Chapter 4: Training!

The next day was a pleasant day meaning that Marcus finished his assignments as well as his commissions for another customer and is now walking down the street heading towards his favorite martial arts school at a place called Katan'Art Dojo. Even though both him and Lila gain superpowers from the spider bites both would need training well mostly Lila since Marcus is highly trained in combat and martial arts but wants to help Lila defend herself from crooks or worse. He texted Lila the address of where the place was and she told him that she will meet him there soon. 

Marcus: Sigh..its good to be back here again. I wonder how Master Tyson is doing. It's been a long time since I last saw him after I graduated from this place.(Marcus saids then heads inside the school)

Marcus walks into the school and puts away his things then heads into the room where he hears the teacher who helped train him teaching other students. Marcus peaks through the door and saw his teacher Master Tyson showing new students the ways of Martial arts and defense. 

Master Tyson: Again!

Students: HA! 

Master Tyson: Again!

Students: HA!

Master Tyson: Feel the aura within yourselves let it flow. Find your inner combat. Exploit it and then release it!! HA! HA! HEYAAAA!!!

Students: HA! HA! HEYAAAA!!!!

Master Tyson: Very good my students you are learning well. Very soon you will learn the ways of the warrior and defend those you care for. 

Students: Thank you Master!(All said and bow to the master) 

Clap! Clap! Clap!(Everyone heard clapping and looked to see Marcus clapping at them in which Tyson looked and smiled to see an old friend and graduated student of his)

Marcus: That was very impressive, you taught them well Master. 

Master Tyson: Take your breaks my young students. 

Students: Yes master!(All said and headed out of the room to enjoy their break)

Marcus: Training a new generation I see. I thought you would retire soon.

Master Tyson: One is never too old to give up a dream such as this my former student. 

Marcus: Hehehe it is so good to see you again Master.(Marcus saids and hugs his former teacher)

Master Tyson: It is good to see you as well Marcus. Hows the family doing?

Marcus: Pretty good, mom and dad are holding up pretty well with the bakery and my sister well you know how she is master. 

Master Tyson: Running late to school as always. 

Marcus: You have no idea. 

Master Tyson: Hows that dream of you coming a long?

Marcus: It's going great. Made a lot of money with commissions. As well as getting a whole lot of amazing comments for my work. 

Master Tyson: You were always creative Marcus and very wise and strong. 

Marcus: I owe all to you and your training. 

Master Tyson: So what brings you back here all this time. 

Marcus: I made a new friend in which I want her to learn the ways of martial arts. See she went through a difficult and horrible situation back home in Italy and she and her mother are trying to start fresh here but with crime happening and crooks running around I fear for her and was hoping if you could teach her some martial arts so that she can defend herself. 

Master Tyson: Wow of course. My dojo is open to all. It would be my honor to teach your friend. Anything for one of my greatest students. 

Marcus: Thank you master. She's actually on her way here now. 

Master Tyson: I look forward to meeting her. In the mean time care to join me in some yoga.

Marcus: It would be my pleasure master. 

Marcus and Tyson spent the next hour doing yoga and relaxing their bodies as well as practicing some fighting styles until Marcus got a text from Lila saying that she arrived and is out front waiting for him. Marcus excused himself and went to get Lila. Marcus greeted Lila who smiled at seeing Marcus and after signing her up, Lila went to put her shoes and her things in locker and follow Marcus down to hall and into the room where Master Tyson was waiting. 

Marcus: Lila, allow me to introduce you to my former martial arts teacher, Master Tyson. Master this is my friend Lila Bianca. 

Master Tyson: Why hello there young lady. I am Tyson master of this dojo but I see you already know that. 

Lila: It's to meet you Master Tyson. I look forward to your teachings. Marcus showed me a few of his fighting styles but I would like to learn from the master himself who taught him. 

Master Tyson: Anything for a friend of my former student. Marcus was one of my brightest students, headstrong, focus, never looses concentration, always follows his heart and help those around him. Many of my former students looked up to him and even taught some of them himself.

Lila: Really?

Marcus: Yea all of them learned a lot of what I taught them in the end they all improved well. Soon you will do the same Lila. 

Lila: I hope so. 

Master Tyson: Have you had some experiences with fighting?

Lila: Well I do know a little bit with hand to hand combat but thats mostly what I know.

Master Tyson: Not to worry we will take things slow and then we will go into the real training just like my new students doing just a while ago. 

Lila: Thank you, master. Would it be all right if Marcus stayed.

Marcus: Lila I am staying and besides I would like to see the new students learn the ways of the warrior just like Master Tyson. 

Master Tyson: Well my students are on their break so they wont be back for a while but in the mean time care to do some yoga lessons with me and Marcus. 

Lila: Sure. 

Marcus: Then let us begin shall we. 

Master Tyson: A good yoga helps with calming the minds of the warrior and relaxes stress and tired muscles. 

The three of them started to do yoga which Lila followed what Master Tyson and Marcus were doing and lets just say she was feeling calm and relaxation when she is doing the yoga from the masters.

After 15 minutes of doing yoga later, the students came back from their break and Master Tyson introduce his students to Lila who all greeted her with respect and forward training along side her with Marcus at her side who will be helping the students just like his former classmates who graduated from Master Tyson's school. When everyone got settled, Tyson went to do some basic martial arts hand movements where everyone in the room followed his movements and Lila was pleased that Master Tyson was taking things slow so that way she can focus more before she can do the bigger steps. 

Master Tyson: HA! HA! HEYYAAA!

Students and Lila: HA! HA! HEYAAA!

Master Tyson: Good! Again!

Students and Lila: HA! HA! HEYAA!

Marcus: These guys remind me of my classmates years ago and it looks Lila is doing well so far.(Marcus saids in thought)

Marcus watches Tyson teach the students the steps of punching, kicking, as well as dodging attacks where he asked two students to perform a demonstration and Lila who sat down with the others watch the two students fight each other and learn some interesting fighting styles that could help Lila improve herself. 

Lila: They are amazing. 

Student: You think thats amazing wait until you see them with nunchucks. 

Lila: Nunchucks?

Student: Oh yea we also have train in using weapons but nothing too dangerous like swords and knives just some normal and none threatening. Oh sorry my name is Mai Taylor, I'm from California. 

Lila: Nice to meet you Mai. So how long have you been coming here?

Mai: I been coming here for nearly four months now though still got a lot to learn but don't worry Master Tyson's lessons are easy though some will get hard but you will have some help. 

Lila: Thank you. 

Mai: By the way is that guy standing next to Master Tyson your boyfriend because he's kind of cute and very handsome.

Lila: W..what? Oh no no no Marcus isn't that...we just met couple days ago he's my friend well my first and true friend. He's Master Tyson's former student.

Mai: Really! Oh wow I would like to know what styles of fighting he mastered with Tyson. 

Lila: He showed me a couple of his moves though not all of them interiorly. 

Mai: I would like to see them with my own eyes. So what made you wanna join this school?

Lila: Things went bad back home in Italy which I don't like to talk about in which the only one who knows about it is Marcus. Anyway I came here because I want to learn how to defend myself since there in crime running around the streets and I don't want to feel defenseless if a mugger attacks me out of nowhere.

Mai: I feel you, I heard all about that stuff on the news. 

Lila: And that is why I want to learn martial arts, I can't stand to see so many good people getting hurt or worse. 

Mai: Yea and the police hardly do their jobs right and not to mention Ladybug and Cat Noir. I know they are heroes but why don't they help other people who are endanger. I know Akuma's are a problem but what about the crime happening in streets. Don't they know that innocent people are getting hurt and some well I don't want to say those things because they still creep me out, it wouldn't hurt if they did some more good around here. 

Lila: Both me and Marcus agree on that. This city needs more heroes and heroes who would do anything to keep innocent people safe. 

Mai: If I see some new heroes helping others in this city. The first thing I am going to say is hey those guys are true heroes and they actually care about the people of Paris. 

Lila: Hehehe. 

Mai: Though that would be something amazing to see. New York already has the United Heroez who actually defend the innocents from both super villains and criminals but here Ladybug and Cat Noir only focus on Akuma's and nobody else. Sooner or later people will start doubting them and ask where were you when I was almost shot, killed, robbed, mugged, and so on. 

Lila: She's right this city does need new heroes.(Lila saids in thought)

After hours later Master Tyson taught the students more styles of fighting techniques with Marcus helping and the students were amazed of seeing Marcus's fighting styles that made some of the girls in class blush though Lila got jealous until she blushed seeing Marcus's muscles under his shirt. Soon the lessons came to an end and it was 2:30 pm and classes end at that time. 

Master Tyson: You all did well, remember a true warriors fighting spirit comes from within never forget that. 

Students and Lila: Yes master!

Master Tyson: Remember your training and always focus and learn only then you will achieve a great goal. 

Students and Lila: We will Master Tyson!

Master Tyson: Class has now ended you may go home and enjoy your day. 

The students and Lila bowed to their master and headed out to leave while Lila stayed with Marcus and Tyson of which Lila wanted to thank Tyson for the lessons and look forward to coming back for more sessions. 

Master Tyson: So how did you enjoy your first class Lila?

Lila: I enjoyed a lot master, thank you. I look forward to learning more.

Master Tyson: Wonderful, she has a good heart Marcus. She is bound to be great.

Marcus: I know she is master. 

Master Tyson: Remember to keep practicing as well as do some yoga it will help clam your mind of all things. 

Lila: I will Master Tyson. 

Master Tyson: Splendid, see you in next class. 

Lila: You too. 

Lila and Marcus got their things and headed and waved bye to Master Tyson who was closing up the school. Marcus then treated Lila to some lunch and both went to the park to relax and enjoy the day while the sun was out. 

Lila: Sigh...this is relaxing.

Marcus: Sure is nothing like having a good lunch on a bright sunny day. 

Lila: Thanks again for signing me up for martial arts class, everyone there was so nice even Master Tyson. 

Marcus: He's a good teacher and a good friend. 

Lila: How long have you trained there?

Marcus: For the past 3 years, I even beat Master Tyson twice in row when it was time for the master and student to face each other. 

Lila: You actually beat him?

Marcus: Sure did even though he fought valiantly but I got the upper hand and defeated him. Master Tyson is a wise and gifted man Lila. I wouldn't be the man I am if it wasn't for his training. 

Lila: You think I can be like that.

Marcus: It's a leap of faith Lila. Follow your instincts and they will help guide you on your path to greatness just like me. 

Lila: You know I think I will. 

Marcus: Speaking of which, I think we should test out more of our powers. Now that we know about how the webbing and climbing the wars as well as the leaping agility. I think we should test out how strong we are. 

Lila: How do we do that?

Marcus: I think I know a place where we can test out our other abilities. 

After finishing their lunches Marcus took Lila to an abandoned junkyard filled with abandoned and old cars along with broken down ships that haven't been used in years making it the perfect place to test out their powers and to avoid attention from others since no one haven't been to the junkyard in a long time. 

Lila: A junkyard?

Marcus: Yea this is where we can test out our strength, nobody uses this place in years so there's hardly anyone around here. There is a lot of things we can use to test out our powers. Hope you don't mind getting your hands dirty. 

Lila: I don't mind but I'm wearing gloves anyway.(Lila saids and puts on some gloves)

Marcus: Alright lets test out how strong we are. 

Marcus looks around and spots a beat-up car and went over to it and using all of his strength he began to lift the car over his head with ease and didn't feel it was heavy because thanks to his super strength he can lift things heavy them him.

(Replace spidey with Marcus holding the car)

Marcus: Wow I am strong! Lila are you seeing this. 

Lila: Amazing. 

Marcus: When I'm holding this it doesn't feel heavy. I wonder...whoah! I am holding it with one hand now! Okay now I can see that I am really strong though I wonder what else I can hold with this strength. 

Lila: Oh let me try!

Lila looks around and found a school bus in which she smirks and places her hands under the bus and lifts it under her head with ease.

Lila: Holly crap! I can lift a bus! 

Marcus: Awesome, but check this out I holding two street busses with both hands!(Marcus saids while holding two big busses with both hands)

Lila: I'm going to the boat next!

Marcus: I'm gonna try the old tug boat. 

Marcus and Lila began to lift so many heavy vehicles and ships that they release that they are incredibly strong and when Lila accidentally threw a metal pole at Marcus he didn't feel a thing because he just figured out that he had impervious skin and so does Lila when she tried to cut herself and nothing happened. They even tried out their webbing strengths. Marcus remember that spiders can carry things heavier in their webs so Marcus did just that and webbing up a least four cars and handed them from the web and it didn't snap. 

Marcus: All right we can shoot webs from our wrists, climb walls, leap with great distance, our reflexes upgraded, we both have super human strength, impervious skin which is awesome, our webs can hold anything, though I think we are missing something else.

Lila: What would that be? 

Marcus: I don't know I can't put my finger on it. 

Lila: Hey Marcus think fast!(Lila saids as she throws a car at Marcus)

Marcus all of sudden felt a tingle sensation from his spine and he sensed it coming to him.


Marcus: WHOAH!(Marcus saids as he did a back flip and landed on the ground)

Lila: Nice flip. 

Marcus: I think I just discovered our other ability. Lila when you threw that car at me all of sudden I felt a tingling coming from my spine like it was warning me of danger. 

Lila: Really. 

Marcus: Yea, I think that was the spider sense just like the doctor said back at the exhibit. 

Lila: Ooh that might come in handy. If danger ever comes our spider sense will alert us.

Marcus: Exactly. 

Lila: You know all this testing our powers is making me a little tired. 

Marcus: All right lets head back to my place before somebody actually come because we did make some noise with the car lifting and throwing. 

Lila: Good idea. 

As soon as the two arrived back at the penthouse, Lila kicked off her shoes and relaxed on the couch to watch some television while Marcus went to work on something in his designing office. Marcus was thinking on making something for him and Lila like some suits but not just any suits, super suits. Marcus took out a sketch book and some color markers and pencils and went to work on some costume ideas.

After so many ideas of coming up with the best suit, Marcus thought about the colors of the spiders that bit him and Lila and the idea came to his head and he went to sketch out the suits and they were coming out the way he wanted them to be. While he was finishing up Lila came in and went to see what Marcus was working on.

Lila: Whats you doing?

Marcus: Oh just something for us to wear, what do you think?(Marcus saids and shows Lila the design)

Lila: Like no I love it. Looks like Paris better get ready because there is some new heroes coming to town. 

Marcus: Indeed. 

Lila: We should call ourselves something so people would know who we are and what we do. 

Marcus: What do you have in mind?

Lila: The human spiders.

Marcus: Uhhh......yea no.

Lila: Well what do you have in mind?

Marcus:....Spider-Man. Spider-Man and Spider-Girl.

Lila: Spider-Man and Spider-Girl. Hmm catchy names , I like it. 

Marcus: And hows about this for a team name. The Amazing SpiderLings.

Lila: Ooh I like that. How long will it take to make the suits?

Marcus: I am going to be using many different fabrics that are a strong, flame proof, bullet proof, okay lets just say everything proof. It will probably take at least a day or two. 

Lila: I see. I can wait. In the mean time...would you like to watch a movie with me.(Lila saids while blushing)

Marcus: Sure and I will make the popcorn. 

Lila: And I'll pick the movie!(Lila saids and goes to find a movie)

Marcus: Paris better get ready because there are two new heroes coming and are going to kick some serious asses. 

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