Episode 2: Walk Like An Eygption Part 2

Chris was shown standing at the end of the pyramd with three mats Blue, Pink and Yellow

Chris: Welcome back to total drama world tour where the teens are going under or over the pyram-

That's when Harold, DJ, and Leshawna run out of the pyramid screaming

Chris: Good work guys

DJ; we're first?, We're First!

Chris: Go stand on the yellow mat

Alejandro, Nick, Lindsay and Bridgette are on top of the pyramid

Alejandro: it's to steep to carry you down

Nick*Mind*:  *ear rape warning*


Nick pulls out the sign on the pyramid


Bridgette: babe, so not trying to be mean, but are you sure ab-

Nick: *Heavy Voice* Yes

They all get on the sign and go down the pyramid like a slide

Chris: holy crap


The sign stops at the bottem

Lindsay: That was awesome

Alejandro: Laides, Amigo after you

Bridgette, Lindsay and Nick all walk on the yellow mat, alejandro goes to join them when chris stops them

Chris: Not so fast, this season three teams!, Bridgette, Lindsay and Nick round out team one, Alejandro you're the first member of team two and you get

Tyler falls down into the sand

Alejandro: uh tyler is it?

Chris: Yep and you also get

Owen and Noah run out of the pyramid

Chris: Congrats

Alejandro: That's.....Wonderful

Alejandro(Confessional) *Swearing in Spanish*

Sierra who is carrying cody and heather run out of the pyramid

Sierra: oh i'm so happy we found you, heather aren't you happy

Heather: I'm so happy i could scream

They run across the finish line

Chris: Alright, Sierra go join team 2, heather and cody you are on team three

Cody: Where's gwen, just asking

Gwen, Courtney, Duncan, and David are at the top of the pyramid

Gwen: Cmon duncan let's go

Duncan: Not until this bitch dies

David: Oh That's it, cmon pussy

Courtney: Enough David

Chris: UHHHH Kids


Chris: Reconize that sound?, anyone who isn't done with the challenge must sing

Duncan: You Said one song Per Episode!

Chris: Yeah, but this is different so let's hear it

Duncan: you know what, NO

Duncan gets down the mountain, with the others

Duncan: Three Hours of these three, in this stupid heat, and you want me to sing FORGET IT!

Chris: Dude, you have a contract

Duncan: Eat it McLain, if you need me i'll be in the plane waiting for a ride home because i'm out, Done, I QUIT

Nick and David:


That's when izzy runs out of the pyramid, holding a mummy

Owen: Izzy No!

Noah: You are carrying the undead

Izzy: Cool, Bite me and i can be you're undead friend

Then the mummy jumps out of Izzy's arms and unwraps itself and it was really ezekiel

Ezekiel: Thanks for all the help you nobs

Chris: Izzy go join team 3

Ezekiel: come on guy, after all this you gotta let me back in the game

Chris: Fine, but only  cause we're down a man thanks to Duncan Mcquittypants, go ahead and join team 1 

Ezekiel: AW YES

Chris: Okay teams determine a team name, you have 3 seconds while i enjoy this ice-cream cone

LeShawna, Lindsay, Bridgette, Nick, DJ, Harold, Ezekiel: Team Victory

Heather, Gwen, Courtney, David, Izzy, Cody: Team Amazon

Sierra: Got it, Team Chris is Really X4 Hot

Everyone: WHAT

Chris: Alright Best Team Name Ever, here are you're rewards, Team Amazon you get a camel, Team Chris is Really X6 Hot

Alejandro: I think it was only 4 

Chris; You get a goat

Chris: and team victory here you go

Chris hands harold a stick

LeShawna: So the guys who come in last get a camel, but they get a goat, and we get a stick

Chris: All will make sence if i feel like it 

Harold: Why the heck is our map yellow, we're no cowards

LeShawna: Relax suger, our mat is yellow because team victory is in first place

Gwen: I can't believe Duncan got disqualifed just because he wouldn't sing

Heather: Maybe he can't sing

Gwen: Oh he can sing

Chris: alright guys, it's time for you're second challenge, the amazing camel race

Harold: Where are the other camels?

Chris: hello, it's a camel race, not a camels race

Heather: Yes

Alejandro: What

LeShawna: We won last time but they get camel, they get a goat, but we get a stick

Chris: Each Reward has it's advantages, okay you'll be racing to the nile

All the teams begin the race to the nile, Amazon is in first

Heather: We're going to win the race now, seya

She blows a raspberry

Courtney: Eat sand losers!

Alejandro: Such Fierce remarks from women, i'm both humbled and intreged

Courtney: Nice try i'm with daivd

David: Damn Right

Alejandro: and what a pitty it is that you give yourself to someone who doesn't deserve you



 Alejandro sees the nile

Alejandro: *Gasps* Hang on everyone, i'm changing our route

Alejandro turns his waist causing team Chris to go the other way

*Team Victory*

Ezekiel: We're so far behind, we can't even see the other

they run by a cactus

Bridgette: Haven't we ran past that cactus like ten times?

Leshawna Stops 

LeShawna: We've been running in circles

Team Victory stops and groans

Nick: FUCK

Everyone looked at Nick, and the camera man wasn't able to catch it

Nick: What?

*Team Chris is Really X4 Hot*

They get to the nile

Chris: Welcome to you're final eygption challenge


Chris *From afar* mumbles

Owen: Did you guys get any of that 

Chris gets a megaphone


Sierra: This is perfect

Noah: What? the fact that we're hosed

Sierra: I'm a fourth generation basket weaver

Sierra quickly gets reeds and starts building the boat 

*Team Amazon*

David: well..we're dead

Courtney: Izzy tell the camel to find the nile

Izzy: Oh Okay

Izzy somehow speaks to the camel and it turns around

Courtney: Oh please it's just a 

Heather: Probaly looking for a place to die

Gwen: What's that?

Amazons:*Gasps* The Finish Line

Team Amazon and Team Victory both make it to the nile and Team Chris Is Really X4 Hot is halfway done

Heather: Basket weave a boat UGH

Sierra: Sorry but we're almost done

Izzy: You guys have owen on you're team

Sierra: And you have cody

Sierra hugs cody

Sierra: Oh cody, i wish we were on the same team to

David Walks over to Nick

Nick: hey bro what's up?

David: you're right, something's up with Alejandro

Nick: I fucking knew it

Izzy: maybe we can swap teams

Heather: Trade a basket case for a basket weaver, done sierra you're with us, izzy go play with the boys

Alejandro: What

Sierra quickly starts building team amazon's boat

Courtney: Wow she's amazing

Heather: Maybe you should listen to me more often

Gwen and Courtney start laughing

Gwen: It will take a lot more then that to earn our trust

All the teams are in the water and are now halfway across when crocodiles show up behind the boats, ezekiel losses the stick to a croc, and the amazons manage to when

Chris: Nice and as long as you  all have you're rewards, nobody is going home

Everyone is cheering

Ezekiel: I lost the stick

*Elimantion Ceramony*

Chris: Alright, i have barf bags for the six of you that get to stay, up in the bathroom you'll find 7 passports

Harold: unless zeek fed them to a crocodile

Ezekiel: i said sorry homes

Chris: alright it's vote time

*Everyone votes*

Chris: Alright,Lindsay, Bridgette, Nick, LeShawna, Harold. and now the last barf bag goes to.......................................................................DJ

Ezekiel: What

Chris; you have 5 seconds to strap this on or the drop of shame will become the drop of pain haha

Ezekiel: Some team, you're all a bunch of-

Chef kicks him out of the plane but he hangs on to the wing

Duncan: Sucks to be zeek

Chris: Last stop for non players

Duncan: Yeah right, you're supposed to give me a ride home


David and Nick lift up Duncan

Duncan: Put Me Down

David: As you wish

The Brothers run at the door and throw Duncan out of the plane


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