Chapter 2: Just had a bite!
The next day came and Marcus who was waiting outside the school where his sisters goes was outside the classroom where inside Lila was telling everyone the truth in which Marcus heard screaming, as well as why Lila lied to them until Lila gave out the information to them about why she did it and soon the classroom was quiet and soon everyone except Marinette looked up the information about what Lila said and many of them gasped in shock in horror of what happened to her and felt pity for her. Once Lila was done the principal said she was expelled from school since she did lie about the things she said to the school but was allowed to come on the trip with the class to visit the science museum in which Lila excepted and made her decision to take online classes like Marcus.
Marcus: How did it go?
Lila: I was expelled kind of had that coming. I called my mom up and told her everything in which she understands what I did and plans to have me do online classes at another school.
Marcus: It's for the best.
Lila: All of them were ashamed of what I did yesterday but your friends Nathaniel and Marc felt pity for me and were thinking of giving me a chance. The others looked up the information about what happened to me with my ex father and the look on their faces means that they also felt pity for me but I decided to just hangout with people who can really understand what I am going through.
Marcus: But the time they will forget everything and move onto something more impressive and shiny.
Lila: The only one who didn't look up information was your sister.
Marcus: Figures. She and I never really see eye to eye. I am sure she will come around eventually if not then thats her problem.
Lila: I was however allowed to go on a school field trip but after that I am done with this place.
Marcus: Where you going?
Lila: A science museum. Hey I was wondering if you wanna come a long....if you want.
Marcus: I don't see why not I just finished my assignments and I got no ring commissions so I practically free.
Lila: Thank you Marcus.
Marcus: No problem. Just between you and me this school is filled with wack jobs especially the principal. He hides a costume of an owl inside his office and goes out pretending to be a superhero.
Lila: Pfff...really.
Marcus: Yup and there is even videos about him doing hero work in which many people found him ridiculous.
Lila: I might have to watch them and see for myself.
After a while the school bus arrived to pick up the students and the one chaperoning the students was the science teacher Ms.Olga Mendeleiev who was the school's science teacher of which was someone Marcus can have a normal conversation with. Marcus met her two years ago and the two of them got along quite well especially talking about different species of animals as well as science stuff.
Olga: Alright class we are going to the science museum and I except all of you to behave and stay close and no wondering off. Any questions? No very well then all of you get on the bus and take your seats.(Olga saids as the students get on the bus)
Marcus: Hello again Ms.Mendeleiev.
Olga: Hm? Oh Mr.Dupain Cheng it's been a while, I didn't know you were coming along.
Marcus: I was invited hope you don't mind.
Olga: Not at all, I always enjoyed your company. I don't understand why my students can't be someone like you. Smart, intelligent as well as shows respect towards others.
Marcus: If you ask me I think they need to see a therapist.
Olga: Indeed. Well, shall we get going, I heard there is a new exhibit at the museum.(Olga saids ands gets on the bus)
Marcus: Interesting.
Lila: You two know each other?
Marcus: I met her two years ago, we have a share for science. Unlike some people.
Lila: If I ever get science for my online classes would you mind helping me.
Marcus: Sure not at all.
Lila: Thanks Marcus.
Once on the bus, Marcus and Lila took a seat next to each other while on the other side Marinette sat with Alya who was eyeing the two and was getting suspicious and not liking who is sitting next to her brother.
Alya: Girl you good?
Marinette: Sorry just distracted.
Alya: If this is about Lila I get you that she lied to us even me in which I had to delete the post on the LadyBlog but you have to see the reason she did those things because of what her psychotic father did to her and her mother. I mean I never knew someone who has lost their job would go on a crazy rampage and do awful things. I am already getting chills down my spine.
Marinette: You don't seriously believe any of that is true don't you?
Alya: Well if you don't believe it try looking it up and see for yourself. I mean it was on the news months ago.
Marinette: I don't need to because I still think she is lying.
Alya: Try saying that to your brother, I can tell he probably knew all along before we did.
Marinette: If knew he would have told me.
Alya: You two hardly talk at all, ever since Adrien came to school you and your brother hardly see each other or have conversations. The only time he talks to you is when you are late for school and you forget things at home.
Marinette: Has it really been that way?(Marinette saids in thought)
Alya: If he knew about Lila and what happened to her would you believe him or not?
Marinette: I um......well....
Alya: Sigh....I will take that as a no. It seems like your brother wants to help Lila move past her fears and forget about her past. It seems to be helping her become someone better and got to admit I never knew that was her real hair and eye color and I never knew she would look good in blue. I always thought orange was her favorite color?
Marinette: I will talk to Marcus and ask him myself.(Marinette saids in thought)
On the other side Marcus and Lila were having a conversation about the new exhibit at the science museum and were thinking of many ideas of what it could be and they weren't the only ones but also Max who was the brains of the school who built his artificial robot with intelligence was excited to know as well as Olga. After driving couple blocks later the bus came to a stop and parked in front of the museum itself.
Olga: Here we are class, The Science and Industry Museum. Our tour guide will be showing us the new exhibit at the museum where they studying and creating new species of animals. Please would give your attention to Scientist Ms.Damon.
Ms.Damon: Greetings students of Dupont, I am Ms.Damon and I welcome you all to the Science and Industry museum in which soon I will be taking all of you to our new exhibit that we have here in which we are developing new species. If you have any questions please ask.
Max: Um yes what kind of species are we talking about ma'am?
Ms.Damon: Spiders.(Damon in which everyone except Lila and Marcus as well as Olga got shivers down their spine because spider creep them out)
Marcus: Ooh things just got interesting.
Lila: You like spiders?
Marcus: Fall for better than a ladybug. True some spiders are venous but there are some who caught my interest especially how each one comes in different shapes and colors.
Lila: Hehehe. Which one is your favorite?
Marcus: I had to go with the jumping spider. They are small, adorable and especially when give you a small little hand shake. I saw a guy on YouTube on did a finger handshake with a jumping spider and it got so many views.
Lila: I might have to see one to find out.
Marcus: Here I got picture of one jumping.
Lila: is cute and tiny!
Marcus: Told you.
Ms.Damon: Now if you all would follow me and I will show you what we scientist have created. You may take pictures but no flash Photography is required and do not touch the specimens they are very important.
Inside Ms.Damon was showing the students the many different spider species pictures on the walls and what they all can do in which Max along with Olga wrote down notes for each species while the others were bored but Marcus and Lila listened to the what Damon was saying and didn't mind a lesson on the spider species. Soon Damon took the class and teacher to the labs where the scientists are working on the development of new species of spider. Max was fan-girling over the technology he was seeing while Olga was admiring the spiders that were being shown.
Ms.Damon: There are over 32,000 know species of spider in the world. They're in the order Araneae which is divided into 3 subjects. Arachnids from all 3 groups possess varying strengths which help them in their constant search for food. For example, the Delena spider, family Sparassidae, has the ability to jump to catch its prey.
Marcus(Whisper): Imagined if that spider landed on Chloe it would totally freak her out.
Lila(Whisper): I would laugh so hard to see that spider land on that blonde bimbo.
Ms.Damon: Next, we have the net web spider, family Filisatatidae, genus Kukuclania. It spins an intricate funnel-shaped web whose strands have a tensile strength proportionatley equal to the type of high-tension wires use in bridges.
Marcus: That is one strong little arachnid.(Marcus saids while watching the spider carry the food in the spider web)
Lila: I still don't how the web isn't even breaking?
Marcus: They must of have a tough web.
Ms.Damon: This grass spider, using a set of reflexes with nerve conduction velocity so fast that some researchers believe it almost borders on precognition, an early awareness of danger. A spider-sense.
Max: So it's like a tingle threw the spine.
Ms.Damon: That is correct, whenever danger is around the little hairs on their backs will stick up and it will form an alert signaling them that danger is nearby. Something like we all have.
Max/Olga: Interesting.(Both said in thought and wrote down more notes)
The other students went to see the other spiders in which Marinette and Alya came upon one but couldn't see it because the only thing inside was a large yellow flower.
Alya: I don't see anything in this one?
Marinette: Maybe they are working on it in the lab?
Marcus: If you two used your eyes more you can see that the spider is on the leaf right there. Its completely camouflage.
Nino: Whoah I didn't see that? I thought the tank was emptied?
Marcus: What you are looking at is a chameleon spider. Some species of spiders can change their color to blend into their environment to avoid attention. And it makes the prey more easy to catch.
Adrien: How do you know so much?
Marcus: I read a lot and took science classes in middle school.
Nino: All right what is the most dangerous spider dude?
Marcus: That would be the Australian Funnel Web Spider. Close relative to the black widow spider, these species of spider have venom packed with 40 different toxic proteins capable of killing a human though no reports have mentioned any deaths since the 80s.
Nino: Dude remind me not to go to Australia.
Ayla: Hey that one looks like a ladybug!
Marinette: I never knew a spider like this existed?
Adrien: It does look like a ladybug though shaped like a spider.
Marcus: What you got there is a LadyBird.
Lila: LadyBird?
Marcus: Small spiders that are not fatal to humans but their toxic reactions can cause a wide range of severity. However the toxins are typically targeted at their prey and predators.
Alya: Oh that little guy is definitely going on the LadyBlog. Smile little spider and say cheese for the LadyBlog.(Alya saids and takes a picture of the LadyBird)
Ms.Damon: Over 5 painstaking years, Columbia's genetic research facility has discovered the genetic code of each spider species. With these DNA blueprints, we have begun wha was once thought impossible. And with the transfer of RNA to encode an entirely new genome combing the genetic information from all 3 into these 15 genetically designed super-spiders.(Damon saids while showing everyone the new spider species)
Max: actually there's 13 of them here.
Ms.Damon: I beg your pardon?
Max: Two are missing.
Unknown to everyone, two spiders were hanging on a web in which one had a red back with black stripes and the other one was blue with glowing legs.
Ms.Damon: I guess the researchers are still working on those two.
Lila(Whispers): Super-spiders?
Marcus(Whispers): I am still listening to it. Combing 3 different species into one thats actually new to me. Though what makes them super, do they have a little red cape and a mask?
Lila(Whisper): Are they faster than a speeding bullet?
Marcus(Whisper): More powerful than a locomotive?
Lila(Whisper): It's a bird.
Marcus(Whisper): It's a plane.
Lila and Marcus(Whisper): It's Super-Spider. Hehehehe.
Olga: Now this is definitely something to study more about. How are these species created?
Ms.Damon: Oh I was about to show you all the lab of where we break down the code of the different species of spider, if you all would just follow me.
Marcus: Hey Lila, hows about I take your picture with the new spiders.
Lila: Really. Where do you want me? Over here on the right side?
Marcus: Perfect, now just hold still and smile for the camera.
Lila: Don't make look embarrassed.
Marcus: Heh, like thats impossible.
Marcus: Perfect, I do couple more just in case some of them don't turn out right.(Marcus saids while taking some pictures with his phone)
While Marcus was taking pictures of Lila with the spiders, the two unknown spiders above them were sliding down from a web string and going towards both Lila and Marcus while they are distracted.
Lila: Hehehe should do poses to make the pictures look more interesting.
Marcus: What are you a model or something?
Lila: Hehehe. I could be or I could be something else.
Marcus: Though if you do pick something to be, let be something exciting and not make believe.
Lila: I will try.
Soon the two spiders landed on both Lila and Marcus's hand while they weren't looking and when the teacher called for them all of sudden the two spiders on their hands took a bite on each of them that left both Lila and Marcus in a gasp of pain.
Marcus and Lila: Ah!
Both Lila and Marcus looked down and saw the two spiders escaping from them in which both were shocked of the spiders they were seeing with their own eyes. When the spiders vanished from their site, both of them looked to see two bite marks on their hands.
Lila: Marcus...tell me you didn't see those spiders right.
Marcus: I saw them...and one bit me.
Lila: Same goes for don't think they could know.
Marcus: I hope those things weren't venomous.
Lila: How long does it take for the venom to take affect?
Marcus: Days, weeks, months, couple seconds.
Olga: Hey you two let's get going.(Olga saids to Lila and Marcus)
Marcus: I am sure it wont be nothing but keep a heads up.
Lila: I don't wanna die.....
Marcus: I sure it will pass through us...I hope.
After the tour was over, everyone went to have some lunch in which Lila and Marcus sat alone to think about what those spiders that bit them and prepare themselves for what is going to happen next. Marinette looked over to see her brother sitting with Lila and has decided to go over and talk to her brother about the conversation she had with Alya on the bus.
Marinette: Hey um Marcus....
Marcus: Yea?
Marinette: Can we talk for a minute.
Marcus: Um sure.
Marinette: Alone.
Marcus: It's going to be about Lila, figures.(Marcus saids in thought)
Marcus: I'll be right back Lila.
Lila: Take your time.
Now alone with his sister, Marinette went on about why her brother is spending time with Lila and talking to her because she still thinks she is a liar.
Marcus: The reason I'm spending with Lila because she went through something horrible in her life Marinette.
Marinette: But how do you know it's not a lie?
Marcus: Unlike you little miss goggly eyes who has obsession with Adrien, I do research and I found out of what happened to her and it's been on the news and there were people who gotten hurt and worse. Lila and her mother wanted to get away from it all and start a new life.
Marinette: I still don't trust her.
Marcus: You hardly trust anyone these days. Look I know Lila lied to you and your classmates I get that but the only reason she did those things was because her former father who is now in prison threaten her to say lies but when she met me, I am trying to help her move past her fears and give her a better life.
Marinette: How do you know you can change her?
Marcus: You can't even change Chloe and look how she turned out. A spoiled rotten bitch. Lila has been through enough pain as it is Marinette and I am going to help her rather you like it or not.
Marinette: But Marcus...
Marcus: Excuse me but whose is the older brother and who has a working brain and knows what is right or wrong. I know Lila can be better if she spent time with the right people. If only you knew what she has been through but no you decided to play judge Judy and execution.
Marinette: But when I saw her with Adrien at the park...she...
Marcus: Now you're stalking her? That's another thing she and I talked about she doesn't like Adrien never did and not to mention the guy is a big complainer who always complains about his father and nothing more.
Marinette: But she threw away his book!
Marcus: Because he was boring her with pictures of super heroes but he got it back after I got it out of the trash can. How long have you been doing this Marinette?
Marinette: Doing what?
Marcus: The stalking of Adrien. Wow now you're acting like the bug.
Marinette: You mean Ladybug?
Marcus: Still wish she would change her name. Ladybug sounds too cheesy.
Marinette: Whats wrong with my name?!(Marinette saids in thought)
Marcus: You keep on doing this act Marinette and sooner or later you're gonna get into a hip of trouble and who knows maybe Mr.Agreste would put a restraining order on you for stalking his son and you be black listed from every fashion show. Do you want that to happen to you?
Marinette: No.....
Marcus: Then get over Adrien, it's affecting your mind. Also stop with these plans with the girls because I know about them as well and get rid of those schedules for Adrien because if he saw them he will think you're weird.
Marinette: But I lov...
Marcus: You're not in love Marinette, you're obsessed with him. There's a big difference. You need to be with someone who can understand you and know what you are going through. Not some kid whose father is a stuck asshole who treats his son like employee and complains about it in school.
Marcus: I am not trying to hurt your feelings. I am trying to help you see the light in all things. It's what any big brother would do for his sister. Maybe that's why you and I never talked that much. Either get over your obsession with the blonde model or just do whatever you want that will make your life horrible. Though do take my advice, find someone better and has a good heart and knows what love is. And don't be judgmental about other people that will make you look bad.(Marcus saids then leaves to go back with Lila)
Marinette: Well that went well....what do you think I should do Tiki?(Marinette saids to her Kwami Tiki)
Tiki: Honestly I have to agree with your brother Marinette. You tried so many times to get Adrien's attention and it's becoming unhealthy for you and you are kind of being a little too judgmental about other people. Maybe take some time away from Adrien and start to rethink things over.
Marinette: I guess that would be the best thing to do. Marcus is only doing this to look after me like any brother would. Maybe I should give up on Adrien and find someone who better understands me.
Tiki: Take your time Marinette, there's no rush.
After the trip was over both Lila and Marcus headed back home because for some reason both of them weren't feeling so good in which Marcus was in his room shirtless and sweating a lot until his eyes became blurry and collapsed on the ground. Lila who got home ran into her bedroom and stripped off her clothes leaving her in her tank top and shorts in which she too was sweating a lot and her eyes got dizzy just like Marcus's.
Marcus and Lila : Path...path....what....whats me...
Ms.Damon(Memory): In this recombination lab we use synthesized transfer RNA to encode an entirely new genome combining the genetic information from all 3 into these 15 genetically designed super-spiders.
Inside their bodies their DNA cell got replaced with the spider's that bit them in which soon their lives will start to change and when change comes there is no turning back. Both Lila and Marcus fell unconscious but soon when they wake up the next day they will be completely different people with unique abilities that no normal human being has accomplished.
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