Episode 3: Cerberus sitting

It opened to find the crew walking out in the hottest part of the Helltaker world. Blantados, Dreamworks, and Evil were sweating. Evil says "How did we get here?!" Jumper said "I don't know, but we were told to grab something." She took out a small device to show they were at the location. Blantados says "And the tracker still works for some bullshit reason." Dreamworks asked "And what are we even looking for?" Evil shrugs. Jumper said "A temple. With some sort of pillow that's making random pillars out of nowhere." Then they saw the temple. "You mean that?" Evil said. Jumper said "Yep. And it might be best if you three stay out here." Blantados asked "Why? Someone miss her former glory?" Jumper said "No, the temple is steaming." Evil says "It's Hell! Everything is steaming!" Travis said "It's not the good kind." Blantados says "Yeah. I mean we're in Hell." Jumper said "Just stay here." Evil and Blantados just facepalms as Jumper leaves with Travis. Jumper went into the temple with Travis. Then Dreamworks, Evil and Blantados leaned against a pillar. Evil says "Why does it have so many stairs!" Dreamworks said "I don't know I'm just going to rest next to it, it has shade." "Why didn't we call the big guy. I know we use him for a lot of this but you gotta agree this seems more up his alley." They all saw something in front of them. Travis says "Stay quiet." They saw it disappear. "What was that?" Blantados whispered. Dreamworks said "I think the heat is taking a toll on our brains." Blantados said "...Agreed." They saw the being had moved a bit closer. "Get ready." Evil whispered. A pillar had moved in front of them. They took a step back in shock. They all ran off. Blantados asked "What was that?" Dreamworks said "I don't know, but go behind that pillar." Evil then rolled his eyes and walked towards the pillar. They went behind the pillar. They were panting. Dreamworks said "Oh that was strange." Evil says "What ever it was. It's gone now." Then the pillar fell to reveal the being who was behind it. Dreamworks said "Woah!" Blantados says "Is that a demon Woman?" Blantados asked "Or is it a man?" Then evil gets closer and says "Nope. It's a Woman." Dreamworks said "It's not doing anything." Blantados shouted "Is it dead?!" Dreamworks touched the nose and then shouted "Don't bite!" Then she quickly backs off. "Okay..." Evil says. Dreamworks said "Huh, I think it's harmless." Blantados says scratching his head with concern "Are you sure?" Dreamworks said as she was booping it "Yep." Then Travis sighs "That's a relief..." Dreamworks said "Um there's another one." then all looked and saw and exact replica of the person Dreamworks was petting Sharply dress and all. Dreamworks looked back and forth "Are they twins?" Travis said "I don't know." Then they saw a third one. Blantados says "Another one?!" Dreamworks said "This is totally––" Then the temple blew up making sand fly everywhere. Evil Yelled " Chaotic!" They all got out of the sand shaking it out of they're hair. Blantados says "What was that." They saw Jumper and Travis walking over. "Why aren't you hurt!" He yelled pointing at Jumper. Jumper said "I've taken a lot of hits before." "Oh...Somehow I forgot you were an adventurer." Jumper asked "What are those things?" Travis says looking over them "Well...Their demons." Jumper said "Well they can't come back with us." "Really. They seem lost." Blantados said. Jumper said "Only for a while." "Or we can lead them out of here." Travis said still lying on the ground. Jumper said "That works too." Evil says "Plus we don't have a room for all of them to stay in." Jumper said "Let's put up 'found demon posters' that way someone who knows them can know that we found them." Travis says "No we can't do that. If demons exist then there's a possibility that Angels exist too. And if they're like the ones you told me about when you were in the Hazbin Hell...Let's just not do that." Jumper said "Got it." Blantados says "Well, why don't we just talk to them." Dreamworks said "Let's try it." "You go first." Dreamworks said "Ok." Then they all got up. Dreamworks went over to the demon girls and started talking to them. Blantados says "I think she's doing well." Then they saw the demon girls nodded. Then the rest of the group walked over towards Dreamworks and the three demons. Dreamworks said "They said they'll stay with us until we get them back to they're friend Taker." "Taker?" Travis said "That's a weird name." Dreamworks said "True." Blantados said "Anyways," he looks at the three "Who are you gals?" They all said "We're Cerberus!" Blantados looks in confusion. Dreamworks took out a book. Travis says pointing at the book "Is that my textbook?" Dreamworks said "No it's my mystical creatures book." "Huh, I guess I'm not the only one studying these things." Dreamworks said "And they don't look like this." She showed them the picture of Cerberus the three headed devil dog. Travis says "Well humans have never been to hell sooo..." Dreamworks said "Then, now what?" "Well.." Travis says "For now we can leave." Dreamworks said "Ok." Travis then looks up at Cerberus and says "Come along." Then they all left. Then One of the Cerberus's says to the others "That dragon is so tiny." Dreamworks said "If they do something bad, they are sleeping outside." They then gulped in unison. Then they were in the apartment. Blantados says covered in leaf's "Welcome to our humble abode. We would have gotten here sooner if you hadn't decided on chasing a squirrel." Dreamworks said covered in dirt "Or chase the mailman." "Or the garbage truck." Travis added covered in trash. Evil said covered in scratches "Or that cat." "Anything else they chased Jumpers?" Blantados asked. Jumper said covered in food "And a guy with food." all three of the demoness's were holding their arm and had a bead of sweat dropping from their brows. Dreamworks grabbed something and bopped them on the nose with it. They all grabbed their nose's. Dreamworks said "That's for the bad things you did." Then Travis whispers to Jumper "I retract my last statement. I'm glad we didn't take the big guy with us." Jumper said "Just be glad they're only here when this 'Taker' guy is here." "Yeah...We probably shouldn't inform Deadbear on the situation." Jumper asked "Wait shouldn't?" "Deadbears a retired demon slayer remember." Jumper said "Got it and how long will it take Taker to get here?" He shrugged. Dreamworks shouted "Not on the couch! Not on the couch!" They all turned to see why Dreamworks was shouting. They see the girls on the couch. Travis says "Well that was fast." Jumper said "Hey get out of there!" It showed them eating the food in the fridge. Jumper shoo'ed them away "Come on! Shoo! Shoo!" The girls ran away from the fridge. Then it showed evil reading the book about Deadbear again. Then a girl grabbed it with her mouth then ran. Then said "Hey!" Then one of the other Cerberus's grabbed the book and realized what he was reading. Dreamworks screamed. They looked towards Dreamworks. Dreamworks lifted chewed up bunny slippers "My cotton candy bunny slippers." Travis says "Why do you even have slippers when you don't have feet?" Dreamworks said "They were made for hooves with a hole in the middle." Travis says "That's incredibly weird." Then Cerberus went back to the book and said "How did you get this?" Evil was sweating nervously. "This is from the ancient texts of hell. How did you get it?!" Evil said "I...kinda stole from Dreamworks' room." "How did she get this?!" Dreamworks said "It's been passed down from my uncle." "These are ripped straight out of the texts! They're exact replicas!" Dreamworks said "He's one of the sins." "One of the sins?" Dreamworks said "Yeah." "But even the sins aren't given access to this knowledge."Dreamworks said "He's a sneaky one." Then one of the others Cerberus's said "But isn't he just a myth." Dreamworks shouted "Outside! Now!" The girls went outside. Travis says to Dreamworks "Don't even think about calling him." Dreamworks said "I'm calling Taker!" Travis says "You don't even know who they are! Less have their phone number!"Dreamworks lifted a piece of paper with her magic "The girls dropped this." "Huh, that's convenient." Dreamworks put the number in her phone. Then her phone rang. Travis says "Your phone's ringing." Dreamworks answered it "Hello?" Then a male voice says "Hello." Dreamworks asked "Is this taker?" "Yes, this is he." Dreamworks said "We have three of you're demons here, and they already destroyed our things." "Huh, I thought someone was missing." Dreamworks said "Or three of them. You might say." "Yeah. I'll come pick them up." Dreamworks said "Good, and you owe me new cotton candy bunny slippers." "...What? That sounds like something only a kids show would have." Dreamworks said "And they ate everything in our fridge." "...That's your problem." Dreamworks said "When are you coming over?" "I'll be there by tomorrow to pick them up." Dreamworks looked over to the others. Dreamworks asked "Will we be okay until tomorrow?" "Good to hear. See you then." He then hangs up. Dreamworks said "Oh boy." Blantados says" So, what he say." Dreamworks said "He's coming over tomorrow." He screams "TOMORROW?!" Dreamworks said "Yep." He faint's. They all looked at him. Travis says "He's probably fine." Jumper said "So we're probably going to have pizza for dinner again." Travis says "I'll let her back inside." Jumper said as she was on the phone "Just don't let them eat our pizza." "Then make sure they get their own." Jumper said "Ok." Then she said into her phone "That's right the usual, and Uh do you have something for demon girls?" "What?" The pizza guy on the phone said. Jumper said "Yeah, long story short, they're supposed to be the three headed devil dog, but they're girls." "Oh, I recommend a meat lovers then." Jumper said "Oh ok, and how much will that cost?" "About $24.99." Jumper said "Ok. Sorry for the trouble." "No problem." Jumper said "Ok bye." She then ended the call. Jumper said "Okay I got the pizza's." Jumper said "All we need to do is take care of them." They all look towards Cerberus. Then it showed a montage of them taking care of them. Travis says "This is actually quite fun." Then a squirrel passed by. And one of them gasps and yells "Squirrel!" Travis was pulled as they ran. He screamed and said his voice getting distant "Why was I petting one when a squirrel walked by!" Then it showed Dreamworks sitting on the couch throwing a ball as they kept bringing it back. Dreamworks said "I'm trying to watch tv and all they want to do is fetch." Travis says "and how is that my problem?" Then it reveals he was on the other side of the couch. Evil said "At least you're not the one they're stealing food from." "At least they didn't drag you around running at moch 10." Travis retorted. Dreamworks asked "That's a thing?" Then the door knocked. "Pizzas here." Blantados says. Jumper said "Oh good." She opened the door. Then A delivery guy says "Pizza for a...Dreamworks?" Jumper said "Yeah, that's us." The the girls started barking at him shocking him. "Uhhh..." Jumper said "Hold on for a sec." Then she closed the door. There was muffled voices "Guys! Keep them back!" Blantados says "I'm trying but they are incredibly strong!" Dreamworks said "Hold them back until the guy leaves!" Blantados says "I'm trying!" Jumper walked out and said "Sorry about that. Here's the pay." He grabbed the money and says "Are they...okay?" Jumper said "Yeah they'll be fine." "Alright." He then hands her the pizza. Jumper said "Thanks." "Have a good day miss." He then leaves. Jumper said "You too." Jumper then closed the door. Jumper said "Pizza time." Blantados says sweating "Can I let go of them now." Jumper said "Not yet....Now." He then let's go. Jumper placed the girls' pizza on the floor. They saw it, then chowed down. Travis says "It's...Somehow adorable." Jumper said as she took her slice "Yeah, but with a normal puppy it's kinda cute." Then they were eating then the door knocked. Blantados says "Who could that be?" He walked over and opened the door. He saw a tall muscular man wearing tan pants and a red shirt. He was also wearing black glasses. Blantados asked "I assume you are Taker?" But before he could answer all three of the demoness's said In unison "Master!" The others looked over. The three then ran towards the man. Jumper said "Please take them back! They were a nightmare!" "I know they are a handful but a nightmare." The man said. Jumper said "Don't expect us to pet sit." "I wasn't planning on it." Then Jumper closed the door. Travis says "You know. For demons they weren't that bad." Jumper said as they all sat on the couch "Yeah...and now I suggest we..." then she fell asleep. "Agreed." Travis then lies down as well. Then it changes to Helltaker and Cerberus's walking. Taker said "Were you three a handful for them?" Then the three rubbed their arms. Taker asked "Well?" Then one of them mumbled "Maybe." Taker said "Next time, try not to be so much of handful to people." Then as taker turned around he bumped into someone and fell on his butt. Taker said "Oh sorry I wasn't looking." Then in his vision to large brown boots started to started to kneel down as someone lent out a hand and in a deep, monotone voice simply said "...It's fine. I wasn't either." Then the figure lends out a large hand. Taker took it then asked "Where are you headed?" "...Food bank." As the large man helped up taker as if he weighed nothing. Taker said "Oh well bye." Then taker looked up and froze. The man that helped him up was twice his height and was wearing a red flannel and had heavy scars all over his body and holding some bags. His face was a bit shadowed from his shoulder length white hair and the sun setting but he could see a grey eye starring down at him. But their was something else, Taker couldn't put his finger on it but their was some sort of arua around this guy that made him more...Intimidating to say the least, even Cerberus looked scared out of their minds and cowered behind Taker,. Taker was then snapped back into reality as the figure said "Uhh, Are you alright bucko?" Taker said "Yeah, it's just...you're super tall." Then the figure scratched his head as he said "...Yeah, I get that a lot.." Taker said "You know I better look after my friends if I were you." "...I would say the same for you." He then points towards Cerberus with his free hand who was duck for cover under their master. Taker said "See ya'" "Wait." The figure then put his free bandaged hand on takers shoulder completely covering it causing Taker to freeze. He then turns around sweating as the figure hands him one of the bags as they said "...Take this. It's the least I can do for startling ya." Taker then takes the bag and for a moment hesitates to open it "What did this monster of a man give me?!" He though he then took a deep,breath looked away,and quickly opened the bag. He then slowly turned his head and was surprisingly shocked. Inside the bag was some of the freshly pick fruits and vegetables he's ever seen. From tomato's to eggplant to apples to even strawberries there was even a handmade bottle of chocolate syrup as the figure said "...You seem like a guy who knows his way around the kitchen. So I thought "hey why not."" Taker was taken aback he thought this was some king of trick but the first was being...genuinely nice. Then he walked away. Cerberus then quickly followed behind. Then it zoomed out on them as the screen went black and it ended.

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