Super Crazy Fun In Japan
The Plane is shaking in the losers class
Noah: Relax, air travel is the 15th saftest mode of transportaiton, unless you're in a death trap
a hole out of the side of the plane gives lose and starts sucking air out
Noah: This one for example
Leshawna is about to fly out but alejandro grabs her arm and owen stops the hole
Courtney was sipping a drink
Courtney: I happen to like winning and being in first class, which makes me a team leader
Gwen: Which we don't need one because WE'RE WINNING
Courtney: And i have plans to keep it that way, so think of me as leader
David: Yes Mam
Heather: Of course you're boy toy agrees with you
David: The *bleep* Did you say
Heather: n-nothing
David: Yare Yare Daze bitch
Chris: Alright everyone ready for our next elimantion challenge it's-
Harold: Is it a reward or elimanation challenge?
Chris: Good Question Harold and like i'm gonna tell you
Tyler: Two of us got booted last time so today has reward written all over it
Lindsay: i could use a reward i hope it's shoes, or candy or shoes made of candy
Chris: Welp, we're heading to Japan
Chef has a chinese outfit on
Harold: Gosh, that's totally chinese
Chris: alright, so if you don't sing yo-
Harold: Gosh you guys can't get one thing right on th-
Chef cuts open the door with a sword and everyone besides chris and chef go out the plane
Chris: Or we could've just landed the plane
Chef: Nah, to boring
Noah: Seriously
Chris: sing and i might save you're butts
Courtney: We're singing as we're falling!
Heather: While some are cannon-balling!
Izzy: Yeah!
Alejandro: Our lives begin to flash before our eyes!
Nick and David: We might just go ka-blooey!
Harold and Tyler: Get smushed and become chewy!
All: Sep there's tons we wanna do before we die!
LeShawna: Billionaress!
Cody: Billiards champion!
DJ: Make it home to see my Mama!
Sierra: Marry Cody!
Bridgette: Catch a barrel!
Lindsay: Be an actress in a drama!
Courtney: Corporate lawyer!
Gwen: Prom destroyer!
Harold: Be a ninja with throwing stars!
Alejandro: Lion tamer!
Owen: New food namer!
Tyler: Repairman for the parallel bars!
Noah: But first we must cease dropping! Our goal here would be stopping!
Izzy: Before we smash into the ground from the sky!
DJ: Smash into little pieces!
Harold; Heads merged with out feces!
LeShawna: That would really suck and here's why!
Bridgette: We'd like to keep on living!
Nick: So, Chris, we hope you're giving!
Sierra: Some wings!
Courtney: A jet pack!
Gwen: A rift in time!
Heather: Parachute?
Noah: Water bed!
Tyler: A trampoline!
Izzy: Springy shoes!
Alejandro: Rocket boots!
Lindsay: Flying squirrel!
LeShawna: Bubble bath!
Lindsay: I change to bubbles too!
DJ: Momma!
Owen: Pizza! NO! Chips and some dip will doooo!
All: Cause there's still so much to do before we die! Yeah, we said it! There's still so much to do, there's still so much to do, there's still so much to do before we die! Yeah!
Everyone screams and falls into a huge ass bowl of rice
Harold: Japan, i know everything about this place
LeShawna: What you know just sent us free falling out of a plane!
Harold: But i went to a japanese camp
Alejandro: I speak Japanese too LeShawna あなたは花のように美しい\
Leshawna: How's that
Alejandro: I said you are as beautiful as a flower
Chris: Alright guys today's challenge is a-
Nick: Pinball
Chris: No Nick it's no-
David: Pinball
Chris: Ahem, choose one team member to get into these giant hampster balls
Leshawna: We Choose DJ
DJ: We Do?
Chris: Alright here you go
Chris holds up a panda
DJ: A Panda?! No, remember when i crumpled that mummy dog in eygpt
Lindsay: I remember when you knocked a bird out of the sky
DJ: Exactly, i think that dog thing might of cursed me
Chris throws the panda at DJ and the panda starts biting him
Chris: Cute. Team Chris is Really X4 Hot
Noah: I'm allergic to panda dander, i get hives
Tyler: what he said
Alejandro: I do it for my team
Chris: Wicked, Incoming
Chris throws the panda at alejandro but he catches it
Alejandro: Hello Handsome creature, may i scratch you're ear or get you a tasty cookie
Izzy: AW
LeShawna and Lindsay: AW
Bridgette: AW
David; *Whispering to Nick* Bitchandro
Nick:*Whispering to David* Put that on a shirt
Chris: Anyway Team Amazon
Heather: Gwen's face could use some remodeling
Gwen: Nice, i hate to admit it but we're on the same team, so turn the which switch back to off
Courtney: Would you girls like some leader ship i'd be happy to-
Cody: Stop Bickering I'll Do It!
Chris: You might wanna bring a toothbrush cody, because the beast you're sharing you're space with is sierra
Sierra: *Sqealing*
Chris: Alright, it's human pinball time
Chef starts it, and all three of them kept bouncing off the sides and kept getting lots of points
1st- Team Chris Is Really X4 Hot
2nd- Team Victory
3rd- Team Amazon
Chris: Alright let's move on to our second challenge
Everyone was back in the plane watching a Total Drama Action AD
Chris: Pretty Awesome Right
Courtney: Uh why did they dub our voices
Chris: They just don't like the sounds of yall, sorry
Courtney: No You're Not
Chris: True, Alright so you're second challenge is to make an AD for Chef's Total Drama Yum Yum Go Time Happy Candy Fishtails, now go make ads
All the teams are done and are now viewing the ad's *Go To 15:23 and Stop at 17:29*
Chris: Um well chef
Chef: Chris, i think i gotta go with team amazon, i don't know i just love exploding doughnuts
Chris: Alright, but chef who bit the biggest
Chef: Those guys with the sad donkey thing, you lose, yall sending someone home tonight
DJ: i put a panda in an er, i choked and ruined our ad, and then we lose again
LeShawna: Wait it's not a reward
Chris: Nope
Harold was sitting in the plane, when Alejandro gets an idea
Alejandro: It could've just as easily been Me, We still have our honor, and girls
Harold: Like Samurai's
Alejandro: Like Samurai's
Alejandro walks back but Nick heard everyone
Chris: Alright Victory, up in the losser class bathroom you'll find six pasports, stamp the pasport of the team member you'd like to send home
Everyone votes
Chris: Alright, Lindsay, Bridgette, Nick, LeShawna, and.............................................................................................Har-
Harold: WAIT, It was i who brought dishonor to our team only one thing can restore the balance
Harold pulls out a toy lightsaber and "Stabs" himself with it, before jumping out of the plane without a parachute
Chris; you might need this, good luck Harold
Chris: Where will our next destination take us?, what other wierd products does chef wanna sell? all these questions and many more probaly won't be answerd Right Here on TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR
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