
Luther and Sloane was in a room sitting in front of each other.

"All right" Luther said as he grabbed a plastic bag with ice before he put it on Sloane's shoulder but she push his hand away before holding the bag on her shoulder.

"I hate your family" Sloane said "That's cool. Not a super fan of yours right now" Luther said.

"Were you part of it?" she asked "Of what?" he asked "Ambushing us with Superman's grandpa" she said "Sloane..." he said with a sigh "My family can't decide whether or not to put mushroom on a pizza. I have no idea who that old guy is. He just showed up" he said and she removed plastic bag from her shoulder "You expect me to believe that?" she asked "Hold on here. You attacked us" he said "I tried to warn you" she said "Yeah, pfft, at the last second. You almost took us out" he said "Yeah, but we didn't. And your stupid family's fine, and half of mine is dead" she said and Luther's face fell.

"Where you just...using me? Getting close to gather information?" she asked with tears in her eyes "Do you really believe that?" he said and she looked down before she let out a sigh and looked back at him.

"Sloane, you need to know something about me. I don't really have any friends. Or...romances. I just have my family, and I would do anything to protect them except betray you, because that's not who I wanna be. So, if you're playing me right now, you win. But if this...if this is for real, we have to trust each other, because we're not our families" he said and she grabbed his hand "Okay" she said "Okay" he said before he lifted his hand and wipe away her tear.


Stan was cleaning in a room while Klaus was leaning against the door frame drinking.

"Hey, you missed a spot" Klaus said and pointed on the spot "You missed a spot on your face, and I'm not complaining" Stan said, looking at him "Hey, hey, hey. Listen to me, buddy. This is nothing compared to what I endured when I was your age. You know he once gave me six months' laundry duty. Six months! Just for pawning one of his stupid priceless artifacts from Mexico" Klaus said and Stan grabbed something before putting it in his pocket without Klaus saw it.

"Well, it turns out it did have a price, Dad, and that price was $35 for meth, thank you very much" Klaus said "Laundry doesn't seem that bad" Stan said "Well, it is when you know what your brothers do to their socks" Klaus said "Did you get in a lot of trouble at my age?" Stan asked "Oh, tons. Truancy, larceny, arsony. You know, a lot of the stuff I was doing wasn't even illegal at the time. Have you heard of Klaus's Law?" Klaus asked "Nope" Stan said as Klaus lay down on the bed.

"Oh, whatever. It doesn't matter. Half the time, I was just trying to piss off my dad. Luther, Diego, or Ben" Klaus said "Yeah, oppositional defiant disorder" Stan said as he grabbed a watch before putting it in his pocket.

"Huh?" Klaus said.

"At least that's what my shrink calls it" Stan said "Go on" Klaus said "It's typically associated with an argumentative, aggressive..." Stan said "...Irritable mood" the two said at the same time "Exactly" Stan said "Yeah" Klaus said "Antisocial...risk-seeking behavior, and impulsivity" Stan said "Ding-dong, who's at the door? Me. I have the...Wow! You know, and it feels so good to put a name to it, so all the drugs and the manipulation and my cult and..." Klaus said "You had a cult?" Stan asked "Well, it was the '60s, babe. Everybody had one. But the point is that all of that was a reaction to my father and his obscenely high expectations of me" Klaus said.

While he was talking Stan was stealing things in the room "And then, after Dad, I had Ben haunting my every move" Klaus said "Who's Ben?" Stan asked "Ben is your dead uncle. Who's alive in this timeline. But he's dead to me. It doesn't matter. But, I mean, if I set this room on fire..." Klaus said as he sat up and Stan looked at him "Yeah" he said "...would it be fulfilling? I don't know. If I was to act out now, I mean, who would it even be in opposition to?" Klaus said before he let out a laugh.

"Maybe this whole new timeline thingy is a blessing in disguise, except of you, obviously. But maybe now I can have, like, a normal-ish relationship with my cold and emotionless father" Klaus said before he lay back down in bed.

Stan then lifted up some car keys "Stanley" Klaus said before he sat up "Hey! Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay!" he said as he pointed on Stan that was putting the keys in his pocket "Ch-pff! Ch-pff!" Klaus said "Come on!" Stan said "No, put it back" Klaus said "Okay, you caught me" Stan said as he put the keys back "All of it, please" Klaus said and Stan put the things back "Yes. Yes" Klaus said "I thought you were supposed to be the fun uncle" Stan said "I know, me too" Klaus said before he chuckled "Can I just keep one thing?" Stan asked "All right, you can keep the panties" Klaus said.


"I really should get home" Sloane said "I can't let you go" Luther said "I don't wanna let you go either, but Jayme and Alphonso, they deserve a proper burial" Sloane said before she lowered her hand "No, I mean, I can't let you leave. You're a hostage" he said "Oh, right. That" she said "My family already thinks I'm a traitor. So, I can't..." he said "No, I totally get it" she said "Good" he said "My family probably is plotting vengeance" she said and they both nodded "So, I guess we just go back to fighting until everybody's dead" he said "We can put an end to this and still be together" she said "How?" he asked.


Viktor and Harlan was in Harlan's room "I need you to stay in here until I figure some things out" Viktor said as he gave Harlan a glasses of water.

"Your sister called you Viktor. Is that what I should call you?" Harlan asked before he looked at all his tapes that was in his briefcase "I'd like that" Viktor said before he sat down next to him on the bed.

"You know, your mom's a...a big part of who I am. She was the first person to truly see me" Viktor said "It's okay if you wanna ask about her" Harlan said "Did Sissy hate me for what I did to you?" Viktor asked and Harlan looked at him "She said you saved her life" he said "Did she have a good life?" Viktor asked "Wasn't easy. Not with...me there. But she was free in a way she never was on the farm. She never stopped thinking about you, and she never gave up hope that you'd come back to us one day. Why did you leave us? I needed you" Harlan said "We thought you'd be safer away from me" Viktor said and Harlan nodded "But I wish I had stayed. I should have stayed" Viktor said and Harlan grabbed his hand.

Then the door opened and Luther entered "Meeting in the poolroom. Family only" he said before he left "Stay here. I'll be right back" Viktor told Harlan before leaving.


While Luna was sitting on the floor playing with her stuff penguin, Natasha and Allison was standing on the second floor by the pool ball table waiting for Luther, Diego, Sloane and Viktor to arrive.

"Hey Allison, are you okay?" Natasha asked "Ray's dead. I looked him up before I went to see my daughter" Allison replied "I'm sorry" Natasha said "Don't be, unless you killed our mothers, you have nothing to apologies for" Allison said.

"I know what you are going through. I know you are grieving. You grieve your husband, but your grieve your daugther more" Natasha said "You don't know shit" Allison said.

"You have lost a child, so have I" Natasha said and Allison turned her head to look at her "Those years Five and I was trying to have a kid, we managed three times. But all three were miscarries. And then we had Zach after all my miscarries. We hoped that Zach and Claire would meet someday" Natasha said before taking a deep breath.

"And Luna actually had a twin sister but she died after 48 hours" she said "I didn't know that" Allison said "No one ones about Luna's twin sister, only Zach but we both agree not to tell anyone, not even Five, 'cause I knew the guilt he would feel. But I still have Luna and Zach. And we have hope that they both would have met Claire someday" Natasha said and Allison took a quick look at Luna who was sitting on the floor while she giggled as she was playing with the stuff penguin.

"You grieve your husband, but you're grieve your daugther more. I know what you are going through. I would said goodbye to any child knowing I would only hurt myself to hope again. So maybe it's not the same, but I know that you feel that way. The feeling of hope being taking away. Feeling as if everything is ruined. As if nothing you ever want--" "Can be normal" Allison said and Natasha nodded.

"I can't say I understand losing a husband but I understand from mother to mother" Natasha said "How do you think Luna would be when she gets older?" Allison asked "She'd be intelligent and stubborn as Five, but have my compassion and strength. I love her so much, just as much as I love Zach" Natasha said before looking at Allison.

"Both Five and I have hoped that our kids and Claire would meet someday. I can't say I fully understand your pain right now, but Zach and Five was my rocks in the Commission" Natasha said as she looked down before she looked back at Allison.

"And even so I have never met Ray or Clarie. I know that your daugther Clarie loves you. I know you chose her over Ray. You must know that he understands. Five and I would also always have chosen our children over each other, any parent would" she said and Allison looked down.

"We will figure this out, Allison" she said "You can't promise that" Allison said "I'm not" she said "Then what are you doing" Allison said "Compromising" she said and the two of them looked at each other.

Natasha and Allison weren't on the same side or did Allison practical like Natasha right now, but they both shared something no one else did.


"Before you met Five, how did you managed to keep going?" Allison asked "I became my own rock, my own anchor, it didn't help so much as having Five, but it did help a little bit. There was this one time, it was before the Commission and after losing my parnets and while I was living on the street. I met someone, trusted him, but I was young and stupid. He raped me, treated me like some of his many toys, just like he rape other women. And I actually got pregnant after the fourth time he have rape me but lost the child" Natasha said "Did Five ever....?" Allison started to ask.

"No, no" Natasha breathed, raising her eyebrows and shaking her head "No, he actually went after that guy that did that to me, even so I told him to leave it alone, but we all know how he is" she said "You were rape, attacked and that cause the miscarriage?" Allison asked "Allison I was raped and treated really badly, beating. A baby doesn't really survive that kind of trauma" Natasha said "Oh shit" Allison said.

"I joined the Commission not long after 'cause I wanted to be strong, to be able to defend myself. And after my training. I comforted him. Threated him. Cut two of his fingers off. But he still left scars on me. I promise to never tell anyone about this, but when I met Five and after we became friends, he comforted me after he have heard me sobbing myself to sleep many times, he kinda force it out of me" Natasha said "And then what?" Allison asked "I don't think I have ever seen Five that mad before. He found the guy and killed him, even so I have already cutting off his manhood and two of his fingers, thinking that living in fear and pain is worse than dying for someone like him. And it was also one of  those moments that I knew that Five was different and I could trust him, he was someone that would be there for me, no matter what. Care for me" Natasha said before taking a deep breath.

"Two years after having Zach. I got pregnant again" she said "And what happen?" Allison asked "When I was four months pregnant, Five and I was sent on a very hard and dangerous mission. Five tried to convince me to stay home but I refuse since I was stubborn as hell" Natasha explain "What happen?" Allison asked "It was harder and more dangerous than Five and I thoughts. I ended in the hospital, lost the baby" Natasha said, trying to hold back her tears. "It broke Five and I a little bit. But most me, if I haven't being that stubborn we would have three kids now so..." Natasha let out a small sob "I'm sorry" Allison said "It's okay, sometimes things happen, and we can't really control it, but we can control how to deal with it" Natasha said as she looked at Allison.

Then Diego, Viktor, Luther and Sloane came up to them.

"Okay. Sloane and I have made a plan to put an end to all of this fight" Luther said "What kind of plan?" Lara asked "It better be a pretty good one" Diego said and Luther and Sloane started telling them about the plan. That if they let Sloane go with the bodies of Jayme and Alphonso, she can go back to her siblings convince them that Harlan has nothing to do with the Umbrellas and get them to stand down.

"You can't be serious?" Allison asked as her hands were tucked into her pockets.

"We use Sloane as an olive branch. We let her go as a gesture of peace, along with the bodies of Jayme and Alphonso" Luther said "Once I'm back with my family, I can convince them the old guy had nothing to do with you and get them to stand down" Sloane said.

"You wanna let her go after attacking us and they almost killed Natasha? Uh-uh" Diego said as he shook his head while he was holding a pool ball stick "I didn't die okay" Natasha said "You almost did" Diego said.

"Me?" Sloane said as she pointed on herself "I lost two of my siblings to you and your murder troll" she said "And again, Harlan not with us" Luther said "Well, he's not not with us" Diego said "He was just trying to protect me" Viktor said.

"This only works if I can convince my family he isn't a part of your team, so is he with you or not?" Sloane asked "Harlan saved our asses. He can stay as long as he wants" Diego said before he looked at Luther "You know what, Luther? He can take your bed. Since you're sleeping with the enemy" Diego said "Watch it" Luther said as he took a step towards him.

"Stop" Natasha said before she glanced at them "We don't need a fight. Offering Sloane back to the Sparrow could work" she said "You're not in charge here" Allison said "Well, the only person who ever gets shirt sorted in this family is currently had going MIA and after spending a lot of time with him, I think he'd say that Luther's plan isn't completely terrible" Natasha said.

"See it's a good plan" Luther said "Five's not in charged either" Allison said "But he is when you guys cause the end of the world?" Natasha asked as she glanced at them "You guys will happily use him when you want saving but any other time you don't care. Five saved your guys asses three times, maybe even more" Natasha said before she looked at Allison "Also, you're in charge either. We take decisions as a family, that's how Five and I do" Natasha said.

"Natasha's right. Having an ally on the inside could help us right now" Viktor said "Right?" Luther said with a nod while he extending his arms out to side.

"Yeah, but how do we know we can trust Gravity Barbie?" Allison asked "I trust her" Luther said "Yeah, you trusted emails from a Nigerian prince" Diego said "Tunde was not a prince, he was a king, and he was unjustly deposed" Luther said "Okay" Sloane said before she stepped closer to them "So rumor me again" she said as she looked at Allison "Go on, not hiding anything. Whatever it takes" Sloane said "Do whatever you wanna do, Luther. That's on you. I've got bigger shit to deal with" Allison said before walking away.

"Allison, wait up" Diego called out before walking after her.

Viktor then left after telling Luther that he would go with him to return Sloane to her family and Luther left Natasha by the pool tables with Sloane while he went down to the lobby to make a call to the Sparrows.

"I never got to say thank you" Sloane said making Natasha looked at her "For earlier when Allison rumored me. So thank you" she said "You're welcome. Beside that's the least I can do after you help me get out of the Academy" Natasha said and Sloane let out a small smile before she spotted Luna who was still on the blanket.

"She is a cute one and also beautiful" Sloane said "Thanks" Natasha said "What's her name?" Sloane asked "Luna" Natasha said "Beautiful name" Sloane said "Thanks" Natasha said "Is she yours?" Sloane asked and Natasha nodded "Yeah" she said which 'cause Sloane to look at her.

"I'm the jumpy guy in the uniform's girlfriend and the mother of the other jump guy. And the little girl is my daugther Luna" Natasha said "Don't take this wrong or anything, but aren't you a little too young to be---" "I'm actually 58. But landed in my younger body 'cause my boyfriend Five screw something up" Natasha said "Yeah, I think I remember Luther telling me about that" Sloane said with a smile.

"You know. I really admire you. And I like you. Getting suck in your teen body, having to raise a child can be a problem, especially of you consider moderen society" she said "If you think it's hard now. Consider how it was for me in the 60's, on the street and in The Commission " Natasha said "Yeah, Luther told me about that. How you and his brother Five met in some place called The Commission" Sloane said and Natasha nodded before she started telling Sloane the rest of her story.

How her and Five met. Their live together in the Commission. How they used Five's powers to travel back to 2019. How they are now in their younger bodies is because Five ignored Natasha when she told him that he got the equations wrong and that is the result.


"Woah, that is quite a story, it's amazing that you got through that" Sloane said "Well, I had Five, we got through the hard things together. He saved me. Made me feel less alone. Gave me a family" Natasha said.

"So where is your boyfriend and Zach?" Sloane asked "We created something by accident, something we have to fix. So he is trying to find a way to stop this, but I think we need a plan B. We need help" Natasha said before she looked at Sloane "We actually do need help" Natasha said "With what?" Sloane asked "You know that people have being disappearing right" Natasha said and Sloane nodded "Well we might be the cause of that" Natasha said "What do you mean?" Sloane asked "Well, the mothers of my boyfriend's family died before they were born which meant they created the grandfather paradox, and that is the worst paradox in the Commission" Natasha said "A what?" Sloane asked "The grandfather paradox" Natasha said.

"What is grandfather paradox?" Sloane asked "But we messed something up. Long story short, but if you had to go back in time and killed one of your parents or grandparent, then it means that you never being born, but you do exist and the universe can't handle it. It can't handle that you exist. So that's why it created this grandfather paradox and therefore if my husband can't find a solution at The Commission, we might need a plan B and therefore we might need your family's help" Natasha said "When I'm back, I will see what I can do" Sloane said "Thanks" Natasha said.


"This is just like a bunch of bureaucratic bullshit" Five complained as him, Zach and Lila was walking up the stairs to look for the operations bunker.

"There's no clear directives in here about crisis management" he said a little bit annoyed as he closed the book angrily while both he itched his neck.

"You know, I shouldn't even be here. I was...I was out. I was done, and yet here I am, swept back into chaos. Why can't I just escape this hellhole?" Five said while he itched the back of his head as the three walked up the last step.

"Because you love it" Lila replied.

But then the sound of flatulence was heard causing the three to stop in their tracks before they turned to look at Five "My bad" he said as he was sweating a little.

"She's not wrong, you do have a knack for getting things done" Zach said.

"Face it, Five, apocalypse problems are the only things that get your heart pumping" Lila said as Five scratched his neck and cheek "That and then probably shagging your girlfriend and spending times with your kids" Lila said.

"I don't know why people keep saying that. I don't actually like chaos" Five said a little bit aggressive "I don't want to disorder. I...I want retirement" he said and Lila laughed

"Yeah, right" she said "No, I want retirement with my girlfriend. I want to live a normal family life with Natasha and our kids" Five said causing Zach to look at his dad.

"A normal life of groceries and taxes with Natasha, the woman you love. You would die of boredom so will Natasha. She don't know anything else than fighting" she said "She is not like that anymore" Five said "Mom have changed, so have my dad and so have I" Zach said before he looked at Lila "Beside you're not exactly out for domestic bliss either" he said as he opened a door before him and Five entered.

"'Course I'm bloody not. Thank God" Lila said before she followed after them.

"I mean, maybe it's a tone thing?" Lila said as the three walked down some stairs.

"I don't know, but you could really work on, like, the way you speak" Lila said as Five and Zach looked down a dark and empty hallway and they walked to the left before walking over a metal shelf that was laying on the floor "It's very...It's irritating" Lila said as she followed after him and Zach.

"More than your accent? I hardly doubt that" Zach said, getting annoying from Lila constant nagging against his dad.

"I'm just saying it's something you can work on, you know. For the future, the both of you" Lila said as Zach and Five stopped before they let out a sigh while they both smiled as they looked forward.

"Why are you smiling, you little pisspots?" Lila asked as she was looking at them.

Zach and Five looked at her still smiling before they looked forward "Cause of that" they said and pointed at a door.


"Well, you could have led with that" Lila said before the three walked over to the door.


Natasha was holding Luna in her arms while Luther was standing with his arm around Sloane's shoulder as the four and Viktor was at the meeting place to meet with the Sparrows.

Then they saw a car came driving around a corner before it stopped in front of them.

Ben, Fei and Chris stepped out of the car before they walked closer to the five.

Luther then put Jayme's and Alphonso's body in the Sparrows' car's trunk.

Sloane then walked over to the Sparrows before her and Fei hugged.

"Well, that is it. This puts an end to it" Natasha said "No. We want the old man too" Ben said "What are you doing?" Fei asked "You wanted a plan. Here it is" Ben said "It's a stupid plan" Fei said "He isn't part of the deal" Viktor said "He is now" Ben said "Ben, they aren't working with him. They had nothing to do with the attacks--" Sloane said but Ben cut her off "Then they won't mind finding him and handing him over. It's simple. Bring us the man who killed our siblings, and this will all be over. If not..." Ben said before he turned around and walked over to the car with Chris, Fei and Sloane.

"Well, that went well" Natasha said sarcastically.

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