Chapter 8

"Living with fear stops us from taking risks, and if we don't go out on the branch, we are never going to get the best fruit."

-Sarah Parish

"What?!" Philip exclaimed, almost choking on his tea. He put the cup down and looked at Sapphirus and sighed feverishly. 

"So you mean to say that Adonius isn't your father?" 

His tone deteriorated as if being discrete about the matter. Sapphirus looked down and nodded. Laira just had a blank look on her face, as if still trying to process everything. 

"Sapphirus, you should've told me about this. This is something we can use to directly place a threat on Adonius to inquire about calling the wedding off," Philip proposed. 

Sapphirus widened his eyes, fearing how Philip would suffer if that happened. 

"No Phil, he'll make you suffer if you do that. He has no limits. I am not losing you to that ruthless monster," 

Philip sighed as he agreed to it. He remembered what Felicia had said to him and proceeded to propose the only way out of this heinous maze. 

"He won't be able to when he sees what he is about to now. I have another plan," 

He smirked, looking at Laira, narrating the entire plan to them.

"Are you sure this shall work?" Sapph's face was intoxicated with intense concern. 

"It is impossible for it to not work, given his weakness," Philip assured.

Philip took his leave and headed back home. Sapphirus stayed there. Now that Laira and he were alone, he sat back comfortably and cleared his throat. 

"Laira, I need to have a word with you about some 'other' concerning matters," 

Laira nodded and said, "Humble apologies, your highness but I have the maids and servants spying on me, given that you are around," 

Sapphirus frowned before she continued. 

"They take a lot of interest when it comes to rumoured 'affairs'," Laira finished, placing most emphasis on 'affairs'. 

Sapphirus nodded and stood up, about to take leave. 

"I'll see you 'around' then, Your highness," He took her hand and kissed the back of it. 

By 'around' he meant 'tonight'. Laira looked down and blushed, a smile travelling from one ear to another. Sapphirus smirked at her tomato-red face and left while adjusting his matt-blue coat. He made his way to the stables towards his horse and rode off to Felipe's place. He knocked at the chalet door after getting on the porch.

The door was answered by Felipe. 

"Fancy seeing you here, mate," he said as he left the door open for Sapphirus to enter. 

Sapphirus walked in while removing his scabbard from his katana and taking a seat. 

"Care for some tea?" Felipe walked towards the fireplace in the kitchen before taking the kettle off the fire.

"No, thank you bud," 

Felipe nodded and proceeded to wipe his hands after pouring the water into the cup full of herbs. He wiped his hands and took the hold of the cup. He took his seat in front of Sapphirus and sat back while placing the cup on his knee carefully. 

"What brings you here Sapph?" He sat back, taking a sip of his tea. 

"I'm afraid you know something bad about me," 

Felipe looked up at Sapphirus while gulping it down his throat and inhaling sharply. 

"Apologies but don't worry, no one knows yet," 

Sapphirus nodded. 

"Phil and Laira do," Felipe looked down as he exhaled sharply. 

"So I assume I might want to keep it a secret for longer than I think-,"

Sapphirus shook his head lightly and cut him off and said, "No, people will know quite soon about Laira and me, but through my announcement, after Adonius is destroyed," 

Felipe tilted his head and gulped the tea and put the empty cup on the small table in front of them. 

"That bastard will die as soon as he thinks he has started to live," 


"Your highness, your bath is ready," Julia said as she left Laira alone.

Laira got into the steaming and refreshing bath and went into a thirty-minute slumber. After dressing up for sleep, she lay on the bed, trying not to go to sleep, as if waiting for someone. She was almost about to fall asleep but jolted herself up when she heard a knock on the glass door that led to the balcony, covered with curtains right across her bed. She rushed towards it and slightly opened the curtain, peeking out into the moonlight. She looked around until her eyes fell straight into two doe eyes staring back at her. She smiled and opened the door. 

"I am astonished you dared to climb so high, your highness," 

Laira's smile widened as she realized it was Sapphirus who was standing out in front of her on the balcony. Sapphirus gave her a massive and excited smile as he bowed down, his gaze fixated on her. 

"Mind if I come in? Princess?" 

Laira slapped him lightly on his arm, annoyed. 

"Oh shut up already and come in. Don't forget to close the doors though," 

Sapphirus came in and walked to her study after closing the doors and pulling the curtains together. 

"You have a lot of studying to complete princess," Sapphirus said mockingly, placing the pads of his fingers on her legible, pearl handwriting. 

Laira walked closer to Sapphirus as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms before slamming one of the books shut. 

"It is way better if we don't talk about studying at the moment," 

She closed another book Sapphirus opened and looked deep into his eyes.  

"I am well aware. I am here to talk about something else," 

Laira smiled and turned around, leaning against the study. 

"And what might that be?" Sapphirus smirked lightly, his teeth coming into view from one side.


Before Laira could say anything, he dove his face into hers, their lips clashing as he kissed her ever so gently for the first time. Laira melted into the kiss and moulded her lips back onto his, making heated passion occur between them. Sapphirus broke the kiss and huffed softly, trying to catch his breath a little. 

He opened his eyes and said, "I can stop if you want me to, Lair," 

Laira smiled happily, feeling like she had found something she had lost a long time ago. 

"It had been a while since you called me by that name, Sapph," 

She pulled his face closer to hers and while it continued, Sapphirus picked her up and walked to the bed. he placed her on it carefully and tilted his head, deepening the kiss more, feeling her completely. He pressed his palm onto the bed as his other hand travelled to her back, reaching upwards towards the knot of the lace. He withdrew from her lips, trailing butterfly kisses down her neck and to her collarbones. Laira bit her lip as she felt him pull the knot on her back open and sat up. 

"Uh! S-Sapph!"

Sapph pulled her up as he took a seat as well, settling her on his lap as she sunk her head to his side, licking and biting his earlobe. He pulled both her sleeves down, revealing her shoulders, sharp and beautiful as ever. Her mouth fell agape as she felt his breath fanning her shoulder. She sat up and looked into his eyes before looking at his lips. She did not hesitate to lean towards them and consume them with hers. His hand slithered to the back of her head and undid her bun before she withdrew again and shook her head a little to set her hair free. 

She huffed as she began undoing the lace of his upper garment. He bit his lip as he felt her fingers on his skin. He pulled the garment off in haste before his hands travelled her back again and travelled downwards this time, reaching for the remaining open ends of her nightgown. With all his might, he pulled them apart, the white threads visible. She gasped as she felt her gown tear apart in half. He threw them both away from the bed as he laid her down as her arms lay there, not doing anything until he was completely bare before her as well. 

Taking the opportunity upon his bare body, she pushed him down with all her strength and went closer to her ear.

"I am not letting anyone else take you, ever again,"

Sapph smirked as he pushed her back with little strength and pinned her wrists above her head and not hesitating at all in devouring her lips again. Tears began to escape her eyes as she felt possessive and elated at the same time, so elated she cried joy. He withdrew before joining foreheads with her. 

"I'd like to see them try,"


"You probably had these feelings for me since we were 12, is that exemplary?" Laira asked Sapphirus, lying on her left shoulder, looking straight at Sapphirus's half-naked and robust as he lay flat on his back, staring straight ahead (up). 

He smirked as he drew playful circles on the side of her back. 

"I'm afraid so, princess. I did all of this just to get close to you again and I can't believe that my greatest fear just turned out to be false," 

Laira smiled and shuffled closer to his frame, snuggling herself into it. 

"You are cold Lair," Sapphirus said as he felt her cold skin, graze on his. 

"I am well aware Sapph. You don't need to tell me what to do," She got annoyed upon hearing that while feeling the pain in her abdomen. 

Sapphirus smirked and jolted up on top of her, his face above hers, his eyes in hers, his hand slithering to her nape. She tried to take hold of that hand and wrapped her fingers around the wrist but her Sapph wasn't having it either. He pushed her hand down and gripped her wrist, doing the same to her other hand before it could slither on his body. 

"Ohhh, someone is certainly enraged," Laira teased.

 Sapphirus gave her a grimace and clenched his jaw. 

"You don't know the Sapph you're talking to at the moment, princess," His grimace deepened as he grinned a little. 

Laira smirked, her smug face annoying him even more. 

"Oh, I certainly do. I'm talking to the Sapph I knew years ago," 

Sapphirus tilted his head and leaned closer to her neck, rubbing his nose on her clear and flawless flesh, inhaling her hazelnut scent. 

"Ohh darling, trust me. You just challenged the Sapph who'll make sure you don't plod with those feet of yours for days," 

He leaned closer before biting her flesh, making her flinch and squeak lightly. He gnawed at it and sucked on it harshly, creating a work of art only he can conceive. Laira moaned blissfully as she felt him biting and sucking on her untouched skin. She felt as if she was receiving pleasure from the devil himself. He parted his lips from her skin as the mark on her neck was quite visible. 

"I'll make sure those hands clutch the sheets tonight, just to help you down the stairs tomorrow morning. Buckle up princess because you won't even see yourself capable enough to stand,"


I just wish nobody sees me here at the moment

Felicia thought as she walked through the hall to the last of the rooms. She reached the doors of the room and was about to knock but before she could, they were opened by none other than Philip. He immediately pulled her in for a messy kiss as he removed her robe, exposing her girly attire. Philip stared at her figure blankly with his mouth agape. 

"What?" Felicia questioned. 

"You don't know this but you look absolutely beautiful in this attire,"

Philip bit his lip as he whispered into her ear. He then began to untie the strings of her dress from behind, in haste to see her vulnerable before him once again. Felicia returned the favour and began to unstring his blue coat, revealing the white garment that displayed his chest and collarbones. 

"I know this might seem like my desires run free and wild but we can stop if you want," Philip said as he looked into her ocean eyes. 

Felicia just slipped the crook of her thumbs between his earlobes and pulled him in, attaching her lips with his, letting her tongue touch his. 

"I'll stop after you're done taking me, Phil," 

She smirked and smashed her lips on his once again. Philip roughly sucked and bit her plump lips as both of them pulled each other to his bed. He turned his back towards the bed as he withdrew and sat on the edge for a bit as Felicia opened up the braid pinned to the back of her head. She shook her head to free her thick and enormous braid, letting it fall to the side as she walked closer to him and flung her leg on his side upon reaching the bed. Her knees rested on the sheets as his hands slithered to her waist. She looked into his pearly eyes before leaning in again as his fingers went beneath the laces of her nightgown, sending chills and tingles down her back. Their open lips locked once again as if trying to capture and resolve that bliss desperately as if it belonged to them only.

He turned towards the foot of the bed, his strength enough to place her back on the sheets as well but he didn't place her on it. He continued to mount her on her knees, only to place her in front of the curtains to the window by the bed, her palms placed on the glass. He came on behind her and exhaled on her neck. His lips immediately attacked her skin, sucking and biting on her skin as he went towards her shoulder, which was partially covered by her sleeve. He took it between his teeth and dragged them off her shoulder. 

"P-Phil! Someone might see us!" 

Philip smirked as he groaned in pleasure, just from her state of smugness and panic at the same time. She tried to raise her sleeve back but he clutched her wrist, continuing to carve her neck and shoulder with his lips and teeth. He grabbed her chin with his other hand, the one that was occupied by rings. The cold gold of the rings only aroused her more as she felt it on her jaw. 

"That mark on your neck looks beautiful,"

Felicia widened her eyes as she saw its faint reflection in the window. 

"P-Phil I-"

"I bet you'd love it if one of the guards saw us," He let go of her chin and let his hand go under her now-left lingerie. 

"U-uh! P-Phil I-"

"I love the sound of that,"


"So, what did you want to talk about Tae?" Felicia asked while cuddling with Philip. 

"I wanted to tell you about the new ruse we'll have to go according to,"  

Felicia sat up and looked into his eyes with a frown as he eased himself up and lay his back flat on the headboard. 

"I'm listening," She bit her lip nervously while fixating on her frown. 

Philip pursed his lips and stretched his arm for her to get in. She did so and Philip began to narrate his plan. 

"So, as you are well aware, I met up with Sapphirus and Laira and turns out that Adonius has his dark secret,"

Felicia asked, "Indeed? What is it?" 

"He is cursed to be infertile," 

Felicia sat up and looked at Philip in utter shock.

"You can't be certain about this Philip," Felicia said but before she could say anything else, Philip stopped her. 

"Listen to me, my love. That is not what we are going through. It is someone else he can't hurt any of us for," 

"Alright, go on," 

"The deal would be direct that Adonius remove the puppet policy off the kingdoms he imposed it on and calls the wedding off in exchange for our secret leverage," 

Felicia flicked her eyebrows and nodded.  

"So we take this secret person as leverage. Brilliant plan. But what if something backfires?"

Philip frowned as she questioned him. 

"What do you mean?" 

Felicia sighed slightly. 

"I mean that what if Sapphirus is not accepted by the subjects of Sila after marrying Laira?" 

Philip widened his eyes, unaware of what could take place.

"I didn't even think about that," 

He sat up and looked ahead as he exhaled sharply and gave it a keen and concentrated thought. After thinking about it, he looked up and smirked, as if he found the solution to all his problems. 

"Don't worry love, we'll take precautions for that,"


"And that is how the plan goes into action," Felicia said, sitting in front of Sapphirus and Laira in the royal gardens. 

Sapphirus sighed and sat back, "Alright, Adonius will buy it but what if he tries to wage war on those kingdoms again? And what if he discloses his secret to the subjects? We'll be doomed," 

Felicia tutted, reassuring Sapphirus of the results. 

"I know about that Sapphirus. Still, you need not worry about it after you receive a letter from Philip by the evening," 

Sapphirus frowned and went along with it, settling with the reassurance that Philip would always save the day. He sat back and signalled Felicia to go on. 

"Alright, so first, Phil will have to tell the secret leverage about his intentions and convince them of the plan he has in mind. They will have to agree to Philip's terms since they are helping Maleous receive the offer of getting relieved from his dense puppet duties. After he agrees with him, he'll call the royal meet off and rest assured and wait for Adonius to relieve him from this slavery and call the wedding off. In just a few days, Felipe and Cecilia will get married and live alongside each other, living a happy life. And Sapphirus, don't let Adonius's actions worry you when it all happens," 

Sapphirus tilted his head after Felicia finished and asked, "And why must I do that?" 

"Because he will be in no position to threaten any of us back, for now at least," 

Sapphirus sighed and agreed with the plan. After Felicia left, he was about to grab his coat and robe from Laira's room but was stopped by her standing in his way. 

"I can tell when you're highly anxious Sapph," 

She stepped closer to him and intertwined her fingers with his with a softened expression. She placed her other palm on his cheek and caressed it. Sapphirus took her hand off and held it tightly. 

"Lair, I don't want to do this at the stake of my friends' life. I don't want them to suffer even a little bit. Adonius is a monster and he will stop at nothing to achieve his wrath over Delaria," Sapphirus said, his voice cracking in between. 

Laira pulled him into a hug and Sapphirus nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck, seeking comfort. 

"Sapph, you and your friends are the strongest people I know. Promise me you won't give up," 

Laira continued embracing him. Sapphirus pulled out of her embrace but before he could say anything, they heard a familiar voice from behind say something that left them both in shock. 

"Even if he doesn't promise you, he never gives up on those who he loves, Laira," 

It was none other than Adonia. 

"Mother, what are you doing here?" Sapphirus asked before Adonia handed him an envelope with a seal of Quiddenberg on it. 

Sapphirus looked up at her and walked back to Laira's bed, tossing the robe on the sheets and tearing the envelope open. He read the letter and sighed in relief. 

"So this is why I needn't worry about the outcomes of the plan,"

"He finally received it. What did he say?" Felipe asked while clutching his dagger after making an empty, practice move. 

Philip, beside him, leaning on his shoulder, replied while looking into Sapphirus's reply. 

"And he agrees," 

Felipe stopped and suspiciously looked at Philip. 


"Nothing, just surprised that my childhood lads are this sacrificial towards my love for a princess," Felipe replied while removing the long bands from around his fists. 

Philip sighed as he felt irritated by that. 

"Felipe, we know how scared you are to be someone other than an assassin but you have studied about all of these things too while training for your assassination activities, with Cecilia, or, is it because you are worried about us?" 

Felipe looked at him and said, "It's you, lads I'm worried about," 

Philip's gaze lowered but he managed to say something reassuring to him. 

"I am well aware Felipe. But you know we can do anything to save this world from a monster and of course, marry our closest friend to the love of his life," 

There was a moment of silence between them but the silence shattered as they burst out laughing.

"Do you normally place such a hilarious influence on people?" 

Felipe smugly slapped Philip's arm. 

"No, only on those I am very close to," 

Philip grabbed Felipe's robe and lightly pushed him out of his chalet to his horse. They were headed to Crescentia, to meet up with Cecilia. After getting there, they headed to the library, where she was reading the book given by Philip behind one of the farthest shelves. 

"You were right Tae. These are his visions. I read it all," She said as she closed the book shut. 

Felipe sighed as he placed his fingers on his forehead, disappointed in himself. 

"I now regret assassinating him. What are we going to do about this?" 

Philip tutted in disappointment and questioned them out of all the hope he had left. 

"How about we go to the basement and look for more clues?" 

Cecilia and Felipe agreed and stepped out of the space between the wall and the shelf but stopped right away as they saw a horrifyingly familiar face plodding towards them. Felipe's heart skipped a beat as he saw none other than the great Isaac, who impersonated him. 

"H-how in the hell are you a-alive?" Felipe asked, shuddering a little, thinking his past hallucinations were starting to return. 

"Calm down, Felipe, we can see him too," Felipe sighed silently, relieved his mind was not playing mischief with him.

"I'll answer your questions but before that let me assure you that I mean no harm to arise upon all of you. I only come to help you," Isaac said while raising his palms, indicating that he is unarmed. 

"Alright, we'll listen to you," Philip said. 

But before he could take any other step further, he stopped Isaac. 

"In the basement, where your library, full of your journals, lies,"

Isaac locked the door after the four of them entered the darkroom. 

"Now, come to the point, how are you alive?" Felipe asked out of annoyance. 

"Look, I meant you no harm when I impersonated you. I am well aware that nothing about me is true but what I am about to tell you, is. So please listen to me," Isaac exhaled, desperation within his tone.

"Alright, go on," Cecilia assured. 

Isaac dragged a chair and took a seat. 

"I was born in a family of peasants. We didn't have much but we always made the most we could out of what we had. I was a happy child. After I turned 14 years old, I once overheard my father and uncle arguing with each other. I heard them say that if people come to know that their ancestors weren't peasants but something way heightened than that then they will come at us and kill us. I was shocked and dug into my father's scriptures and found something very frightening," 

He looked down, pursing his lips as if regretting reading it all. 

"What I read was something I wasn't supposed to. I was about to finish reading it all but it was too late since father was already standing behind me with his mouth agape. He hugged me tightly and told me that he loved me and that it was for our own good if we did not disclose such instances. I swore on my life I wouldn't tell anyone. But despite our discretion, the Vasilian landlords came to know about it and it all travelled to the palace walls. The guards came at us and murdered my entire family, without any remorse,"

He could feel and hear the screams of agony his family let out as they got slaughtered. His heart palpitated upon witnessing it all happening in front of him, crystal clear.

"I fled to Ardalia and sought shelter there. I was raised by poor mates. I lived there for years, not disclosing my last name to anybody and kept to myself most of the time until I fell in love with a beautiful girl. We became lovers in no time and got married. We had a baby boy after a few years. Of course, I had to tell her about who I was but I didn't know she would stab me in the back and try to take my child from me. I pleaded and begged for her to not do it but she didn't want to die either. So I proposed we fled to somewhere out of Delaria. She never agreed to me and took him away from me until my son turned 4 when the Vasilians got to my wife and tried to kill her but she fled with my son and came to me, at my doorstep," 

"She handed him to me, before departing and I ran clutching my child in my hands with all my might, falling into the premises of a church. I knew I didn't have any other option but to give my child up to the priest, for him to raise. He agreed and gave my boy to a Vasilian family, whom I've been looking for, since a year after my son was given to them. I died and came back to life with the gift of visions, a spell," 

Isaac looked up at Felipe, tears already flooding down his eyes. 

"The spell bounded me from death until I found my son and had visions and hints about how to find him. I thanked the priest before he took off with my child and handed him to the family before I lost consciousness. An hour later, I woke up and sought shelter here, in the basement, writing my visions, to remember them and join them together, to complete this elongating puzzle and seek my son," 

Isaac finished and stood up, nearing Felipe. 

"So now you might understand the reason for my presence here," He said as he stood in front of Felipe, staring into his orbs. 

"And not only that, but I am ready to disclose the word that represents my dynasty," Isaac said as his gaze averted towards Philip. 

Cecilia questioned him, her gaze softened. 

"What is your last name?" 

Isaac turned around and unlocked the door. Before opening it, he looked to the side. 

"Inkario, find the rest out by yourself children,"


"I know this is hard for you but trust me she will be safe after the plan is in action. I promise you this Sapph," Laira said as Sapphirus got on his horse. 

Sapphirus sighed and nodded, smiling at her. 

"Alright, lass. I love you, see you soon," He said before receiving an 'I love you too' from Laira. 

He jerked the reins before riding off to Vasilia. He fed his horse and got back to his room, hanging his robe and washing his face. He lay in bed, about to take a nap but heard agonizing screams echoing through the hall as if someone was getting a bad beating. 

He jolted up and rushed out of his room, slamming the doors open and charging towards those screams. He was just in time to witness a drunk Adonius pitilessly furnishing an unnecessary beating on none other than Ratchet, who tried to kill Sapphirus. 

In a split second, Sapphirus stepped in between Adonius and Ratchet, gripping Adonius's whip in his strong and healthy fist. 

"And what do you think you are doing father?!" 

Sapphirus frowned at him in anger and disdain clenching his jaw and gritting his teeth. 

Adonius pulled the whip very harshly, causing a burning sensation to travel through Sapphirus's palm. He hissed and clenched his wrist into his other fist. He huffed lightly until the pain subsided and turned to Ratchet. 

"Are you alrigh-" 

Sapphirus tried to ask but fell on his knee when he felt a sharp sting shoot through his back. He realised that Adonius hit him too and turned around just in time to clutch the end of the whip again and pull it off Adonius's fist with all his might and throw it away for the better. He stood up and felt the fresh bruise on his back, getting squished because of his muscles. He groaned in a tiny voice but got behind Adonius, wrapping his arm around his neck and choking him. 

"I'm sorry father, but this is necessary," 

He loosened his hold as Adonius lost consciousness. Two of their guards wrapped both his arms around each other's shoulders and dragged him to his room. Sapphirus helped Ratchet up and looked at the guard, commanding him to do the needed. 

"Go get the physician right now," 

But it turned out he wasn't being listened to. 

"What is the problem, guard?" He asked out of desperation. 

"Prisoners are not allowed to get treated or fed," The guard replied abruptly. 

"What did you just say?" Sapphirus's tone flowed through his vocal cords in fury. 

"I said, he is a prisoner," 

The guard answered back in utter disbelief. Sapphirus sighed sharply and rubbed his palm from his forehead to his chin, pressing his eyes shut, facing the side blankly. All of a sudden, he turned to the guard harshly and threw a very hard punch on his jaw, causing his teeth to fall out and resulting in him hitting the ground. 

"Fine, I'll help him you pompous imbecile, and just so you understand, you are never to come back here as you are relieved of your duties here,"

He turned to Ratchet and took his arm on his shoulder, helping him up. 

"Come on, bud. Let's get your wounds treated," He said, making Ratchet feel guilty for his deeds. 

Sapphirus stopped in his steps and looked to the side, his gaze lowered towards the guard who continued to cough his guts out. 

"And it's your highness for you," 

With that, he took Ratchet to the royal physician. 

"Oh my! your highness, you have a bruise!" The physician exclaimed out of concern. 

Sapphirus showed his palm to the physician's face and said, "Don't worry about me. Treat him first," 

The physician nodded. He seated Ratchet in front of the physician before keeping an eye on him while he got treated. After Ratchet's wounds were covered, he was asked to lie down and take a rest for the upcoming trial. Yes, he was going to die and was proven guilty of attempting to kill the heir of the state. He did not fall asleep regardless of the herb given to him. All he could think about was why did this boy help him.

"Why did you help me?" He asked while tears streamed down his cheeks. 

Sapphirus put his coat on after his wound was looked into. He signalled the physician to leave them alone before he took his used equipment and left the room. 

He looked down, breathing in before breathing out from his mouth. 

"Ratchet, I am well aware that you did what you did, for the right reason, even if it was wrong and you are well aware of how he feels about it. He won't shed a single tear for my death no matter how torturous it is. He had no remorse for others, drunk or not. I learnt the hard way that sometimes the people who love you more than even your blood, are those who hurt you the most and it is true," 

Ratchet's gaze softened as tears continued to stream down his cheeks.

"I am truly apologetic for how father behaved today and-" 

"So you helped me to prove that you're not like that beast?"

Ratchet cut him off and spoke while his voice cracked.

 Sapphirus looked up and Ratchet grew astonished as he also saw tears pooling in Sapphirus's eyes. 

"You honestly think I would care about that?" Sapphirus asked with a shattered heart. 

He sniffled, his broken frown deepened. 

"To clear this misunderstanding, I did this because you were like a father to me since I was brought here for the first time Ratchet. I know how badly you wanted to kill me but you didn't do it even at my most vulnerable moments because you loved me like I was your own blood. I didn't do this to repay you either. I was deeply hurt when I got word of your execution at the upcoming trial. I cried myself to sleep every night, not because of the betrayal you put me through but the fact that you were going to be gone for good. You have had enough of beating at this point. I only wanted you to know that no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to despise you. No matter how many times I deny it, I always see you as the man who was never selfish to me, beat me up, or paid no remorse to me. To me, you'll always be the one I loved as a father," 

Sapphirus broke down and began sobbing after finishing. Ratchet broke down and regretted ever doubting the child.

"Irus, Forgive me *Sob* please," 

Sapphirus looked up at him and got up from his seat. Ratchet sat up before Sapphirus pulled him into a hug. 

"It has been quite a long since you called me that," 

Sapphirus managed to speak while sobbing on his bandaged shoulder. 

"Forgive me, child," Ratchet said in between the sobs. 

"Of course I forgive you. I promise you'll have the peaceful death you deserve...father," 

He sobbed even more after he said the last word. Ratchet widened his eyes and softened his gaze before shutting them tightly and embracing Sapphirus in his arms tightly. 

"Thank you...son,"

Adonius woke up in his room after a few hours and tried to remember what happened. His head hurt like hell had been imposed upon it. After the pain decreased, the memories of him beating the innocence out of Ratchet came rushing back to his mind and he was about to go check if he had done anything wrong or killed him but before he could even get off the bed, a guard burst in and said,

"Your majesty! Her majesty has gone missing!"

~To be continued

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