Chapter 1: A new friend!

(Opening Theme) 

Marcus POV: 

Who am I? You sure wanna know, the story of my life is not the faint of heart. If somebody said it was a happy little tale, if somebody told you that I was just your average guy not a care in the world, well somebody lied. This is any story worth telling, it's all about how I met a girl who went through problems and then both she and I made something great and became something great. But let's leave that until the day comes. My name is Marcus, Marcus Dupain Cheng. I am the son of the greatest bakeries of Paris Tom and Sabine Dupain Cheng but also the older brother of my sister Marinette Dupain Cheng. 

Here is Paris I live a normal life but I do not go to school like my sister, you know why well that is because that school my sister goes to has people who are absolutely clueless and too annoying except for two guys I like hanging out with who is an artist and a book writer, Nathaniel and Marc. I knew those two for years and we get along quite well along with Aurore who dreams of becoming a reporter and also Luka who is my best friend that I met two years ago and he and I share a brother bond who we both enjoy music and other things. But anyway the reason I do not go to school is because the students at my sisters school get on my nerves and hardly shut up about random crap like Marinette's friend Alya who talks about Ladybug and Cat Noir, and who knew there were superheroes in Paris hell's know I didn't, and the girl is out of her mind to go into the battle field and try to video or take pictures of the heroes fighting the bad guys aka Akuma's who are created by the evil dipshit Hawk Moth. 

The heroes of Paris protected the city of love for months though sometimes their fighting styles are not that good as well as listening to Cat Noir's ridiculous puns who also looks like a male stripper in that tight cat suit. Though I wish Ladybug would change her name because the name she stuck with is too cheesy. Even those two are heroes I still don't know why they don't help other people in the city because crime is been going on lately in Paris and the heroes are not doing anything to help they only focused on Akuma's and nothing else. Not even the police are doing that much of job. I can already tell how many people are gonna be mad at the heroes for not helping others. I mean if I was a hero, I would help out the people and stop crime all over Paris but I am not because I am normal guy who lives a normal life who does online classes instead going to school itself and I am a talented ring designer. That's right, I design rings not just any rings but rings that I get paid for. I been into ring designing for a long time and I got really good at it. 

I been designing rings for nearly a year and I made lots of commissions from a lot of good people. With my talent I was about to use the money I earned to get my own place since well my sister was getting on my nerves talking about Adrien this Adrien that, I couldn't take it anymore in which mom and dad didn't mind me getting my own place since I am more mature enough to be on my own as long as I pay them a visit time to time. Also if your wondering who Adrien is, well he's my sister's crush who is the son of the famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste in my upon the guy is a total asshole, the guy hardly shows himself and hardly looks at his son in the eye and Adrien always complains about him, I mean the guy needs to grow a spine and stand up to his old man. I don't understand what Marinette see's in the guy, she can hardly talk to him without making a weird face and messing up a conversation. All in all I think she's obsessed with him not in love kind of like Chloe whose an absolute bitch. 

Marinette and I used to be close but ever since her obsession with Adrien came a long she and I never really talk that much and she got annoying with her pictures of Adrien as well as her computer filled with Adrien, if I had to guess she might even paint her walls of Adrien. My sister really needs to see a therapist, if she doesn't stop things are not gonna look that too great. Also that friend of her's Alya, the girl needs a scolding I mean running into a dangerous situation for what to update that blog of hers I mean if her parents saw what she was doing is not safe I would laugh if she gets screamed at by her parents, she's still young and not old enough to be a real reporter like Aurore whose responsible and doesn't put her life on the line. All those students in Marinette's school are impossible except for Marc and Nathaniel. 

Anyway back to me, I am here in my own penthouse working on a commission from a famous person but not just any famous person, Jagged Stone. The Jagged Stone, I love the guy and his work as well as his music and Penny who works for Jagged has called me up and ask of me to design a ring for the music pop star. My sister designed his glasses as well as the cover for his CD but now he wants a ring and when he my designs online he wanted something designed by me and I couldn't say no to someone who I admired. 

End of Pov

Inside the penthouse that he bought with the money he's made with his ring designs, Marcus was finishing up the touches to his creation for the famous music pop star Jagged Stone in which the music artist wanted a twin rings with a music touch filling to them but he wanted two different versions gold and silver. Marcus had no problem with making the rings for Jagged and asking for what he wants. After working on the rings that lasted the whole day yesterday, Marcus was able to finish the rings and polish them to get them ready for Jagged Stone. 

Marcus: Oof, finally done. Hard to imagined these took me the whole day to make but it was worth it as long as I am getting paid to do them even if they are for my favorite music artist. 

Knock! Knock!

Marcus: Oh that must be Penny, she did texted me that she is coming over to pick up the rings for Jagged. Might as well precent them.(Marcus saids while putting the rings a jewelry box and heading towards the door) 

Marcus: Hello Penny. 

Penny: Hello again Marcus, I take that the rings are ready for Mr.Stone. 

Marcus: Here they are.(Marcus saids and hands Penny the rings)

Penny: They're beautiful, just like how Jagged wanted them to be. Let me take a picture and send them to him and see how he likes them. 

When Penny sent a picture of the rings to Jagged Stone himself, he replied that he loves them and they are totally rock n roll and couldn't wait to wear them for his concerts. He also replied a thank you to Marcus for making awesome rings for him. 

Penny: He loves them. 

Marcus: I knew he would. 

Penny: I might as well bring them over to him, and here's your payment like Jagged requested.(Penny saids and hands a check to Marcus)

Marcus: Thank you, enjoy the rest of your day and tell Jagged that he will look totally radical with those rings and ask him to send a picture of him wearing them. 

Penny: Hehehe I will make sure he does. Thanks again for this Marcus, really appreciated.

Marcus: Anytime Penny. 

After Penny left, Marcus went to clean up and then take a nice shower because he plans to go out for a while and visit his parents and see if his sister is being less annoying as usual. When he finished his shower, he put on his causal red and black clothes and headed out of his penthouse and walk the streets and towards his parents bakery. Once near the door of the bakery, Marcus walks in to see his lovely mother and father working then they both looked to see their handsome son come in to see them.

Marcus: Hi mom, hey dad. 

Sabine: Hi sweetie! 

Tom: How you doing champ, still designing fancy rings. 

Marcus: You know the answer to that dad. I finished my commission for Jagged Stone and he loved them and plans to wear the rings for his next concert. 

Sabine: That is wonderful to hear sweetie. Say are you planing on staying a while.

Marcus: You need help with the bakery.

Sabine: No your father and I have it covered, however Marinette is gonna run late again for school and you're the only one who can get her out of bed. 

Marcus: Sigh...she really needs to set her alarm on her phone these days. Dad do you still have that trumpet of yours from high school? 

Tom: Yea it's in the closet. 

Marcus: Thank you. 

Sabine: You're gonna use it to wake up Marinette are you. 

Marcus: My idea's of waking her up always work mom. 

Sabine: True. 

Marcus headed upstairs and took out the trumpet from the closet and headed up into his sisters bedroom where the girl is knocked asleep on her bed and snoring so loudly that made Marcus smirked that he was gonna enjoy waking up Marinette from her slumber. 

Marcus: Sorry sis but it's time to wake up for school again.

Marinette: AAAAAAAAHHHHH?!!!!

 Marcus: Oh good you're up, time for school and let's just say you're late again. 

Marinette: WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me?!

Marcus: I just got here, isn't it your job to wake up on your own and you know you have school. Word of advice sis, set your alarm on your phone so you wont be late again. I mean honestly it's not that hard to do. 

Marinette: Sigh....I will try doing it next time. Was the trumpet really necessary?

Marcus: Do you prefer the cold water again, I will do it again and this time with ice. 

Marinette: Might as well get ready. 

Marcus: Breakfast is downstairs for you, made before I came up here. 

Marinette: You really the best big brother.(Marinette saids and hugs her brother)

Marcus: Would you also drop the Adrien thing. 

Marinette: Not on your life. 

Marcus: I had to figured. You know one of these days you will have to forget about him since you can hardly talk to the guy without freaking out. Also these pictures you have of him and on your computer, you need to loose them. 

Marinette: But I can't stop thinking about him Marcus. 

Marcus: Sigh..what am I gonna do with you. If he rejects you don't come crying to me saying I told you so. Also these plans you have and these schedules sis, you think this a little too much.

Marinette: Uh......oh look at the time I need to get dressed and you need to leave so time to get out of my room so I can get ready.(Marinette saids while pushing Marcus out of her room)

Marcus: Still as weird as ever.(Marcus saids in thought and leaves)

Marcus went back down stairs to see his folks working in the bakery and then half a minute later Marinette came running down the steps and ran past Marcus in quick speed due to the fact that her brother was right she was late again for school. 

Marcus: And she's off. How many times she's been doing this I lost tracked?

Tom: It's been like the tenth time. 

Marcus: Really? I thought it was five. 

Sabine: Oh no looks like she forgot her lunch. Marcus would you be a dear and bring her lunch to school before you have your day. 

Marcus: Might as well.(Marcus saids and takes his sisters lunch) 

Marcus leaves the bakery and walks over towards the school his sister goes to0 and head inside and towards the classroom where Marinette is staying. When near the door of the classroom, Marcus looks to see the students but no teacher yet so Marcus goes into the classroom where everyone sees him even his two friends Marc and Nathaniel. 

Chloe: Oh look who it is its...

Marcus: Chloe for once in your fucked up life shut the hell up. And keep your dog on a leash. That ego of yours is way up your ass.(Marcus saids made Chloe stay quite as well as Sabrina who slid down her chair while the others hide their laughter)

Marinette: What are you doing here Marcus?

Marcus: You forgot your lunch. 

Marinette: I knew I was forgetting something, thank you. 

Marcus: Don't mention it. Sup Nath, Marc. 

Nathaniel and Marc: Hey Marcus!

Marcus: Still working on the art designs Nath. 

Nathaniel: You known I am. 

Marcus: How goes you're writing for books Marc?

Marc: It's getting there, I have Nathaniel helping me.

Marcus: That is good to hear. Well I just came to drop off my baby sisters lunch so see you guys around.(Marcus saids while others giggled and Marinette blushing)

Marinette: MARCUS?!!😳

Marcus: You're welcome, later.(Marcus saids and leaves)

Alya: Aww big brother is still looking after you Mari. 

Marinette: Don't...please don't. 

Alya: Though he is still awesome and knows how to make Chloe stay quiet. 

Marinette: I guess. Though I am still jealous that he got himself fabricator, I always wanted one of those. Do you have any idea what I could have made with one of those. 

Alya: I am sure he will let you share it, your brother and sister after all. 

Marcus headed down the steps and was about to leave the school when of sudden he bumps into someone who looks lost and it was a girl. 

Marcus: Sorry about that, didn't see anyone in front of me. 

Girl: It all right I was trying!❤️).

Marcus looked at the girl closely in which the girl had grayish green eyes, long chestnut brown hair wearing orange and black clothes and tan skin. The girl stared at Marcus and caused her to blush as well as her heart skipping a beat but shrugged it off and went back to normal. 

Marcus: You new here? 

Girl: Yes, my mom and I just moved here a couple days ago and I was trying to find the principals office in this place though I got lost. My name is Lila, Lila Rossi. 

Marcus: Rossi? Where did I hear that name somewhere before?(Marcus saids in thought)

Lila: Do you got to school here? 

Marcus: Hm? Oh no I don't I take online classes, going to school made me feel uncomfortable because half of the students here are too annoying except for two boys who are good friends of mine. If your looking for the principals office just head up the steps and make a right. There you will find the principal of this school. 

Lila: Thank you um..

Marcus: Marcus, my name is Marcus. 

Lila: T..thank you..m..m...I mean thank you Marcus. 

Marcus: No problem, see you around Lila. 

Lila: Sure, though why did you come here if you don't go to school here?

Marcus: My sister forgot her lunch and she was late for school again. So I came in and drop off her lunch before I left. Also watch out for the blonde girl with the blue eyes known as Chloe, she's a stuck up bitch especially when she complains and calls her daddykins. 

Lila: I will make sure to avoid her. 

Marcus: See that you do, later. 

Lila: B...bye.(Lila saids while blushing) 

As soon as Marcus left the school and decided to have some time for himself in the city, he couldn't help but saying that name Rossi like he knew if from somewhere until he decided to look up the name online and find out who that name belong too. Marcus stopped by a cafe and ordered some food while he looks up the name Rossi on his phone until he found something that was on the news from Italy. 

Marcus: It saids here in the latest news the man known as Carlos Rossi ex husband to Mrs.Bianca and father of Lila Bianca was arrested for crimes against his ex wife and daughter. He was sentence to life in prison for nearly trying to kill his own wife and strangle his daughter due to amount of drugs he has taken as well as drinking too much after he was fired from his job that he took out his anger on his family but the neighbors heard the commotion and Carlos Rossi was arrested and taken to prison where he was found guilty and his ex wife and daughter moved away to get away from the horror that Carlos has done to them. Now I remember I saw something on the news not too long ago that a man was arrested in Italy for nearly killing his family and was thrown in prison. 

Marcus then looked at the list of crimes Carlos Rossi has done after he was fired from his job working as a waiter at a restaurant. 

Crime List: 

1.) Drugs and Drinking

2.) Sexual Assault 

3.) Attempted Murder 

4.) Manipulation

5.) Lying 

6.) Bank Robbery 

7.) Murder 

8.) Evading Arrest

Marcus: evens saids he killed his own boss with a gun before taking the money and robbing a nearby bank without anyone knowing. He also lied to others to get what he wants even cheated on his wife with other women after loosing his job. This guy is nuts...wait why did Lila use that last name in first place if her own father did such awful things to her and her mother. I probably should talk to her about it. 

After spending the day to himself and thinking about what to say to Lila, Marcus headed towards the small park after picking up some materials he needs for more ring designs until he spotted what looked to be Lila along with Adrien talking to each other then looked to see Lila throw a book in the trash can that belonged to Adrien. Marcus headed over to the two in which Lila looks to see the same boy she met at school and she couldn't help too blush at seeing him again.

Adrien: Hey Marcus, you wouldn't believe what Lila..

Marcus: Adrien I need to talk to her, privately. 

Adrien: Is something wrong?

Marcus: She and I need to talk alone, would you mind. 

Adrien: Um sure, I got to get going anyway before I am late for another piano lesson or photoshoot. 

Marcus: Don't forget your book here.(Marcus saids while showing the same book that Lila threw in the trash can) 

Adrien: Oh thank you, this is my fathers I don't want him to be angry with me if he finds out this was lost to him.

Marcus: Word of advice Adrien, if something belongs to your father don't take it otherwise your gonna get a huge scolding and grounding. 

Adrien: Um..noted. See you later.(Adrien saids then leaves)

Lila: Is there something you wanna talk to me about? 

Marcus: I know who you are and what happened to you. 

Lila: What do you mean?

Marcus: Couple months ago I heard on the news about a man being arrested for nearly trying to kill his former wife and daughter and was sent to prison. It took place in Italy. 

Lila was starting to shake now and started to sweat meaning she knows what Marcus is talking about. 

Marcus: I am not here to make you nervous or anything, I just want to say sorry for what that horrible man has done to you and your mother Lila. 

Lila: did you know....?(Lila saids while looking upset)

Marcus: That last name you used Rossi, I heard that name somewhere and when I looked it up online, it belonged to Carlos Rossi. Why would you use that man's last name after what he did to you and your mother? He threaten you didn't he. 

Lila: Yea.......he was my father, he loved us very much but after he lost his job...he changed and not for the better....he was no longer the father I knew...he became violent and straight up lied to me and my mother and manipulated others to get what he wants...

Marcus: And by doing these things it destroyed him and ruined your family. 

Lila: 😢sniff.....he hurt me....he hurt me so much...and when he grabbed me with his two hands on my neck...I...I thought I was going to die.....he threaten me if I didn't do what he asked...he will come after mom or tried for months not to remember anything related to him but his words stung me hard.(Lila saids in tears)

Marcus: You did stuff at school didn't you. 

Lila: I lied to others and they all believed me...just like how he did before he was sent to prison. 

Marcus: What's you lie about? 

Lila: Knowing Ladybug, saving Jagged Stone's cat even though he's allergic and has a crocodile, meeting Prince Ali, and many other things. I didn't want to do those things but my ex father words still haunt me and I even have nightmares about what he did to me and mom. So I had to become someone else and lied under my lips....I am becoming like him now....

Marcus: You are nothing like your ex father Lila. You are you, and also he can't hurt you anymore. He's gone and locked away for good for what he has done to you. You don't need to live in fear of him any longer, you can just be you. You're not the only one who went through a tragic life, a lot of people have been but they had people who care for them and helped them move on with their lives. 

Lila: How can I though?

Marcus: By telling the truth. You no longer need to lie about anything. Even though you and I just met, I am more than happy to be your friend and help you with your problem. 

Lila: R...really. 

Marcus: Absolutely. I raised mature and I do enjoy helping others who went through their horrors. I think you Lila need that kind of helping. 

Lila: 😢sniff...thank you Marcus. 

Marcus: No problem, by the way why did you throw away Adrien's book? 

Lila: Sigh..he was boring me with these pictures of superheroes so I threw away the book.

Marcus: Please tell me you're not falling for someone like him. The guy can hardly stand up for himself and doesn't even have a spine. 

Lila: Really?

Marcus: He's too afraid to stand up to his old man and still acts like little kid. I guess being stuck in that mansion made him delusional. 

Lila: I guess you have point there, he even believed me when I told him was a descendant of a fox heroin and wearing this fake miraculous thinking it's a real one. 

Marcus: Yea I saw those at the store, basically any one would tell if these things were the real deal or not. I can make something a whole lot better than these cheep knockoffs. 

Lila: What do you do besides online classes? 

Marcus: I'm a ring designer. 

Lila: Ring designer?

Marcus: Yea I basically designed rings and get commissions from people who would want me to create them a ring and of course I paid for each one I make. I just finished working on a commission for Jagged Stone and he loved them. 

Lila: Really. 

Marcus: I got pictures and videos of me making the rings. I even post them on YouTube for everyone to see.(Marcus saids and shows Lila the pictures and videos)

Lila: They look amazing! Though where do you get the gems from?

Marcus: My dad and I went camping together and we found this cave filled with crystals as well as diamonds and many other gems so with some help from some of the guys who own the lands I was able to get my hands on some rare gems that I can use to make my rings look spectacular and of course share the profit with the guys who own the lands where me and dad found the cave with the crystals. Dad didn't care about any of that stuff just wanted to use the money to help out the bakery while I wanted to use my skills to make rings. 

Lila: That's sounds incredible. 

Marcus: It was dirty job to get the gems out of the rocks though. 

Lila: Hehehe that it is, I seen people on television do that kind of stuff. By the way what do you parents do for a living. 

Marcus: They are bakers of course, their bakery is right next to the park. 

Lila: Oh now I see. 

Marcus: Yea I visit them time to time. 

Lila: You don't live with them?

Marcus: I used to but I got my own place because my sister got annoying with her fantasy crush and I couldn't take it anymore. Marinette really needs to see the light in all things.

Lila: Marinette? Like Marinette Dupain Cheng?

Marcus: Yea she's my little sister. Though she can get on my nerves sometimes. 

Lila: I seen her in class but never talked to her. I guess she will think I am nothing but a liar after I said those things to the class at the school.

Marcus: Yea she would but I don't care what she saids. People can change if they spend time with the right people. Chloe on the other hand not so much.

Lila: Tell me about it, she was definitely a manger pain. Say can I ask you something.

Marcus: Sure. 

Lila: What do you think of the heroes of Paris?

Marcus: Even though they are heroes of Paris and protect the innocents from Akuma's created by Hawk Moth but what about actual crimes themselves. There's been crime happening in Paris and lots of people are getting hurt or worse, I don't understand why Ladybug and Cat Noir don't do that kind of work. The United Heroez from New York do that sort of thing but these two don't.

Lila: Yea for once I thought they protect everyone in Paris not just from Akuma's but actual criminals running around the street. 

Marcus: I even saw some reviews of people saying where was Ladybug when I was getting mugged and when is Ladybug and Cat Noir when I was almost killed. And the reviews keep on going and not even the police are doing that much of a job keeping people safe. 

Lila: I'm already scared because I saw on the news that a girl was almost rapped by criminals but the police arrived in time to arrest the guys but the girl was traumatized for life. 

Marcus: This city needs more heroes. Ones who will protect the innocent as well as stop the crime running around so no one will get hurt. But no we are stuck with a red spotted clown and a male stripper with lame ass puns. 

Lila: Pfff......

Marcus: No I'm serious Ladybug actually does look like a clown in that suit and Cat Noir looks like a porn star and I even seen a post saying Cat Noir Hero or Porn Star. 

Lila: Hehehehe. 

When Marcus was about to say something else the spotted heroin of Paris landed right in front of him and Lila. 

Ladybug: Hey, Lila. How's it going? Long time no see. I saw your interview on the LadyBlog, awesome job. Oh sure, I remember our instant connection when I saved your life and we've been good friends ever since, practicality BFFS. Uh actually, when did I save your life? I don't recall. Yes, of course now I remember....Never! 

Marcus: Forget what I said about being spotted clown, she's now more like spotted stalker. Also bug no offense but I already know Lila lied about being BFFS with you and lied about other things in which she did those things to because of what happened with a family member who did awful things to her and her mother and was threaten. 

Ladybug: She probably lied about...

Marcus: She didn't I looked up the information online and found something sick and twisted and Lila wants to forget about what her former family member did to her and it was the reason why she lied about these things. 

Ladybug: I know what she is.

Marcus: No you don't, wait were you spying on her?

Ladybug: Uhhhh....

Marcus: Heh and you call yourself a heroin. Do me a favor bug why don't you make yourself useful and go help an innocent life who is in trouble and take your cocky ass mouth somewhere else and don't you even say Lila is manipulating me into doing what I am saying because I know what really happened to her and you will probably not know how much this girl I am talking too has suffered. So why don't you just swing away and mind your own damn business.(Marcus saids with glare that sent shivers down Ladybug's spine)

Ladybug: Gulp........BUGOUT!(Ladybug saids and leaves)

Marcus: Sigh...we definitely need a better hero than her. 

Lila: You stood up for me...

Marcus: Of course I did, you're my new friend Lila and also someone had to knock some sense into that spotted stalker. She needed to be taught a lesson.

Lila: He's so....amazing.(Lila saids in thought while blushing)

Marcus: Hows about I treat my new friend to some ice cream, my treat. 

Lila: Thank you. 

Marcus took Lila by the hand that made her blush even more and the two of them went off to get some ice cream. Marcus took Lila to his favorite place to get ice cream in which was Amorino Gelato, Paris. Marcus got him and Lila the ice cream that was shaped like a flower in which Lila was amazed of seeing ice cream like this and when she tried hers she enjoyed it.

Marcus: How you like your ice cream?

Lila: It's delicious. I even like how it's shaped like a flower, that is something I don't have back in Italy well I don't think we do but whose knows. I still want to thank you for what you did for me Marcus. 

Marcus: Hey it's the least I can do. You're not like those students at my sister's school who would believe anything without fact checking their sources except my Nathaniel and Marc. 

Lila: Yea I met them and they don't believe my lies. 

Marcus: Also best to take online classes because it's way better than going to school filled with those guys who share signal brain cell at that school. 

Lila: Hmm...I might take your word for it. 

Marcus: Also loose the wig and contact lenses because I can tell that they aren't your real hair and eye color. 

Lila: How did you know?

Marcus: Come on I can tell that is not really your actual hair and those eyes of yours look fake. 

Lila: Sigh...

Lila did what she did, she took off her fake hair and revealed she hair short hair and then took off her contact lenses to reveal her true eyes that Marcus saw and he thinks they look beautiful especially seeing what Lila really looks like. 

Lila: do I look?

Marcus: Your eyes, they're beautiful and your hair looks nice.(Marcus saids to Lila who blushes pink)

Lila: Oh um....I um thank you, Marcus. 

Marcus: Also use your mom's last name because I think Lila Bianca sounds a whole lot better. 

Lila: Yea it does. 

Marcus: By the way, I think you need a some style. 

Lila: What do you mean?

Marcus: Those clothes you're wearing right now, don't really suite you and they don't match well. 

Lila: Now you're starting to act like my mom who said the same thing. 

Marcus: Well it's true. Come on let's go to my place and get you something that stands out better than what you have on. 

Lila: Wait we're going to your place as in like just the two of us.

Marcus: Is that a problem?

Lila: No! I mean no I have no problem with it. 

Marcus took Lila to his place and when she saw the penthouse, she was in awe of how amazing it was especially that Marcus lives alone and she even got to see his rings that he designed and each of them were absolutely gorgeous and was thinking of asking Marcus to make her a ring when she gets the chance. 

Lila: So how are you doing to make me new clothes?

Marcus: With this of course. 

Lila: What is that?

Marcus: It's called a fabricator, it can created any kind of clothing. I use it to create the clothes that I am wearing right now since buying the clothes would just be a waste but I do have to buy the fabric in order to make the clothes. When Marinette saw it, she became so jealous of what I got that she even tried trie to use it but I added a security system to it so only I can use it. 

Lila: And this can make anything.

Marcus: Anything. So what I can tell orange isn't really your favorite color is it?

Lila: No...I am more of blue. 

Marcus: Blue it is then. I am thinking a blue long sleeve with blue and white sneakers and some black sparkled pants. What do you think? 

Lila: I kind of like that idea. 

Marcus: Alright lets work the magic. 

After a half an hour later the clothes and shoes were done and Marcus gave them to Lila to try them on and told her the bathroom in down the hall to the left side. Once Lila finished changing she came back into the room where Marcus was waiting and boy Marcus when he saw the new look on Lila. 

Lila: What do you think?

Marcus: Now that is totally you, Lila. You look great. 

Lila: Really! 

Marcus: Absolutely, if you want I can make a couple more clothes for you. 

Lila: Yes please! I was thinking of getting rid of those old clothes that I have back home. 

Marcus: New set of clothes coming right up. 

After Marcus finished the new clothes for Lila and put them in bags to take home, Marcus decided to walk Lila home since it can get crazy at night. Lila thanked Marcus for walking her home and the two exchanged numbers if they ever want to hangout together sometime. Lila thought about what Marcus said to her and by tomorrow she will not be going to school anymore but taking online classes in which her mother didn't mind but she will have to tell everyone the truth of why she lied even though it will pain her because of what happened with her ex father. A smiled appeared on her face that she made a new friend who stood by her and wants to help her move on with her life. Though there was one who still didn't trust Lila in which was Ladybug aka Marinette Dupain Cheng but after that glare from her brother and what he said to her, she backed off and she knows if she made her brother angry she will not like what he will do. After all her brother knows how to fight and defend as well as can easily break a spine. Starting soon their lives will change forever because starting next is going to be a sticky day. 

(Ps this was the Volpina episode but since Marcus met Lila and is helping her change her life she doesn't get akumatized and becomes Volpina, so I will be watching the episodes and making changes to the story)

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