva a death gesture and Minerva understood.
Sorry for the short chapter. The next chapter is going to be kind of long so please bear with me.
Sorry for making you wait.
Words: 3,423
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