5| Free Fall


Gaah, I didn't get to update for some weeks... and I'm really sorry for that.
I will try to update frequently.

But... be prepared for some NaLu and Gale for making up!

Note that I'm not using Japanese words, such as: minna, arigato, gomenasai, ja ne and other stuff. I prefer my books to be plain, in case someone doesn't understand the Japanese words. I have come across many japanese words that I don't understand, and it's really frustrating, like blegh.

I dedicate this chapter to TheHamsterNinja, I fell in love with Celestial Striker and Celestial Breaker at once, when I read the first chapter! You are also one of my favorite authors.


Character(s) may be OOC to fit the plotline of this book



The sudden movement of the train as it derailed startled everyone in it. "What's going on!" Lucy screamed, her voice barely audible as the train's creaking noises and the wheels were louder. Glancing out of the window, she saw a cliff hurrying towards the out-of-control train.

"Everyone get out!" Erza shouted, clearly louder than the blonde, who was staring out of the window in fear.

Quickly grabbing Natsu, she tripped to the exit door which was for some reason open. Pushing him out, he landed safely on an untouched patch of grass as the train continued sliding towards the dangerous cliff.

Erza was helping people evacuate and everyone jumped out if the moving train. Soon, there were only Lucy and Erza left and the train was just on the edge. "Hurry!" the blonde grabbed hold of the redhead's hand and prepared to jump, but luck wasn't on their side. Unfortunately the train toppled over, and the blonde just got hold of the end of the ground.

Erza was hanging safely from the other hand, staring at the shrinking train. It fell in to the dark abyss and soon a dim flare lit it up, to reveal a burning wreckage. "It could have been us down there..." she murmured to herself. The two girls hang silently, glad they had got everyone out of the train as the breeze made them sway a little. They just hang be there, silently watching.

Suddenly some dry earth crumbled under the blonde's hand, making her look up, alerted. "E-Erza... the ground's crumbling..."

The redhead frowned, as if she was thinking something, looking down again. "I saw a river at the bottom of the cliff," her grip on Lucy's hand weakened. "If you trust me, let me go." she finished. The blonde looked at her, her face surprised. "Do you think you'll survive?" she asked, doubt in her voice.

"Of course! Then maybe I could find you."

"N-no way! I'm not doing it, it's dangerous!" Sweat formed on Lucy as more dried earth fell.

She felt the pressure on her hand disappear and looked to see that Erza had let go. "E-ERZA!!"

"I'll find you!" Erza's voice became fainter by the second as she was covered by the dark shadows. The last thing Lucy saw of her was the fingertips. The sound of a crack on the earth made the blonde snap out of her thoughts and scrambled to a safe place before water finally poured down from her eyes. What if Erza didn't survive? That was the only question burning in her mind. She'd lose her best friend and it would be all her fault.

Falling to her knees, she failed to see figures coming toward her. "Lucy-san!" Wendy rushed to the crying blonde to try and comfort her while Natsu smiled, making Lucy grit her teeth. They knew nothing. "Lucy, you we're awesome, helping people evacuate! Wait... where's Erza?"

She looked up with a sad smile. "Do you trust her?"


The loud howl of the wind as I came flying down, was the only thing I could hear as I struggled to keep my eyes open. The scarlet hair whipped across my face and my eyes were half closed.

I could see the river widen underneath me and I requipped mid-air into my Legendary Swimsuit. Under normal circumstances, the water would be as hard as brick, at my rate of speed. But my swimsuit will protect me. The dark blue water came closer and soon I plunged into it, the impact and coldness almost taking my breath away.

The water was thick and the current too strong as my legs attempted to push me to the side. My head finally broke the surface and I took in a deep breath before trying to hold on to a slippery stone.

My fingertips barely grazed the stone and a wave of panick hit me. I couldn't requip in this water. "Help!!!" I knew none could hear me but my arms flailed around me .

My right arm hit something hard and I struggled to see it over the water, but I grabbed hold of it. Pulling myself to safety, on the land, I saw that it was a branch. It was in a dark purple, contrasting from the tree, which was in a lighter cream color. The weird part was that I could feel magic pulsating from the branch. Each wave of magic energy seemed to increase, but only slightly.

Shaking my head, I requipped to some dry clothes. I didn't have time to think about small things, I had to find the others.

Ignoring the exhaustion creeping up on me, I began walking in the direction I thought I could go.


"What?!" He yelled. Gray and Gajeel tried to calm him down, saying it was going to be alright and Wendy looked down. I had just finished explaining what happened, everyone were shocked.

Why did you do that?! She could be dead!, Natsu had screamed at me, I remember. It was frightening, the look he had given me, and I had stumbled back.

The pink haired dragonslayer finally stopped struggling. He still breathed heavily. Turning around, he punched his fist on a stone, making a crack.

"Natsu, we're all pretty upset, but it's not Lucy's fault... it was Erza's decision." Gray stepped forward. I could see the pinkette's shoulders rise and fall, as if he was taking a deep breath.

He turned around, his smoldering gaze wandered to me. "Okay. I'm sorry..." he managed to say in a calm manner before walking over to the other people, leaving us behind. "Natzu..." Happy mumbled. "I think he still is pretty mad at you, Lucy." Carla thought out loud.

I looked down, guiltily, before using my arms to help me up from the ground. Levy rushed to help me and I thanked her.

"We'll have to go now, we can't waste time here. Juvia wants to save Mira-san!" Juvia exclaimed. "Yeah, she's right. Go get Natsu!"

Happy went to find him when Gajeel spoke for the first time today. "What will happen if we don't find Er- ouch, Levy!" She had slapped his arm. "We. Are. Going. To find her."

Happy came back with Natsu. "But... couldn't we just send an exceed down there, to get her?" Lily spoke up.

"I can go with Carla!" Wendy said. "Then count me in!" Happy exclaimed running over to his crush.

"Okay, be back soon! We'll just walk ahead."

The two teams separated and went their own directions.

We walked, I fell back a bit, avoiding Natsu. Levy was arguing something with Gajeel and Juvia slowed her pace, catching up to me.

"Juvia is worried about you, Love Rival..." the water mage said. Lately, we have become more closer.

"It's nothing... really." I lied. I was worried about Natsu. I glanced over at him. His pink locks swayed, the setting sunlight giving him a golden glow. I didn't notice I was staring.

Juvia noticed me and a smirk tugged at her lips. "You liiike him, don't you?" she teased. "W-what a-are you t-t-talking about?!"


I was angry, yes. How could she?! I heard Lucy and Juvia talk, but I ignored their conversation.

It was probably unimportant.

We all continued to walk and soon dim moonlight shone on us. Pantherlily slept on top of Levy's head, who was being carried on Gajeel's back. I snickered. They looked like a family.

Juvia was pestering Gray to carry her. Poor Ice Freak. I looked behind me to see Lucy lagging behind. She was stumbling on her steps and her eyes were dull and half closed.

I was going to help her, when I remembered what she had done. My face hardened and I walked faster. I was not going to forgive Lucy until we've found Erza.

We walked some more, before we saw a line of trees and mountains behind them on the horizon. A thud on the ground made me look behind me.

Lucy had fallen asleep.


"Hey, Popsicle! Can you carry her?" I asked Gray, nicely. "Sorry, Flame Brain. I have my hands full!" He was dragging on Juvia who was hanging on his arms, waterfalls comically pouring out of her eyes.

I sighed and blew some of my salmon strands that had fallen to my face. Reluctantly, I walked toward my sleeping ange-partner! Picking her up, I held her bridal style and began walking again.

We came to the forest entrance. It wasn't exactly welcoming, it was dark, gloomy and my dragon hearing sensed... screaming? Gajeel looked at me but I shrugged it off.

"We should set camp here for the night." I said. "Ugh! How long is it to Marigold town!?" Gajeel groaned. "It was about eight hours in the train, so..." Gray stopped to think while I got the goosebumps just thinking about the long, torturing hours of hell. "About a day or two if we walk." Ice Princess finished his sentence.

All the girls and Lily had fallen asleep. Picking up the pile of branches --which Gray and Gajeel had gathered--, I lit it on fire.

"Couldn't we just have woken up Levy, so that she'd put a magical barrier around us or something?" Gray asked. Wait... why didn't I think of it?

I turned my head towards Gajeel. "Yo, Shrimp! Wake up!". He was holding Levy's shoulders with his hands and shaking her. "Ugh..." she opened her eyelids, revealing dull, unfocused eyes. Or... until she noticed how close their faces were, nosetips touching. And turned furiously red, Erza's hair would've eaten unicorn poop and barfed rainbows.

"BWAHAHA!!" I burst out, laughing, waking up the rest. Levy scooted away from the iron dragonslayer. "Why did you wake me up?" she asked, the blush never leaving her face. Gajeel explained what he wanted her to do and she agreed.

After she was done, Levy sat down between Lucy and Juvia, a long, long distance from Gajeel. "Juvia isn't tired anymore." Juvia crawled her way to Gray. Wow, that rhymed. I'm a poet!

It felt safer with the barrier around us. The mysterious screams sent chills down my spine.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Lucy yawning, stretching her arms.


"Well done, Arice!" I praised the pink haired mage. Her hood covered most of her face, but I could still see a smirk play at her lips. "It wasn't hard pushing the train out of the rails."

* * *

Nyahaha, consider yourself lucky i didn't leave any cliffhangers!

Phew, that was a lot of POVs....
Well, goodnight!

~ Icey-chan

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