Chapter 3: Big change!

Morning came over Paris, Lila who was on the floor in her bedroom woke up from a weird dream and started to get up from the floor and rub her eyes together in which she couldn't recall of what happened after she got home from museum until it came to her that she and Marcus were bitten by two spiders and started to feel dizzy and sweating a lot until everything went dark. 

Lila: head, felt like I just got hit by a train. What time is it? 

Lila checked her clock on her phone in which was 9:00 am in the morning and after checking the time she decided to get dressed but stoping to look herself in the mirror and saw something that shocked her. 

Lila: I HAVE ABS?! I don't remember working out. Whoah, where did these muscles come from? I don't remember being taller, I was just 5/8 yesterday. Did I hit puberty again?

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Lila: Wow...just wow....I look good! 

Knock! Knock!

Ms.Bianca: Lila? 

Lila: Uh yea mom?

Ms.Bianca: Are you all right? 

Lila: Uh...I'm fine. More than fine I look great. 

Ms.Bianca: Any better this morning? Any change?

Lila: Change? Yep, big change. 

Ms.Bianca: Well all right then, I am going to work now and I left you some breakfast on the table. 

Lila: Thanks mom. 

Ms.Bianca: See you soon sweetie and don't forget about your online classes. 

Lila: I won't. 

As soon as Lila's mother left, Lila came out of her room and ate the breakfast her mother made her and took a shower and started to work on her online classes that Marcus asked her to take instead of going to an actual school. While she was working on the assignments that were given, she couldn't help about what happened to her and why her body changed and decided to call Marcus and asked him what he knows.

Marcus(Phone): Lila?

Lila: Hey Marcus, I am calling to see how you doing and did you by any chance experience a sudden change when you woke up?

Marcus(Phone): You mean for the fact that I woke up looking like a muscular athlete and my reflexes are acting different then yes I did experience I sudden change. Here look at this I once had six pack just yesterday and now I have a ten pack I mean I don't know how or where I got it but for some reason my whole body feels awesome.(Marcus saids and sends Lila a picture of himself)

As soon as Lila saw the picture her whole face turned shades of red and had a small nose bleed but shrugged it off and saw the changes that Marcus was talking about. 

Lila: Uh...I see what you mean.(Whisper)......OH MY GOSH HE LOOKS SO HOT!!!!❤️ 

Marcus(Phone): Yea this is strange at least we didn't die, I thought we would end up dead from those bites from those two spiders that bit us. Tell me what changes you have experienced?

Lila: After I woke up today, I saw myself in the mirror and get this I was once 5/8 inches tall and now I am 6 inches tall and I too gain some muscles and I got abs. Marcus I don't know whats going on. 

Marcus(Phone): Hey calm down, once we finish doing our assignments for online classes let's meet up and see what the changes are. 

Lila: Ok. 

Marcus(Phone): I will see you soon. 

Lila: You too. 

With Marcus ever since he woke up looking different then before he couldn't help but feel excited but still should talk to Lila about what happened back at the museum. Surely they both didn't die from the spider bites but for some reason Marcus thinks that the spiders might have done something to them that made them look more different than any other human being. He shrugged off the ideas for later and went back to what he was doing best, his online classes and his ring designs in which he got a commission from a (GADESIGNERFRANCE) on his website who is asking for two silver rings with a butterfly pattern and wants the outer rim of the ring to glow a purplish color. 

Marcus: Never done a glow in dark rings before, oh well at least I will get paid for it. Time to put my designing skills to the test. 

Marcus began to watch some videos of how people can make glow in dark rings in which he figured out what to use to make them and began to work on the rings design starting with the ring itself which he melted down plain silver coins. Then after he got the metal flat he began to use his tools to forge the ring into a circle followed by smashing some moonstone that he found with his dad on his camping trip. Using the moonstone will help create a glowing texture to the outer rim of the ring but not before mixing it with some some purple azure then added some aqua glow powder to add to the mixture. While mixing all these together it started to create a purplish glow color in which Marcus was pleased with and began to start making the designs of the ring which were the butterfly pattern so by using his cutting machine he was able to create the shapes of the butterfly and placed them on the outer rim of the ring and used a small torch to have the pieces come together. Once the ring was finished and polished, Marcus began to add the purplish glow to the outer rim of the ring and after he dried he took the to a polisher to make the ring look more shinier then before and did a test to see if the glowing was right.

Marcus: Sigh...finished and it took me at least an hour which is good and the glowing texture came out beautifully. The next thing is to packaged the ring and deliver it to the customer. But I also have to see Lila so we can talk about our sudden change. The costumer saids he wants the ring by tomorrow so that is good news because since I am finished I can do whatever I want for the time being. I already finished my assignments since I am getting straight A's in everything might as well go see Lila. 

Marcus soon left his penthouse and texted Lila to meet him at a small cafe so they can talk and see what is going with them after the spider bites. They met up at Le Consulat and ordered some food for lunch and talked about what is going on with them.

Marcus: So any other changes you encountered yet?

Lila: Well while I was walking out of my home all of sudden I felt some kind of chill down my spine and the next I know I did a high back flip and landed on my two feet in which a guy with bike was coming from behind me and I was almost hit if I didn't you know.

Marcus: Really? 

Lila: I don't know how I did it but it felt like it was telling me to do it. I mean I took gymnastics for two years back in Italy back I could next do a high backflip. How about you?

Marcus: Well besides getting muscles and all of sudden my reflexes increased and not just that but when I was using the bathroom sink all of sudden when I went to turn the water off the while handle of the sink broke off like literally broke off.

Lila: You mean you ripped the whole sink off.

Marcus: The entire sink came out and I held it in one hand but when I tried to let go of it, the sink was somehow stuck to my hand. 

Lila: Are you serious?

Marcus: You damn right I am serious, now I have to call a guy in to replace the bathroom sink. 

Lila: This couldn't get any weirder. 

Marcus: I am sure we can figure this out for the time being let's enjoy our lunch. 

Lila: Hey do you have an extra fork, they didn't give me one. 

Marcus: Yea sure here.

Lila: Um Marcus.....

Marcus: Yea?

Lila: The fork is stuck to your hand.

Marcus: Oh geez.

When Marcus was grabbed the fork off his hand all of sudden there was something sticky coming from Marcus's wrist in which both him and Lila looked to see it was some kind of web string. Both of them gasp in shock of what they saw.

Marcus: Ok that is freaky right there. 

Lila: Is that coming out of your wrist?!

Marcus: It would appear so. It almost looks like a spider web?

Lila: Maybe because it is. 

Marcus pulled off the fork from the web but then Marcus did some kind of hand trick and another web shot out and landed on Lila's drink that made both of them gasp again in shock.

Lila: How did you do that?

Marcus: I..I don't know. 

Lila: Ok let's just finish our food and go somewhere so that no one can see us and get rid of the webs because it could draw attention.

Marcus: Uh right. 

After finishing their food and cleaning up the webs, both Lila and Marcus headed somewhere to be alone but not before they were jumped by a thug with a knife in his hands and was pointing his weapon at the two of them.

Thug: Well well what do we have here a happy couple strolling threw the streets. 

Marcus: We're not a couple dip-shit.

Thug: Listen I don't give a shit just hand over your wallets and no one gets hurt. 

Lila: Marcus....

Thug: Hey you got a nice pair of legs there sweet-cheats hows about you and I get to know each other. 

Lila: Don't touch me!

Thug: Ooh sassy I like that. 

When the thug was about to touch Lila again all of sudden an arm grabbed him and looked to see Marcus giving the thug a death glare followed by feeling his arm bending back and feeling it was going to break. 

Thug: Hey hey take it easy man...

Marcus: Take your god damn hands off of her. Scum like you make me sick.

(Just imagined Marcus punching the thug and instead of food it's a car)

Marcus delivered a hard punch to the guy that he went flying back and hit into a car that knocked him out cold leaving Marcus in awe while Lila jaw drooping of what he saw Marcus just did. 

Marcus: Whoah...

Lila: Marcus saved me.

Marcus: Yea I did. 

Lila: Thank you!(Lila saids and hugs Marcus)

Marcus: Sure but seriously did you see how I punch that guy.

Lila: That was some punch. Come on let's go into the alleyway where it's quiet before someone see's us. 

Marcus: Yea right. 

When they got into the alleyway and looked to see that they were a lone both Marcus and Lila were trying to process what just happened until the idea came to their head.

Marcus: Lila I think I know what's going on with us.

Lila: What is it?

Marcus: You remember when Ms.Damon told us about those 15 design super spiders.

Lila: Yea.

Marcus: Well when I think those two spiders that bit us were the missing super spiders since there was about 13 of them in the tanks so I get the feeling that those spiders must of changed some of our DNA. 

Lila: English please.

Marcus: We have super spider DNA in our bodies. It's the only explanation, how our bodies changed, the webbing coming from our wrist wait can you shoot webs out of your wrist Lila?

WRIP!(Lila shoots out a web)

Lila: Uh yea I can....

Marcus: Our bodies change, we can shoot webs from our wrist, also gain incredible strength though still don't how much we gain, and also we have these hair coming out of our hands.

Lila: Oh my gosh that is so gross?!

Marcus: Wait I wonder...

Lila: Marcus?

Marcus: Lila follow my lead, I just want to see something and it is real or not.

Lila: Ok. 

Marcus and Lila looked at the wall behind them in which Marcus placed his hand on it and it stuck then did the same thing to the other hand. Lila saw what Marcus was doing and did the same thing and by now both of them were climbing up the wall like a spider.

Marcus and Lila: No way...oh my god no way.(Both said in thought while excited)

The minute they both stopped and looked at each other, both of them had huge grins on their faces and the next thing you see is them leaping from building to building in joy.

Marcus and Lila: WHOO-HOO!!!!



Lila: WHOO-HOO!!

As soon as Lila and Marcus landed on the next building that looked down and saw that there was no where else to jump since the other buildings were on the other side. Marcus then came up with a crazy and yet stupid idea. 

Lila: Uh wanna take the stairs. 

Marcus: Hang on I want to try something. 

Lila: What are you...oh my god you're not thinking about what you are thinking?

Marcus: How did it go again?

Marcus tried to shoot out the web like he did before in which he tried so many hand styles that gave Lila a good laugh until one in particular made the web come out of his wrist. Marcus pressed the two fingers to his wrist and the next he saw was a web coming out. 

Marcus: I think I just found out how the webs come out. 

Lila: Well that's good. 

Marcus: Yup, now for a test run. I just need something to lash on.

Lila: What about that crane over there. 

Marcus: Perfect. Just need to a good long shot.

Lila: You got it!

Marcus: Yup and its holding strong which is good. 

Lila: Uh Marcus even though what you did is cool I don't think it is wise to do something this extreme.(Lila saids while looking at Marcus who is going to do a swing off the building)

Marcus didn't listen and just took his mark and waited until he closed his eyes for a second then jumped off the building while hanging onto the web. 

Marcus: Tallyho.....AAAAAHHHHHHH! 



BAM!(Marcus hits the wall)

Lila: OOH! That's gotta hurt....

Marcus: Well...that went least the web is strong.....(Marcus saids in thought then slides down the wall he just hit)

Lila: I'm taking the stairs.(Lila saids in thought then goes down to meet up with Marcus on the other side)

Lila checked on Marcus in which he was perfectly fine though would need some time working on how to swing on webs and master his abilities same goes for Lila herself. After what they experienced they needed a break so they spend the whole day hanging out with each other until the sun was setting over the city. Lila received a text from her mother that she is home and making dinner and she thought maybe it would be a good chance for Marcus to meet Lila's mom and offered him to have dinner since he didn't have dinner yet. Marcus didn't mind dinner at Lila's place and would like to meet Ms.Bianca in person. 

Lila: Hi mom, I'm home!

Ms.Bianca: In the kitchen sweetie. 

Lila: Oh and I brought a guest over hope you don't mind. 

Ms.Bianca: It's quite all right sweetie as long as he or she is hungry.

Lila: It's a he and yes he is hungry.

Lila and Marcus came into the dinning room where Marcus looks to see a woman making dinner in which was Ms.Bianca herself and she looked lovely. 

Lila: Mom, this is my new friend Marcus. Marcus this is my mom.

Marcus: It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am. 

Ms.Bianca: Nice to meet you too, Marcus. Why don't you and Lila get settled while I finish up the food, hope you don't mind pasta Marcus.

Marcus: Ooh not at all, I do enjoy pasta very much. 

Ms.Bianca: That's great to know. So where did you my daughter meet?

Lila: We've met two days ago during well you know when I get expelled from that school.

Ms.Bianca: Yes I know though it was nice of you to tell those kids the truth Lila, you are not that awful man who I wish I have never married in the first place. At least I can see that you are doing better and made yourself a friend here already. 

Lila: Thanks, mom.

Ms.Bianca: So Marcus tell me about yourself. What do you do for a living?

Marcus: Well like Lila I too do online classes and I'm a professional ring designer. I crafted rings based off my own designs and get commissions from customers who would want me to design a ring for them in which I get paid for them. My parents own a bakery who are the best bakeries in Paris and my sister goes to the school that Lila mentioned. I used to live with my folks but I decided to move out and get my own place since I am more mature to live on my own. I got good friends who I will introduce Lila too so that she can get to know them and become friends. 

Ms.Bianca: That sounds wonderful and I wouldn't mind stopping by your parents bakery and try some of their pastries. 

Marcus: The bakery is right next to the school. 

Ms.Bianca: Oh Lila I am thinking of signing you up for material arts class.

Lila: Why's that?

Marcus: I think I know why. Besides there being a super villain in Paris there is also thieves, thugs, and murderers in the streets and your mother wants you to learn how to defend yourself in case you ever get mugged by those guys. 

Lila: Like that one who jumped us today?

Ms.Bianca: What?!

Lila: Yea...a thug jumped us and wanted our wallets and held a knife in front of us but Marcus stepped in and defended me mom. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.

Marcus: It's true, kick the crap out the guy before he could touch Lila.

Ms.Bianca: Oh thank goodness...

Marcus: Taking martial art classes sounds like a good idea Lila, I should know I take them as well. If you want I can teach how to defend and fight like me so that if you ever get into trouble you can use the fighting techniques to keep you safe.

Lila: You would do that for me.

Marcus: Of course I will. You're my friend Lila.(Marcus saids that made Lila smile and blush)

Lila: Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to learn martial arts.

Ms.Bianca: Well before that happens hows about some food, the pasta is ready.

Marcus: This looks good, thank you ma'am.

Ms.Bianca: Why thank you. 

The pasta was delicious and Marcus enjoyed it a lot which made Lila smile that her friends enjoys her mothers cooking and offered ice cream for dessert and Marcus couldn't say no to that and after they all finished and help clean the dishes, night soon came and Marcus thought it was time to head back home. 

Marcus: Thank you so much for the dinner it was delicious.

Lila: I am happy that you liked it Marcus.

Marcus: See you tomorrow all right for martial art classes. 

Lila: You too but before you go I just want to give you something.

Marcus: What would that be?

💋(Lila saids and kisses Marcus on the cheek)

Lila: A thank you for saving my life and for being so kind to me.(Lila saids while blushing)

Marcus: Hehehe you are quite welcome. Good night.(Marcus saids then leaves)

Lila: Good night, Marcus. 

Ms.Bianca: He seems like a nice boy. 

Lila: Yea....

Ms.Bianca: Just make sure he uses protection ok sweetie. I don't think I'm ready to be a grandmother just yet.(Ms.Bianca saids that made Lila's whole head turn red)

Lila: MOM?!!!!!😳 It's not like that we're just friends!

Ms.Bianca: I don't know that kiss didn't seem like it. 

Lila: It was a friendly kiss mom! 

Ms.Bianca: Sure what ever you say sweetie. 

Lila: This is so embarrassing. 

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