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This planet is most common with the term "galactic empire" more than any other form of interplanetary species, The idea of a suppressive empire in space conquering planets, It's difficult to take that form seriously sometimes, When people here think of an empire in space they think of all the jazz of space ships and one species dominating the others, They think of a single emperor ruling over the entire galaxy with few who suppress his rule, It really is interesting how universal that concept is,

Well this story isn't about a "galactic empire" by the culture of earth's standards although it is similar, This "empire" as you would call it -state as we often refered to it as- never ruled over many many species as you might expect, They ruled over one, That would be the species of which our story presides over, The other thing is that they didn't conquer, they never have, They just simply have always been the head government of state and that's how these unsuspecting creatures always perceived it as, When they were able to colonize other planets they did; they never thought twice about it, But most particular is the separation,

In these galactic empire there is always a single man ruling over the less fortunate with an iron fist, Often interacting directly with those below him sometimes for the sake of torture, Guards are stations in every city to keep the lowly muggles in line, This is a concept rather strange to the creatures of this state as they never even see another creature of another class or at least not that they know of, For all the middle class knows the state royalty could be giant blood sucking cricket monsters, Not that they would know what a cricket monster is, as again they are of a different planet,

What are you doing?

I'm recording our history as we agreed to do,

You are putting in narrative. We never agreed to make this a narrative.

Well we want people to read it don't we?

It's history. People will read history no matter what. There is no reason to make such a fool out of yourself.

I don't know how much you've been studying human culture, but people don't exactly read history books for fun over here,

This isn't for entertainment. This is for the purpose of preserving the history of our species. No one is supposed to "enjoy" this. I personally don't care if you choose to embarrass yourself, but I must remind you that you are representing our entire species. Please, try to be a little more civil about things.


The state of our empire was split between three different classes, In the easiest terms to understand it was the lower middle and royal class, As described before they were completely separate from each other and the roles of the individuals in each class was completely different,

Stop that.

Stop what?

That dumb comma thing. You aren't using the proper grammar.

I have actually spent a large amount of time working on what is the accepted grammar.

You've spent nearly all of your time here on Tumblr. You have had the greatest number of resources this planet- or any planet by that matter -has ever had and you chose to spend all of your time on a social media website taken advantage of mostly by toxers.

First of all, On this planet they are called stoners,

Secondly, Tumblr is possibly the greatest resource to study culture,You have been nose deep into history and grammar sites, but you haven't studied the actual culture one bit, I happen to know more about the accepted grammar here more than you ever could and this is from experience, There are people on the web referred to as "grammar nazis" They are the most learned people in the world on the subject of the English language and they have given me a good number of lessons,

Then why do you still not use periods? I haven't seen you use a single one.



The people of Tumblr have taught me philosophy and I never use periods because of one I happen to stand with, Life is one large statement, A single sentence if you will, It's a rather long sentence but a single sentence none the less and the period marks the end, That's why I never use it, I don't stop I simply pause, A period is so,,,, final,

Well it's wrong anyway.

Will you please just let me get on with it?


Anyway, where was I?

Oh that's right, The class system within this state is extremely complex and the roles of women and men change depending on the class, In the lower class the groundlings if you will, men are considered the most lowly creatures of the two and thus as they grow are given a choice, If they study hard and become a scholarly man they are chosen to become the mortal speaker to and for a god, They offer their body and mind to the dedication of serving their god depending on the one they are given, However these are the lucky ones, There are only 16 different gods worshiped by the lower class, Each god is presented 5 different people, Four enforcers (strong loyal men to enforce the words of the god) and one interpreter, This means only 80 men on the entire planet were spared from,,,, Well we'll get to that later,

Why are we waiting? I understand there may be some emotional strife for you, or you may see our customs as barbaric, but that is no reason to restrain from information. Those that were not a member of the eighty men that worked for the gods -a number I believe was close to approximately seventeen point five billion at the beginning of the revolution- were put on mating duty. It really is as simple as that. At the age of five -the human equivalent of twelve- those of us of the lower class are given a test of strength, loyalty, and knowledge of the gods. Those like myself were deemed interpreters, others given the title of enforcer, the rest were put in the reproduction temples and were used as mating units. I understand that those of you in the middle class saw our system as barbaric, but that's how it is.

I held back for reading purposes, Sex isn't exactly the same thing here on earth as it is back home,

I have studied the medical works on human intercourse. It works extremely similarly to ours. The male inserts

MAYBE, we shouldn't go into that here, You know, For decency sake,

Of course. They likely already know.

Yeah, That's why, Anyway what I'm getting at is that sex isn't viewed here the same way,

How so?

Well the men here are actually pleasured by it, It's something that is very positive on both sides, At least most the time, And they won't fully understand what it's like for us men to be put into a repo temp. They don't realize that that means a lifetime of agony.

Well that changes a good deal. Why did you not simply explain that in the first place? For our species, the sexual nerve endings

Oh my God, can you not?

What? You said they won't fully understand unless it is explained to them.

I would really rather not start off this whole damn thing explaining what it's like for our species to have sex, Trust me on this one it's not a smart move,

Anyway, Enough about the Lower Class, Our story begins with quite a different like, Two young members of the middle class, Separated countless times by the state, their own families, and the unfortunate hands of cruel fate, but none the less still destined to fall in love,

Are those details really necessary?

I will have you know that they are, You may find the idea of middle class love repulsive, but it is an incredibly important mark on our class' culture.

The middle class mating ritual is tedious and pointless. You send your entire life dedicating at least half of your lively hood to finding a mate, as it has to be the perfect one. You are usually almost half way through your life by the time you have one and when you do you only have three or four and you're done. This is what happens when a society refuses to instill order on people, they go about things in an entirely inefficient manner.

You would be used to efficiency wouldn't you? It becomes really important when you're only guaranteed 50 years of life at best,

That is exactly why efficiency is so important among my class.

Then why is it still important to you now? The only reason you cared so much about being efficient was because you only lived for such a short amount of time, but now you can live so much longer, Think about all the time you're wasting only caring about the details,

you are being completely unfair! the royal class was extremely efficient in our work and we live for centuries!

How the hell did you get into the system?

the security that you and the groundling have set up is one of the crappiest i have ever seen! and ive broken into my fathers files! those are horrendous!

I will just have to find a way to block you again,

good luck! you will never be able to shut me out! and besides its no fair that youre documenting our planets history completely leaving out someone representing the royal class! you know absolutely nothing about it!

We have within our database, enough records of conversations and files from the royal class to piece together the history and what culture is necessary for the people of this planet to understand. Considering the fact that the royal class only accounts less than five percent of the planet's population, it isn't that important that they fully understand your culture. The accounts

stop! as a groundling you don't even have the right to talk to me! stop doing that!

As you are legally a prisoner under our guardianship, we have complete rights to interrogate and refer to you as we deem necessary for our capability to be a witness in a legal court.

no! wrong laws! those are your dumb laws that you made up i was never brought up with those! i am still the supreme emperor of state and demand to be treated as such!

Hey can you kick him off of the stream?

I can indeed.

That should hold him at least for a little while. I suggest that we find a way to subdue him further. If he interferes with our historical work, it could be damaged to the point of

Dude that's what editing is for, If we get an earth computer it doesn't record absolutely everything so we can cut out the stuff we don't like,                                             

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