Episode 4: Anything yukon do icee
Team Chris and Team Victory were sitting in losers class, Bridgette was sleeping on Nick, when chris came in
Chris: And how is everyone back here doing, not that i care
LeShawna: where are you taking us now, can it please be somewhere with no pinball of anykid
DJ: or pandas
Noah: or candy fish tails
Owen: *wakes up* Fish Tales Where
Chris: Our next destitation is everything you asked for
Nick: Oh fucking great
Bridgette wakes up and the plane starts shaking
Gwen: What's happening
Sierra: Cody hold me
Chris and Chef are laughing as the plane goes out of control and lands on the snow, everyone falls out the back
Chris: Welcome to the yukon
Everyone is shivering while chris has a jacket on
Chris: Relax I ordered coats for everyone
Everyone cheers
Chris: They won't be ready for weaks but as soon as they arrive, i'll be sure to pass them out
Everyone Groans
Courtney: M-maybe w-we s-s-should huddle for warmth
Izzy, LeShawna and Lindsay all tackle alejandro, while Nick keeps Bridgette warm and David does the same for Courtney
Chris: a bit chilly isn't it
Chef: Coco
Chris: Don't mind if i do
Chris starts drinking it Owen smells it
Owen: you gonna finish that
Sierra: of course he is it's chris's favorite drink
Chris: That's not on the fan site, how d-
Sierra: i interviewed all your old teachers at your high school for the biography i'm writting they said-
Chris: okay okay moving on, Crossing the icee river in canada's frozen tundra used to by easy, back when the river was frozen solid, but thanks to global warming
Owen farts
Chris: And Owen, Earth has gotten more intresting by which i mean DEADLY, today's challenge is called total drama the icicle, Teams will make their way across this watery chasm by jumping from ice flow to ice flow, first team member across must make their way to the dog sleds on the shore and become "The Dog"
Chris: Pulling a sled all the way to the finish line as you grab your team along the way, first come first served and don't worry if you fall in we're legally required to pull you out so we have 2 divers in the water ready to help you
The Divers are frozen in the water
Tyler: You guys ready for ice flow jumping because i am
Leshawna: who ever doesn't land near the sent head straight to the finish line that way we don't have to stop at every meeting point
Heather: what's the reward for this challenge
Chris: did i say reward?
Heather: we have not had a reward challenge at all were over due
Noah: yeah and it's not like you have the budget to cut someone in every episode
Chris: your right, but the producers have told me that teams try harder in elimation challenges, so this season there's no set routine, every challenge could end in an elimation
Everyone Groans
Chris: That's the spirt, now on your marks get set GO
Everyone runs to the ice flows, some jump across them other fall into the water, Nick and David were carrying their girls to the other side
Leshawna makes it to the shore
Leshawna: Just gotta go with the flow
Chris: Nice and Lucky you DJ got here first so he's on dog duty
Leshawna: Cozy, what's up with you
DJ: Sorry but it's my curse a-
Leshawna: DJ your not cursed
Heather Courtney and David all make it to the sled at the same time
Chris: Courtney Grab a harness and start pulling
Courtney: Heather and David got here at the same time as me we should all pull the sled
David: I fucking carried you
Chris: yeah, no in the event of a tie we go alaphabetically
Courtney: Heather, David help me out here
Heather: What can i do courtney i didn't make the alaphabet
Tyler arrives first at the sled
Tyler: Oh No
Chris: Fraid so
Izzy gets to the sleds
Izzy: WOO
DJ gets the harness on
DJ: Finally
He starts running
Leshawna: Yes team victory in the lead
Courtney: Wait you does this harness work?
Leshawna: Not a word DJ just keep moving
Heather: nice sportsman ship, Hey DJ try not to hurt to many animals today
DJ starts to cry
Tyler gets the harness on and starts moving as well with Izzy
Heather has a whip and hits courtney with it
Courtney: ahh hey, you just-
Courtney: AHH
Heather: MUSH
Courtney starts running
Chris: will anyone survive this challenge? find out when we come back
after the break heather sees gwen at a meeting point
Heather: Woah courtney Woah
Courtney stops and Gwen gets on
Courtney: AHHH STOP
Heather: i'd love to but it makes you runs faster
Heather: Sorry
Courtney continues running as heather keeps whiping her
Courtney(Confessional) whipping with a whip when the time comes she is so gonna get it.
Tyler: If you seen anyone call out
Izzy: There's Tyler
Tyler: other then me
Noah gets on the sled
Izzy: oh there's noah
*Team Victory*
Leshawna Sees Lindsay
Leshawna: Lindsay
She hops on the sled
Leshawna: Now we just need to pick up bridgette and Nick and head to the finish line, we're finally gonna win one
Lindsay: Alright Home Free
They high five and DJ is Crying again
Leshawna: Luigi you ain't cursed
DJ: I know until she said, OHH
He continues to cry
Alejandro and Bridgette go to a meeting point, Nick was behind them
Alejandro: Let's wait here
Bridgette: I think i should go to the finish line
Alejandro: our teams will find us here, here take my shirt
He takes off his shirt and hands it to bridgette
Bridgette: oh
Alejandro: i can't freeze me latin blood won't allow it
Alejandro: and if you get sick and your team votes you of i won't get to know you better, which would make me very very sad
Bridgette: i don't want to make anyone sad
Bridgette(Confessional) I mean who gives away their shirt in the artic *loving sigh* he's just so, ugh i have a boyfriend
*Team Vitcory*
Leshawna: So harold like "oh i'm a goddess" and i'm like "yeah i know"
DJ: Guys i can't s-
Leshawna: Shhhh were talking hear
Lindsay: I don't see any sign posts do you?
Leshawna: that's wierd where's the path to the finsh line DJ
DJ: I have no idea my tears froze my eyes shut about ten minutes ago
Leshawna: Why didn't you say so
DJ: i tried but you kept sushing me
DJ is running but he doesn't see a baby seal on the ice and kicks it in the water
Lindsay: Yeah yeah fell down a crack in the ice
Leshawna: oh look he's climbing back up
Leshawna nudges lindsay, who starts making seal noises, DJ smiles
Leshawan: See now let's go
DJ starts running again, and then the seal pops up all wet and growls
*Alejandro and Bridgette*
Alejandro sees team chris's sled
Alejandro: Well this my ride, but i can't leave you
Bridgette: Go On I'll race you to the finish line
She gives him his shirt back
Alejandro: i think we have time for one "accident"
Bridgette smiles and closes her eyes but instead of kissing alejandro she kisses a pole instead and opens her eyes to see Alejandro on the sled riding off
Bridgette: what the ah crap
Heather Sees Sierra and Cody waiting by a meeting point
Gwen: need a lift
Cody: and a restraining order
They Get on and Courtney starts running
Tyler stops so owen can get on
Noah: Dude you don't look to good
Owen: I haven't eatin in hours oh i wish we were in russia right now their building the world's largest cake
Izzy: What flavor
Owen: Who cares it's cake
Noah: Okay Tyler Time to get moving
Tyler is running in plane
Noah: no you're miming
Tyler: It's my court shoes if we had to pull a sled across a vollyball court, we would've already won
As Tyler is miming team amazon passes them, heather blowing a raspberry
*Bridgette and Nick*
Bridgette: Nick help me
Nick: why should i, i saw what you did
Bridgette's tough is stuck on the pole she tries to move it but nothing worked
Chris: oh dear how did this happen
Bridgette: i was kissing alejandro then the pole got in the way
Nick has an arthur fist ready
Chris: This all sounds very tragic, I bet it would be an amazing song *Ding*
Bridgette: What Nooo
Team Amazon is going by when chris stops them
Chris: Woah hello back up singers
Team Amazon groans
Heather: Crap i thought you forgot about the music challenge this time
Chris: As if it's favorite part
Bridgette: The Things on my heart are a tangeld mess
Amazons: oooh mess
Bridgette: it's beating so hard, it's jumping outta my chest
Amazons: oooh chest
Bridgette: I tried to fit two men in my soul
Amazons: oooh soul
Bridgette: I ended up stuck to a pole
Amazons: She got stuck, shoulda ducked, worst of luck, stuck to a pole
Bridgette: i believd in every little thing that he said
Amazons;ooooh said
Bridgette: And when he closed my eyes he jumped on the sled
Amazons: oooh sled
Bridgette: He's Moved on i'm still stuck in place
Amazons: oooh place
Bridgette: Will someone pour warm water down my face
Amazons: she got stuck, should've ducked, worst of luck, stuck stuck to a pole, stuck stuck to a pole.
Chris slow claps
Chris: nice very nice
Bridgette: I mean it pour water on my face
Chris: Amazons begone
The Amazons get back to the sled and courtney runs off
Bridgette: Wait water my face
Chris: wish i could but i only have the one bottle sorry
He starts to drink it when tosses it on the ground water coming out of the bottle bridgette manages to get it but there was only a few drops left
Chris: Good Luck
Bridgette looks at Nick Desperately
Bridgette: Nick....Please.....I'm Sorry
Nick*Sigh* Hold still
Tyler is trying to pull the sled across the bridge
Owen: Hurry i need to find another river fast
Owen is jumping causing the bridge to crack and team tough falls but tyler manages to hang on to the bridge saving the team's lives
Tyler(Confessional) i have super strong fingers, docs can't explain it, my first piano lession, i broke the piano
Tyler manages to the get the sled pulled back up but it goes flying and so does tyler, team chris jumps on the sled, and tyler is behind it now getting dragged along
The Other teams are almost there
Noah: Owen lean forward
Owen Does and the sled speeds up and passes the amazons into second place
Heather: Last place i can't belive i did all that work for nothing
Chris: Actually team victory crossed the finish line without Bridgette and Nick so they come in last which means amazons take 2nd and team chris is really crazy hot takes first
DJ, Lindsay, and Leshawna: AW
DJ(Confessional) Bridgette Probably only messed up because i did get a curse in eygpt, i mean a baby seal cmon, the only i'll believe i'm not cursed is if they don't vote me off like that's gonna happen
Chris: Now i have three barfbags for the three of you that get to stay, Lindsay, Leshawna and DJ so it's down to two lovers, Nick you stuck with bridgette instead of heading to the finish line
Nick: What does that have to do with my on the chopping block, she's my girlfriend
Chris: Don't Care, Bridgette Reasons for you to go, making out with a pole, yeah that's it pole kissing, now the final barf bag goes to............................................. Nick
Chris; bridgette last words
Bridgette: Yes alejandro it evil you c-
Chris; Oh would you look at the time
He shoves bridgette out of the plane, she opens the parachute but it gets caught on the pole
Bridgette: Alejandro he's evil, evil
Chris:hmm looks like the chute got tangeld, probably should've removed the pole, did not see that coming
Nick gets pissed and grabs chris by the shirt
Chris: Hey what are you doing dude, she'll be fine-ish
Nick kicks open the door to the toliet
Chris: oh nononnononono CHEF HELP ME
Chef was in chris's hot tub
Nick(Confessional) Nick was dunking chris's head in the toilet
Alejandro(Confessional) Bridgette was expendable, they all are, some will be more challenging than others but one by one they'll go down
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