Chapter 1

"Phoenix form up were going in!" Hera said threw the coms. The Ghost crew along with Phoenix squad. Ambushed a supply convoy in the middle of space. The star destroyer ship was caring fuel, weapons and more on board and was guarded by 3 light cruisers and tie fighters. "Spectors 4, 5 and 6, be prepared to board that star destroyer." Hera ordered from the cockpit of the Ghost.

Ezra, Sabine and Zeb was in the cargo hold with Kanan and Chopper readying to board the star destroyer. "Ezra you sure you can do this without me?" Kanan asked. Ezra was starting to get annoyed at his master because of how many times he asked that. "Yeah I got this Kanan. How many times are you gonna ask me that. You know I can handle myself." Ezra said. Kanan crossed his arms at his padawan and Ezra just sighed. "Sorry. Just trying to stay focused on this mission." He said and walked towards the ramp. Kanan sighed but felt a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry. We'll look out for him." Sabine said. Kanan nodded and stepped back to let them walked to the ramp. "Hey kid try not to so tense about it he's just worried." Zeb said. "There's no need to worry about me. I'm not the same kid from Lothal you guys met." Ezra said crossing his arms not taking his glare off the door.

"We know that, but that doesn't mean he can't still be worried about you." Sabine told him standing next to Ezra. Ezra turned to Sabine and nodded and turned back at the door. "Lets get this done." He said grabbing his lightsaber. They ramp opened and they were met by a platoon of stormtroppers.

While Zeb and Sabine slowly inched off the ramp shoot at the bucket heads, Ezra ran forward and used the force to push a few back and deflected baster bolts. Some troopers tried to rush Ezra but was met by a lightsaber lash across their chests. They continued this until all the troops in the hangar bay. "Sabine can you hack the door?" Ezra asked. "Give me a sec.......okay it's opened she said and they ran down the hall.

Ezra was in front so that if any troops came at them he can deal with them quickly. "Sabine which way is the supply room?" Ezra asked. "Just a few more turns and well get their." She said.

Once they sound the supply room, Sabine hacked the door controls. They walked inside but it was dark and empty. "I don't get it. This place is empty." Sabine said. "Not entirely my dear." A familiar cold voice said. Then one light came on and someone walked into it. It was him. "Thrawn." Ezra growled. "Congratulations rebels you have fallen into my trap. Once word got out that we had a supply convoy in this system, I knew you all will come running. And now I have you." He said. "It's three on one. You're at a lost right now." Zeb said. "Am I now." Thrawn said and snapped his fingers. Then imperial troops with black and red armor came out of the shadows and held electro Bo staffs in there hands. "Ah Karabast." The three rebels said.

Sabine got out her darksaber and Zeb switched to his bo-staff. The dark troopers attacked them. Ezra fought off three of them, Zeb was fighting one and Sabine was fighting two. As they attacked, Thrawn watched as they fought. He turned his gaze at Ezra who was fending off the dark troopers with a little ease. 'Lord Vader said this one was well trained. His fighting style is quick...admirable' he thought.

Ezra used the force to push back the dark troopers he was fighting against the wall. He went to attack Thrawn but he noticed Sabine got shocked from behind and was on the ground. He quickly went over and kicked both troopers to the ground and put Sabine over his shoulders. "Zeb c'mon we're leaving!" Ezra shouted. They ran out the room down the hall with the dark troopers hot on their tail. "How's Sabine?" Zeb asked still running. "She's fine. Just unconscious." Ezra answered. "Spector 6 to Ghost, the mission failed we're coming back." He said threw his com. "Copy spector 6 please hurry." Hera answered.

They made it back to the hangar bay but the dark troopers were coming. Ezra pulled out his blaster and shot the door controls and the door shut. They ran on the Ghost and Ezra looked back to see Thrawn standing at the door with a smirk and the ramp closed. "Alright Hera lets go." Kanan said. The Ghost took off and flew out of the star destroyer. "Entering hyperspace." Hera said and they all left in hyperspace.

Back on the star destroyer, Thrawn was in the bridge. He turned on a holo transmissions mission and Vader appeared. "Lord Vader you were right about the boy. He is ad skilled as we expected." He said. "Very good Grand Admiral. Let us prepare for our next meeting with the young jedi." Vader said and ended the transmission.

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