Chapter 47
The automatic, glass doors slid open and we stepped in. The sound of intercom calling out codes and squeaky wheelchairs moving welcomed us. A nurse hurried by us, the papers in her hand whirring from her speed and a few seconds later, more people surrounding a patient on a gurney sped by us. The place smelled like every hospital I ever went to — disinfectants, hospital cafeteria food, and sick people. I hated it. It was nothing like the way they described it in Grey's Anatomy.
We walked up to the front desk where an Asian receptionist was sitting. She smiled warmly when we greeted her.
"Where can I find Benjamin Adams? He's been turned in just today."
Her gaze turned back to the computer in front of her as she looked for his room. She nodded before looking back to us.
"Room 414."
"Thank you."
We hurried to the elevator along with a couple other people. I jammed my thumb on the button and waited as the large, cubic, elevator lifted us slowly to the floor.
This floor was decorated differently than the ground floor. It was the pediatric part of the hospital with cheerier, blue, green, and white colored walls and simple paintings of princesses, cars, and whatnot.
We were about to walk to Benjamin's room on the right, but the floor's receptionist called us.
"Can I know who you're visiting?"
"Benjamin Adams, room 414," I said impatiently.
"Are you family?"
"No," Drake and I said in unison.
"Then, I'm sorry. You can't visit him." She smiled apologetically before looking back to the papers she was holding.
"We have to," Drake replied urgently, " and we need to be back in less than an hour."
"I wish I could help, but only family members are allowed to enter his room."
"Why?" I asked exasperatedly.
"Because he just came out of surgery."
"We'll just quickly check on him," I said determinedly.
The middle-aged receptionist was starting to get annoyed and impatient. "You can't do that either."
"Look, I'm not leaving this hospital without-"
I turned around to see Ryder standing a few feet away. I was too shocked by his appearance to have answered him back.
His face had different shades of blue on his cheeks and a busted lip. The other eye was also slightly swollen but it didn't look like it was the effect from the fight, it looked like he was crying a lot. His hair was also messy and ruffled.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"We're here to check on Benjamin, but she won't let us in."
"Did you find the nurse? Oh, Ash, Drake. Why are you guys here?" Ryder's dad was asking him something but stopped when he saw us.
"We wanted to see Benjamin but we're not allowed to," Drake explained; Ryder and I were locked in a heated gaze.
"I won't let them enter the room," Mr. Adams told the receptionist and she nodded, "come with me."
We followed them into the next hallway, not sure what the point was if we weren't going to enter the room.
Not being able to contain my curiosity and concern, I asked, "what's wrong with Benjamin."
"There was a shooting at his school."
My eyes widened in disbelief when I heard what Ryder said. I always heard these kinds of stuff on the news or second handed, but no one close to me was targeted in them.
"What happened to him?"
"He was shot in the stomach, gaining other multiple internal injuries."
"Is he okay now?"
I didn't get a reply as Mr. Adams opened the door labeled 414. I looked back to him thankfully and he nodded back. I warily walked into the room, not wanting to wake him up. The door behind me quietly shut close, and I realized Drake didn't walk with me inside.
The room was fairly sized with a TV set hanging from the ceiling. The window that gave me a view of the world below was on the wall adjacent to the bed. In the corner were two chairs, frayed with wear and tear. It was a typical hospital room, sparse and functional.
I quietly walked to him, sitting on the uncomfortable, hard chair. Benjamin's face was pale and there was a small cut on his eyebrow. In his blue polka-dotted white hospital gown, closed eyes without his round glasses, and IV tubes on his arms he looked so small and fragile. Any hint of the wise yet energetic Benjamin that I grew to know was gone.
It was so sad and terrorizing that there were human beings who'd go to the extent of shooting children to get what they want. They had nothing to do with anything. They were just little souls on the brink of starting their lives and exploring the world. The shooters had their share of life, why take away the children's life?
Benjamin's eyes slowly fluttered open, interrupting my thoughts. His face formed a frown when he saw me, seemingly confused to why I was here.
"Hey, there, Benjamin," I said softly, "How are you doing?"
He closed his eyes again with a grunt and pointed to the cup of water on his bedside table. I quickly gave it to him and watched as he gulped the whole cup in seconds.
"I've been better," he said with a hoarse voice.
"I'll get your parents," I said, standing up.
I left his room and saw Drake, Ryder, Mr. Adams, and Sasha sitting outside.
"He's up and okay," I said, their faces lifting up a little. Sasa patted my arm before opening the door and walking into his room.
I took the only empty seat - Sasha's - which was next to Ryder. I slumped in my seat and looked ahead, ignoring the brushing of our thighs. I didn't want to engage in a conversation or anything.
Obviously, Ryder didn't want the same thing.
"I'm sorry," he croaked out.
I closed my eyes.
"Ash, please talk to me. You've been ignoring me the whole week and with Benjamin, my world's been flipping upside down," there was an invisible hand that squeezed my heart when his voice cracked at the last few words.
"I'm sorry about Benjamin." I kept my gaze straight ahead as he looked at me. If I looked back at him and his chocolate brown eyes, I'll break down.
Sasha walked out the door and Drake and Mr. Adams walked in. Good. We'll be leaving soon.
"Where's the bathroom?" I asked.
"It's a small distance away. Ryder, honey, show her the way," Sasha said.
I regretted opening my mouth in the first place. I could've just asked around.
Not wanting to seem rude, I got up with Ryder and followed him to the bathroom silently. The hallways on this floor weren't as crowded as the ones on the ground floor. Thankfully, Ryder got the message and didn't try to talk.
He stopped and pointed to a dull blue-colored door that had a picture of a silhouetted lady. I walked in and locked the door behind me before doing my business. Afterward, I washed my hands thoroughly, ignoring the laminated poster that gave instructions on how to wash properly.
I unlocked the door with a click and stepped out, surprised to find Ryder still standing there.
"You know, I could've easily found my way back, I'm not that lost." I crossed my arms as we walked together.
"I know."
After a few moments, Ryder stopped in the middle of the hallway, making me stop as well. I turned to him with a confused expression.
"Can't you see I changed? I changed for you. You are the best thing that happened to me."
"I can't just forget everything that you did. It's not that simple"
"I didn't have a choice, Chloe made me do it. You don't get it, those sisters," he said heatedly as he took two steps closer. "They can and will make you do anything they want."
I was trapped in his chocolate brown eyes. It took everything in me to look away, but I still couldn't.
The harsh, hospital fluorescent lights that were ruthless on anyone else's features made his' look more strikingly handsome. There were two feet exactly between us.
"I changed for you, as well. But then you changed my heart in the most drastic way possible. And I don't think I can ever be the same again," I said, speaking the truth that has been hiding for a while now.
He looked down earnestly. "I'm sorry."
"I know. But those two words won't erase everything that has happened."
I turned around and started walking, expecting him to follow me, but I only heard my footsteps.
"So, what now? Are you just not going to speak to me from now on? Is this how it's going to end between us?" he asked loudly, his voice slightly echoing against the walls.
I closed my eyes and ran a hand through my hair. "No. I just need time to sort things out. All I'm asking for is time and space."
"Fine. Just know that this is as hard for me as it is for you."
I looked back to him, not saying anything.
We walked back to the waiting room, no words being exchanged between us.
Author's Note:
Hey, guys!
I'm so excited to finish this book; I have so many book ideas and I don't know which one to start with eeek! There's a particular one that I really like though because it's quite different ;)
I really want to hear your overall thoughts on this book. What was the thing you liked most about it? The thing you most hated . . .
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