Prologue: Sacrificed to go back, back to the past.
(Hometown/name) 12:10 PM Saturday.
y/n was walking back to his home after doing shopping, he was an ark and primal fan also a history fanatic.
but then
There was a car crash and it was bad so y/n dropped his shopping and ran to the car to help.
the one in the red car was alright but knocked out so y/n dragged him out, but the other car was on fire.
Woman: HELP! HELP!
the woman of the blue car was crying for help as her daughter was stuck in the car.
Woman: The door is stuck please!
y/n tried to open the door but it was the fire is making the door hot, y/n kept on trying but it still was budging and his hands are getting burned, but he didn't care now he has gone Primal, his eye pupils went small and bloodshot and and his arm grown veins and starts yelling.
Y/n: (Insert your rage scream here)
the door was ripped off and y/n climbed in and picked up the girl.
the car was about to blow so with no choice y/n threw the girl to the mother but she was knocked back after catching her.
then it explode
Y/n wakes up to see himself sitting in a chair and in a white room with a another chair.
Y/n: Where am I?
then the wall open and out came a humanoid thing.
???: You're in my Observatory Y/n.
he sits down on the metal chair.
???: and you have died from a car explosion at close proximity, the mother and child are alive and are very thankful and named her new-born son after you.
Y/n: well that's nice, but who are you?
God: well I am god the creator of many universe. you have saved a young life from death and I am grateful, so for your sacrifice I will give you a choice to be reincarnated into a new world and bring whatever you want with you like a power from any fictional cartoons, and after you done I'll shall send you on your way.
He hands him a sheet of paper and a pen with a eraser. Y/n went to work writing on it and he was done.
Y/n: done.
God: huh that was quick now let's take a look.
He grabs the paper and reads it.
Location: Back to the stone age.
Power: the abilities from the ark game series and a admin command (like a cheat sheet)
Extra: Longevity, give anyone longevity by giving them the implant by blessing them and extended engrams of the ark ability.
God: huh to be honest I thought you would have gone to a new world but heh doesn't matter alright, now The world you be reincarnated in is my new creation so it will be your choice what will happen, now then stand still.
A rune appeared underneath y/n and starts glowing.
God: y/n l/n your wish is hereby granted by the will of the architecture of the universe, I wish you luck.
God snap his finger and y/n disappeared
God: well of to make a new universe for the next individual.
Y/n: (GASPS)
Y/n wakes up on the ground
Y/n: holy shit it felt like my soul was dragged into the past.
He stands up to see that he is in a forest, but it looks familiar. then he realised he is in the path of oros
Y/n: Crap I'm in far cry primal, Awesome!
He checked his wrist and there is the implant.
Y/n: yes It worked I'm in the past! I wonder...
He opens the menu from the implant and saw his stats.
(Replace the Chad with you)
Y/n: Level 1 alright but I'm in my undies and it's getting cold.
so he sets out pulling reeds from the ground pick up stones and rips out woods, as he collected resources he gained XP and leveled up to 7, he gather enough resources to build the requirement to survive.
He upgrades his stats and purchases the engrams for clothing and tools.
after owning the engrams he begins building a bow with quivers and a hatchet to cut the meat and hide
Y/n: nice
he sneaks around looking for the goats to get the meat and hide, after a couple of seconds he finds a lone goat, so he pulls out an arrow, he inhaled and aims at the goat, he exhaled release the string, the arrow hits the goats heat killing it.
Y/n: Boom headshot.
he begins to skin the goat and collect the meat, now with the hide and remaining resources he made his clothing outfit.
his clothing is now protecting him from the cold but he need to make a fur Armor if he has to go further north.
so he hunted two more goats to get more hide and meat but it was getting dark so he made a camp fire and lights it up, then he skewered the meats with sticks and puts it near the fire cooking them. after minutes the meats were cooked
Y/n: done time to dig in.
he digs in the meat, it tasted good but it could go with salt and some seasoning but it can wait as he spot a bloody and broken arrow near him.
Y/n: Oh shit an arrow that means she's nearby.
He grabs a stick and wraps the wraps on the top to make a torch, he lit the top on fire to light his surrounding, then he spots some footprints and follows them.
After burning some vines that were blocking his way and kept on moving but he was surrounded by a pack of 10 wolves so he used the torch to keep them away as they growled and bark at him.
Y/n: Back off!
he sees the cave so he slowly walks back keeping them far from him, with no choice he throws his meat at them keeping them distracted, then he entered the cave and traverse deeper inside, he found some clues like a stuffed out campfire, a bag left behind and blooded arrows so he on the right track, after climbing over ducking under and swimming underwater he got in the cave's chasm and saw the blood fang sabretooth carrying a corpse of a wenja in it's jaws.
Y/n kept quiet as it moved over the log above him and heading deep in the cave, Y/n kept on swimming when he spots sayla cutting the ears off of dead udam, y/n climbs up the ledge and sees her slicing the last ear off.
But he saw the sabertooth stalking her, so he made his presence known by climbing up, she stands and swings her knife telling him to back off.
Y/n: Ma'am just calm down there's a tiger sneaking behind you!
she didn't understand and it was getting closer so no choice he grabs the torch, then she heard something behind her only to see the tiger leaping at her scratching her back knocking her down but Y/n manged to stop it before it can kill her,
Y/n: Back off you edgy Diego!
he kept it at bay as sayla grabs the sliced ears off the ground.
Y/n: Fucking Hurry!
she ran to the exit as y/n keeps it at back with the flames pointed at it while backing to the exit, with sayla in y/n jumps back into open while the tiger tries to claw it's way in.
Y/n: see you later mate
Sayla: Follow. This way.
he follows her through the tight spaces to get outside. then light shines from a opening they made it outside and Y/n saw the land and it was breathtakingly amazing.
Y/n: Whoa.
he hears her whisper to the sliced ears then she takes a look at his arm.
Sayla: You are wenja.
Y/n: (Wait a minute how can I understand her? must be the implant translating for me)
but she sees the implant on his wrist.
Sayla: not from Oros.
Y/n: I'm from a far away place, I'm Y/n.
then she points to herself.
Sayla: Sayla.
Y/n: you almost gotten killed, with that sabertooth tiger back there
Sayla: Tiger take Udam, I need Udam ears.
she picks up the ears and whispers to it, she stands up and looks at him and grabs his hand.
Sayla: I have Shelter. Food! You come!
so he followed her to her cave not knowing y/n's presence will changed this world forever.
The skeleton of the blood dragon lays above the purple stones that glowed with element.
But one of the stone begins to crack.
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