Chapter 12: Remnant Part 11: Aftermath.

Summary: Aftermath, And Meeting More People And onto the next Adventure!

No One P.O.V.

David Smith Groggily Woke Up.

He Opened his Eyes then Quickly Shut them again. And opened them and shut them again and Repeat the Cycle.

He Heard Muffled Sounds.

???: Thin- He'- kay?

??? #2: Maybe- har- tell.

??? #1: They di- ay he- be ou- or a while.

??? #2: Wait! I think he's coming too.

When David Slowly rose his Head up. Coco and Velvet Threw their Arms aroud him.


David: Uh... Sorry. Little too much Excitement. How long was I out anyway?

Coco: 6 Hours.

David: Damn. Is Everyone okay?

Coco: ...

David: Are they okay?

Coco: 10 Faunus Lost their Lives. And at least 30 more are Injured. 10 hurt Severely.

David sat there for a Second. Breathing Hard.

Coco: You okay? We Won!

David: Won? Won?! WON?! THAT'S YOUR VIEW ON IT?!?!

Coco Flinched.


Coco: I...

She didn't even think about that.

David took a Deep Breath.

David: This shouldn't have Ever Happened Coco. They shouldn't have had to Fight for their Lives. This... This Attack shouldn't even have Occured. Had I caught onto this. I could've... No. I should've Stopped It!

Coco: You couldn't have known.

Velvet: Don't Beat yourself up. It' s not your Fault.

David: It isn't? He is one of my Villains. I should've Predicted this. But no I didn't. You know why?! Because for being Smart. I am a FUCKING IDIOT!!!

He Punched a Hole in the Wall. Making them both Flinch.

He sat back on the Bed.

David: I'm a Fuck Up. No matter what I do. Things ALWAYS go Worng at some point. I bring Death and Destruction Everywhere I go.

Velvet Sat down on the Bed and Squeezed his Hand.

Velvet: This was not your Fault. This would've happened anyway. Things could've gone worse.

Coco sat on the other side of the Bed as well and Held his Hand.

Coco: You constantly Carry the Weight on your Shoulders. But you aren't the Only one who carries it.

Velvet: Were Huntsmen and Huntresses. We have to deal with this... A lot.

Coco: It's Unfortunate. But things... Happen.

David: I know they do. I fail to save people a lot. And every time. And Every Time, I have to treat it like it's the LAST Time I fail to save someone. A Hero who is too used to Innocent People Dying is... Not a Good Hero. So Everytime it happens. I have to treat it like it'll be the Last time I fail. I CAN'T let it keep happening. I have to be Better!

The two hugged him. And the trio walked out.

Deadpool approached them.

Deadpool: Hey! Well Done Pal! We Did It!

David Groaned.

He Wrapped an Arm around Him.

Deadpool: Look... I get it. It's Unfortunate. But we did everything we could. *Pats David's Back*.

David sometimes forgets that Deadpool can be one of the most Kindest and most Insane Person he Knows.

The Group walks around. Helping Clean Up the Damage.

Wolverine was helping Cutting things to make it Easier.

He, Velvet, and Coco saw a Pink Haired Girl with Bunny Ears Sitting with her Arms wrapped around her Knees.

David: You Okay Ms...

Rachel: Rachel. Rachel Baines. Are you the Nice Man who Helped Save our Home?

David: Yes. Where are your Parents?

Velvet: They must be Worried Sick.

Rachel: They went to help the Attack. I was Evacuated with he other Kids. They told me to come and wait for them when it was Over.

Coco: We should take you to them.

Rachel: NO! I'll wait here and I know they'll be okay. Because I'll do what they told me and I'll know they'll be fine and-

She then Caught a Rabbit Faunus Couple in the Corner of her Eye. Laying down, She ran over to them.


The Trio followed her and she tried to Nudge them awake.

But they knew. They knew what it was.

Rachel: Mommy? Daddy? I'm Here.

They knew it was too late.

Rachel: Mommy? *Sniff* Daddy? Wake Up!

David and Velvet Wrapped an Arm around her and she was now Full Blown Crying!

Rachel: MOMMY!!! DADDY!!! *Sobbing*

They knew what it meant. It meant 12 Lives have Actually Died.

They brought her to the Medical Tent.

Velvet and Coco Hugged Her as she was still Crying.

Deadpool: You guys okay?

David: For the Most Part. Yeah. Though we got some one who just lost her Parents.

Deadpool: Oooh... So are we going to get some Origin Story of her Going around the World Trainig herself and Becoming the Symbol of Fear? The Dark Knight!

And here he was Cracking Jokes Again. Same Ol' Deadpool.

David went and saw Ghira.

David: Ghira Belladonna... I apologize. I should've Prevented this.

Ghira: Not your Fault. I am Thankful that you came here to Warn Us. Had you not... This could've ended Worse.

David: People Died...

Ghira: Unfortunate. But it happens. We will Rebuild and the Lost. Will be Remembered.

???: A Tragedy Indeed.

We both looked and someone who looked like the personification of Arrogant but Badass Looking. Penny was with him.

Ghira: Ironwood. You're a little too late.

Ironwood: I Apologize. Penny had Notified us and we rounded up the Pute Humans. With the Evidence we got. They'll be Rotting in Prison.

That's good to Hear. The Bad Guys get what they Deserve.

CRDL Were in Cuffs.

Cardin: Freak. *Spits on Velvet*

Coco's Knuckles Clenched and Cracked and was about to Fight Cardin. But Velvet Grabbed her Hand and wiped the Spit off her Face.

Velvet: It's Not Worth it Sweetie.

Coco Calmed Down. But still Glared at Cardin.

Penny Walked By.

Coco: Nice Job Girl! *Slaps Penny's Butt*.

Penny Jumped and made a "EEEEP!!!" Sound. Blushing Red.

David came over to the Two.

David: How were they Released?

Coco: The Pure Humans had the Crew of the Boat's Family at Gunpoint. Threatning to kil them if CRDL Weren't Released. They had no Choice.

David: I Understand.

Black Cat: PETER!!!

The Girl with White Hair Tackle Hugged Him.

Black Cat: Hi Sweetie! *Kisses Him*

David: Whoah Hold On! I don't think we're Dating.

Black Cat: What? OH! Multiverse, Right! Stupid Me! It's just on my World. You and I are a Couple!

Velvet and Coco gave her a Look of Jealousy.

David: Well... We weren't on Mine. So this just became Awkward.

Deadpool: *Facepalm and thinking* What is with Dense MC'S getting a Harem? I mean Better then Perverts I guess, but Seriously, what is with Boys who can't see the Signals just Pick them Up? Is it like a Game to these Girls? See who can End up with him First?

Coco: Whoah Girl. I don't think yu can just Call Dibs on Somebody.

Black Cat: Oho? And what makes you say that.

Coco: I Don't Know? Maybe because of the Pure Fact that maybe Someone may have got their Eyes on Him?

Black Cat: Ohhhhh~ I see how it is. You two like him. But there is one thing wrong with your "Dibs" Theory. It's about who Confesses First. And Since he and I were an Item on my World. I think I am Meant to Have Him.

Coco: Except this Isn't Your World! And he Probably isn't "Your" Lover!

Black Cat: And you think you are?

Coco: Since when have I said I liked him? I have my own Girlfriend.

Black Cat: Oh? My Bad. I didn't know.

Coco: Well now you do.

David went back over and saw Ironwood and Ghira Arguing.

Ghira: I will Never Agree to This! Ironwood, The Last thing I want is War. But this is Unacceptable.

Ironwood: I understand your Concern. But with Increased Security we can Prevent this from Happening aga-

David: What' s Going On?

Ghira: Ironwood Here seems to think a Military Occupation on Menagerie is an Ideal Solution to Prevent another Catastrophe.

Ironwood: I assure you. I have the Best Intentions in Mind.

David: That is Debatable. But last I heard, Atlas doesn't have a Very Good Opinion the Faunus!

Ironwood: I will not allow such Behavior.

Ghira: Maybe so. But all it will take is Enough to never Report it. Victims too scared to Speak.

Ironwood: Look if you just let me Explain-

David: What is there to Explain? Military Occupations are not A Good Solution. *Thinking* Oh I can imagine Captain America would have a lot of things to Say to you.

Ironwood: Look, if you just let me Explain the Benefits of thi-

David knocked him Unconcious.

Ghira: Thank You.

David: I just Punched a Military Commander.

Ghira: I saw Nothing.

David went and saw Velvet and Coco still Holding the Girl. Eho has now went from Wailing to soft Sobs.

David: Is she Okay?

Coco: Okay as she will ever be I guess.

Velvet: It'll be okay little Girl.

Rachel: *Sniff* How can it?

David: Well... It can... I... *Sigh* There is no Better way to say it. I wish I can say it gets Better. That it gets Easier with Time. But Honestly... It doesn't.

Rachel: You... Lost Someone?

David: Yes... 3 Parentenal Figures. 2 of which I never even knew that Much. My Uncle for the Longest Time was like my Father. He Died by a Mugger. It took me... A long time to come to terms with it. I wish I can day it was Easy. But it isn't. In fact it's extremely Difficult. The best you can do, is try and Move Forward. Mourn them, Love them, and Remember them.

Rachel: Thank You *Sniff* *Hugs Him*.

David Hugged her Back.

As he walked out he saw Mobius.

Mobius: Ah. You did Good.

Velvet, Coco, Black Cat, and Rachel listened in.

David: Yeah. Considering how I didn't have any Information at the Time! Thanks a Lot!

Mobius: It was a Test and You passed with Flying Colors.

David: ... Passed?

Mobius: Yes. I purposely Withheld Information from you. Had you not gotten better. I would've had to come and tell you myself. I Tested you and you Succeeded.

David: Testing me For What?

Mobius: I'll tell you once you get back to the TVA. For now you should probably help clean this up.

David: Yeah. I should.

Mobius: *Hands him a Device*. Take this.

David looked at the Small Machine.

David: The Heck is this?

Mobius: A Temp Pad. We use that to Travel. The Default Destination is the TVA, use that to Return.

David: Got it.

Mobius: See Ya. *Goes Back*.

At The TVA

Mobius walked into his Office he saw Judge Ravonna Renslayer there.

Mobius: What do I owe this Pleasure?

Renslayer: Someone wants to Talk to you.

A Cartoon-Styled Clock appeared.

Mobius: Miss Minutes.

Miss Minutes: Oh. Hold on a Second.

She then Transformed into a Woman.

Miss Minutes: I hate changing my Appearence. It hurts Every Time.

Mobius: Welcome Miss Minutes. I can't say that is Entirely Unwelcomed, Bu-

Miss Minutes: Save It. I know you're not one of my Biggest Fans.

Mobius: Okay. What are you here for?

Ms. Minutes: I have read your Request to Retire from the Position of Overseer. And I Support your Decision. But I must Say that I have some rather "Concerns" about who you have Chosen for your Succesor. While I Trust your Judgement. I think that you have made a rather "Rash" Decision.

Mobius: What Concerns? And What Rash Decision?

Ms Minutes: While I understand that you want a Light Faction Overseer. I must ask why you went with the Person that you did. I could've given you a List of People.

Mobius: I know. But I wanted to make sure I left my Legacy to the Right Person. And Plus Eirwen is looking for a Student as well.

Renslayer: Eirwen? She is?

Mobius: Yes. When she learned I was looking for a Successor, she asked me to Find Someone who would be the Ideal Canidate for the Angel Trait. I chose Peter, because while he isn't able to save Eveyone, and has seen his Fair Share of Death. He Comes to See Life as Precious. So I think he would be a Great Candidate and Succesor. E believes so as well.

Renslayer: You spoke with E?

Miss Minutes: No one's Seen him in a Long While. What's he been up to?

Mobius: He won't say. But he is a Busy Person. And anyway. After a Discussion, Peter Parker or now David Smith or Shield is my Successor. *Leaves the Room* I have made up my Mind. Now I shall go meet with Eirwen and Blaze. They both are here.

As he left. Miss Minutes opened up a Locket. And saw a Picture of her And a Man Holding Hands and Smiling.

She Teared up.

Renslayer: Are you okay?

She slowly Nodded Unconvingly.

Renslayer: He was your Husband wasn't He?

She Nodded.

Miss Minutes: Today would've been our Anniversary. And Our Son...

Renslayer: Josh was killed by Allen Storm wasn't he?

Miss Minutes Nodded with Tears.

Renslayer: Your Still comimg to Terms with it?

Miss Minutes: Yes. Josh was a Great Man. Better then Me, and Allen Killed him when he Responded to Allen's First Attack. Allen Found out about us and Stabbed my Stomach during his Escape so he wouldn't have any Offspring, I lost two of the Best things in my Life that Day.

Renslayer wrapped an Arm ariund Miss Minutes.

Miss Minutes: I have to Move on. It's all I can Do Right Now.

Renslayer: Do you think you can do that?

Miss Minutes: *Heavy Sigh* What Choice have I?

*Back on Menagerie*

The Wreckage was Cleared up a lot Better.

David had just Finished Clearing it.

Deadpool, Wolverine, and Black Cat also Came.

He Hit the Button on the Tempad and a Portal Opened. And they Walked in.

Coco, Velvet, and Rachel walked in.

They almost Gasped at what they saw.

David: Don't know if I can get Used to this.

Coco: Ditto.

They, Except Wolverine Jumped at the Sound.

David turned to look at them.

David: You just... Followed Us?!

Coco: We were Curious and maybe wanted to see the Olace you were Employed at.

David: I'm Sending you guys back. Ahh. How Do I work this Thing?

Mobius: It takes long Practice. And they can go back later. I need to Talk to you.

Mobous drug David

Deadpool: Anyway... Who wants to Hear about the Time-

Black Cat: *Grabs Them* Actually I think we'll hit the Spa. *Talks Queitly to them* Trust me, you do NOT Want to hear his Stories.

Back with David and Mobius.

David: What do you to Talk to me About?

Mobius: The Test was about Seeing if you could Handle a Position.

David: What Position?

Mobius: The Position of the Overseer. Of the Ender Shield Branch.

David: Shield huh? I like it. Also A What-seer?

Mobius: An Overseer. We Keep the Multiverse in Order. And We Create and Destroy.

David: So I would be a God?

Mobius: Not Exactly a God.

David: Yeah. Sorry I am not God Material.

Mobius: You won't be a God. You would have Powers above a Lot More. But you would still retain what makes you... You. I hope anyway.

David: So what do Overseers do?

Mobius: You'll learn more about it later. But Short Version. You'll be abel to Create Worlds. Fill them with Life, Write how it Goes. There are Different Means to being an Overseer. There is the Light and Dark Faction. The Light Faction is what you'll be in.

David: *Thinking* Good. I don't want to be part of the Dark Faction.

Mobius: The Light Faction is often referred to as the Good Side. We focus a lot more on Preserving Life and Protecting it. And Way More Peaceful. The Dark Faction... Is a Lot more Violent Kills when they See Fit and do things many wouldn't want to Do.

David said Nothing.

Mobius: Anyway as I said. You would be Working with the Light Faction.

David: That's Awesome. But why Me?

Mobius: Becuase you are going to be my Successor.

David: Your Successor?

Mobius: Yes.

David: What happens to you then?

Mobius: I'll still be Around. I just won't be doing anything Extreme. I'll be doing a Desk Job.

David: But why Retire?

Mobius: *Sigh* Age has Caught up with me. I'm not as Young as I used to be. And This Job is for the Young. You'll fit right in.

And there is someone who wants to Meet you.

Coco: Really Who?

They Jumped at her Presense.

David: You need to stop doing that.

Coco: Sorry.

He saw a Woman with Pink Hair. Walk into the Room.

Eirwen: My Name is Eirwen.

Coco: Holy! She is... Beautiful!

Velvet had to Agree.

???: Wow Sis. You already have people crushing on you.

We saw a Man with Red Hair.

Eirwen: That is my Brother, Blaze.

David: Brother?!

Blaze: Yep. Blaze the Half-Devil, Half-Angel, at your Service.

Coco: Half-Devil?! So if you're a Half Devil, does that make you *Points to Eirwen* a Half Devil as well?

Eirwen: Only in Blood. I am a True Angel. He is only Half-Devil, because he isn't like other Devils.

Blaze: By that. It means I can be Perveived as more of a Light Faction Member rather then Dark Faction. Because unlike most Devils. I care about Life.

Eirwen: We both wanted to be Angels. But Unfortunately. One of us had to be a Devil. So Blaze offers to be a Devil.

Blaze: But I found a Loophole. I'm smart like that.

Eirwen: Our Father was an Angel, while our Mother was a Devil.

David: That's great and All, but what does this have to do with me?

Blaze: Well... Eirwen?

Eirwen: I am looking for a Student and When Mobius had Reccomended you. I knew you's be Perfect. David Shield. I chosse you to Inherit the Angel Trait.

David: The What Trait?

Mobius: A Special Power that only an Overseer can Have. They can only have one Trait.

David: What is the Angel Trait.

Eirwen: It is used to help Guide people to Heaven. To Purify a Soul. And it grant you Abilities like Speed and Flight. With a Halo and Wings. That's the Simplified Version of it.

David: Okay. I Accept.

Eirwen: I thought you would.

David: So how do I get it?

Eirwen: I have to Kiss you.

David: Eh uh... What?

Black Cat: *Clenches Fist*

Coco and Velvet: *Jealous Stares*

Eirwen: Not Exactly. But one of the Other Ways Involves "Sinning". The only other Method will take too Long.

The Girls Blushed knowimg what she Meant by "Sinning". David red as an Apple.

Deadpool: *Thinking* I can Imagine a Certain "Someone is going to be Mad that a Lemon isn't Coming.

David: Okay.

Eriwen walked over to him and Planted her Lips onto his. It was Soft and Quick.

When she Pulled her Lips Back, David Felt a Surge of Energy.

David: I feel it inside me. But I don't feel it as well at the same time.

Eirwen: It'll take some time to Manifest. Maybe sometime in your Next Mission. But once you get back from it. We'll start your Training.

David: I don't have to Worry about it do I?

Eirwen: No. It isn't like Most Traits. You won't Lose Complete Control. But I would Advise you to be Careful how you use it.

David: I will.

Mobius: Anyway. Let's get going. We gotta get you prepared for your Next Mission.

They left to get Ready for their Next Mission.

If only it was that Easy.

End of Chapter.

Took Longer then Hoped. Hope it was worth the Wait though.

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