Chapter One

"When you become an intern, there's a ceremony where you get your white coat. Like magic, you're a doctor. My parents came to my white coat ceremony. I can still picture them. So happy, so proud. They say your life flashes before your eyes right before you die. The important moments. The moments that tested you. The moments that made you who you are. I don't know about my life flashing before me. I was thinking about my white coat and how I'm glad I have it on me right now. It's the moment my life started. Seems fitting it should be on me when it ends. A doctor puts on his white coat to save lives, defy death. But once he takes it off, he's vulnerable, just like anybody else. Human. We're all gonna die. We don't get much say over how or when, but we do decide how we're gonna live. So do it, decide. Is this the life you wanna live? Is this the person you wanna love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? Kinder? More compassionate? Decide. Breathe in, breathe out, and decide"

"always harder to do what is right"

"Beck, you don't want me", Jackson stated.

"I do. I really do. I've thought about this. I promise. I..."

She was interrupted by Stephanie ripping open the curtain and rushing over to Jackson. "I just heard", she said. "Are you okay?" "Yeah", he replied, still looking at Beck.

She hugged him and he looked at Beck. She turned around and left.

The board members were gathered in Meredith's room, where Lucy was holding baby Bailey. Cristina and Aurora were taking pictures on their phones of Lucy and the baby. "Maybe we should get started", Owen suggested. "Um, Shepherd, we have some board business that we need to...". "I'm not going anywhere", she replied, not looking up. "Me and my nephew have our own business to discuss. Don't we? Yes, we do". She sat down on a chair in the corner of the room. "What does Zola think of him?" Arizona asked. "Oh, she wants to take him to daycare for show and tell", Meredith said. "Where's Richard?" Derek said. "I paged all the board members", Owen said.

"Well, Avery should be here, too"

Beck tensed up at the mention of his name and Aurora shot her a look that she ignored. "Yeah, well, he was being a hero last night", Owen explained. "He dislocated his shoulder saving a kid from the bus crash". "What bus crash?" Meredith questioned. "She had a baby. She doesn't know things", Cristina pointed out.

"So tell me"

"A church was evacuating some people, and their bus overturned", Derek said. "Good news is everyone survived and there are no major injuries", Owen said. "And the bad news?" Arizona said.

"Everything else. The blood bank is flooded, and the ER looks like it was ransacked"

"So we need to close the ER?" Derek said.

"We're dangerously low on meds. Personnel can't make it in due to the flooding"

"So we need to close the ER", Beck said. "But can we do that?" Aurora said. "You are the board", Owen said. "I am telling you that ER cannot open today". "What do we need?" Meredith said. "I mean, I can try to coordinate with our suppliers". They looked at her.

"I had a baby. I'm not dead"

"If they have it, then we want it", Owen stated. "In the meantime, let's make sure that our inpatients are taken care of and we discharge who we can".

"Like me"

"No, you just had a major abdominal surgery", Derek said. "You're gonna stay right here". "Alright, airport's just reopened. I just put Dr Boswell in a cab", Jackson said, entering the room and avoiding Beck's eyes. Aurora looked between the two of them in confusion. "Who's Dr Boswell?" Cristina said. "She's the woman Arizona slept with last night", Callie informed them. She left the room, leaving them all in various states of shock and confusion.

Alex and Lucy entered an on-call room kissing. "Wait, wait. Wait", he said, stopping. "Okay, I'm not doing it in an on-call room".

"You were never opposed to it before"

"We're grown-ups with a house"

"Our house has a tree in the middle of it". She took off her shirt and he followed suit, kissing her again. She suddenly pulled away, taking in a shaky breath.



"What's wrong?"

"Once we leave the hospital today, we have to face everything that I broke. How am I meant to do this?"

"With me. I'm right here and I'm gonna be here every step of the way. Okay?"


Before he could say anything else, his pager beeped. "I can ignore this. If you need me"

"No, it's fine. Go. They need you"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, go"

"We'll talk over everything later. I promise"

"Yeah, I know"

He pecked her on the lips and threw on his shirt, leaving the room.

She sat down on the bed and sighed.

Cristina and Lucy were in Meredith's bed. "I wanna go to sleep", Lucy groaned. "How's everything with Alex?" Meredith asked.

"Complicated. Everything's complicated now, and it's all my fault"

"Lucy, don't say that", Cristina said softly.

"Don't tell me I'm wrong. You both know what I did and accident or not, what I did was horrible and unforgivable"

"It's not unforgivable. It's clear that Alex feels that way"

"He's gonna end up resenting me for it"

"That's not Alex", Meredith stated.

"This is a pretty unique situation"

"Not to go off topic, but Robbins cheating on Callie?" Cristina said.

"Oh, my God, I know. I wanna kill her. I can't believe she did that to her"

"And Bailey's a good name. But two Baileys? You don't think it's gonna be confusing?"

"No, because if I say, "Bailey peed on me", I think it's safe to assume that I'm talking about my son", Meredith said.

"Very good. Seriously, wake me in 20?"


"Thank you". Just as she started to go to sleep, her pager beeped. She groaned.

Aurora and Beck were sitting on a gurney in the hallway. "Owen and I... I don't even know what to call it", Aurora said. "Ended it? Broke up? I feel like I'm gonna die".

"You always end it, and then you start it again"

"Can you be supportive, please?"


"What's up with you and Jackson?"

"What do you mean?"

"Beck, I saw the way you froze when he entered the room and he wouldn't even look at you. So, tell me, what happened?"

"We all went out to help with the bus crash and he stayed to get a little girl out. The bus exploded and I thought he was dead. So when he came back, I kissed him. Then I told him I wanted him... And he didn't believe me"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry. I deserved it. He should be with Stephanie. She's better for him"

Aurora put her arm around her.

"Anyway, can you believe Arizona cheated on Callie?"

"I know and with Boswell, I spent almost the entire night with them in the NICU. I didn't notice any vibes or tension or anything"

"I mean, to be honest, Aurora, you can be kind of oblivious"

"That's fair"

Owen, Aurora and Alex approached their patient in the ER who Jo was treating. "Oscar Hallis. Shepherd says he's probably concussed", Aurora informed them. "We're gonna do a head CT", Alex said. "I'm more concerned about infection. This is a nasty cut on his leg", Owen said.

"Well, Dr Wilson's irrigating it with saline"

"But we couldn't find any bacitracin," Aurora said.

"We're gonna hang some ampicillin"

"No ampicillin!" Jo exclaimed. "He's allergic to penicillin".

"How do you know?"

She pulled back the sheet covering his legs, showing words written on them in marker.

"What the hell?"

"Military trick", Owen stated. "Someone triaged him at the scene, probably whoever dug him out. Substitute cefazolin and keep a close eye for allergic reaction".

"Alright. Get some cefazolin"

"We don't have it", Jo whispered.

"Well, find out"

"People, check your patients for vitals written in Sharpie on their bodies", Owen announced. "Someone at the scene knew what they were doing. Might've just saved this guy's life".

Alex, Aurora, Jo and Stephanie looked on as Cristina and Bailey attempted to revive Richard. Alex sighed. "Come on", he said to them, grabbing a marker.

They went over to Oscar Hallis. "Oscar, I'm Dr Karev. Glad you're awake", Alex greeted him. "Your head CT is clear, and we're gonna have plastics sew up your leg". "Awesome", Oscar replied.

"Alright. BP looks good. 115 over 85. Our electronic charts are down. Hope you don't mind a temporary tattoo"

"Go for it, doc. I already got one"

He wrote his BP on his leg in red marker.

Cristina and Beck were working on Richard, trying to thread a balloon pump while Bailey and some other doctors were checking his vitals. "It's too quiet. Talk", Cristina stated. "You're doing good", Bailey said. "You are not going to rupture the aorta because you are Cristina Yang".

"Attach this to the console"

"You are the star of your class. I always knew it. I said it to anyone who'd ask. "Look out for Cristina Yang". I said it to Webber. "Cristina Yang is good. Cristina Yang would not rupture an aorta. Cristina... " Oh, God, you did it. Oh, dear Lord. He has a steady heartbeat. Praise Jesus. You didn't rupture his aorta"

"Secure this device and get him up to the ICU. We just bought him some time"

Bailey walked over and engulfed Cristina in a hug. "Hug me back, Cristina Yang. I know you are not a hugger, but right now I need you to hug me back. You too, Jacobs, get over here"

"I don't think...", Beck tried.

"I don't want to hear it. Come on"

Beck walked over and Bailey let her into the hug. They all let out shaky sighs of relief.

Alex came into the ICU where Cristina, Beck and Bailey were with Richard. "His lactate is six", he reported. "Six?" Beck questioned. Bailey felt his abdomen. "He has an acute abdomen. Get me an OR, and a good staff", she said. "I'll take Linda, if she's available. Norman". "Are you out of your mind?" Cristina asked. "Norman's MIA", Alex said. "Okay, Anna, then", Bailey said.

"I'll make some phone calls". He left the room.

"You're not opening him up", Cristina said. "The electrical injury may have caused intra-abdominal tissue damage and likely progressing because of his heart failing", Bailey said.

"He barely tolerated the balloon pump"

"I need to get in there and debride the dead tissue"

"There's no way his heart can handle the anesthesia"

"His lactate is six"

"He needs sustained cardiac ICU"

"He's gonna die if we don't do anything"

"We're not doing nothing. We're gonna let the balloon pump work"

"I am the attending..."

"And keep his fluids tight"

"You are a fellow. I make the decisions here"

"Well, I own this hospital. You work for me"

Owen entered the ICU. "Dr Hunt", Cristina greeted him. "What's going on?" he asked. "Dr Webber has an acute abdomen. He needs surgery", Bailey explained.

"He barely survived the balloon pump"

"His lactate is six"

"And holding"

"So what if it's holding? Something is dead inside of him. It's not gonna get undead"

"It is way too risky, and you know it"

"I would rather take the risk than just wait for what we know is gonna kill him"

"Stop. Stop", Owen interjected. "What does his healthcare directive say about extraordinary measures?"

They went into a filing room. "It smells like death in here", Beck said. "And spiders. Dead people killed by spiders", Bailey added. "Okay, let's find his personnel file", Owen said. "Okay, I got it", Beck said, opening a drawer and pulling out the file. "Webber". Oh, no".

"What, he doesn't have a healthcare directive?"

"No. He has one"

"I don't understand", Meredith said, reading the file as they all stood in her room. "Richard designated you as his medical power of attorney", Owen explained.

"But he can't make me next of kin without talking to me first"

"He did", Bailey stated. "After Adele died, he revised his directive", Cristina said. "But...", Meredith began. "Meredith, I know this is a shock, but we don't have much time", Owen interjected. "Right now, you need to make a decision".

"His heart is too weak, Meredith", Cristina said. "His heart can take it", Bailey argued. "You trust me, right? You named your baby after me".

"Hey, hey! No personal relationships"

"The amount of electricity he had in his body should have killed him instantly, but it didn't, which tells me that the heart damage isn't as bad as you think"

"He coded four times"

"And we got him back!"

"And now you just sound idiotic"

"Dr Yang!"

"No, seriously. You sound like a family member who googled "electrocution" and is trying to remain optimistic"

"Well, I am optimistic"

"Well, Richard should have made Bailey his family member, because that is how she's acting right now"

"I wish he would've"

"Well, he didn't", Owen said. "He put Meredith down". "Why would he do that?" Meredith questioned. "And she knows as well as I do that electric shock can cause death of tissues which could start a whole inflammatory cascade unless I debride what's been damaged", Bailey said. "Well, he'll have to handle it for a day to let his heart rest", Cristina said. "And then...".

"He can't handle it? Okay, now you sound like an idiot. Letting that tissue die is like taking a gun and killing him"

"Why wouldn't he tell me?" Meredith wondered aloud. "I don't know, but he didn't", Cristina said. "And it's on you, so you have to decide, Mer". "Yes. Meredith, please", Bailey said.

"You know what I was thinking before you guys came in here?" Meredith said. "I was thinking I wish my mother were here to see my kids. I was wondering if she'd make a good grandmother. But you know what that is? That's delusional thinking. Because my mother would make a horrible grandmother, because she was a horrible mother. So, I'm delusional and hormonal. And I can't trust my delusional thoughts. I have to rely on the labs. So we need to run the lactate again, and if it's above six, we're gonna do the surgery. And if it's not, we're not".

Callie and Lucy were sitting on the couch in the attendings lounge together. "Your new nephew's pretty cute, right?" Callie asked.

"Yeah, he is. I got to hold him"

"Have you held Mia?"

"I can't. I don't trust myself with her anymore"

"It's gonna be okay"

"I don't believe that, and I don't think you do either. But I don't wanna talk about that right now"


"What are you thinking about?"

"I was thinking about when Richard caught me living in the limb room. I was a resident. Before George, anyway. I was in there one night, and he... Richard walked in on me dancing in my underwear. I was so embarrassed. I mean, he was the chief". Her face fell.

"Are you okay?"

"No. No, I'm... No, I don't dance in my underwear anymore"

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is seal our fate by gloria estefan

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