Natasha and Five entered the kitchen before Five walked over to stand by the edge of the table while Natasha leaned her back against the sink.
"How stupid can you be?" she asked "Hey, even smart people do stupid things" he said "Yeah, but I told you that the equation were wrong" she said "Sorry Love" he said "You are really a idiot" she said.
"I know, can you forgive me?" he asked "No" she shook her head "Come on, please forgive me" he walked closer to her but she just looked away from him.
"You really mess up big time" she said "I know. Please forgive me" he grabbed her hands.
Every time she felt his skin on hers, she could feel her body get warmer, it relaxed more and she felt whole and safe.
"No" she said, playing a little with him.
"If I admit I was wrong and you were right, will you forgive me?" he asked "Maybe" she said "Alright, you were right and I was wrong. I'm sorry" he said as he stroke his thumbs over her knuckles.
She couldn't help but smile a bit when he did that.
"Will you forgive me now?" he asked "I will have to think about that" she said with a small smile and he put her face in his hands before he turned her head so she was looking at him "Forgive me" he said as he was staring into her light blue eyes while she was staring into his beautiful, soft and warm green eyes.
She always got lost everytime she was looking at them.
"You know I can never be angry at those eyes for too long. I can never stay mad at you for too long when you are looking at me with those eyes, giving me that look" she said and he smiled "Well, that is my secret weapon" he said.
"I hate you" she said "No you don't" he said and they both smiled before they rested their foreheads against each other and brushed the tip of their noses against one another while smiling.
Then the sound of footsteps approaching was heard which 'cause the two to pull away before Five walked back to the end of the table.
"Want a sandwich?" Five asked "Only one, my body are trying not to eat too much of your peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches. I'm getting a bit tired of them" Natasha said "You weren't one time, you actually couldn't get enough" he said "It's only because I was pregnant with your son at that time, and Zach really loved your peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches, also when he was younger, just like his dad" she said "Well, he still eats them, just not so much" Five said.
Then Five's siblings enter the kitchen and they all gather by the table.
Five put a cutting board on the table before he walked over to get the bread "What's the date? The exact date" he asked as he grabbed the bread "The 24th" Vanya said "Of what?" he asked as he walked back to the table "March" Vanya replied "Good" he said.
"So, are we gonna talk about what just happened?" Luther asked, he was wearing a huge overcoat plus he was really huge himself.
Five didn't say anything, he just ignored him as he put the bread on the cutting board "It's been 17 years" Luther said, getting up from his chair, looking down at Five, like he was the leader.
Five looked at his brother before he let out a scoff "It's been a lot longer than that" he said before blinking behind Luther and stood on a chair to get the marshmallow for the sandwiches "I haven't missed that" Luther said.
"Where'd you go?" Diego asked, he was the one dress in black and was carrying a lot of knives.
Natasha think he look like a Batman wannabe.
"The future" Five replied and blinked back to the edge of the table "It's shit, by the way" he said "Called it" Klaus said with his finger lifted, he was wearing a black skirt and was sitting on the table with his legs crossed.
"I should've listened to the old man" Five said as he walked over to the refrigerator before opening it, to get the peanut butter "You know jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice" he said before walking back to the table.
"Well, you know how stubborn you can be" Natasha said and the siblings looked at her "Who is the girl?" Luther asked as he pointed on Natasha "Don't point that finger at me moonboy or I'm gonna shove it right up your ass" Natasha said as she looked at Luther "Beside the girl has a name, asshole" she said before she looked at her boyfriend.
"Well, Five, your family is not what I expected. I expected more superheroes and not like...." she said before she looked back at the siblings "The Village People who really need therapy" she said "Who the fuck are you?" Luther asked as all the siblings was looking at her "I'm the person that's gonna cut your dick off and glue it to your forehead, so that you look like a limp Dick unicorn, that's who the fuck I am" Natasha said as she was looking at Luther and all the siblings' eyes widened except for Five and Diego who just smiled "I like her already" he said.
"Nat, you promised you would be nice" he said "Sorry" Natasha said before she looked the siblings.
"Let's see if I got this right" she said before she pointed on Vanya "Vanya Aka Number Seven is the normal one in the family, wrote the book name 'Extra ordinary' Read it by the way, not bad" she said before she pointed on Klaus "Klaus. Aka Number Four. The ability to see the dead and communicate with them. It's always high and get drunk all the time" she said before she pointed on Allison "Allison aka Number Three. The Rumor. The ability to rumor anyone to do anything. Is a movie star and has a daughter name Claire" she said before she pointed at Diego "Diego, aka Number Two. Abilites: can curve anything he throw but most used knife. It's a mommy's boy" she said before pointing at Luther "Luther aka Number One. Spaceboy. Abilites: super strength. Being on the moon for four years. It's like superman but much much dummer, plus it's a daddy's boy" she said before she lowered her hand and looked at Five "Did I get that right?" she asked and he nodded "Yeah, you did. That was actually surprisingly correct" he said.
"Well, they are not what I expected" Natasha said "They never are" Five said.
"Okay, who are you?" Luther asked "I'm Natasha Yelena Mills Romanoff" she said with her Russian accent.
"She is my partner and girlfriend" Five said and the sibling's eyes widened "What?" they asked.
"You have girlfriend?" Vanya asked, they were all surprised that their brother who have being gone for over 16 years suddenly return, is in his 17-year-old body and has a girlfriend.
"I did not expect that" Diego said "I thought you would be the last of us to get a girlfriend" Luther said "And that comes from you Luther" Five said which 'cause Diego to chuckled.
Five then narrowed his eyes at Klaus who was wearing a black skirt "Nice dress" he said before looking back down to make his sandwich "Oh, well, danke!" Klaus said.
"Why are you wearing a black skirt?" Natasha asked "I know it's a little dated, but it's very breathey on the bits" Klaus answered and she let out a small and quite chuckled.
"Wait, how did you get back?" Vanya asked "In the end, we had to project our consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of ourself that exists across every possible instance of time" Five explain causing all his siblings to have a confuse look on their faces.
"That makes no sense" Diego said to me "Well, it would if you were smarter" Natasha replied and Diego stood up, ready to go after her, but the Luther put a hand in front of him "Touch her and I will break your legs" Five said calm while still looking down at his sandwich.
Five didn't care that they were his siblings, if they hurt Natasha or his son, he would make them regret it.
The same went for Natasha, she didn't care if they were Five's family, she would hurt anyone that was trying to lay a hand on Five or their son.
"How long were you there?" Luther asked "I was there for 44 years. Give or take" Five said as he intentionally fails to mention that he was were twenty-five-years in the apocalypse and he was 19 years in the Commission.
The siblings all widened their eyes while both Luther and Diego sat down.
"So what are you saying? That you and that girl is 57?" Luther asked "We look good of our ages, don't we?" Natasha joked.
"No, our consciousness is 57" Five said before he closed the two marshmallow and peanut butter sandwiches "Mine is 58 since I'm a year older and he was 25 years there then spend 19 years working with me" Natasha said.
"Apparently, our bodies is now 17 again" Five said "And who's fault is that?" Natasha asked "Haven't I said sorry" Five said "Sorry is not going to give our bodies back" Natasha said angry and Five rolled his eyes before he gave a sandwich to his girlfriend "Thank you Honey" she said "You're welcome, my love" he said.
"Wait? How does that even work?" Vanya asked "Delores kept saying the equations were off. Eh" Five said, taking a bite of his sandwich "Zach and I also said it too, but you're still thinking about that doll" Natasha said "Jealous?" Five asked as he was looking at her with his head tilted a little bit "In your dreams" she said, rolling her eyes but Five just smiled "Come, you know that you are my only one" he said as he looked at her.
"Bet you three are laughing now" he said "Trust me I'm laughing, so is Delores and so is Zach when he sees this" Natasha said "Delores? Zach?" Vanya asked, but Five took another bite of his sandwich "She is a mannequin he fell in love with while he was in the future" Natasha said, looking at Five.
"But who is Zach?" Vanya asked, but Five ignored her as he picked up the newspaper from the table to see his father Reginald Hargreeves on the front page and he read the headline above the picture of Reginald.
'The City Says Goodbye to Billionaire Reginald Hargreeves'
"Guess I missed the funeral" Five said "How'd you know about that?" Luther said "What part of the future do you not understand?" Five and Natasha asked annoyed as they looked at Luther "Heart failure, huh?" Five asked him "Yeah" Diego said "No" Luther said.
"Hmm" he said before he clicked his tongue "Nice to see nothing's changed" he said before walking towards the exit "Uh, that's it? That's all you have to say?" Allison asked "What else is there to say? The circle of life" he said as he walked towards the exit "Come on Love" he said and Natasha followed after her boyfriend.
"Well...That was interesting" Luther said as Natasha and Five walked farther away from the kitchen, going towards Five's old bedroom.
"I can't believe Five have a girlfriend" Klaus said "What have Five being doing for that long" Luther said "And why have he not come back to us until now?" Allison asked "Yeah, why did he waited 44 years until he decided to come back to us?" Luther glanced at the siblings as they were all wondering about it.
"Well, not the welcome I expected" Five said as him and Natasha both walked into his old bedroom.
"It seems like my family haven't missed me at all. They don't care that I'm back" he said with a sigh as he sat down on the bed "They could care less" he said as he placed his head on his knees.
Natasha closed the door before she made her way to him and sat down next to him, taking his hands in hers.
"I thought they cared" he scoffed "Five. Honey" Natasha said as she pulled his head up before turning it so he was facing her.
His eyes were glazed, it look like he was about to cry. "I'm sure they care in some way" she said "Then they don't show it" he said "They care. Trust me" she said "They sure don't have a good way of showing it" he said "Not everyone shows love the same way, Fivey" she said before hugged him tight "You said it yourself, you had a shit father, he wasn't the best at showing affection. He emotional abused you and your siblings, so of course they have it hard showing their emotions" she said.
"I don't know" he said "Five, remember when we first started dating, it took you some time for you to actually like physical touch and not flinch every time I touched you, just like me. We didn't like physical touch. It was heard when we both refuse hugs and kisses and it took us both some time to open up to each other" she said as the two pulled away "And it have become better" she said "Yeah, I mean we have made a child together, and we couldn't do that if I haven't gone better at it" he said with a chuckled which 'cause her to chuckled as well.
"Before my parents died, they taught me that not everyone will love the same. There are not just one way to love, it's different for different people. Everyone show emotions differently. For you for an example Five, you are most emotionally and acts of service at least to me you are. You always make sure I'm feeling my best, doesn't matter what position you're in. You do things that show your love like gift or surprises. You show more than you love than you say it and I love that about you. We grew up in different situations, my parents were affectionate to me and each other. You had a robot mother. And your father wasn't affectionate. So it would make sense for your love languages to be different, you know. And me I forgot all of that when I joined The Commission, I was trained into not showing any emotions 'cause that will get you kill" she said and Five nodded.
"Shall I talk some sense in them?" she asked and he shook his head "No" he said "I wouldn't mind" she said and he let out a chuckled "It's okay. It's not like we were the best family" he said "Well, they are not what I expected" she said "They never are" he said "Maybe they are just in shock over everything that has happen and they just need to figure it out. Maybe they are a bit slow" she said and he smiled "Yeah they are" he said.
"Why didn't you tell them about what will happen in eight days?" she asked "'Cause they probably wouldn't believe me. Their brother comes back after have being gone for 17 years just to tell them that in eight days the world will end. They would think I'm crazy" he said and she nodded.
"What a family you have" she said and he smiled "Yeah what a super dysfunctional family" he said before he looked at her "And you are part of that family now" he said "Great" she sarcastic "Hey, you knew what you got yourself into when we started dating. When we become a couple you became a part of that family. When you said yes to spend the rest of your life with me. You joined the family. Beside you had carried and giving birth to a Hargreeves family member" he said.
"You knew in those moments I was pregnant, I actually wish you carried the child instead" she said "Well that would be fun" he said with a chuckled "Yeah" she said with a nod "Imagine me with pregnancy hormones" he said "Well, sometimes you act like you are the one that is pregnant" she said with a smile "Shut up" he said before they two both let out a laugh.
"Well, I need to change clothes and I'm sure you do too. I think either Allison or Vanya have something you can borrow" he said "I will just take something from their closet" she said and they gave each other a quick kiss.
"I love you" Five said "I love you too" she said before she got up and walked towards the door.
"Wait" he said and she stopped before she turned around to look at him "What?" she asked "My hair is a little messy after the jump will you cut it like you always do?" he asked as he was making his begging face.
"Fine, but I need a scissor" she said and Five got up before he opened a draw and pulled out a scissor.
"Alright, sit down, so I can fix and cut your hair" she said as she pointed at a chair. "Yes, Miss" he said before he walked over to her and sat down so he had his back to her.
Natasha lifted the scissor before she began to cut his hair.
Five took a deep breath before he looked down at hands "Don't move your head" she said before she moved his head back "Or I'm gonna cut off your ears, even so, you don't really use them" she said.
She then moved his head down, so he was looking at his hands causing him to let out a sigh "Don't worry. We are going to find a way to get our bodies back" she said "I hope so, I don't know what went wrong" he said "I do" she said and he turned his head to look at her "You do?" he asked "I said don't move" she said, moving his head back to the spot from before.
"Yeah. Now when I realized it and think about it some more. I could see what went wrong. You put the decimal in the wrong spot in your proof of the existence of a bound for the number of limit cycles of planar polynomial vector fields of fixed degree. You wrote down five-point-seven. It should be..." "Zero-point-five-seven" both Natasha and Five said "Shit. I knew that didn't look right. Why didn't you tell me?" he asked "I didn't have the chance and it was first after we jump through the vortex, that I realized that something was wrong" she said before cutting the last small piece of the edge of his hair off.
"Done" she said before stepping back and Five looked in a small mirror that was hanging on his wall "That looks good" he said.
"Do you think that Zach would recognize us?" Natasha asked "I hope, he have actually never seeing us in our younger bodies" he said "Well, he have seen how I look as young 'cause I have childhood pictures in our apartment" she said "I hope he will recognize me" he said "Five, you are his dad, of course he will recognize you, no matter how you look, 'cause I think he look a lot like you when you were young" she said and he nodded.
"When are we gonna contact him?" she asked "Soon" he said before he up ans walked over to his closet before opening it to only find a full row of Umbrella Academy uniforms.
"Ah, shit" he said.
"Well, what will you choice, there is a lot of different blazer to choice from, it's so hard" she said sarcastically "Very funny, Love" he said before looking back at the all the blazer "Just take one" she said and he grabbed one.
"I will be back when I have changed" Natasha said before she left.
He changed into his blue school uniform. A dress shirt, tie, and vest underneath a blue blazer with matching schoolboy short, he had blue shorts and black knees length socks.
While Five was changing, Natasha found Allison's bedroom and she grabbed some of her old clothes that was not an umbrella uniform.
"That clothes look good on you" a voice said and Natasha turned around to see Allison in the doorway.
"Thank you, Allison" Natasha said "How do you know my name?" Allison asked "Well, I read the book written by Vanya, it gave me a little bit insight of the family. That's how I know you" Natasha said "Yeah, but it was also the same book that gave out our family secrets" Allison said, a little annoying "Hey, take it easy on your sister. If it wasn't for her, Five wouldn't have know what have had happen to his family while he was stuck in the future" Natasha said "Yeah, you are right" Allison said as she looked down before looking back up at Natasha.
"So you and Five. How long have you being together?" Allison asked "We have being partners for 19 years and being a couple for 17" she said "I can't believe you put up with him for so many years and then 17 years" Allison said "Well, it was not easy" Natasha said.
"I can't imanged Five getting with someone" Allison said "Well, he couldn't either" Natasha said with a smile "If it wasn't for Five, I would have ended my life a long time ago" she said.
"Five?" Allison asked in surprise, she was surprise that her brother Five had been the reason someone had stayed sane.
"Yeah. He kept me going. Gave me something to hold on to, just like I did for him. We kept each other alive. He had truly been my savior in the darkest time in my life, he was my light, just like I was for him. When all hope seemed to be lost and I was very close in losing it. Five had been the one to pull me back in. He kept me going, kept me from losing hope and give up, just like I did for him. We gave each other something to fight for" Natasha said and Allison let out a small smile.
"How did you meet Five?" Allison asked "We were partner up together and we have being partners for 19 where in those 19 years we have being a couple for 17 and he have never once left my side. Always being there for me, through thick and thin, just like I have always being here for him" Natasha said "Why aren't you two married, haven't he ask?" Allison asked "Trust me he have, many times actually" Natasha said "Why haven't you said yes?" Allison asked "'Cause I don't believe in marriages. But we have promised each other to spend the rest of your lives together" Natasha said before she thought back to that time.
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