The Animus of Friendship Throughout War

I stared blatantly toward the abyss scenery before me, as I darted briskly away from our group's trench base; my feet skidding over the grainy sand to form it's dust remains into the murky mist that left a shallow amount of air alongside a tint of sunlight to narrowly breeze across my grungy face.

As I grasp my hand down my brown colored helmet over my face to cover some of my facial features, my hand finds itself rubbing the tip of the helmet off, disintegrating a shard of its rock-like material off to slather over the very hands that I'd soon to be using in combat on the grand battlefield for which awaited my undertaking part. I clench my fists over my hardened steel plated staff for which I use as a weapon. The staff's opened pores hungrily ingest the starchy minerals off of them completely before emitting a loud BOOM , following a transmuted gasy body of the minerals to form a cloud like body to surge expeditiously out of its gaping gun shaped tip; seemingly as if it was like smoke gushing out of a train's engine. As intended, it efficiently managed to swarm around the dusty area, so that it could envelop its mist; the mixture between them abolished the floating dust to form a clear view.

I keep my face to a bland emotion as I look upon the pandemonium ahead of me, as it was something I knew I would come to face. The ground rumbled, shaking vibrantly from the detonations of various bombs that contained mixtures of multiple treacherous chemicals to forthwith collide with the ground; scattering chunks of the earth's structure, spraying parts of decayed human flesh, and parts of the land which were already radiated from exposure from the bombs' chemicals, all reacted together to result in even more excessive damage to the ground.

No, it wasn't all of this that I was apprehensive about - it was about that very encounter with him. All of this is nothing new for me to see, or to easily dodge from. However, there was one thing that I knew for sure that I wouldn't be auspicious about. It was going to happen soon- and there was nothing that I could do about it, except to have the gloomy feeling permeate through my entire stomach.

The way I was feeling right now wasn't something that the British Chief of Staff, 2nd Division should be feeling right now within battle. We were suppose to be detached to anything, not allowing ourselves to be vulnerable to an attack. Yet here I was... staring at the faint shape of an old, collapsed cave in front of me; one that I'd be able to spot a million miles away. It slowly materialized itself into my very world once again. I didn't have to look closer to know that he was in there.

Dammit it all... I briefly find myself clench my face, and instead find myself thinking back to the time when I did have a chance to prevent all of this from happening, if only my foolish self was able to do something back then...

*Flashback*: My brain whirls itself to the archaic grounds of Berlin, Germany, in the year 1925. I find myself purified to once again to find myself running as a little carefree child, venturing into a vast field of dirt and grass; exuberant to finding an adventure while also discovering more about the world, all on my own. After all, my dad and brothers were hardly at home, and it was the only way to kill time. But this was destiny bringing my true fate into motion. I soon found myself staring at a large, gaping cave. When you look at a map of Berlin, you see that caves usually formed near the borders of other countries in Europe. It would be so cool if I could be able to venture to those countries by going inside of the cave!

Without even hesitating I find myself running inside of the cave. But it was a noise of howling which had my footsteps halt. Oh my gosh. The noise was a howling zombie, coarse and loud through the ears in my head. I shook with fear while watching a figure approach me. I fall on my back in fright, but outrageously find a boy similar to me standing before me. "Hi... do you live here?" I curiously find myself ask him, using my British accent. He actually nodded yes! WHAT. How? He himself falls onto the ground, clutching his stomach weakly, with a white, blotchy pale face, and groans with frustration. I take a look at his face. "Ah, so that's why you were groaning. You're ill with a fever! I can help you recover. Stay put..."

I go out of the cave back out into the field of grass and where there was a small forest, gathering enough herbs to heal him while he blankly stared at me. This was nothing; it was a skill inherited from my tribe... I soon run back to him, mix the ingredients together to form medicine. "There you are" giving him the medicine. He swallows it. Minutes later he finds himself feeling much better. "I-I can finally talk again! Oh my god. I actually thought I was going to die.." He looked with me with huge, glossy, tearful eyes with remorse. "Thank you so much! I owe my life to you. I really appreciate your help!" I smile on how I could actually be in use to help someone. "You're very welcome" I say back, smiling a ray of sunshine at him. I continue to walk forward inside of the cave but he stops me. "Wait...My name's Tobias, Let's be friends!"

*Fast forward to 1935* For the past decade I've been friends with Tobias, we've bonded very closely together. He still lives in the cave, without any parents, and I find myself to be in that kind of same place, for I've always spent my time with Tobias in here, always being there as a friend to support him whenever he needed me. In this cave we've done a lot of unbelievably cool things - we've experimented with the different minerals in there, building things using bits of mineral and the cave; Tobias had built me a staff, while I built him a bat. We'd both engraved the weapons with symbols of bits of minerals flowing together in motion to give it a cool effect in design, while also having that to represent as our friendship. (symbol) It represented us; we were bits of minerals flowing together to form one pile. We've also been able to actually connect the cave to Poland! How cool is that?

However, I knew I couldn't mention this to anyone else. The new Nazi regime had people influenced to violently oppose the Jews. If the Nazis actually knew about this... But it didn't occur to me that I'd have to worry about the one person that meant so much to me in my life; I gawked at Tobias as one day he walked into the cave after being missing for a day. "And just where in the bloody world have you been?" I snap coldly, as the very cross of the Nazi symbol was enough to pierce right through my heart, making me angry enough to lose all the self-respect that I had for Tobias.

He darkly squinted his eyes at me; a completely disparate look from any other he'd use to look at me. "So I take it that you don't approve of this, Christof." "Why would I? You know how I feel about the regime! Yet you just go out there for half a day and come back as.. one of those detestable, emoral, gruesome monsters! I can't even stand to look at you!" Tears start to sprinkle out of my eyes, thinking of how just a week ago I'd found out that 2 of my very kind and loving brothers have both joined the regime. And how after all this time of never spending anytime with me at all - for they were both part of the formulation of the regime - they'd leave a nice present for me: stabbing my father to death,

They, like Tobias, were now intergalactic aliens (metaphor); brainwashed. They didn't care at all for the lives of others, even if it were someone like my father, who had adopted 2 Germans with opened arms, just to show for a fact that not all Germans were evil. Nor would they care for a fact that me and my father were actually from an Aboriginal tribe from Canada under the British Empire; my father and I really were disguised as 'whites' undercover in Berlin to investigate Germany, for he had anticipated for a new regime. I'll never forget how my father told me all of this through his dying words.

And I had told Tobias all of this, thinking on how he would be supportive and understanding for me, like the way I was there for him. But now I'm starting to think otherwise. He penetrates my heart into bigger pieces from every word that leaves from his mouth: "You- calling ME as a monster?!? You've deceived me this whole time! Really posing as an indigenous freak. You're the disgusting piece of an inferior trash here." Could I really be hearing right? These were Tobias' words? I was speechless, especially after seeing him cackle a maniac like smile. "Don't you see, Christof? This is a new era that we're bringing! Germany will have complete world domination from the incoming war we're ready to bring upfront! We-"

I couldn't even bare to hear him any longer. I jab my staff directly into his stomach; the impact slamming him against the cave's wall harshly. This caused the wall the rumble and collapse; separating the both of us apart. I heard Tobias scream along with me as the cave's top fell ontop of me, darkness surrounding me...

*Flashback ends* I was lucky enough to survive that, even though part of the cave got permanently stuck onto the top of my head. Even though I had been thinking about my friendship with Tobias and our fight though in combat, I was still alert enough to elude a huge sector of radioactive explosions on the ground, along with the wide range of snipers for which have all suddenly targeted their weapons to shoot at me from about a couple of feet away. All of which surrounded Tobias himself.

My eyes were staring like daggers at him, glaring at the sight of him. As I hear multiple BANG shots ring throughout the area, I ready myself to quickly take action; yet while managing to still have a bland expression to melt on my face. Tobias smirks, watching me try to take action against him. "Well, long time no see, traitor." Even his words are detestable. Ignoring him, I agility spin my staff around me, as if I was a woman doing a fan dance, and I was able to manage repelling all 5 of the pellets that were shot at me. I watch as they all suddenly sped toward the ground in different directions. Of course, upon contact with the ground, the pellets would dissolve and thus create more reactions with the ground. The Nazis at the German labs really have planned a lot in warfare...

My staff swiftly posed to go under me, it abruptly heats up and releases a blaze of fire to cascade out. I hold onto my fire-producing staff as I suddenly find myself soaring into the air from the amount of pressure that the fire shot out, twirling up into the air, peering down below at the shocked expression of men that attempted to shoot me, including Tobias; the Nazi cross shaped blades for which they held trembled from their nervousness. I dive with velocity toward the men of men, landing a blow from my fist to collide with Tobias, while additionally knocking them all down, despite the fact that they all tried to protect themselves from their Nazi cross blades. I continue to breeze on ahead with Tobias on my fist, flying toward the cave. "I won't ever forgive you for what you did, Tobias. You betrayed our friendship over some corrupt regime that we'll annihilate!" History repeats itself as I smash my fist into his stomach; pressing it against the cave. Only this time the result was more gruesome. The cave rumbled, totally collapsing beneath the ground; feeling as if the roots of the earth's structure had been disrupted itself.

This was the cave that the Germans have used to connect with other parts of the world, so that they could travel through the cave to have their own bases around the world. Would the main cave collapsing disrupt the grounds of the other places in the world? I need to make sure that doesn't happen! I rush prepare to use my staff to hold back the cave from collapsing; not caring whether or not if I died to protect earth from being destroyed. But, it seems that I didn't have to do that at all. Tobias had thrown himself into the hole where the cave was collapsing into the ground. Within moments the rumbling had miraculously stopped. But how? Had he - used his body to somehow clog up the hole fully from spreading to the rest of the world? I rush to where Tobias had fell into the wallowed gap. There I find engraved on his arm, from a bloodied Nazi cross blade: "C. Finally saved your life in return".

The ending was rushed since there was a page limit for the story. But it will be changed after. Did you enjoy it? Comment and vote if you did!

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