Chapter two - Memories
Your POV:
I woke up to arms around my legs. My eyes widened as I kicked the person carrying me in the gut. He grunted and let go. I landed on my feet and looked around. Ok, so the one I kicked was the one that knocked me out. And then there is everyone else looking at me. Perfect. Ok, now where are we? ... Wellp, we are not in the forest anymore. Great. Now what? ... Well, there are some trees over there. Let's go there! ^_^ NOW! I bolted for the trees. Leaving everyone watching me. Wow, what great captors. I smiled as I jumped from tree to tree 'till I was in the middle of the mini forest.
Obi's POV:
"Obi! Are you ok?" Master asked. I nodded and stood back up. "Yeah Master. I'm fine. But now what will we do? The girl just ran away again." Master thought for a moment before smiling. "She will come back. Don't worry. So until then we can unpack. Ok Obi?" I nodded and continued walking to the castle with Master. But, will she really come back? Or will she run?
Your POV:
After a couple of hours my stomach grumbled. "Ah ha ha ha... I forgot to eat breakfast today! And on top of that, I have no idea where I am! Awwwww!" I complained as I rubbed my stomach. Crap! What to do, what to do... Wellp, I think my captors were heading towards that castle looking building over there. So let's head there! I nodded and started heading back- unseen of course.
Once I got to the castle I climbed a tree and looked around. No one here. Perfect. I heard footsteps coming close to where I was. I hid in the shadows and watched as the man with the cat eyes came into view. He walked towards the balcony near the tree and looked out, sighing. "It's been a couple hours now... Master thought she would be back sooner." The man said. As I was watching him my stomach thought it would be a good time to complain about being hungry. The man looked up at the tree suspiciously. Good goin stomach! Now you have blown our cover... Oh well. Might as well come out. He might have some food he can give me! "Whoever you are, come out. I know your there." The man stated. I quietly came out from behind the tree. He looked at me with confusion. "Why are you here?" He asked. My stomach grumbled loudly. "I'm... Ah.... Kinda hungry..." I told him. He laughed slightly and handed me a peace of bread. I looked at it closely. Making sure it had no poison on it before I took it and ate it in two bites. The man laughed more. "So, are you going to go back to the forest now?" I shook my head. "No. The work I get suck's anyway. I might just wonder around for now until I see a better job." He nodded in understanding. "So you ARE an assassin." He smiled. I rolled my eyes. "*sigh* Yes. I am an assassin. What are you?" "I am an ex-assassin." I nodded. Most assassins stop taking jobs after a while. But it makes sense. A lot of assassins who keep taking jobs go crazy. "I see..." The ex-assassin jumped up into the tree and sat beside me. "You should start working for Master instead. It is a lot of fun." I shook my head violently. "No! I don't trust anyone. Never again." I whispered. The ex-assassin looked at me. "What happened? Why don't you trust people anymore?" He asked. I shook my head again. "Parents--Fire--death--people--kids--parents--blood--" I started hyperventilating. The ex-assassin looked at me worriedly. "Are you ok?" I shook my head. "Blood--parents--Fire--me--parents--death--" I kept hyperventilating. The ex-assassin looked around but saw no one. He picked me up on his back and carried me inside the castle. I on the other hand kept whispering words and shaking my head violently. Your not suppose to talk to others dearest. They will only hurt you. Yes. That's right dear. Stay close to us. We will protect you. Stop it! Both of you! Just STOP! You both left me for dead! Why come back now? Because we love you. Forever and always. Forever and always. SHUT IT!
Obi's POV:
I picked up the young assassin. She kept whispering words and shaking her head agented my back. I ran to Master's office and set her down in a chair. She curled up into a little ball and kept shaking her head. "Obi, what's wrong with the girl?" I looked at Master. "I don't know Master. We were talking... She said she doesn't trust people. So I asked why. And she started doing this... Whispering words that make no sense, shaking her head." He nodded and called for Shiriyuki. (Don't know if that is how you really spell her name. Sorry!) She ran in and started treating her. I walked towards Master. "Do you think she will be ok?" I asked. Master nodded and I let out a sigh I'm relief. "Why? Do have have a crush on the assassin?" I looked away slightly. "Of course not Master." He smirked. "Whatever you say Obi." Shiriyuki walked over to us smiling. "She will be ok. She just had a flashback of sorts." We nodded. "Thank you Shiriyuki." Master said calmly. She nodded and left. I desired to change the subject. "Hey Master, what's going on with you and Shiriyuki huh?" I elbowed him but he smacked my elbow away. Blushing slightly. "Nothing's going on Obi." I smiled at him. "Whatever you say Master." I mimicked. He rolled his eyes and stood up. "Obi, do you want to stay here any watch her progress? I have a meeting with Lord Brother right now." I nodded as Master left. Once the door closed I walked towards the assassin quietly, so I wouldn't disturb her. I wonder what happened to her to make this happen to her...
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