
The Glitch Productions and show's title cards are shown.

It then went from pixels to 3d.

After that, the main show begins. Drum roll, please...

Caine said "Welcome to the Amazing Digital Circus! My name is Caine! I'm your ringmaster, and I'm here to show you the most jaw-dropping, heart stopping, mind-bending paraphernalia you've ever laid your eyes upon! Isn't that right, Bubble?"

Bubble came out of Caine's hat "That's right, Caine! I can't wait to see what you've got cooking up for today."
Caine said "Well, let's not waste any time! Let's get right into the show!

The cast is introduced via song.

♪♪ Gangle and Zooble and Kinger too

♪♪ Goopurr, Java, Ragatha and Jax and
*Disclaimer: Kaufmo the Clown did not show up today.*

♪♪WOO HOO! ♪♪

♪♪Day after day after day we fly

Items flew around in a circles then repeats

the moon and the sun and we don't know why!♪♪

A new character suddenly poofs in.
"W-w-wait? Huh, where am-?"

Freaked out by all the zaniness going on around her, she tries to reach for an exit door, only for the door to vanish into thin air. She falls back as she avoids getting squished by a potted flower which starts glitching into the ground. While backing up, she bumps into Jax making him bump into Kinger, making Kinger bump into Gangle, making her drop her comedy mask and bump into Goopurr, making Goopurr fall onto her face, squishing her face, Goopurr looked up showing that her face was a pancake, throwing the song off.

"Well, Isn't that something." Java spoke.

Everyone looked at her as everyone fixed themselves up. Jax asked as he looked at Caine "Caine, is this one of your NPCs or is this a new sucker? 'Cause if it's a new character, we're gonna have to redo this whole theme song."

Zooble said crossing their arms? "I'm not doing that again."

Caine said "My my, it appears a new human has entered this realm!" "Heh, fresh meat?" Java said, crossing his arms "How thrilling"

Goopurr smacked his arm.

Pomni said trying to take her headset off "How do I... take this... headset off?"

Jax said "Just keep grabbing at it. That worked for all of us."

She tries, but almost pulls her eye out. "...What's going on? I-I-I put on some weird headset and now I'm here? Who are you people? Why can't I take it off? Where am I?!"

Ragatha said "Let's just try to calm down. Everything's gonna be okay, new stuff."

Goopurr said "Yeah, we've all been through this. You just need to get your head to-"

"Relax, it's gonna be fine."

"What the (BOING!) is going on? ...What-?"

Caine said "Now, now, now, my dear, we can't have any of that foul language around here. The Amazing Digital Circus is a place to be enjoyed by all ages. You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders where anything can happen! Except for swearing."

And lo and behold, no matter how much profanity she blurts out, they just get replaced by wacky sound effects.

"...Oh my God. Well, h-how do I, you know, leave?

Caine said as he froze "Uh-"

Ragatha said "W-Well, don't freak out about it or anything, but, uh, we don't exactly..."

"We're stuck here." Java remarks. "What?"

Zooble said "Shut up, Java. But yeah, he's right. Welcome to your new home, and your new body.

""New home"? What do you mean?"

Goopurr said "Guys, don't be mean."

Jax said "We've been stuck here for years. Old Kinger over there's supposedly been here the longest."

They all look over. Kinger asked popping out of a homemade shelter "Huh, did someone say something about an insect collection?"

Jax leaned over "That's why he's crazy. Hehe. Eh..."

The new girl is on the verge of having a panic attack then said losing it "Oh, okay, now I get it. This is a dream and I should just play along until I wake up, right?"

There was no response from anyone.

Jax said "Whatever you say, kid."

"Whatever helps you sleep."

Gangle said near tears "They broke my comedy mask..."
Jax said as he walks on Gangle's already destroyed mask, thus destroying it further, and thus making her cry "So, Caine, we having a new adventure today for the newbie or what?"

Caine said "I'd like to give our brand new member a tour of the circus grounds first. Off we go!"

They head out.

Caine said "Here we have THE TENT! This is where your living quarters are, as well as all sorts of other activities. These activities may include-" His eyes BSoD as he zones out. "Ball pits, mini golf, and more." They moved on... "And here we have THE GROUNDS! Drown yourself in the digital lake or engage in ridery at the digital carnival! Night, day, it's all okay! The choice is yours, a cosmic buffet."

"Is that all there is...?"

Caine replied "Of course not."

They moved further out of bounds... "This is THE VOID! We don't venture out into the void. Not even I know what's out there."
Caine said as floating eyes were around him then looked at the new girl "We stay right here, where I can keep my hundreds of all seeing eyes on you."

The moon said "Hello, Caine, I love you."

Caine said pushing the newbie "Ah! Let's get outta here before the moon gets frisky."

Then the new girl notices an exit door.
"Wait, what's that?"

Caine whisks himself and her back into the tent. Pomni begins vomiting.

Caine said "Whoa, clean up on aisle you!"
Bubble said "I'm on it, boss."

Bubble begins licking the
vomit up with her tongue.

Caine said rightfully disgusted "...Why are you like this?"

"Wait, wait. Was that an exit door I saw out there? Is that a way to leave?"

Jax asked "What exit?" He grabs Zooble's arm and uses it as a back scratcher. "If there was a way to leave, I'm pretty sure we'd have all left by now." Zooble's arm begins choking him then Jax fell.
Zooble asked "Yeah, what are you talking about?
Bubbles finishes licking the vomit.
Caine said In denial "...Uh, I, ahem, I assure you there is no magical exit door. You're probably just experiencing DIGITAL HALLUCINATIONS! From your mind's transition to the digital plane."

"But I- I swear I saw-"

Caine shouted "Digital hallucinations!" There was silence for a bit "How about we talk about something else? Like your name."
"My name? My name is, uh..." she began freaking out again "Uh.. Oh, God! Why can't I remember my NAME?!"

Caine said "Nobody can remember their name once they enter the Digital Circus. One of the few things I don't have control over are your minds. So all I can help you with is coming up with a new one."

The new girl Groans "What's my name?"

Caine said "Don't you worry your little head. Your new name can be anything!" He said very fast "Hereby acknowledging that your chosen name and or names may not breach the Digital Circus user license agreement stating that your name may not include objectionable content. Objectionable content includes but is not limited to: Sexually explicit materials, obscene, defamatory, libelous, slanderous, violent, and or unlawful content or profanity." Then he began to speak at normal speed "What are you thinking?"

"...Huh? I don't care, just pick anything."

Caine said "Let's see."

A slot wheel comes down and spells out "XDDCC".
Caine asked "What do you think of "Xddcc"? Actually don't answer that! These two!" He points to Goopurr who was licking her arm and Java lava looking elsewhere. "Are best with names. What do you guys think of "Xddcc"?"

"What?" Java said. Goopurr then coughed while her fur stuck up. "Uh oh." "Not that answer." Then Goopurr coughed out a slime hairball. Caine said "You're right, Goopurr, terrible. Let's try that again." "Spin the thing."

This time, Caine pulls the lever then the wheel spells out "POMNI".

Caine asked "What do you think of "Pomni"?"

The girl now named Pomni said "Huh? Uh, sure, I think I just-"

Caine said "Gadzooks, you're right, Jax! We should have a brand new adventure for our new member, Pomni!"

Jax said "I said that, like, five minutes ago."

Caine said starting to talk fast "You! Do you like adventure? Activity, wonder, danger, horror, pain, suffering, agony, death, disease, death, angel food cake?"

Bubble eats the angel food cake in one chomp. Caine shouted "You PARASITE!" He pops Bubble.

Pomni said "Uh, I don't really..."

Caine said "Since you're new around here, we're gonna make it a simple in-house adventure to warm you up to how things work around here."

Zooble said "What? No, God! I don't want an in-house adventure."

Caine said "Don't worry, Zooble, I'll make it something unobtrusive that you can still choose to not get involved with."

Caine said "Today's adventure is..." He snaps his fingers.
"Gather the Gloinks!"

He cackles like a madman. "That's right! The entire circus tent will be infested with Gloinks, and you gotta catch 'em all!"

Bubble asked "But what are they?"
Caine replied "I'm glad you asked, Bubble! They're small-"
Bubble interrupted "And what do they do?"

Bubble interrupted again "And how do they-"

Caine pops Bubble.
Caine said "Gloinks are small mischievous critters that steal anything and everything they run into. Why do these humanoid hash browns do this? How do you stop them? That's for you to find out! Now good luck, and have fun, my little superstars!"

Caine poofs away.
Pomni was now weirded out "...What did any of that mean?"

Ragatha said "Oh, that's just one of Caine's little adventures. They're just something fun to do to, you know, prevent us from going insane. Heh."

Zooble said "Speak for yourself. If anyone needs me, then (BOING!) off."

Zooble gives Pomni and Ragatha a middle finger, but even it gets censored by the Digital Circus censor bar.

As they walk off, they get swarmed by Gloinks as Goopurr and Java lava backed up "Oh God, oh jeez, no! Oh, god!" They carry their pieces off. "Ah, somebody help!"

Gangle stared in shock.
Jax said deadpanned "Oh no, they killed Zooble...Anyway, you guys wanna go get something to eat?"

Ragatha said "Oh, wait, we should go check on
Kaufmo. And I'm pretty sure he'd like to meet Pomni."

The Gloinks demolish Kinger's shelter.

Kinger shouted "My impenetrable fortress!"
Ragatha asked "You wanna come with us to check on Kaufmo?"

Kinger said "No, not really. I think Kaufmo's gone insane. Last time I spoke with him, he was rambling endlessly about some exit. Kind of like you, Pomni, you might be going insane, too."

Pomni asked "But wait, wouldn't that more likely mean the exit does exist?"

Jax said "It could also mean you just have a jump-start on losing your mind."
Gangle asked from afar "Wait, what about Zooble?"

Pomni said "Well, I think I'd like to ask him about it, uh, if this was real, which it isn't, because it's a dream."

Jax said looking over to the viewers/readers "Heh, she still thinks this is a dream."

Ragatha asked "Uh, why are you looking at me like that?"

Jax said "I'm fine with doing whatever, as long as I get to see funny things happen to people." A Gloink smacks him in the head. "Okay, I've already had enough of these things. You, me, and Pomni will go check on Kaufmo, which leaves crybaby and hoo-ha together with Goopurr and Java lava to go handle the Zooble situation."
Ragatha laughed awkwardly "Do you think pairing them up together is a good idea?"

Jax replied "Of course I do. They're the two most mentally stable and capable characters to be paired together."
He says as Kinger starts glitching out which freaked both Goopurr and Java lava. "Come on, ladies, let's go harass the clown."

The trio walk off.

Gangle said depressed "My comedy mask is broken again..."

Kinger saw gangle "...AH! Oh, Gangle. You startled me."

"Let's just get going." Java said

Pomni, Ragatha, and Jax are walking down a hallway.

Ragatha said "So, this is where we all live. Or, well, where we all sleep at night. Even though we don't really need to sleep, it's sometimes nice to kind of take a break from everything and have a bit of a routine, you know? I'm sure there'll be one for..." They reach Pomni's room. "Oh look, you already got one."

Pomni said "I still don't understand. About the adventures, why even go on them at all? Why not try to find a way to leave?"

Ragatha said "Well, we usually do, when we first arrive, but after a while you start to realize that you really can't leave and constantly chasing an unattainable goal will start driving you a bit crazy. And eventually you get to asking what the point of anything is.." She begins speaking more crazed. "and you completely lose sight of who you are and why you're even alive and when you reach your breaking point something really terrible can happen." She stops when they reach Kaufmo's room. "Ah, but that's not something we need to deal with today. Above anything else, the adventures give us something to do that keeps our minds healthy and stimulated."

Ragatha rang the doorbell.

Jax asked "Thank goodness this is all a dream, right, Pomni?"

Pomni looks like she's staring right into the abyss. Jax gently smacks her cheek a couple times to snap out of it.

Pomni asked "Why are we here again? What are we doing?"

Ragatha replied "We're getting one of our friends."

Ragatha ran the doorbell again but no response.

Ragatha said "Huh. Maybe he's not in his room? I hope he's all right..."

Jax said "Don't worry, Dollface, I've got a key to his room."

Ragatha said "Wha, wait, wh-why? You- You- You shouldn't have keys to anyone's room."

Jax said "Nah, I've got keys everywhere, and you've all been fine. By the way, I may have left something in your room today, so let me know if you find it. You're not afraid of centipedes, are you?"

Ragatha said "Jax! That's literally my only fear. Why would you do this?!"

Jax said "What? It could be a completely unrelated question. You'll never know until it's too late."

Jax opens the door. Inside, the room is covered with the scribblings of a madman. As for Kaufmo... He has turned into some eldritch abomination. A glitchy dinosaur-like beast with several multicolored eyes.

Jax said grabbing a blue bowling ball "Oh, I've been looking for this. Thanks for keeping an eye on it, Kaufy. I'm gonna head out, see you.
He flees.

Ragatha said panicking "Oh, Kaufmo's been abstracted. That, that's okay."

Pomni asked "What is that?"

Ragatha replied "It might be that terrible thing I was talking about earlier when you reach your breaking point."

Pomni asked "H-huh?"

Ragatha said "Okay, wait, maybe there's still time to fix 'em if we get Caine."

Kaufmo closes in on Ragatha as Pomni runs for her life.

Ragatha said "Whoa, Kaufmo, listen! I know we didn't always get along, like when you called me out for fake laughing at your jokes. I swear, I really did think they were funny, I was just having a bit of a bad day!"

Kaufmo grabs Ragatha, slams her on the walls, and tosses her to the floor. Ragatha begins glitching out.

Ragatha said while glitching "ⱧɆɎ, ₱Ø₥₦ł, ĐØ ɎØɄ ₮Ⱨł₦₭ ɎØɄ ₵ØɄⱠĐ ₱ɆⱤⱧ₳₱₴ ⱧɆⱠ₱ ₥Ɇ ØɄ₮ ⱧɆⱤɆ? ł Ʉ₦ĐɆⱤ₴₮₳₦Đ ł₣ ɎØɄ ĐØ₦'₮ ₩₳₦₮ ₮Ø, ₮ⱧØɄ₲Ⱨ."

Pomni tries to reach out to her, but gets shocked, resulting in her hand glitching up.

Pomni said "I'm sorry!"

Pomni runs off, with Kaufmo giving chase. After trying and failing to smack her, Kaufmo leaps off a balcony to the floor below. Not knowing he missed her, Kaufmo runs off after a gloink. Pomni, after some contemplation, decides to go back and help Ragatha.

Kinger, Goopurr, Java lava Gangle are staring down a hole, from which Zooble's screams can be heard.

Kinger said "I don't know what I'm looking at here."

Gangle said "We saw a Gloink carry one of Zooble's pieces down there, remember?
Kinger said "Oh, yeah, thank you for the recap."

They were silent for a bit. Kinger said "...Boy, we're not very good at this, are we?"

"No, we are not." Java remarked.

Gangle asked "Are you being sarcastic or honest? I can never tell with you."

Jax arrives apparently to have been running. Then he said out of breath "Ugh... 'Sup... Fellas?"

Kinger said "Jax! We found the Zooble hole!"
Jax said "Cool."

Gangle said "How is Kaufmo doing? I hope he's not still mad at me for not laughing at his jokes."

Goopurr said "Yeah, I think we all had a bad day for not laughing at his jokes."

Jax said "Oh, he's doing greeeat. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen him this happy before."

Kinger said "Well, it's good to know he hasn't completely lost his mind."

A growling noise is heard as Jax looked back nervously.
Jax said holding up his bowling ball "He actually asked me to give you this."

He throws his bowling ball at Kinger, who falls down the hole while taking Gangle with him Goopurr, and Java lava were shocked then they were pushed by Jax as they yelped.

Jax follows. They all go down a red slide, Jax jumps through a ring at one point, and they reach an underground lair. A group of bowling pin-shaped Goinkles miss getting by the bowling ball, but luckily, Kinger and Gangle knock them down... Except for one, who Jax kicks away. Sadly, this earns him a Spare. He breaks the "Spare" sign in frustration and moves on. The four unrolled themselves from the ball, then they reached a large monster Gloinkle. The leader, no doubt.

Kinger gasped "An insect collection?"

Gangle said "I think it's a nest."

Kinger then notices Gangle "...AA-!"

Meanwhile, Pomni is walking down the destroyed hallway looking for Ragatha. "Hello? Ragatha? That was your name, right?" She finally finds her, still glitching out.
Ragatha said glitching "Ø-Ø-ØVɆⱤ ⱧɆⱤɆ." She groaned.

Pomni said "Hey, look, I'm, I didn't mean to leave you behind like that, I just, look at my hand. I, I didn't know what to do."

Ragatha said "ł₮- ł₮'₴ Ø₭₳Ɏ. ₩Ⱨ₳₮ ɎØɄ ₦ɆɆĐ ₮Ø ĐØ Ɽł₲Ⱨ₮ ₦Ø₩ ł₴ ₣ł₦Đ ₵₳ł₦Ɇ. ⱧɆ'ⱠⱠ ฿Ɇ ₳฿ⱠɆ ₮Ø ₣łӾ ₥Ɇ Ʉ₱ ₳₦Đ ₮₳₭Ɇ ₵₳ⱤɆ Ø₣- Ø₣ ₭₳Ʉ₣₥Ø."

Pomni asked "Oh, okay, but where can I find him?"

Ragatha said "ɄⱧ, ł ĐØ₦'₮ ⱤɆ₳ⱠⱠɎ ₭₦Ø₩. JɄ₴₮ ⱠØØ₭ ₳ⱤØɄ₦Đ ₳₦Đ ₵₳ⱠⱠ ₣ØⱤ Ⱨł₥, ł ₴Ʉ₱₱Ø₴Ɇ."
Pomni said "Uh, okay, I'll get him, you just stay right there. Not that you can really move or anything. Just hang in there, I'll be right back, I promise."
Ragatha said "₵ØØⱠ... ₳Ⱡ₴Ø, ₱Ø₥₦ł, ł'₥ ₴ØⱤⱤɎ ɎØɄⱤ ₣łⱤ₴₮ Đ₳Ɏ ⱧɆⱤɆ Ⱨ₳Đ ₮Ø ฿Ɇ ₴Ø... ₮ɆⱤⱤł฿ⱠɆ?"
Pomni said "Uh, yeah, well, don't worry about it. I'm just gonna go get Caine now." She runs off.

Pomni ran around the tent shouting "Hello? Caine? We have a bit of an issue here!" She goes to the lower floor to search. Every room she searches, no sign of Caine. But she did get hit by a boxing glove at one point. Another door she opens contains water that somehow doesn't spill out, while another contains eerie darkness, except for a swirling tower of carousels. Yet another door contains a guy in the tub, who screams like a demon at her as she closes the door on his face. And she falls for the boxing glove door aga
in. After a while of searching, she hears a noise.

Pomni asked "Hm?"

She peeks around a corner.

Pomni asked "Caine...?"

Instead of Caine, it's Kaufmo, who looks down at her and resume giving chase.


Gloink Queen asked "Huh, what form of non Gloinkinian mass dares presume presence in the nest of the Gloink Queen?"

Jax looked at his nails then crossed his arms again.

Jax said "Oh, is that who you are? You know, you could have asked for my consent before forcing me to see something so completely and utterly disgusting."

Gloink Queen grumbled "How despicable, a rabbitoid that runs its mouth in the presence of my royal figure."

Kinger said "Well, as a royal myself, I would like to kindly ask if-" An army carrying Zooble's head arrives behind them. "Oh look, there's Zooble. Hi, Zooble!"
Zooble said "Ah, help me, you idiots!"

"Sure, with that attitude Ill help you right away." Java sarcastically remarks.

Jax said crossing his arms "Kinda rude, Zooble. Now I don't wanna help you."

Gangle and Kinger play Rock Paper Scissors. Kinger goes for scissors, because he knows that Gangle can only go for paper, as her hands are made of ribbons.

Gangle said sadly "Oh, I always lose..."
Kinger cheered "Yes!" He goes over and grabs Zooble's head. "Gotcha!" ...And his floating hands get carried away. "Oh...."
Zooble said "Hey! Kinger, you mother-"

Before they could say more, their head and Kinger's floating hands get eaten by the Gloink Queen.
Gangle squealed scared.

Jax said "Eh, he'll be fine." A glitching Gloink says otherwise, Jax looked away from the gloink.

Back with Pomni. She's still running from Kaufmo.
Pomni said "Gotta hide, gotta hide, gotta hide...!"

She briefly stops to see her reflection in a mirror, no doubt questioning if she really looks like that, before resuming running. She tries to hide in a barrel, but red toy monkeys pop out. As Pomni hides behind the barrel, she watches Kaufmo destroy one of the toy monkeys. Kaufmo eventually leaves as Pomni leaves her hiding spot.
Pomni asked "God, where is Caine...?" She stops running. She has discovered an "EXIT" door. While in awe of finally having a way out of this circus of fear, she hears Kaufmo growling in the distance, so she opens the door to the other side.

She now finds herself in a waiting room area. She slowly walks to the other end, where she opens another door. The next room is a little more narrow. She hastily walks to the other side and opens yet another door. The next room is wider, but more cluttered with racks. The next door she opens, the door back in the circus dissolves as Kaufmo stomps on a Gloink.

Kaufmo comes crashing down on the Gloink Queen. Kinger gets knocked back and catches Zooble's head. Kinger: Oh, thank God you're okay. You didn't experience a game show in there, did you?
Zooble: (Groan) I- What are you talking about?
(Kaufmo starts beating up the Gloink Queen.)
Gangle asked terrified "What's happening!?"
Jax replied "It's just Kaufmo, don't worry about it."

Goopurr said "...Kaufmo abstracted!?"

"He seems fine to me." Java shrugs.

Jax said "Yeah, he's fine."
Kinger said panicking "You're right! How are we gonna get outta here?!"
Zooble said "You guys, over there."

They look over at conveniently placed escalators.
Kinger said "Huh."
Jax said "Ladies first. No, wait, why would I say that?" He pushes Gangle to the ground, Goopurr pushed him, as Goopurr helped up Gangle as they get on board.
Zooble asked "Wait, Pomni's not even here? Wasn't this whole thing for her?"
Jax said "Be quiet. I can't hear the escalator."

Speaking of Pomni, she's still desperately trying to find a way out of this labyrinth of rooms. Door after door, room after room, with no end in sight, no other signs of life, and her sanity deteriorating by the minute...That is, until she enters an office. She looks over at a rusted computer. As if though she finally hit rock bottom, she begins laughing maniacally as she enters the next door underneath a C&A logo. And the door after that... Until she reaches a long, darkened hallway. The more she runs, the farther the door appears to get. As Pomni finally reaches the handle, she opens to find... The mysterious Void. Pomni stops dead in her tracks as she stares wide-eyed at the vast emptiness surrounding her.

Caine and Bubble are eating in a restaurant.
Caine said "Oh, Bubble, you always know how to make me say this exact sentence." He gets an alert. "Gasp! An alert on my WackyWatch* at this hour?"
1-800-40 ("2--68)" is written in windings font
$19.95 PLUS S&H
30-Day Money Back Guarantee

He checks the alarm.
Caine said "Oh no. Someone's venturing out into the Void! They'll get totally spoiled!" He goes into the Void to retrieve Pomni and bring her back to the Tent.

Caine said "There you go!"

Pomni then snaps out of it.

Caine observes the mess in the Tent
"Now what the heck happened around here? ...Oh yeah! My doing."

The rest of the gang arrive.

"Hey, look whos here."

Kinger said "Caine! Kaufmo went through a sort of Kaufmosis and abstracted!"
Caine asked "Kaufmo Abstracted? Why didn't anybody tell me?" Caine mockingly sticks his tongue out. Pomni looked at Caine disturbed. He snaps his finger and Kaufmo is lowered into a pit with similar eldritch horrors.
Caine said "And into the cellar you go." The pit closes.
Zooble said as their body came up and took the head "Man, I can't believe Kaufmo just gave up like that. I mean, no offense, Kinger, but I always thought you would be next."
Kinger said "Thank you."
Jax said "Guess it just goes to show you can't rely on Kinger for anything."

"Your the one who put them together." Java remarks.

Ragatha comes crawling in, still glitching. "ł ₳₥ ł₦ ₴Ø ₥Ʉ₵Ⱨ ₱₳ł₦!
Caine said "Oh!"

With another snap of the finger, Ragatha returns to normal and rejoins her group. Pomni looks to see her hand has stopped glitching as well. Ragatha held her arm then stood next to Pomni as Pomni looked nervous.

Caine said "I do have to apologize for lying about the exit. I knew how much all of you have been wanting there to be one, but, you know, I was having so much trouble figuring out what to put on the other side and ended up never quite... finishing it. Eh? And you know how I never like letting people see my unfinished work, especially if it leads you out into the Void."

Pomni just stares silently at nothing while listening to all of this.

"Anyway, it looks like you defeated the Gloink Queen, so I guess the adventure's over. Your reward is a delicious digital feast cooked by our head Bubble Chef."

Bubble appeared with a chef hat on and holding a fork and knife. Bubble said "Made with all the love I'm legally allowed to give."

Jax said "You know, I am pretty hungry."
Gangle said "You didn't even do anything."

"So what? I can still be hungry."

Kinger said "Well, not really, 'cause we don't need to eat, drink or sleep in this digital world. So the digital food here only gives off the virtual sensation of eating without any of the nutritional benefits."

"Another day like today tomorrow, How fun." Java sarcastically remarks, pushing both Jax and Kinger out his way so he can get to the table

Jax said "Sheesh, lay off it. Since when are you an expert on the digital world?"

Kinger asked "Expert on the what?"

As the two talk, Pomni continues staring blankly at nothing. Even as the feast begins, she can't help but just stare down at her meal. As the others converse, she slowly begins to lose her sanity again as she forces a smile on her face, fearing the worst to come.

It zooms up to a bird's-eye view on the feast going on below.
It zooms out to the Tent.
It then zooms out to the Void.
Finally, it zooms out to the computer in the office Pomni visited earlier.


The credits roll.

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