Act 2 Scene 2
Xander's pov
It was the afternoon and my siblings and I were tense as we watched the ships in the distance slowly make there way into the harbour from a window of Nohr's southern fortress. We had all gotten up early to make the trip here and in two days we will all return to castle Krackenburg.
The ships were almost at the dock and as the royals our prescience was mandatory for guests that father deemed very important. We met our retainers outside the castle where they awaited us with Leo's, Elise's, and my horse as well as Camilla's wyvern. Once we were mounted we headed towards the dock.
Once we arrived our retainers joined the other soldiers that had laid out a carpet for the guests to walk on and my siblings and I waited at the end. The ships finally dropped anchor and once it was safe to get off four soldiers walked off each carrying a flag of what I assume was the flag of Vimore. One of them hauled out a horn and blew it. Then the royals walked out.
First walking with her husband arm in arm was the king and queen. He had a static expression while she had a sweet smile. The king had rusty red hair cut very short, military style, he wore his kingly robes with his crown perched on top of his head which sent out the immediate message of 'I am a king and more important than you'. But most importantly was the blade strapped to his left side. You could tell that just by looking at the handle that the blade was important and strong. Another one of his most notable features was the large number of scars I his face and arms, and I'm sure he had more. Then holding his arm like it was her life line was the queen. She was beautiful with her long ultramarine blue hair trailing down her back along with her crown that sparkled when ever light hit the purple gem in the centre. Her dress was a classic Victorian style in multiple shades of purple with blue accent pieces. She didn't appear to be carrying a weapon, but you could sense her magic abilities.
Next was a man only a few years older than me. He had his fathers hair colour except it was a bit longer with his crown circling his head under his hair. As well he sported his mothers kind grin. He wore what seemed to be his formal knightly wear, similar to my attire. By his side was a blade that I could sense held great power.
Following closely behind him was what I guessed his younger sister. She was absolutely gorgeous from head to toe. Her hair was mostly the same blue as her mothers but you could see a hint of purple as the sun hit her head that was pinned back in a bun, she had a tiara atop her head that sported a pair of outstretched wyvern wings. Although her expression wasn't as stern looking as her fathers she showed no enthusiasm to be here. Like her mother she wore a Victorian style dress that showed her small waist then feathered out at the hips as her dress flowed out.
Once the four of them reached the end of the carpet Iago and Laslow stepped off the boat. "Everyone I hereby welcome the royal family of Vimore to the great kingdom of Nohr!" Iago said with his usual sinister smile. Laslow then walked over and joined his place next to Peri, I was glad that he returned in one piece. Then everything pretty much got quite beside the sound of trunks and crates and mounts being taken off the ships. Two soldiers walked off, one on a horse with another horse on a lead, then other on a wyvern with a giant wyvern trailing behind her. That has to be the biggest wyvern I've ever seen. I glanced over at Camilla and her eyes were wide as she stared at the giant beast. The two soldiers walked towards the royal siblings and spoke to them. Then they left the extra horse with them and went back to the ship. The kings horse was shorty brought ashore while the other mounts were loaded up with there luggage.
Finally everything had been loaded on the horses and wyverns I was instructed to lead the way. The queen got on the horse behind her husband and the prince got atop his steed and gave his hand to help his sister sit behind him. Then I lead the way back to the southern fortress with my siblings quickly on my tail and then our retainers on the edges watching out for any threats. Behind them was the Vimorian royals followed by there soldiers.
It was sunset by the time we got back to the fortress. Jakob and Felicia showed them to there rooms while we all returned to our rooms to get ready for supper. As I'm sure father would want us looking our best for our guests.
Once I was ready I joined my siblings, retainers and father in the throne room as we awaited the proper introduction of our guests. All ten of our retainers were stood on one side of the carpet that went from the door to fathers throne in the back of the room. While the siblings and I were lined up at the bottom of the stairs that led up to the throne. To the side stood Jakob, Felicia and Flora. All was silent until the grand doors opened. The two soldiers from earlier walked in.
"Introducing King Italus the sixth and his wife Queen Laverna," the tall woman who appeared barely dressed said loudly with pride. The couple walked in and once they reached the line of retainers they shook hands and our retainers bowed respectfully. Soon they both made it to Elise who curtsied and shook hands. After stopping by Leo, Corrin, Azura and then Camilla it was my turn.
"High prince Xander your majesty's," I introduced as I bowed then straightened back up to shake the kings hand and then placing a kiss to the back of his wife's. Then they walked around me to greet father before standing slightly to the side of me. Next the prince walked in.
"Introducing the high prince Victor," said the short man with armour on that look a little bit to big for him. The prince walked in with his head held high. After going up the line of retainers and my younger siblings I greeted him like I did to his father but he gave me a suspicious look and then walked up to greet father before joining his parents. Finally it was the princesses turn.
"And Finally, introducing Princess Victoria," the tall woman said. Victoria carried herself with grace as she wore her emotionless expression. She smiled a bit as the retainers introduced themselves. When she got to Laslow he kissed the back of her hand and she giggled slightly and softly. I also noticed that the two soldiers that had introduced the family were now also going up the line of retainers and introducing themselves. But I had to focus as the princess was now in front of me. I bowed and she curtsied.
"Prince Xander your highness," I spoke as I took her hand, her soft, small hand and placed a kiss on its back. As she walked away I could see the little bits of pink that took to her cheeks. Then the tall woman bowed to me and I did in return.
"Nefertari your highness," she said and then walked away. Then the short man came to me.
"Alexandros milord," he said as he bowed and then went with the one named Nefertari.
After Victoria greeted my father she took her stand next to her brother and then father stood up.
"Welcome royal family of Vimore, we are all very happy to have you here. Now if you will kindly join us for a meal I can announce the meaning of your arrival," after his mini speech father lead us to the dining room were our usual seating arrangement had been changed. Father as always sat at the head of the table. To his right, now sat the king and queen and across from them was Victor and Victoria. Myself, Azura and Leo sat on the left with Victoria and Victor, while Camilla, Corrin and Elise sat on the right with there parents. Jakob and the twin maids quickly got everyone their plates.
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