The Amazon Race

Owen *Asleep* going down, Engine failure

Alejandro: will you pipe down already *hits owen

Owen *Wakes up* CRASH POSITION AHHHHHHHH *punches alejandro in the eye* oh what a terrible dream, al what happend

Alejandro: nothing a little ice and revenge won't fix

Owen: cool wait did you say revenge

Alejandro: of course not off topic do you have any serious allergies

Owen: uh let's see now

Owen(Confessional) sometimes i think al might slightly, totally not like me, punching him in the face probably didn't help unless he likes that kind of thing Fingers crossed

Alejandro: Next time we get on this plane we better be on first class

Owen: Yeah, Cool Let's be a team, a team that gets along always with any accidents being forgiven YEAH

DJ: i feel bad for leshawna, all she did was hurt heather, i've hurt animals

Lindsay: cheer up Luigi, we could still win, maybe we'll be the best team ever

Nick: Hell Yeah

Chris: here's the best team ever is what i'll say when i get to first class

Heather was looking at her eye and sees Courtney and David

Courtney: lookin Good

David was smiling

Heather: *Growls*

Chris: Buckle up were heading to the amazon

Gwen: Team Amazon in the amazon that's gotta be a lucky sign

Sierra:*GASP* Whenever a team pridicts good luck they always lose

Gwen: but i just-

Sierra Covers Gwen's mouth

Chris: Gosh i hope none of the amazon's said this would be easy that would be bad HAHA

*The Plane lands in the Amazon*

Chris: Welcome to Peru, birthplace of the mighty amazon river, this challenge is called the Am-AHHHHH-zon race, teams must hike along the jungle all the way to machu pichu, a golden treasure awaits discovery

Author: don't know if i spelt it right

Chris: OH and also in the jungle are the Zing-Zings a native tribe who have never encounterd modern man, if you spot one don't make contact

Owen: how far is it to mucky pigeon

Chris: Machu Pichu is a hop skip and a jump from here plus 18 hours

Everyone groans

Chris: The Jungle is too dangerous to travel at night so teams will have to break at dusk and camp along the trail until sunrise

Alejandro: and i'm assuming there are no tents

Chris: Correct, now beacuse it is so dangerous out here teams get walkie talkies in case of an emergancy, teams i wish you good luck, or in the very least a lack of death

Lindsay: Left

DJ: Ok

Nick: Alright

The Three head left

Tyler: Let's go left

Noah: alright 

Team Chris heads left as well

Gwen: maybe we should go right

Sierra: no left if it's wrong at least everyone will be wrong

David: Alright let's go

David Starts walking

Heather: Wait, Let's let gwen decide she's the one feeling lucky

Gwen: i said i was sorry

Heather: if your right, your a hero, if your're wrong we know who to Kick off

David*Whispers to Cody* is bad that i wanna slap her

Cody shakes his head

Gwen: Your parents must love this show gets you outta the house

Cody and David:

Heather blows a raspberry as the amazons go right

*Team Victory*

Lindsay, DJ and Nick made it to the zipline

Chris: welcome tiny victory, i'd say team but your more of a trio, but hey first is first so you get to use this t-bar everyone else will go hand over hand

DJ hangs onto the tbar and Nick hangs on to Lindsay


*Team Amazon*

The Amazons are walking through the forest

Cody: *pant* i'm a tired

Heather: lazy ass

Cody: HEY

David: how many more teeth can i knock out of you heather?*

*Team Chris*

Team Tough makes it to the zipline

Tyler: uh where's the tbar

Chris: sorry no tbar

Alejandro: we don't need no tbar we are team Chris

He uses his belt to get across

Alejandro: Arieba

Owen: whatever you say al

Owen uses his hands


He falls into the water

Izzy,Tyler and Noah all get across

*Team Amazon*

The Amazons were walking when David Sees The Zing-Zings

David: Zing-Zings guys we can't make contact stay a-

The Zings have the amazons at spear point

Heather: Well Well Lucky us

Gwen:*Talking into Walkie Talkie* Chris, Chris, no batteries

The Amazons are tied up to a tree

Cody: What are we gonna do

David: I have spare batteries

Cody pulls them out of his pocket and hands them to gwen

*Team Victory*

DJ, Lindsay and Nick are running until they find chris

DJ: Chris tell us you have food were starving

Chris: Victorious Triplets you are still in first and have won this

He chops down a box full of bananas

Nick: WOAH

Chris: all the bananas you can eat

Gwen: Chris Chris Chris it's gwen

Chris: Walkie talkies are for emergencies only


Chris; e-mer-ge-

Heather grabs the walkie talkie from Gwen

Heather: We are being held at spear points by the zing zings

Chris: okay Team Amazon Remain calm and *Ding*

Heather: You must be joking

Owen: Do we have to sing backup

Chris: Nope this is all Amazons but let's get a little solo from heather and begin

(This is one on my favorite songs from world tour Btw, play this as they sing i had to change the lyrics a bit all my favorite songs i will play with the lyrics :) )

Heather: we shoulda just gone left we wouldn't be in this mess

Sierra: i said so to but gwen you had to jinx us then

Heather: now if we get bitten

Cody and David: our obituaries written

Sierra: oh what would we do then

Gwen: tied up rope it's no joke, spears in our face get us out of this place, ain't having the luck i anticipated probably means i'm elimanated yeah i'm out

Heather: Ow oooh yeah, yeah, yeah

Zing Zing: *Gibberish*

Heather:*Gaps* Is my missing tooth that hidious

David: Yep, it ugly as hell, just like the rest of you

The Zing Zings pull back a bush and i statue of heather appears with a gold tooth

Cody: i think that they think that you are a god of some kind which means the rest of us are expendable!

*Team Victory*

Lindsay and Nick wake up to hear a slapping sound

Lindsay : DJ what are you doing

DJ: I'm covered in bugs

Nick turns on the flashlight

Nick: Those are monkey

DJ: What

he looks around to see 10 monkeys lying on the ground

DJ: oh no they must have been attracked to the bananas

*Team Chris*

The Fire starts to growl

Owen: Was that the fire

Noah: Fires rarely growl

Owen: Al built it maybe spainish fires growl


Alejandro: what is that?

Owen blows the fire a bit more and 5 giant catapillers (i think?) attack team chris

*Team Victory*

DJ sets the monkeys down

DJ: i think there gonna be ok let's keep moving

DJ, Lindsay and Nick start moving when DJ steps on a stick and the monkeys attack him

*Team Chris*

Alejandro: Day Break no time for head counts we must find that treasure

Team Chris Runs off but there only 4

*Team Victory*

DJ, Nick, and Lindsay are at machu pichu

Chris: victory. you're still in first and find the treasure you get to leave in first class

Lindsay: alright

Chris: what happend to him

Nick: Same old story attacked by monkeys

DJ: i deserve it i always deserve it

Lindsay: but this time the animals hurt you, and were still in the lead, maybe the person going home won't be from our team

DJ: *smiles* split up we will cover more ground

They go and look for the treausure

Team Chris arrives

Chris: Nope you can't start searching until the whole team is here

They all look behind them and see owen is missing

Tyler: OWEN

Alejandro: you never said that, your making up the rules as we go

Chris: And this surpises you because

Alejandro: Fine, allow me to search for our beloved team memeber

*Team Amazon*

Gwen is asleep

David: man she's knocked out

Sierra: her snoring is driving me crazy

Courtney: i think you mean crazier Heather Make them untie us

Heather: what if it makes them angry, angry enough to sacrafiece one of you, you don't want that

Cody: UGH

*With Alejandro*

Alejandro: Owen

Alejandro bumps into a cocoon, he opens it

Owen: AL

Alejandro: What happend to you

Owen: You saw, you watched the caterpillers drag me away

Alejandro: i don't know what you mean

Owen: The Others were asleep but you had your eye open i saw you

Alejandro: Your Wrong, The Others went on without you, i refused to move on until i found you

Owen: So you are my only real friend

Alejandro: Seems so

Alejandro Cuts owen down

Owen: OW Thanks

Alejandro: That's what friends are for

Alejandro and Owen get back and team tough starts serching for the treasure


Chris: This is wierd

Tyler and Owen are pulling out a crystal

Chris: uhh guys your looking for gold

Lindsay: FOUND IT

Chris: LIKE THAT Finally Victory For team Victory

 Nick: YES

Owen: Did he say golden?

He pulls out the crystal and the top start falling


*Team Amazon*

Chef: YOLO

Amazons: CHEF

Heather: Chef, if you wanna get on the good sides of the zing zings you should knee before me, i'm a bit of a god to the zing zings

Chef: Those aren't zings zings they look like teens

He cuts the rope with a clever and gwen falls to the ground

Cody: But the outfits

Sierra; and the spears


The two gents nod at her then leave

Heather: I let actor put a gold tooth in my mouth ew

David: guess your no god after all

Chef: and you lost the challenge yall gotta boot someone

The Amazons Groan

Heather: If only there was someone we could blame for all this, Morning Gwen

Gwen:*Yawns* Did we win

The Amazons Glare at Gwen

*Back on the plane*

A women gives cookies to DJ, Nick and Lindsay

Lindsay: hey do you think it would be okay if i-

DJ: asked John to join us Sure

Lindsay Kisses DJ on the cheek and runs off to go find Tyler

Sierra: well you did lead us to diaster but i'll join you guys and vote for heather too

*Elimation Ceramony*

Chris: let's view the votes on tv, Just for fun

Gwen: i vote for heather, and chris there's 10 bucks in it if you forget to give her a parachute

Courtney: Goodbye heather

Heather: i vote gwen

David: Bye Bitch

Cody: I vote for sierra.

Chris: welp there you

Sierra starts crying

Heather: let's just get this over with

Chris; i guess this would be a good time, to watch heather fall out of the plane if it was an elimation round, SURPIRSE

The Amazons turn to heather who's staring daggers through each of them

Heather(Confessional) now they fear me and so they should, i will make them all pay and then i'll crush alejandro for dessert

Chris:ooooooo heather's mad, where is our next destionation? Find out next week on TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR.

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