Episodes 1: Walk Like an Egyption Part 1

Chris was shown standing on an airport

Chris; Season 3 of Total Drama folks, the world is gonna be mine, sea to shining sea

a bus pulls up to the airport next to chris

Chris: Sadly, i'm forced to share my world with a traveling teen freakshow, they'll be competing all around the globe for another million dollars, so let's meet out players

Chris: Courtney, David, Duncan, Heather, Gwen, Leshawna

heather stops and gwen bumps into her

Gwen: Ugh are there reserved seats, i.e. can i have on not behind Heather's phoney hair, pony tail

Heather; UM my extensions are human hair

David: you learn something new everyday

Courtney gigles at this and duncan glares at david, while david glares back at duncan

Chris: Lindsay, Owen, Nick, DJ and Harold

Lindsay steps off the bus but Nick and DJ have to drag Owen off the bus

Owen: Sweet Strawberrie Preservers No

DJ: He's afraid of flying remember

Harold: Air-o-phobia from the latin as aspose to air-o- nausia, the fear of air sickness

Noah: Keep up the "Facinating" facts and i'm going to be air-o-nausis all over you

Chris: And returning favorites Noah, Cody and-

Ezekiel: Yo Yo Yo, This year's winner is in the house-er bus-i mean runway, where's the plane ay

Izzy: I know right, let's fly

Izzy Jumps on Ezekiel's Shoulders

Ezekiel: Woah- watch out

Ezekiel falls down on the ground with Izzy on his shoulders

Chris: Yep, Izzy's back, also returning this season tyler, and Bridgette

Both of them fall because of Izzy and Ezekiel

Ezekiel: Yo Chris you forgot to introduce me

Chris:*Sigh* and Ezekiel, and now to mix things up and keep it all fresh we have two new competetors, he's an honor roll student and a diplamat for a dad and is able to charm the pants off most speices Alejandro

Alejandro walks off the bus

Alejandro: May i be of isistance

He helps up Izzy and Bridgette

Izzy: Wowie

Bridgette: I-I-I Have a boyfriend

Nick:*Whispers to David* I Don't like this new guy

David:*Whispers to Nick* I know bro, something doesn't feel right

Alejandro: And amigos allow me

He Helps Tyler and Ezekiel back up to their feet

Ezekiel: Wow

Tyler: I like girls

Chris: And she's a suger addicted super fan with 16 Total Drama Blogs, Sierra (I Think i spelt it right)


Sierra sees cody

Sierra: *GASPS* OH MY GOSH Cody, i've dreamt of this moment only you weren't wearing a shirt

Just then a huge plane is pulling up next to the cast

Duncan: What the-

Courtney: Uh Excuse me but i'd like to express the safty of our plane

Chris: Relax it's perfectly safe

As That was said, a part of the plane falls off and some animals get out

Chris: Now Boarding

Owen: NO, i'm not riding in that!, Call The United Nations!, Call a Cab!, NO call my Mom, NO i'm not doing this, i'm out this is unethical, *Clonk* mommy

Chris hit owen on the head with a pan

Chris: Anyone else got a problem with it

Nick: NOPE

Lindsay: LOVE IT


Chris: Now boarding on a void to a million big ones

Chris turns to the camera

Chris: We're saving you a first class seat for all the action, Right Here on TOTAL DRAMA WORLDDDDDDD TOURRRRRRR

Duncan: Seriously


Everyone follows Chris into the plane's dining area

Gwen: Singing? i thought chris was joking about this

Courtney: Well i don't have a problem with it

LeShawna: Yeah becuase you like singing

Duncan: Well i don't, girls sing, little birdies sing ahaha, Duncan's do not sing

Harold: Think i'll get to beat box

Duncan: I'll beat you if you try

Heather: Why are you doing this to us?

Chris: Singing realality shows are huge and the worst the singing the higher the ratings, which is why on this show, there will be no vocal coaches, no rearesals or warnings

Everyone groans

Chris: Anywho this is the dinging area, where you will enjoy inflight meals

Ezekiel: Not for long ay, prepare to lose to the zeek

Gwen: Okay so not trying to be mean here, but you do know that you got voted out first last time right

Ezekiel: Word. and i spent every minute making sure that don't happen again, i'm stronger, faster, smarter

Chris: Chattier, blabbier, can't shut uppier, now zip it and let me finish the tour so we can get this bird in flight!

LeShawna: Is there a laides room?

Chris: Just through there

LeShawna: Good, because i gotta make a deposit

LeShawna walks into the bathroom and sees a camera

LeShawna: THERE'S A CAMERA IN THE POTTY AGAIN..Ugh can't a sister get a little privacy on this program

Everyone is in the lossers class

Chris: Losing teams will enjoy economey class during destinations

Lindsay: Okay well where are our beds

Chris: Owen care to demomstrate

Everyone looks at owen, who is strapped in a seat

Owen: Plane....No

Heather: That does not look comfortable

Chris: No Comfort for lossers, safty harnesses and an emergency exit but no comfort here, here or here

Sierra: omg chris that is just lol haha

Nick:*Shivers* Cringe

Ezekiel: we should hit the winners compartment ay, becuase i ain't never gonna sit back here, ha never

Noah: Is never you're policy on mouthwash to homeschool

Everyone is now in first class

Chris: this is the first class cabin, the domain of each weeks winners

Alejandro: now this is the type of econimation laides deserve

Lindsay; They have laides in first class to? Oh me, you meant me

DJ; that boy is as smooth as mama's gravy

Tyler: Lindsay's suppose to like me

DJ; no one can compete with gravy

Tyler: Hey Lindsay i can do a handspring

Tyler tries to do a handspring but fails

Lindsay: Oh my gosh poor, i'm blanking on his Oh Oh i know Alejandro 

Alejandro: That's my name

Lindsay: And what i nice name, i could say it all day

Alejandro: Please do

Lindsay giggles as Heather is glaring at Alejandro 

Heather *Confessional* I can see right through that guy, you know this extra confessional is a thousand times nicer than talking in the toliet

Chef: Maybe for you, i'm trying to prep for a flight here

Heather: Hello Vending Shhhh, anyway new guy is so transparent, so fake, so-

Chef: Deliciously seductive

Heather: That is excatly the opposite of what i was trying to say

Chef: Pretty Good Looking guy to boot, i'm just saying

Heather: UGH forget this!

Cody: Woah where are we now?, a grand piano, wood burning pizza oven, 4 person hottub with led lightshow and dancing waters

Harold: How do i win this, my fair LeShawna loves a hottub

Chris: Easy tiger, these are my quarters and there off limits clear?

Harold: Crystal

Sierra: Oh Chris, i heart you're limits

Heather: *Confessional* Anyway, Lindsay and Ale-whatever looking like a real threat my only stratigic option is to make friends with the new girl, but pretending to like that is going to be hard, I do not heart the new girl

Chris: And that's pretty much it, i've skipped a few places but you'll all see them when i "Accidently" lock you in them

the plane shakes and bridgette lands in alejandro laps

Alejandro: Senorita, are you okay

Bridgette: is the earth moving

Nick glares at Alejandro, since bridgette is his girlfriend

(The Picture at the top is Nick)

Bridgette: Is the earth moving?

Izzy: Nope, we are woo

Chris: one more thing i'm sure you remember something called the elimantion ceramony, takes place right in there my friends

Everyone is in the elimation ceramony with chris

Chris: If you don't recieve a barf bag full of peanuts

Ezekiel: i got a peanut alergy yo

Chris: You'll be forced to take the drop of shame

Ezekiel: okay i just don't li-

Chris: Kinda like this

Chris throws Ezekiel out of the plane

Ezekiel: Hey, good one ay, now slow down and let my bling back in

Chris: All elimantions are final bro

The Plane is now up in the air

DJ: Every second we are getting closer to adventure and further from mama

Sierra: Cody Emiet Jamason Anderson, i also happen to know you're birthday is april 1st, you're my very own april fool


Chris: Whenever you hear that friendly little bell it's time to sing, so let's hear it

Courtney: Well what are we supposed to sing?

Chris: you have to make it up as you go, wouldn't be challenging otherwise know would it

(There will be one thing i'll hate about doing this, the musicals, i love the music but i'm gonna have to type out every note and change the song a bit :( )


Courtney: UP

Izzy: UP

Sierra: UP

Lindsay: UP

Harold: SING

Nick: SING


Tyler: SING


Sierra: Come fly with us

Sierra and Cody: Come fly with us

Izzy: gotta lot a crazy tunes to bust, haha

Bridgette: Come fly with us

Bridgette and Lindsay: Come fly with us

Alejandro: It's a pleasure and an honor and a must

Duncan: Dudes this is messed your singing in a plane

Harold: What can you expect chris is freaking insane

Gwen: Yeah but guys, you're singing on tv

Courtney: Haven't you always wanted to can't just be me

DJ: Come fly with us

DJ and LeShawna: Come fly with us

Heather: Do you know how to steer this thing?

Chef: I try

Ezekiel: They thought they could leave me at the port, but the stoways got winning in his heart

Noah: Come fly with us, come die with us

Owen: We're flying!, I Hate Flying!, Stop the plane!

Chris hits owen in the head with a pan

All: Come fly with us, come sing with us

Gwen and David: NO

Chris: Anyone care for a copy of the season 3 rules because in order to escape instant elimation-

Bridgette: All contestants must sing in each show

Courtney: David do it!, Let's go!

Cody: Gwen sing it!, Don't Go!

Gwen: well i don't wanna go home, Come Fly with us, come fly with us, come and fly with us

Courtney: David come on please


All: Yeah

Chef: Enough singing fruit cakes, strap yourselfs in, we are now making our decent into eygpt 

That plane lands in eygpt and everyone is sweating

Chris: Alright, I call today's challenge pyramid over, under

LeShawna: An 11 hour flight, Chef's inflight food, Now we have a challenge!

Chris: Don't you love this game 

Harold: It's like being cooked in a giant oven

LeShawna: It Might help if you weren't dressed like a giant baked potato

Chris: Alright, Pyramid over under means you choose how you'll get to the finish line, either over or under the pyramid, got it?

Everyone nods and gets ready to go

Chris: Ready, Set-

Ezekiel: Wait up, you guys wait up

Ezekiel stops running 

Ezekiel: I told you i wasn't gonna lose this time ay

Chris: Didn't we leave you somewhere?

Ezekiel: It's call landing gear homie, i climbed it and hid with the cargo

Chris: Impressive, but you're still out

Ezekiel: No way!, i'm in it to win it, word

Chris: Hey it's you're funeral, GO

Everyone runs into the pyramid others start climbing it

Noah: Great, our friendly neighborhood host forgot to mention there are paths

Heather: Hey Sierra which way should we go

Sierra: me uh, um, uh

Owen: how do we know which way is right

Izzy: I Know, okay i saw this in a spy movie once, you lick you're finger and hold it up to find the air-flow

Izzy licks her finger

Izzy: the sand really crunches in you're teeth, fun, okay DJ give me you're hand

LeShawna: Don't do it DJ, you might catch a case of crazy, cmon Harold

LeShawna, Harold and DJ all walk down a bug hallway

Izzy: oh let's take the scary mummy door

Meanwhile outside the pyramid

Bridgette: How are we supposed to get up

Nick picks bridgette up and starts heading up the pyramid

Tyler: Is it to late to go under insted?

Lindsay: Alejandro's doing okay, he is like the cutest mountain goat in the world

Tyler: Wait, i can be a goat

Alejandro: May i offer isistance

Alejandro is now carrying lindsay up the pyramid

Tyler: Lindsay, i'm a goat baaaaaa

Courtney ties a rope around David

Courtney: Cmon let's go 

David: Is this rope really necesaray

Courtney: Of course it is now let's go

David and Courtney are now climbing up the pyramid

Chris:What will hapen next? Find Out On TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR

A/n: I'm not typing out the full episode so i'm spliting it in 2 parts

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