New Kids On The Rock
Everyone was on the plane, the amazon chilling in first class heather is trying to crawl through the vent
David: da fug is she doing
Gwen: it's probably got something to do with alejandro
Courtney: i think she likes him
Gwen: That's like the grinch having a crush on someone
Cody: *Shivers from fright*
Courtney: picture her dried up black little heart thawing out for love
Gwen and Courtney laugh
Heather: I'm not in love, i'm trying to sneak back to losers class, with DJ and Nick back there with him alejandro has free range to make an alliance with them, UGH why did we have to win in dumb paris
Cody: Nice
Heather is crawling thought the vents
Owen: I don't know what to say to them
DJ; it's alright you only have to put up with me for one more day
Alejandro: going somewhere DJ
DJ: I'm losing the next challenge
Nick: What!?
Heather: What
Heather falls out of the vent
Alejandro: what have we here
Heather: i just dropped my pen, owen i'm giving you a ticket for fashion crime, your socks reek
Owen: I'm wearing socks?
*The plane is going up and down*
Sierra: why are we landing in the middle of the ocean, uh now were not, why are we landing in the middle of the ocean
Courtney: FYI i get sick on log flum rides so if you don't want me barfing break
Chris and Chef are laughing as the plane lands in the water
Chris: Alright everyone out
Chef shoves everyone out the back door and heather takes a cushion with her
Heather: DJ catch
She tosses the cushion to DJ who uses it to float
Heather: Care to join an alliance
Alejandro: You're asking him that now
Heather: Your just jelous because you didn't think of it
Alejandro: i already asked him before you handed him the cushion
Heather(confessional) oh he is good, *Loving sigh* I WANT THAT TAPE BACK GIVE ME THE TAPE HOW DO YOU OPEN THIS THING
Chris: alright guys, welcome to my homeland of newfoundland get into your boats and reach shore and bring seafood for a reward, also DJ and Nick, your boat has a motor
Nick: WOO
Courtney: Okay amazons if we swim in a v formation like gease, we'll be faster
David: Good Plan Babe
Courtney blushes just a little bit
Heather: Fine, any objections
Gwen: courtney is bossing us around and you don't have one?
Heather: only to losing cmon let's go
Courtney: I got point
Heather: Okay let's not get to crazy here, I've got point
David: No Courtney has point
Courtney: yes, also i'm a great swimer, i coach minos
Nick bursts out laughing
Courtney: I'm a C.I.T
Heather: More like a B.I.T.C-
Gwen: Guys we should get going
DJ: Okay i just gotta float here long enough to lose, then i go back home to Momma
Alejandro is on team Chris's boat
Alejandro: Execellent work
Alejandro helps Tyler, Izzy and Noah on the boat
Tyler: What about him
Izzy tosses a fishing net and owen is caught in it
Owen: What about DJ and Nick
Alejandro: Patience my friend, Patience
DJ: Someone get me back to shore hallejau-HEY
a killer whale picks DJ up out of the water
DJ: KILLER WHALE, Please mister killer whale, i'm bad news, why are you not listining
DJ shoves the cushion accidently into the killer whale's blow whole, it launches DJ into his boat and the whale can't breathe
DJ: I'm Sorry Whale
The Whale shoots the cushion out, it goes up and hits a bird
Chris: Alright everyone GO
The Amazons and Team Chris start going when Heather sees DJ and Nick
Heather: Wait Stop
Courteny: Why
Heather: he might be able to pass up an allaince but i won't they will be mine
She dives into the water
Heather: Courtney You're in charge
Courtney: HA always now David, Cody listen up i'm a great swimmer and i'm also a c.i-
Cody and David row really fast and courtney falls back into the boat
Courtney: Stroke!, Stroke!
Izzy pulls a lobster out of the water
Izzy: Hell Yeah i got a lobster
Owen grabs the Lobster
Owen: Does anyone have any butter
Alejandro: Do Not Even Think about it friend
Owen: Can i think about tarter sauce?
Alejandro Glares at owen then owen starts licking the lobster
Chris: which team will reach the dock and who's heading to the chopping block, find out after the break
Heather gets on Team Victory's boat
DJ and Nick: Heather!
Heather throws them to the other side of the boat
Heather: I'm Not letting you quit DJ
DJ: all i wanna do is go home, i'm sick and have a cough
Heather: You can thank me later
Nick: um thank you?
DJ: Nope no way am i singing
Chris: you know if you don't sing you're out
DJ: You're right Please start the song
Alejandro: We're heading down to Newfoundland, that rocky eastern shore!
Owen: I'll have the shrimp, mussels, cod, and the lobster thermidor!
Gwen: I can't get a thing to bite, so we better get there first!
Courtney:Row harder, faster, both of you.For the win, work up a thirst! Stroke, stroke, stroke!
Heather: It's a sea shanty, and it's darn catchy! Yes! Go on, DJ, your turn!
Tyler: Izzy, you're a nut-bar, but you sure can catch a fish!
Izzy: Fish they're fine, you're my kind, my partner, he's Irish. And if you want the next drill, he's all yours!
David and Cody: Trying our best, Courtney, our arms are getting fried!
Courtney: Gwen, do you see?
Gwen: Could it be? Steer hard starboard side!
Nick: It's a sea shanty, and it's darn catchy!
DJ: No, you can't catch me, with a sea shanty!
Heather: Yes
DJ: wah- oh no
Heather: You're still in the game yes
Chris: Yes you are, but maybe not for long, look over there ay
Heather, DJ and Nick look to see an iceberg heading for them
Heather, DJ and Nick: AHHHHHHHHHHH
Heather steers the boat in every direction and makes it to shore
Nick: You Saved us heather
Heather: now will you be in an alliance
Alejandro: Well Played
They look over to see Team Chris getting on shore
Heather: we beat them? We Beat Them!
Chris: And Victory takes first place
Nick: Sweet
Chris: Heather seems to be missing her whole team
Heather: Where are they
Courtney and Gwen are climbing up rocks to reach "Duncan"
Courtney scoots over to David
Courtney: So wanna make out
Gwen Climbs up to see that it's just rocks
Gwen: what?, i swear i saw him
She Climbs back down
David and Courtney are making out and Cody's trying to stay away from Sierra
Gwen: He wasn't there it was just rocks
David: oof
David: Why do you love that punk, he's just a jackass that thinks he's a bad boy, but i see him as a little bitch
Gwen shoves David into the water
She tackles gwen and the start fighting
Chris: Alright it's now Team Chris Vs. DJ and Nick in screaching in off, that's how we welcome newcomers here, you gotta chug some apple sider
Owen: That's not bad
Chris: Wrong, it's apple cider viniger, it'll put hair on you're chest, Owen and Izzy must finish a whole bottle, then Alejandro and Noah will get a saying from my cusion jurd mclain, then Tyler must kiss a cod like he means it, DJ and Nick you'll have to do the whole thing by yourself
DJ isn't there
Chris: DJ?, Where is DJ
DJ was walking outside and Heather was sitting down
Heather: oh hey DJ, listen i've been looking for you
DJ: Listen i told you i'm not joining any allaince *Coughs*
Heather: That is not what this is about i swear, i just want to give you this drink for that cough for yours
DJ: Why do you care so much anyway
Heather: Hey i saved us from the iceberg didn't i?, i care, now you have to chug the whole thing
DJ: *Coughs* man this cough is getting bad, alright here goes nothing
Chris: Alright i guess team tough has a head start so begin
Izzy, Owen, and Nick all start drinking the viniger when DJ comes in and heather with an empty jug
Heather: DJ did it, he drank a whole jug of viniger
Chris: Wow, Nick needs to finish his bottle
Nick: Done
Chris: alright jerd take it away
Jerd: *Gibberish*
Noah: Are those even words
Alejandro: Are you serious?
DJ: Man that viniger went right through me, i need to use the bathroom
Chris: Correct Jerd asked to use the bathroom like a true timer, way to go DJ
DJ: I just can't lose
Chris: Victory you're in the lead all you have to do is kiss the cod, like you mean it
Chris: Jerd another saying
Jerd: *Gibberish*
Noah: okay i think he said something about owen's ass
Chris: nope, alejandro any guesses?
Alejandro: The worst thing you can have in you're head is no teeth?
Chris: Bingo and how true, alright Tyler time to kiss a cod
Tyler: i can't do this it's a fish
DJ: i can't either, if i touch it something bad will happen to it
Heather: DJ, oh my gosh look, it's a symball, if you kiss this fish, you might break you're curse and you can stay in the game
DJ: Nice try but i'm not falling for another one of you're tricks
Alejandro: DJ, i can stay silent for no longer, i'm afriad heather is right, you need to end this
Nick: Stechy ass Mofo
Alejandro glares at Nick
DJ looks at the fish and breaths deeply
Alejandro: as for you Tyler, if you don't kiss this cod, you'll be the next one sent home
Tyler saw something in alejandro's eyes that made him nervous
Both DJ and Tyler kiss the cods
Chris: Okay, it's draw just stop kissing the cods
That's when the Amazons show up, David all wet
Chris: hey right on time, team amazon you're today's lossers
Heather: Courtney where were you
Courtney: Gwen got us lost
Gwen: What?
Chris: Alright Team Chris and Victory are getting a clam supper and it's a non elimantion round
Alejandro walks up to the water with a bucket
Alejandro: Ah the magic fish, took me a couple tries but i managed to do it
Alejandro Smiles devilishly as he dumps the bucket out into the water and walks back to the others, Nick saw this though
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